2 Data Types in Oracle BI Publisher Web Services

This chapter provides details on the data types that Oracle BI Publisher Web services use or define.

It contains the following sections:

2.1 Base Data Types

Oracle BI Publisher Web services use the following base data types:

Table 2-1 Base Data Types

Base Type Description Example



true, false


Date and Time







Home/Shared/HR Reports/Salary Report


64-bit binary

A document, such as a PDF or HTML report

2.2 XML-to-Java Data Type Mappings

BI Publisher Web Services use document/literal formats. The mapping between Web service XML schema data types and Java data types depends on the SOAP development environment. The following table shows mappings for the Oracle JDeveloper environment:

Table 2-2 XML-to-Java Data Type Mappings

Base Type Oracle JDeveloper











2.3 Complex Data Types

Oracle BI Publisher Web services define and use the following complex data types:

2.3.1 ArrayOf_xsd_string

Use this data type to hold an array of strings, such as for objects contained in the catalog.

Table 2-3 Fields Provided by ArrayOf_xsd_string

Field Description

String[] item

An array of strings.

2.3.2 ArrayOfEMailDeliveryOption

Use this data type to hold an array of EMailDeliveryOption objects.

Table 2-4 Fields Provided by ArrayOfEMailDeliveryOption

Field Description

EMailDeliveryOption[] item

See Section 2.3.23, "EMailDeliveryOption."

2.3.3 ArrayOfFaxDeliveryOption

Use this data type to hold an array of FaxDeliveryOption objects.

Table 2-5 Fields Provided by ArrayOfFaxDeliveryOption

Field Description

FaxDeliveryOption[] item

See Section 2.3.24, "FaxDeliveryOption."

2.3.4 ArrayOfFTPDeliveryOption

Use this data type to hold an array of FTPDeliveryOption objects.

Table 2-6 Fields Provided by ArrayOfFTPDeliveryOption

Field Description

FTPDeliveryOption[] item

See Section 2.3.26, "FTPDeliveryOption."

2.3.5 ArrayOfItemData

Use this data type to hold an array of objects contained in the catalog.

Table 2-7 Fields Provided by ArrayOfItemData

Field Description

ItemData[] item

See Section 2.3.27, "ItemData."

2.3.6 ArrayOfJobInfo

Use this data type to hold an array of JobInfo objects.

Table 2-8 Fields Provided by ArrayOfJobInfo

Field Description

JobInfo[] item

See Section 2.3.31, "JobInfo."

2.3.7 ArrayOfJobOutput

Use this data type to hold an array of JobOutput objects.

Table 2-9 Fields Provided by ArrayOfJobOutput

Field Description

JobOutput[] item

See Section 2.3.33, "JobOutput."

2.3.8 ArrayOfJobOutputDelivery

Use this data type to hold an array of JobOutputDelivery objects.

Table 2-10 Fields Provided by ArrayOfJobOutputDelivery

Field Description

JobOutputDelivery[] item

See Section 2.3.34, "JobOutputDelivery."

2.3.9 ArrayOfLocalDeliveryOption

Use this data type to hold an array of LocalDeliveryOption objects.

Table 2-11 Fields Provided by ArrayOfLocalDeliveryOption

Field Description

LocalDeliveryOption[] item

See Section 2.3.38, "LocalDeliveryOption."

2.3.10 ArrayOfMetaData

Use this data type to hold an array of MetaData objects.

Table 2-12 Fields Provided by ArrayOfMetaData

Field Description

MetaData[] item

See Section 2.3.39, "MetaData."

2.3.11 ArrayOfParamNameValue

Use this data type to hold an array of ParamNameValue objects (field name-value pairs).

Table 2-13 Fields Provided by ArrayOfParamNameValue

Field Description

ParamNameValue[] item

See Section 2.3.41, "ParamNameValue."

2.3.12 ArrayOfPrintDeliveryOption

Use this data type to hold an array of PrintDeliveryOption objects.

Table 2-14 Fields Provided by ArrayOfPrintDeliveryOption

Field Description

PrintDeliveryOption[] item

See Section 2.3.43, "PrintDeliveryOption."

2.3.13 ArrayOfString

Use this data type to hold an array of strings.

Table 2-15 Fields Provided by ArrayOfString

Field Description

String[] item

An array of strings.

2.3.14 ArrayOfTemplateFormatLabelValue

Use this data type to hold an array of TemplateFormatLabelValue objects (template label-value pairs).

