27 Configuration

This chapter describes how to find and update operational settings in the Oracle Service Bus (OSB) Administration Console, as well as configure global setting such as monitoring, alerts, reporting, logging, and result cache. This chapter also describes how to set display options in the OSB Administration Console.

You use the Configuration module to locate and manage proxy services, business services, alert destinations, SLA alert rules, and the run-time tracing for proxy services.

You can specify operational settings for all services, at the service and global level, and use the global settings to turn on and off monitoring, SLA alerts, and, for proxy services only, pipeline message reporting and pipeline message logging.

27.1 Finding and Updating Operational Settings

Use the Smart Search page to easily locate proxy services, business services, alert destinations, and SLA alert rules. Additionally, you can use the Smart Search page to specify service-specific operational settings, with the following exceptions: you cannot set an aggregation interval or specify an alerting or logging severity level. For more information, see Section 26.8, "Configuring Operational Settings for Proxy Services" and Section 26.9, "Configuring Operational Settings for Business Services."

The run-time effects of the service-level settings depend on their corresponding global settings. You must enable both the global and the service-level settings for a service to be completely enabled at run time. Additionally, the service State must also be enabled. See Section 27.2, "Enabling Global Settings."

You can enable or disable operational settings only from within a session.

27.1.1 Finding All Services (Proxy and Business Services)

To find all proxy and business services:

  1. Select Operations > Smart Search.

  2. From the Type list, select All Services, then click Search. The Summary of All Services page displays the information shown in Table 27-1.

  3. To restrict the number of items in the list or locate specific services:

    • Click the Open icon to display additional search filters. If you specify multiple search criteria, only results that match all the criteria will be returned.

    • Filter by service name. In the Name field, enter the name of the search target or enter wildcard characters (use * and ? as wildcard characters to perform a more general search), then click Search.

      This search method is preferable if the name of the service is unique across all projects and paths.

    • Filter by service path. In the Path field, enter the path of the search target, which is the project name and the name of the folder in which services reside. You can use * and ? as wildcard characters to perform a more general search. All the services that reside in that path are displayed.

      The format for the Path field is as follows:

      project-name/root-folder/ . . ./parent-folder

      If a service is directly under the project, the format is as follows:

    • Filter by service name and path. This search method is preferable if there is more than one service with the same name that reside in different paths.

    • Filter by service state. From the State list, select the state of the service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service state filter criteria.

    • Filter by service monitoring. From the Monitoring list, select the monitoring status of the service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service monitoring filter criteria.

    • Filter by service's SLA Alerts setting. From the SLA Alerts list, select the SLA alerts setting of the service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service SLA alerts filter criteria.

Table 27-1 Services Summary Information

Property Description


The name assigned to the service. The name is a link to the Operational Settings page. See Section 26.8, "Configuring Operational Settings for Proxy Services" or Section 26.9, "Configuring Operational Settings for Business Services."


The project associated with the service. If the service resides in a project folder, this folder is also listed. The path is displayed in the format:

project-name/root-folder/ . . ./parent-folder

The path is a link to the corresponding path in the Project Explorer.


The parent service type: proxy service or business service.


The state of the service: Enabled or Disabled.


The monitoring status of the service: Enabled or Disabled.

SLA Alerts

The SLA alerts status: Enabled or Disabled, and the level enabled at and above: Normal (N), Warning (W), Minor (Mn), Major (Mj), Critical (C), or Fatal (F).

Pipeline Alerts

For proxy services only:

The pipeline alerts status: Enabled or Disabled, and the level enabled at and above: Normal (N), Warning (W), Minor (Mn), Major (Mj), Critical (C), or Fatal (F).


For proxy services only:

The message reporting status of the service: Enabled or Disabled.


For proxy services and Split-Joins only:

The logging status: Enabled or Disabled, and the level enabled at and above: Debug (D), Info (I), Warning (W), or Error (E).


For proxy services and Split-Joins only:

The run-time tracing status of the proxy service: Enabled or Disabled.


For business services only. Whether result caching is Enabled or Disabled.


For proxy services: The Edit Message Flow icon is a link to the pipeline for that proxy service.

You can use this page also to do the following:

  • To remove the search filter and display all services, click View All.

  • To discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings using the same search criteria, click Reset.

  • From within a session, to enable or disable any service-level settings, select or clear the check box next to it and click Update.


