About Using the Data Loading Wizard

Applications with data loading capability enable end users to dynamically import data into a table within any schema to which the user has access. To do this, end users run a Data Load Wizard that uploads data from a file or copies and pastes data entered by the end user directly into the wizard.

The Data Loading wizard for your application may have been built to include the ability to apply table lookup and transformation rules during the data upload process. Before the data is actually imported into the database, you are given the opportunity to review the data after all look up and transformation rules have been applied.

  • Table Lookups - These rules automatically map data in the import file or copy and paste field to data that is found in another table. For example, if the import file contains a department name for the DEPTNO column but the upload table requires a number for that column, use a table lookup rule to find the corresponding department number for that department name in another table.

  • Data transformation rules - These rules automatically perform formatting transformations such as changing import data to uppercase, lowercase, and so on. For example, if the import file includes column data with both upper and lowercase and the destination table requires all uppercase, data transformation rules can automatically insert only uppercase into that column during data upload