
A  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


_import() method, 3.6.3


Access (Microsoft), example of integrating with Oracle Business Intelligence, 6.4
AccessControlToken structure, 2.1
account element, 5.3.4
Account structure, 2.2
ACL structure, 2.3
Action Framework
about, 5.1
adding and maintaining credentials, 5.5
and credentials, 5.4.1
and functionality provided, 5.1.1
and security, 5.4
and the account element, 5.3.4
and the content type element, 5.3.3
and the ebusinesssuiteconfig element, 5.3.7
and the location alias element, 5.3.1
and the policy element, 5.3.5
and the proxy element, 5.3.6
and the registry element, 5.3.2
configuration checklist, 5.2.1
configuration overview, 5.2
configuring, 5.3
ActionFrameworkConfig.xml, 5.3
about, 5.1.1
and permissions, 5.4.3
and privileges, 5.4.2
and security, 5.4
and targets, 5.2.2, 5.6
configuring OWSM for, 5.5.3
execution of, 5.1.2
Invoke a Browser Script, 5.6.7
Invoke a Java Method (EJB), 5.6.6
Invoke a Server Script, 5.6.8
Invoke a Web Service, 5.6.4
Invoke Agent, 5.6.9
Java Job, 5.6.10
Navigate to E-Business Suite, 5.6.2
Navigate to EPM Content, 5.6.1
types of, 5.1.2
addReportToPage() method, 3.2.2
AggregationRule Values, 2.19.2
Dashboard URL, using, 6.2
Oracle Business Intelligence Systems Management, 7.1
SQL, issuing using the Go command, 6.3
third-party SQL tool, integrating example, 6.4
application programming interfaces
See APIs
applyReportParams() method, 3.7.1, 3.7.2
ArrayofGUIDS structure, 2.4
authentication, setting up for Oracle E-Business Suite, 10.2
authenticationschemas.xml file, updating for Oracle E-Business Suite integration, 10.2.2
AuthResult structure, 2.5


callback URLs
modifying, 3.2.1
cancelJob() method, 3.4.1
cancelQuery() method, 3.11.2
CatalogItemsFilter structure, 2.6
CatalogObject structure, 2.7
certification information, Preface
checklist for Action Framework configuration, 5.2.1
clearQueryCache() method, 3.5.1
service, 3.1
Web services for SOA, 1.4
ODBC data source names, configuring, 8.4, 8.5
query and reporting tools, about using, 8.1
content type element, 5.3.3
copyItem() method, 3.10.3
copyItem2() method, 3.10.4
createFolder() method, 3.10.5
createLink() method, 3.10.6
credential key, 5.5.1
credential map, 5.5.1
about, 5.4.1
adding and maintaining, 5.5


Dashboard URL
about and format, 6.2
basic Dashboard URL, about and format, 6.2.2
PortalPath parameter, using, 6.2.3
User ID and Password parameter, using, 6.2.3
Data Source Name, about, 8.2
databases,supported, Preface
default keystore, 5.5.2
deleteIBot() method, 3.3.2
deleteItem() method, 3.10.7
deleteResultSet() method, 3.4.2
describeColumn() method, 3.5.2, 3.5.2
describeSubjectArea() method, 3.5.3
describeTable() method, 3.5.4
Discoverer metadata, 9.2
Discoverer worksheets, 9.1
drilldown links, 3.2.1
driver, for Oracle BI DSN, 8.4


EBS ICX authentication cookie, 10.2.2
ebusinesssuiteconfig element, 5.3.7
SSL for Web services communication, 1.5
Web services for SOA, 1.4
endPage() method, 3.2.3
error message language, setting in ODBC DSN, 8.4
ErrorDetailsLevel structure, 3.10.1
ErrorInfo structure, 2.8
evaluateCondition() method, 3.1.1
evaluateInlineCondition() method, 3.1.2
ExecuteAgent, 1.3
ExecuteAnalysis, 1.3
ExecuteCondition, 1.3
executeIBotNow() method, 3.3.3
executeSQLQuery() method, 3.11.3
executeXMLQuery() method, 3.11.4
execution of actions, 5.1.2
export() method, 3.6.4
ExportFlags structure, 3.6.1


fetchNext() method, 3.11.5
files, ActionFrameworkConfig.xml, 5.3
Go URL, passing to through URL,, 6.3.2
forgetAccount() method, 3.9.1
form functions, creating in Oracle E-Business Suite, 10.3.2