Table 2-16 Fields Provided by ArrayOfTemplateFormatLabelValue

Field Description

TemplateFormatLabelValue[] item

See Section 2.3.49, "TemplateFormatLabelValue."

2.3.15 ArrayOfTemplateFormatLabelValues

Use this data type to hold an array of TemplateFormatsLabelValues objects. ArrayOfTemplateFormatsLabelValues is included in the ReportDefinition complex data type to contain the specific fields to describe the available template formats.

Table 2-17 Fields Provided by ArrayOfTemplateFormatLabelValue

Field Description

TemplateFormatsLabelValues[] item

See Section 2.3.50, "TemplateFormatsLabelValues."

2.3.16 ArrayOfWebDAVDeliveryOption

Use this data type to hold an array of WebDAVDeliveryOption objects.

Table 2-18 Fields Provided by ArrayOfWebDAVDeliveryOption

Field Description

WebDAVDeliveryOption[] item

See Section 2.3.51, "WebDAVDeliveryOption."

2.3.17 BIPDataSource

Use this data type to dynamically specify a data source when using the runReport() method. See Section 4.19, "runReport() Method."

BIPDataSource is used by the ReportRequest complex data type.

The following table lists the fields:

Table 2-19 Fields Provided by BIPDataSource

Field Description

JDBCDataSource JDBCDataSource

Contains the elements to specify a JDBC data source. See Section 2.3.28, "JDBCDataSource."

FileDataSource fileDataSource

Contains the elements to specify a file data source. See Section 2.3.25, "FileDataSource."

2.3.18 CatalogContents

Use this data type to hold objects contained in the catalog.

Table 2-20 Fields Provided by CatalogContents

Field Description

ArrayOfItemData catalogContents

See Section 2.3.5, "ArrayOfItemData."

2.3.19 CatalogObjectInfo

Use this data type to return information about an object in the catalog. This data type is returned by the following methods:

Table 2-21 Fields Provided by CatalogObjectInfo

Field Description

String accessPermissions

The permissions that are required to access the catalog object.

String[] availableLocales

The array of locales available to the catalog object.

long creationDate

The creation date of the catalog object.

String description

The description of the catalog object.

String displayName

The display name for the catalog object.

long lastModifiedDate

The date the catalog object was last modified.

String objectAbsolutePath

The absolute path to the catalog object.

String objectName

The name of the catalog object.

String objectSubType

The subtype of the catalog object.

For Folder object, object type and subtype are Folder.

For Report object, object type is ReportItem and subtype is xdo.

For Data Model object, object Type is ReportItem and subtype is xdm.

For Style Template object, object type is StyleTemplate and subtype is RTF or XSL.

For Sub Template object, object Type is SubTemplate and subtype is RTF or XSL.

String objectType

The type of catalog object. Valid values are:

xdm (data model)

xdo (report)

xsb (sub-template)

xss (style template)

String owner

The owner of the catalog object.

2.3.20 DeliveryChannels

Use this data type to define the specifications to deliver a report to multiple destinations.

This data type is used by the DeliveryRequest and ScheduleRequest complex data types.

The following table lists the fields:

Table 2-22 Fields Provided by DeliveryChannels

Field Description

ArrayOfEMailDeliveryOption emailOptions

See Section 2.3.2, "ArrayOfEMailDeliveryOption."

ArrayOfFaxDeliveryOption faxOptions

See Section 2.3.3, "ArrayOfFaxDeliveryOption."

ArrayOfFTPDeliveryOption ftpOptions

See Section 2.3.4, "ArrayOfFTPDeliveryOption."

ArrayOfLocalDeliveryOption localOptions

See Section 2.3.9, "ArrayOfLocalDeliveryOption."

ArrayOfPrintDeliveryOption printOptions

See Section 2.3.12, "ArrayOfPrintDeliveryOption."

ArrayOfWebDAVDeliveryOption webDAVOption

See Section 2.3.16, "ArrayOfWebDAVDeliveryOption."

2.3.21 DeliveryRequest

Use this data type to define the specifications to deliver a report to multiple destinations.

The following table lists the fields:

Table 2-23 Fields Provided by DeliveryRequest

Field Description

String contentType

The content type of the generated document. Possible values are: "text/html;charset=UTF-8" "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" "application/pdf" "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" "application/vnd.ms-excel" "application/msword" "application/x-shockwave-flash" "text/xml" "message/rfc822"

DeliveryChannels deliveryChannels

See Section 2.3.20, "DeliveryChannels."

byte[] documentData

The output document.