    The run time effects of the service-level settings depend on their corresponding global settings. You must enable both the global and the service-level settings for a service to be completely enabled at run time. Additionally, SLA Alerts depends on both the global and service-level Monitoring states—both must be enabled for SLA alerts to be enabled at run time. See Section 27.2, "Enabling Global Settings."

    In addition, the service State must also be enabled.

  • To customize your view of the operational settings information, click the Table Customizer icon. See Section 2.2, "Customizing Table Views."

27.1.2 Finding Proxy Services

To find proxy services:

  1. Select Operations > Smart Search.

  2. From the Type list, select Proxy Services, then click Search. The Summary of Proxy Services page displays the information shown in Table 27-2.

  3. To restrict the number of items in the list or locate specific proxy services:

    • Click the Open icon to display additional search filters. If you specify multiple search criteria, only results that match all the criteria will be returned.

    • Filter by proxy service name and path. In the Name and Path fields, enter the name and path of the search target, then click Search. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the proxy service resides. You can use * and ? as wildcard characters to perform a more general search.

    • Filter by service state. From the State list, select the proxy service state: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service state filter criteria.

    • Filter by service monitoring. From the Monitoring list, select the monitoring status of the proxy service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service monitoring filter criteria.

    • Filter by service's SLA Alerts setting. From the SLA Alerts list, select the SLA alerts setting of the proxy service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service SLA alerts filter criteria.

    • Filter by service's pipeline alerts setting. From the Pipeline Alerts list, select the pipeline alerts setting of the proxy service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service pipeline alerts filter criteria.

    • Filter by services with message reports. From the Message Reports list, select the message reports status of the proxy service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service message reports filter criteria.

    • Filter by services with logging. From the Logs list, select the logging status of the proxy service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service logging filter criteria.

    • Filter by services with run-time tracing. From the Tracing list, select the run-time tracing status of the proxy service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service tracing filter criteria.

Table 27-2 Proxy Services Summary Information

Property Description


The name assigned to the proxy service. The name is a link to the Operational Settings page. See Section 26.8, "Configuring Operational Settings for Proxy Services."


The project associated with the proxy service. If the service resides in a project folder, this folder is also listed. The path is displayed in the format:

project-name/root-folder/ . . ./parent-folder

The path is a link to the corresponding path in the Project Explorer.


The parent service type: proxy service.


The state of the proxy service: Enabled or Disabled.


The monitoring status of the proxy service: Enabled or Disabled.

SLA Alerts

The SLA alerts status: Enabled or Disabled, and the level enabled at and above: Normal (N), Warning (W), Minor (Mn), Major (Mj), Critical (C), or Fatal (F).

Pipeline Alerts

The pipeline alerts status: Enabled or Disabled, and the level enabled at and above: Normal (N), Warning (W), Minor (Mn), Major (Mj), Critical (C), or Fatal (F).


The message reports status of the service: Enabled or Disabled.


The logging status: Enabled or Disabled, and the level enabled at and above: Debug (D), Info (I), Warning (W), or Error (E).


The run-time tracing status of the proxy service: Enabled or Disabled.


The Edit Message Flow icon is a link to the pipeline for that proxy service.

You can use this page also to do the following:

  • To remove the search filters and display all proxy services, click View All.

  • To discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings using the same search criteria, click Reset.

  • From within a session, to enable or disable any service-level settings, select or clear the check box next to it and click Update.


    The run time effects of the service-level settings depend on their corresponding global settings. You must enable both the global and the service-level settings for a service to be completely enabled at run time. Additionally, SLA Alerts depends on both the global and service-level Monitoring states—both must be enabled for SLA alerts to be enabled at run time. See Section 27.2, "Enabling Global Settings."

    In addition, the service State must also be enabled.

  • To customize your view of the operational settings information, click the Table Customizer icon. See Section 2.2, "Customizing Table Views."

27.1.3 Finding Business Services

To find business services:

  1. Select Operations > Smart Search.

  2. From the Type list, select Business Services, then click Search. The Summary of Business Services page displays the information shown in Table 27-3.

  3. To restrict the number of items in the list or locate specific business services:

    • Click the Open icon to display additional search filters. If you specify multiple search criteria, only results that match all the criteria will be returned.