generateReportSQL() method, 3.7.3
getAccounts() method, 3.9.2
getCommonBodyHTML() method, 3.2.4
getConditionCustomizableReportElements() method, 3.1.3
getCounts() method, 3.4.3
getCurUser() method, 3.8.1
getGlobalPrivilegeACL() method, 3.9.3
getGlobalSAWPrivileges() method, 3.9.4
getGroups() method, 3.9.5
getHeadersHTML() method, 3.2.5
getHtmlforPageWithOneReport() method, 3.2.6
getHTMLForReport() method, 3.2.7
getItemInfo() method, 3.10.8
getJobInfo() method, 3.4.4
getMembers() method, 3.9.6
getPermissions() method, 3.9.7
getPrivilegesStatus() method, 3.9.8
getPromptedColumns() method, 3.4.5
getPromptedFilters() method, 3.11.6
getSessionVariable() method, 3.8.3
getSubItems() method, 3.10.9
GetSubItemsParams structure, 2.9
getSubjectAreas() method, 3.5.5
about, 6.1
application-friendly format, displaying results in, 6.1.3
basic Go URL, about and example, 6.1.2
filters, about passing to through URL, 6.3.2
HTML results, navigation from,
JavaScript, navigation using,
link options, format and example, 6.1.3
navigation example,
navigation parameters syntax,
printer friendly format and example, 6.1.3
result format, controlling, 6.1.3
specific style, showing results in, 6.1.3
specify view, showing, 6.1.3
SQL, using to issue and passing filters, 6.3
tables, displaying all records in,
user ID and password, prompting for, 6.1.3
GoNav JavaScript function, about,


bridging, 3.2.1
service, 3.2
invoking Web services, 1.6


service, 3.3
impersonate() method, 3.8.4
impersonateex() method, 3.8.5
import() method, 3.6.3
ImportError structure, 2.10
ImportFlags structure, 3.6.2
instanceconfig.xml file, updating for Oracle E-Business Suite integration, 10.2.3
integrating Oracle Business Intelligence
Dashboard URL, using, 6.2
filters, passing to the Go command through a URL, 6.3.2
Go URL, using, 6.1
SQL, issuing using the Go command, 6.3
third-party SQL tool, integrating example, 6.4
with Oracle E-Business Suite security, 10
with other clients, 8
Invoke a Browser Script action, 5.6.7
Invoke a Java Method (EJB) action, 5.6.6
Invoke a Server Script action, 5.6.8
Invoke a Web Service action, 5.6.4
Invoke Agent action, 5.6.9
Web services with HTTPS, 1.6
isMember() method, 3.9.9
ItemInfo structure, 2.11


Java Job action, 5.6.10
JDBC, using to integrate with the Oracle BI Server, 8.2.2
service, 3.4
joinGroups() method, 3.9.10


keepAlive() method, 3.8.6
keystore, 5.5.2


leaveGroups() method, 3.9.11
location alias element, 5.3.1
logoff() method, 3.8.7
logon() method, 3.8.8
logonex() method, 3.8.9