BIPDataSource dynamicDataSource

See Section 2.3.17, "BIPDataSource."

2.3.22 DeliveryServiceDefinition

Use this data type to return data in the response for the getDeliveryServiceDefinition() Method. Use this method to obtain information about the delivery servers set up for BI Publisher.

The following table lists the fields:

Table 2-24 Fields Provided by DeliveryServiceDefinition

Field Description

ArrayOf_xsd_String EMailServerNames

The list of e-mail server names returned in the ArrayOf_xsd_string data type. See Section 2.3.1, "ArrayOf_xsd_string."

ArrayOf_xsd_String FTPServerNames

The list of FTP server names returned in the ArrayOf_xsd_stringdata type. See Section 2.3.1, "ArrayOf_xsd_string."

ArrayOf_xsd_String HTTPServerNames

The list of HTTP server names returned in the ArrayOf_xsd_string data type. See Section 2.3.1, "ArrayOf_xsd_string."

ArrayOf_xsd_String SFTPServerNames

The list of SFTP server names returned in the ArrayOf_xsd_string data type. See Section 2.3.1, "ArrayOf_xsd_string."

ArrayOf_xsd_String defaultServerNames

The list of the default server names for each defined type, returned in the ArrayOf_xsd_string data type. See Section 2.3.1, "ArrayOf_xsd_string."

ArrayOf_xsd_String faxServerNames

The list of fax server names returned in the ArrayOf_xsd_string data type. See Section 2.3.1, "ArrayOf_xsd_string."

ArrayOf_xsd_String printerNames

The list of printer names returned in the ArrayOf_xsd_stringdata type. See Section 2.3.1, "ArrayOf_xsd_string."

ArrayOf_xsd_Stringg webDAVServerNames

The list of WebDAV server names returned in the ArrayOf_xsd_string data type. See Section 2.3.1, "ArrayOf_xsd_string."

2.3.23 EMailDeliveryOption

Use this data type to define the specifications to deliver a report through e-mail.

This data type is used by the ArrayOfEMailDeliveryOption complex data type.

The following table lists the fields:

Table 2-25 Fields Provided by EMailDeliveryOption

Field Description

String emailBCC

The e-mail addresses to receive blind copies of the e-mail.

String emailBody

A text string that will appear as the body of the e-mail.

String emailCC

The e-mail addresses to receive copies of the e-mail.

String emailFrom

Required. The e-mail address that will appear as the From address. If this field is empty, a SOAP fault is thrown with the following message:

Sender (From) email address is not specified.

String emailReplyTo

The e-mail address to appear in the Reply-to field.

String emailServerName

The e-mail server name, for example: "Oracle Mail".

String emailSubject

The subject line of the e-mail.

String emailTo

Required. The addresses to which to send the e-mail. If this field is empty, a SOAP fault is thrown with the following message:

Recipient (TO) email address is not specified.

2.3.24 FaxDeliveryOption

Use this data type to define the options to set for facsimile (fax) delivery of a report.

This type is used in the ArrayOfFaxDeliveryOption complex data type.

Table 2-26 Fields Provided by FaxDeliveryOption

Field Description

String faxNumber

Required. The number to which to send the fax (for example, 916505069560). If this field is empty, a SOAP fault is thrown with the following message:

Fax Number is not specified.

String faxServer

Required. The fax server (defined on the BI Publisher server) to which to send the fax (for example, ipp://mycupsserver:631/printers/fax2). If this field is empty, a SOAP fault is thrown with the following message:

Fax server is not specified.

2.3.25 FileDataSource

Use this data type to dynamically create a connection to a file data source when you run a report. You can specify a direct path to a location on your server, or indicate that the file is in the temporary directory

This data type is used in the BIPDataSource complex data type.

The following table lists the fields:

Table 2-27 Fields Provided by FileDataSource

Field Description

String dynamicDataSourcePath

To specify a path to a data source that resides on an available server, specify the full path to the data source and set temporaryDataSource to "false". For example: "D:\BI\OracleBI\xmlp\XMLP\DemoFiles\Balance.xml")"

If the file is located in the system temporary directory, set temporaryDataSource to true, and specify the file name here. For example: "Balance.xml".

boolean temporaryDataSource

Set to "true" when the file data source is in the system temporary directory. Set to "false" when dynamicDataSourcePath specifies the full path.