    • Filter by business service name and path. In the Name and Path fields, enter the name and path of the search target, then click Search. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the business service resides. You can use * and ? as wildcard characters to perform a more general search.

    • Filter by service state. From the State list, select the business service state: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service state filter criteria.

    • Filter by service monitoring. From the Monitoring list, select the monitoring status of the business service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service monitoring filter criteria.

    • Filter by business service's SLA alerts setting. From the SLA Alerts list, select the SLA alerts setting of the business service: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service SLA alerts filter criteria.

    • Filter by Message Tracing. Select whether you want to filter on business services that have message tracing Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the message tracing filter criteria.

    • Filter by Caching. Select whether you want to filter on business services that have result caching Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the result caching filter criteria.

Table 27-3 Business Services Summary Information

Property Description


The name assigned to the business service. The name is a link to the Operational Settings page. See Section 26.9, "Configuring Operational Settings for Business Services."


The project associated with the business service. If the service resides in a project folder, this folder is also listed. The path is displayed in the format:

project-name/root-folder/ . . ./parent-folder

The path is a link to the corresponding path in the Project Explorer.


The parent service type: business service.


The state of the business service: Enabled or Disabled.


The monitoring status of the business service: Enabled or Disabled.

SLA Alerts

The SLA alerts status: Enabled or Disabled, and the level enabled at and above: Normal (N), Warning (W), Minor (Mn), Major (Mj), Critical (C), or Fatal (F).

Msg. Tracing

Whether message tracing is enabled or disabled for business services.


Whether result caching is enabled or disabled for business services.

You can use this page also to do the following:

  • To remove the search filter and display all business services, click View All.

  • To discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings using the same search criteria, click Reset.

  • From within a session, to enable or disable any service-level settings, select or clear the check box next to it and click Update.


    The run time effects of the service-level settings depend on their corresponding global settings. You must enable both the global and the service-level settings for a service to be completely enabled at run time. Additionally, SLA Alerts depends on both the global and service-level Monitoring states—both must be enabled for SLA alerts to be enabled at run time. See Section 27.2, "Enabling Global Settings."

    In addition, the service State must also be enabled.

  • To customize your view of the operational settings information, click the Table Customizer icon. See Section 2.2, "Customizing Table Views."

27.1.4 Finding Split-Joins

To find Split-Joins:

  1. Select Operations > Smart Search.

  2. From the Type list, select Split-Joins, then click Search. The Summary of Split-Joins page displays the information shown in Table 27-4.

  3. To restrict the number of items in the list or locate specific business services:

    • Click the Open icon to display additional search filters. If you specify multiple search criteria, only results that match all the criteria will be returned.

    • Filter by Split-Join name and path. In the Name and Path fields, enter the name and path of the search target, then click Search. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the Split-Join resides. You can use * and ? as wildcard characters to perform a more general search.

    • Filter by Split-Joins with logging. From the Logs list, select the logging status of the Split-Join: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the logging filter criteria.

    • Filter by execution tracing. From the Execution Tracing list, select the execution tracing status of the Split-Join: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the service logging filter criteria.

Table 27-4 Split-Join Summary Information

Property Description


The name assigned to the Split-Join. The name is a link to the Operational Settings page. See Section 10.3, "Editing Split-Joins."


The project associated with the Split-Join. If the Split-Join resides in a project folder, this folder is also listed. The path is displayed in the format:

project-name/root-folder/ . . ./parent-folder

The path is a link to the corresponding path in the Project Explorer.


The parent service type: Split-Join.


The logging status: Enabled or Disabled, and the level enabled at and above: Debug (D), Info (I), Warning (W), or Error (E).

Execution Tracing

The run-time tracing status of the Split-Join: Enabled or Disabled.

You can use this page also to do the following:

  • To remove the search filter and display all Split-Joins, click View All.

  • To discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings using the same search criteria, click Reset.

  • From within a session, to enable or disable any service-level settings, select or clear the check box next to it and click Update.


    The run-time effects of the Split-Join-level settings depend on their corresponding global settings. You must enable both the global and the service-level settings for a service to be completely enabled at run time.

  • To customize your view of the operational settings information, click the Table Customizer icon. See Section 2.2, "Customizing Table Views."