maintenanceMode() method, 3.10.10
markForReplication() method, 3.6.5
memory requirements, Preface
assigning to responsibilities in Oracle E-Business Suite, 10.3.4
creating in Oracle E-Business Suite, 10.3.3
metadata conversion assistant tool, 9.2
metadata, Discoverer, 9.2
service, 3.5
getConditionCustomizableReportElements(), 3.1.3
_import(), 3.6.3
addReportToPage(), 3.2.2
applyReportParams(), 3.7.1, 3.7.2
cancelJob(), 3.4.1
cancelQuery(), 3.11.2
clearQueryCache(), 3.5.1
copyItem(), 3.10.3
copyItem2(), 3.10.4
createFolder(), 3.10.5
createLink(), 3.10.6
deleteIBot(), 3.3.2
deleteItem(), 3.10.7
deleteResultSet(), 3.4.2
describeColumn(), 3.5.2, 3.5.2
describeSubjectArea(), 3.5.3
describeTable(), 3.5.4
endPage(), 3.2.3
evaluateCondition(), 3.1.1
evaluateInlineCondition(), 3.1.2
executeIBotNow(), 3.3.3
executeSQLQuery(), 3.11.3
executeXMLQuery(), 3.11.4
export(), 3.6.4
fetchNext(), 3.11.5
forgetAccount(), 3.9.1
generateReportSQL(), 3.7.3
getAccounts(), 3.9.2
getCommonBodyHTML(), 3.2.4
getCounts(), 3.4.3
getCurUser(), 3.8.1
getGlobalPrivilegeACL(), 3.9.3
getGlobalSAWPrivileges(), 3.9.4
getGroups(), 3.9.5
getHeadersHTML(), 3.2.5
getHtmlforPageWithOneReport(), 3.2.6
getHTMLForReport(), 3.2.7
getItemInfo(), 3.10.8
getJobInfo(), 3.4.4
getMembers(), 3.9.6
getPermissions(), 3.9.7
getPrivilegesStatus(), 3.9.8
getPromptedColumns(), 3.4.5
getPromptedFilters(), 3.11.6
getSessionVariable(), 3.8.3
getSubItems(), 3.10.9
getSubjectAreas(), 3.5.5
impersonate(), 3.8.4
impersonateex(), 3.8.5
import, 3.6.3
isMember(), 3.9.9
joinGroups(), 3.9.10
keepAlive(), 3.8.6
leaveGroups(), 3.9.11
logoff(), 3.8.7
logon(), 3.8.8
logonex(), 3.8.9
maintenanceMode(), 3.10.10
markForReplication(), 3.6.5
moveIBot(), 3.3.4
moveItem(), 3.10.11
pasteItem2(), 3.10.12
prepareCache(), 3.4.6
purgeCache(), 3.4.7
purgeLog(), 3.6.6
readObject(), 3.10.13
removeFolder(), 3.10.14
renameAccounts(), 3.9.12
saveResultSet(), 3.4.8
sendMessage(), 3.3.5
sessionEnvironment(), 3.8.2
setBridge(), 3.2.8
setBridge(), using for callback URLs, 3.2.1
setItemAttributes(), 3.10.15
setItemProperty(), 3.10.16
setOwnership(), 3.10.17
startPage(), 3.2.9
subscribe(), 3.3.6
unsubscribe(), 3.3.7
updateGlobalPrivilegeACL(), 3.9.13
upgradeXML(), 3.11.7
writeIBot(), 3.3.1
writeListFiles(), 3.4.9
writeObjects(), 3.10.19
Access, example of integrating with Oracle Business Intelligence, 6.4
minimum disk space, Preface
moveIBot() method, 3.3.4
moveItem() method, 3.10.11


NameValuePair structure, 2.12
Navigate to E-Business Suite action, 5.6.2
Navigate to EPM Content action, 5.6.1


about, 8.2
configuring advanced SSL settings, 8.4.1
creating dedicated connection to Physical layer, 8.2.1
data source names, configuring, 8.4, 8.5
localization considerations over, 8.2
query and reporting tools, about connecting with, 8.1
supported calls from client applications, 8.3
operating systems, supported, Preface
Oracle BI repository
configuring Physical layer for Oracle E-Business Suite integration, 10.1
setting session variables for Oracle E-Business Suite integration, 10.2.1
Oracle BI Server
about integrating with over JDBC, 8.2.2
about integrating with over ODBC, 8.2
Oracle Business Intelligence Systems Management API, 7.1
Oracle E-Business Suite
assigning menus to responsibilities, 10.3.4
assigning responsibilities to users, 10.3.5
configuring Oracle BI repository for, 10.1
creating form functions, 10.3.2
creating menus, 10.3.3
embedding links to Oracle Business Intelligence, 10.3
setting up profiles, 10.3.6
setting up shared authentication with, 10.2
OWSM, 5.5.3


pasteitem2() method, 3.10.12
PathMap structure, 2.13
permissions, 5.4.3
platforms, supported, Preface
policy element, 5.3.5
PortalNav JavaScript function, about,
prepareCache() method, 3.4.6
Privilege structure, 2.14
privileges, 5.4.2
profiles, setting up in Oracle E-Business Suite, 10.3.6
proxy element, 5.3.6
purgeCache() method, 3.4.7
purgeLog() method, 3.6.6


query tool, about connecting with, 8.1
QueryResults structure, 2.15


readObject() method, 3.10.13
structure, 3.10.2
registry element, 5.3.2
removeFolder() method, 3.10.14
renameAccounts() method, 3.9.12
service, 3.6
service, 3.7
ReportHTMLLinksMode structure, 2.16.1
ReportHTMLOptions structure, 2.16
reporting tool, about connecting with, 8.1
ReportParams structure, 2.17
ReportRef structure, 2.18
requirements, system, Preface
responsibilities, assigning to users in Oracle E-Business Suite, 10.3.5