2.3.26 FTPDeliveryOption

Use this data type to define the options to set for FTP delivery of a report.

This type is used in the ArrayOfFTPDeliveryOption complex data type.

Table 2-28 Fields Provided by FTPDeliveryOption

Field Description

String ftpServerName

Required. The FTP server name (for example, myftpserver.foobar.com.example). If this field is empty, a SOAP fault is thrown with the following message:

FTP server is not specified.

String ftpUserName

A user name for the FTP server.

String ftpUserPassword

The password for the user entered.

String remoteFile

The name to assign the file on the server. For example: report.pdf.

boolean sftpOption

The value true indicates to use the secure FTP option. If ftpUserPassword is specified, sftpOption must be set to true.

2.3.27 ItemData

Use this data type to return object metadata of an object stored in the catalog.

Table 2-29 Fields Provided by ItemData

Field Description

String absolutePath

The path to the report object. For example: /HR Manager/ HR Reports/Employee Listing.xdo

dateTime creationDate

The creation date of the report object.

String displayName

The display name for the report object. For example: Employee Listing

String fileName

The file name for the report object (for example, Employee Listing.xdo).

dateTime lastModified

The last modified date for the report object.

String lastModifier

The user name of the last person to modify the report.

String owner

The user name of the owner of the report.

String parentAbsolutePath

The absolute path of the parent folder. For example, "/HR Manager/HR Reports" is the parentAbsolutePath for the report having the absolute path "/HR Manager/HR Reports/Employee Listing.xdo".

String type

The item type. Possible values are: "report" or "folder".

2.3.28 JDBCDataSource

Use this data type to dynamically create a connection to a JDBC data source when you run a report.

This data type is used by the BIPDataSource complex data type.

The following table lists the fields:

Table 2-30 Fields Provided by JDBCDataSource

Field Description

String JDBCDriverClass

The JDBC driver class for the data source (for example, oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver).

String JDBCDriverType

The driver type as defined in the BI Publisher data source definition page (for example, Oracle 9i/10g/11g).

String JDBCPassword

The password for the data source as defined in the BI Publisher data source definition page.


The connection string for the data source (for example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@mydatabase.foobar.com.example:1521: orcl).

String JDBCUserName

The user name for the data source as defined in the BI Publisher data source definition page.

String dataSourceName

The Data Source Name assigned to the data source in the BI Publisher data source definition page (for example, Oracle).

2.3.29 JobDetail

The collection of information about a job request.

Table 2-31 Fields Provided by JobDetail

Field Description

boolean bursting

The value true indicates the bursting option is enabled for the job.

String burstingParameters

The parameters for the bursting engine.

dateTime created

The date the job was created.

String dataLocator

When the storageType is DB, dataLocator is the primary key for retrieving the data from database.

boolean deleted

The value true indicates the job was deleted.

String deliveryDescription

The description for the job delivery.

String deliveryParameters

The parameters for the delivery channels.

dateTime endDate

The date the job is scheduled to end.

int instanceId

The numeric identification for the job instance.

String issuer

The issuer of the job.

String jobGroup

The group to which the job belongs.

int jobId

The numeric identification for the job instance.

int jobSetId

Inactive. Do not use.

String jobType

The type of job.

dateTime lastUpdated

The date and time the job was last updated.

String locale

The locale to which the job belongs.

String notificationParameters

The notification parameters for the job.

String owner

The name of the job owner.

int parentJobId

The numeric identifier for the parent of the job.

boolean public

Whether the job is viewable by other users (true) or not (false).

String reportParameters

The parameters for the report.

String reportUrl

The URL to the job output.

String runType

The type of job (either Single or Recurring).

String scheduleContext

The context for the job schedule when external applications submit the report.

String scheduleDescription

The description of the job schedule.

String scheduleParameters

The parameters of the job schedule.

String scheduleSource

The source of the job schedule, which is used with the scheduleContext to provide information on external applications.

dateTime startDate

The date the job is scheduled to start or started.

String status

The status of the job.

String statusDetail

The details of the job status.

String storageType

The storage type for the job. Supported value is DB.

String userDescription

A user-assigned description for the job.

String userJobName

The user-assigned named for the job.

boolean xmlDataAvailable

Whether XML data for the job is available (true) or not (false).

boolean xmlDataCompressed

A value of true indicates the XML data for the job is or will be compressed.

String xmlDataContentType

The content type of the XML data.

String xschurl

The URL of the report.