27.1.5 Finding Alert Destinations

To find alert destinations:

  1. Select Operations > Smart Search.

  2. From the Type list, select Alert Destinations, then click Search. The Summary of Alert Destinations page displays the information shown in Table 27-5

  3. To restrict the number of items in the list or locate specific alert destinations:

    • Click the Open icon to display additional search filters. If you specify multiple search criteria, only results that match all the criteria will be returned.

    • Filter by alert destination name and path. In the Name and Path fields, enter the name and path of the search target, then click Search. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the alert destination resides. You can use * and ? as wildcard characters to perform a more general search.

    • Filter by alert destination target. In the Target multi-select box, select one or more alert destination targets: SNMP Trap, Reporting, Alert Logging, e-mail, or JMS, then click Search. Only alert destinations with at least one of the selected targets will be displayed. Select no alert destination targets to ignore the alert destination filter criteria.

    • Filter by search pattern. In the Search Pattern (Any String) text box, specify any string, then click Search. The system uses the string to search all the Description fields of the alert destinations, as well as the specific detailed fields of the e-mail and JMS destinations. If the string appears in any of the alert destination fields, the alert destinations matching the search criteria are displayed.

Table 27-5 Alert Destinations Summary Information

Property Description


The name of the alert destination resource. This field is a link to the View Alert Destination - Configuration page. See Section 6.1, "Locating Alert Destinations."


The project associated with the alert destination. If the alert destination resides in a project folder, this folder is also listed. The path is displayed in the format:

project-name/root-folder/ . . ./parent-folder

The path is a link to the corresponding path in the Project Explorer.


Click the Delete icon to delete a specific alert destination. A Deletion Warning icon is displayed when other resources reference this resource. You can delete the resource with a warning confirmation. This might result in conflicts due to unresolved references to the deleted resource. See Section 6.5, "Deleting Alert Destinations."

You can use this page also to do the following:

  • To remove the search filter and display all alert destinations, click View All.

  • To delete a specific alert destination if not referenced by other resources, select the check box next to it and click Delete.

  • To customize your view of the operational settings information, click the Table Customizer icon. See Section 2.2, "Customizing Table Views."

27.1.6 Finding SLA Alert Rules

To find SLA alert rules:

  1. Select Operations > Smart Search.

  2. From the Type list, select SLA Alerts, then click Search. The Summary of SLA Alert Rules page displays the information shown in Table 27-6.

  3. To restrict the number of items in the list or locate specific SLA alert rules:

    • Click the Open icon to display additional search filters. If you specify multiple search criteria, only results that match all the criteria will be returned.

    • Filter by alert rule name. In the Name field, enter the name of the search target or enter wildcard characters (use * and ? as wildcard characters to perform a more general search), then click Search.

      This search method is preferable if the name of the alert rule is unique across all projects and paths.

    • Filter by parent service path. In the Path field, enter the path of the parent service, which is the project name and the name of the folder in which parent service resides. You can use * and ? as wildcard characters to perform a more general search. All alert rules whose parent services reside in that path are displayed.

      The format for the Path field is as follows:

      project-name/root-folder/ . . ./parent-folder

      If a service is directly under the project, the format is as follows:

    • Filter by parent service. In the Parent Service field, click Browse to display the Select Service page. Select the parent service from the list and click Submit. Click Clear to remove the parent service filter criteria, or click Search.


      Your selection in the Parent Service field restricts your choices in the Service Type field.

    • Filter by parent service type. From the Service Type list, select Proxy Services or Business Services, then click Search. Select All Services to ignore filtering by parent service type criteria.


      Your selection in the Service Type field restricts your choices in the Parent Service field.

    • Filter by rule state. From the Rule State list, select the state of the alert rule: Enabled or Disabled, then click Search. Select All to ignore the rule state filter criteria.

    • Filter by severity. From the Severity list, select to restrict SLA alerts rules to the specified level, then click Search.

      Select the or above check box to restrict your search to the specified severity level or above (listed from the most inclusive to the most restrictive level): Normal, Warning, Minor, Critical, and Fatal.

Table 27-6 SLA Alert Rules Summary Information

Property Description


The name assigned to this alert rule. The name is a link to the Alert Rule Configuration page. See Section 26.24, "Viewing Alert Rule Configurations."

SLA State

The status of the alert rule: Enabled or Disabled.


Note: This field is hidden by default.

A description of the alert rule.

Service Name

The name of the parent service. The name is a link to the SLA Alert Rules page. See Section 26.21, "Viewing Alert Rules."