SAColumn structure, 2.19
SADataType Values, 2.19.1
SASubjectArea structure, 2.20
SASubjectAreaDetails() method,
SATable structure, 2.21
SATablesDetails() method,
saveResultSet() method, 3.4.8
SAWLocale structure, 2.22
SAWSessionParameters structure, 2.23
service, 3.8
Web services for SOA, 1.4
service, 3.9
SegmentationOptions structure, 2.24
SELECT_PHYSICAL, setting up ODBC connection for, 8.2.1
sendMessage() method, 3.3.5
ConditionService, 3.1
HtmlViewService, 3.2
iBotService, 3.3
JobManagementService, 3.4
MetadataService, 3.5
ReplicationService, 3.6
ReportEditingService, 3.7
SAWSessionService, 3.8
SecurityService, 3.9
WebCatalogService, 3.10
XMLViewService, 3.11
session variables, setting for Oracle E-Business Suite integration, 10.2.1
session-based Web services
overview, 1.1, 1.2
SessionEnvironment structure, 2.25
sessionEnvironment() method, 3.8.2
setBridge() method, 3.2.1, 3.2.8
setItemAttributes() method, 3.10.15
setItemProperty() method, 3.10.16
setOwnership() method, 3.10.17
shared authentication, with Oracle E-Business Suite, 10.2
single sign-on, limitations when using EBS-ICX authentication cookie, 10.2
Web services for SOA, 1.3
example of integrating third-party tool, 6.4
using Go command to issue SQL and passing filters, 6.3
enabling for Web services communication, 1.5
SSL, configuring in ODBC DSN, 8.4.1
startPage() method, 3.2.9
StartPageParams structure, 2.26
structures, 2
AccessControlToken, 2.1
Account, 2.2
ACL, 2.3
ArrayofGUIDS, 2.4
AuthResult, 2.5
CatalogItemsFilter, 2.6
CatalogObject, 2.7
ErrorDetailsLevel, 3.10.1
ErrorInfo, 2.8
ExportFlags, 3.6.1
GetSubItemsParams, 2.9
ImportError, 2.10
ImportFlags, 3.6.2
ItemInfo, 2.11
NameValuePair, 2.12
PathMap, 2.13
Privilege, 2.14
QueryResults, 2.15
ReadObjectReturnOptions, 3.10.2
ReportHTMLLinksMode, 2.16.1
ReportHTMLOptions, 2.16
ReportParams, 2.17
ReportRef, 2.18
SAColumn, 2.19
SASubjectArea, 2.20
SATable, 2.21
SAWLocale, 2.22
SAWSessionParameters, 2.23
SegmentationOptions, 2.24
SessionEnvironment, 2.25
StartPageParams, 2.26
TreeNodePath, 2.27
UpdateACLMode, 2.28.1
UpdateACLParams, 2.28
UpdateCatalogItemACL, 3.10.18
UpdateCatalogItemACLParams, 2.29
Variable, 2.30
XMLQueryExecutionOptions, 2.31
XMLQueryOutputFormat, 3.11.1
subscribe() method, 3.3.6
supported installation types, Preface
system requirements, Preface


targets for actions, 5.2.2, 5.6
third-party SQL tool, integrating example, 6.4
tool, metadata conversion assistant, 9.2
TreeNodePath structure, 2.27


UNIX, configuring ODBC data source names on, 8.5
unsubscribe() method, 3.3.7
UpdateACLMode structure, 2.28.1
UpdateACLParams structure, 2.28
UpdateCatalogItemACL structure, 3.10.18
UpdateCatalogItemACLParams structure, 2.29
updateGlobalPrivilegeACL() method, 3.9.13
upgradeXML() method, 3.11.7
URLS, callback, 3.2.1


Variable structure, 2.30


Web services
session-based overview, 1.1, 1.2
SOA overview, 1.3
WebCatalogService service, 3.10
Windows, configuring ODBC data source names on, 8.4
worksheets, Discoverer, 9.1
writeIBot() method, 3.3.1
writeListFiles() method, 3.4.9
writeObjects() method, 3.10.19
session-based Web services, 1.1, 1.2
Webservices for SOA, 1.3
Web services for SOA, 1.3


XMLQueryExecutionOptions structure, 2.31
XMLQueryOutputFormat structure, 3.11.1
XMLViewService service, 3.11