The project associated with the parent service of the alert rule. If the parent service of the alert rule resides in a project folder, this folder is also listed. The path is displayed in the format:

project-name/root-folder/ . . ./parent-folder

The path is a link to the corresponding path in the Project Explorer.


The severity of the alert that is triggered by this rule: Normal, Warning, Minor, Major, Critical, or Fatal.

Aggr. Interval

The length of the aggregation interval in terms of hours and minutes.

Expiration Date

The date when this alert rule is no longer in effect.

Stop Processing

Note: This field is hidden by default.

Displays Yes or No.


The frequency of this alert:

  • Every Time

  • Notify Once

You can use this page also to do the following:

  • To remove the search filter and display all SLA Alert Rules, click View All.

  • To discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings using the same search criteria, click Reset.

  • From within a session, to enable or disable an SLA Alert Rule, select or clear the check box next to it and click Update.

  • To customize your view of the operational settings information, click the Table Customizer icon. See Section 2.2, "Customizing Table Views."

27.2 Enabling Global Settings

You can enable or disable all global settings only from within a session.

This section includes the following topics:

27.2.1 Enabling Global Monitoring of Services

To turn monitoring for all services on at the domain level:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Select the Enable Monitoring check box for the system to start collecting monitoring statistics for all services whose monitoring is enabled at the service level.

  4. Click Update to save all of the settings on this page.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.2.2 Disabling Global Monitoring of Services

To turn monitoring for all services off at the domain level:


If you disable monitoring for all services, all statistics collected so far for those services are deleted as well. These statistics cannot be restored using the session Undo function. You can use Undo to enable monitoring again for the services, but the deletion of the statistics is irreversible.

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Clear the Enable Monitoring check box for the system to stop collecting monitoring statistics for all services in your configuration.


    This option overrides the Enable Service Monitoring option that you can select for specific business and proxy services. See Section 26.9, "Configuring Operational Settings for Business Services" and Section 26.8, "Configuring Operational Settings for Proxy Services."

    This option also overrides the Enable SLA Alerts option. If you disable monitoring at the global level, SLA alerts will also be disabled at run time as well, even though the corresponding Enable SLA Alerts check box may be selected. See Section 27.2.3, "Enabling SLA Alerts Globally."

  4. Click Update. The monitoring configuration is saved in the current session.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.2.3 Enabling SLA Alerts Globally

Although you can configure SLA Alerts independently from Monitoring, there is an interaction between the two settings at run time. If global monitoring is enabled, SLA alerts can be enabled or disabled. However, if global monitoring is disabled then SLA alerts will be effectively disabled because SLA alert rule conditions depend on monitoring statistics being evaluated.

To turn SLA alerts for all services on at the domain level:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Select the Enable SLA Alerts check box for the system to start evaluating alert rules for all services in your configuration.

  4. Click Update to save all of the settings on this page.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.2.4 Disabling SLA Alerts Globally

To turn SLA alerts for all services off at the domain level:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Clear the Enable SLA Alerts check box for the system to stop evaluating alert rules for all services in your configuration.


    This option overrides any SLA Alerts settings that you can select for specific business and proxy services. See Section 26.9, "Configuring Operational Settings for Business Services" and Section 26.8, "Configuring Operational Settings for Proxy Services."

  4. Click Update. The SLA alerts configuration is saved in the current session.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.2.5 Enabling Pipeline Alerts Globally

For proxy services, to turn pipeline alerts for all proxy services on at the domain level:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Select the Enable Pipeline Alerts check box for the system to start executing any pipeline alert actions for proxy services.

    Pipeline Alerts has no dependency on global Monitoring.

  4. Click Update to save all of the settings on this page.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.2.6 Disabling Pipeline Alerts Globally

For proxy services, to turn pipeline alerts for all proxy services off at the domain level:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Clear the Enable Pipeline Alerts check box for the system to stop executing any pipeline alert actions for proxy services.


    This option overrides any Pipeline Alerts settings that you can select for specific proxy services. See Section 26.8, "Configuring Operational Settings for Proxy Services."

  4. Click Update. The pipeline alerts configuration is saved in the current session.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.2.7 Enabling Message Reporting Globally

This option controls proxy service pipeline Report actions on the message context only. It does not effect SLA alerts or pipeline alerts targeted to the reporting framework.

To turn message reporting for all proxy services on at the domain level:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Select the Enable Reporting check box to start any pipeline Report actions for all proxy services.

  4. Click Update to save all of the settings on this page.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.2.8 Disabling Message Reporting Globally

For proxy services, to turn message reporting for all proxy services off at the domain level:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Clear the Enable Reporting check box to stop any pipeline Report actions for all proxy services.


    This option overrides any Message Reporting settings that you can select for specific proxy services. See Section 26.8, "Configuring Operational Settings for Proxy Services."

  4. Click Update. The message reporting configuration is saved in the current session.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.2.9 Enabling Logging Globally

If you select Enable Logging, pipeline Log action messages are sent to the WebLogic Server logging service. To be able to view them, you must configure WebLogic Server to forward these messages to the domain log.

To turn logging output for all proxy services on at the domain level:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Select the Enable Logging check box to start any pipeline Log actions for all proxy services.

  4. Click Update to save all of the settings on this page.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.2.10 Disabling Logging Globally

For proxy services, to turn logging output for all proxy services off at the domain level:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Clear the Enable Logging check box to stop any pipeline Log actions for all proxy services.


    This option overrides any Logging settings that you can select for specific proxy services. See Section 26.8, "Configuring Operational Settings for Proxy Services."

  4. Click Update. The logging configuration is saved in the current session.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.2.11 Enabling Result Caching Globally

If you invoke business services whose results seldom change, result caching improves business service performance by returning cached results to the client instead of waiting for the results of a service invocation.

Before configuring result caching for individual business services, you must first enable results caching globally using the following steps. The default setting for result caching is enabled.

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Select the Enable Result Caching check box.

  4. Click Update to save all of the settings on this page.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

For information on configuring result caching for business services, see Section 19.2.23, "Message Handling Configuration Page."

27.2.12 Disabling Result Caching Globally

When you disable result caching globally, Oracle Service Bus flushes the entire cache, removing cached results for all business services with result caching enabled. The default setting for result caching is enabled.

To disable result caching at the domain level:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Operations > Global Settings.

  3. Clear the Enable Result Caching check box.


    This setting overrides any result caching configured on individual business services.

  4. Click Update. The configuration is saved in the current session.

  5. Alternatively, click Reset at any time during the session to discard your changes and refresh the page with the currently stored settings.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

27.3 Setting User Preferences

Use this page to customize and persist your Administration Console display options and settings. You can update (change) your User Preferences without activating a change session.

Table 27-7 describes the options and controls on the page.

Table 27-7 User Preferences - Options and Controls

To... Do This...

Change your Home Page, the page that opens when you launch the Administration Console

From the first list, select any main menu choice: Operations, Resource Browser, Project Explorer, Security Configuration, or System Administration.

From the second list, select any one of the sub-menu choices. (The contents of the sub-menus dynamically change based on your first menu selection.)

Display Search Filters

Select Yes or No.

By default, search filters are not displayed (closed). By selecting Yes, search filters are always displayed (open).

Display Stage Annotations

Select Yes or No.

By default, pipeline stage annotations are not displayed (closed). By selecting Yes, stage annotations are always displayed (open).

Display Resource Metadata

Select Yes or No.

By default, resource metatdata sections are displayed (open). By selecting No, resource metatdata sections are not displayed (closed).

Change how often the Administration Console updates the display of data on the Dashboard

From the Dashboard Refresh Rate list, select No Refresh, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 or 60 minutes as the refresh rate for the Dashboard.

The default rate is No Refresh, but you can select another predefined time. For example, if you select 5 minutes, the Dashboard is updated with data every 5 minutes.

Caution: By selecting a dashboard refresh rate interval other than the default (No Refresh), the browser refreshes the Dashboard at regular intervals. This prevents your session from timing out, even without you interacting with the Administration Console. Oracle recommends that you use the Dashboard refresh rate feature with caution. You should never leave an Administration Console session unattended. While your Administration Console session is active others can gain access to it from your machine, without re-authentication.

Change the time interval for displaying historical data for alerts on the Dashboard

From the Alert History Duration list, select 30 minutes, 1, 2, 3, or 6 hours as the time interval for displaying historical alert data. The default is 30 minutes (displays alerts received within the last 30 minutes) but you can select another predefined duration. For example, if you select 1 hour, the Dashboard displays the alerts received within the last hour.