2.3.30 JobFilterProperties

This data type is used by the following methods to define the filter criteria for a specific report job:

The fields in this data type identify the specific report job or jobs about which you want information returned.

Table 2-32 Fields Provided by JobFilterProperties

Field Description

String endTime

The time the job is scheduled to end or ended.

String endTimeOperator

The operator for endTime. Valid values are "Equals or Earlier Than", "Equals" or "Earlier Than".

long jobID

The numeric identification assigned by BI Publisher for the job request.

String jobName

The user-assigned job name. Valid values are "Contains" or "Equals".

String jobNameOperator

The operator of the jobName.

String owner

The name of the job's owner.

String ownerOperator

The operator for owner. Valid values are "Contains" or "Equals".

String reportName

The user-assigned named for the job.

String reportNameOperator

The operator for reportName. Valid values are "Contains" or "Equals".

String scope

The scope of the job. Valid values are "All", "Private" or "Public".

String startTime

The time the job is scheduled to start or started.

String startTimeOperator

The operator for startTime. Valid values are "Equals or Later Than", "Equals" or "Later Than".

String status

The current status for the job.

2.3.31 JobInfo

The collection of information about a job request.

Table 2-33 Fields Provided by JobInfo

Field Description

boolean burstingJob

A value of true indicates the bursting option is enabled.

dateTime created

The date the job was created.

boolean deleted

The value of true indicates the job was deleted.

dateTime endDate

The date the job is scheduled to end or ended.

long instanceId

The numeric identification for the scheduled job request.

long jobID

The numeric identification assigned by BI Publisher to the job request.

String jobType

The type of job.

dateTime lastUpdated

The date and time the job was last updated.

String owner

The owner of the job.

long parentJobId

The numeric identification for the parent of the scheduled job request.

boolean public

True indicates the report is a member of a report set. In the current implementation this will always return false.

String reportUrl

The report absolute path URL, for example: /HR Manager/Employee Reports/Employee Salary Report.xdo.

dateTime startDate

The date the job is scheduled to start or started.

String status

The status of the scheduled job request. Valid values are: Canceled", "Done", "Scheduled", "Suspended", or "Unknown".

String statusDetail

Additional details for the status.

String userJobName

The username of the user submitting the job request.

2.3.32 JobInfoList

Use this data type to return an array of JobInfo objects.

Table 2-34 Fields Provided by JobInfoList

Field Description

ArrayOfJobInfo jobInfoList

An array of JobInfo objects. See Section 2.3.6, "ArrayOfJobInfo.".

2.3.33 JobOutput

Use this data type to return a description of job outputs.

Table 2-35 Fields Provided by JobOutput

Field Description

String burstKey

The key used to split the data for each bursted job.

dateTime created

The date the report job was created.

boolean deleted

The value "true" indicates the job output was deleted.

boolean documentDataAvailable

True indicates that the user selected the "Save Output" option when the report was scheduled.

boolean documentDataCompressed

True indicates that the document data is compressed.

String documentDataConentType

The content type of the generated document. Possible values are:










long jobID

The identification number assigned to the job by BI Publisher.

String jobName

The user-assigned job name.

dateTime lastUpdated

The date and time the job was last updated.

long outputID

The identification of the report in history. One scheduled JobID can be associated with multiple outputIDs or historyIDs. This is because one scheduled report can be executed or republished multiple times.

String outputName

The name assigned to the output.

long parentOutputId

The output ID of the parent request.

String status

Valid values are: "Completed", "Error", "Running", "Scheduled", "Suspended" and "Unknown"

String statusDetail

Detailed status information from the BI Publisher server.

2.3.34 JobOutputDelivery

Use this data type to return a description of job output.

Table 2-36 Fields Provided by JobOutputDelivery

Field Description

dateTime created

The date the report job was created.

long deliveryID

The primary key to identify the job delivery.

byte[] deliveryParameters

The parameters for the deliverychannels.

dateTime lastUpdated

The date and time the job was last updated.

long outputID

The identification of the report in history. One scheduled JobID can be associated with multiple outputIDs or historyIDs. This is because one scheduled report can be executed or republished multiple times.

long parentDeliveryID

The delivery ID of the parent request.

String status

Valid values are: "Completed", "Error", "Running", "Scheduled", "Suspended" and "Unknown"

String statusDetail

Detailed status information from the BI Publisher server.

2.3.35 JobOutputDeliverysList

This data type is a wrapper class implemented to return an array of JobOutputDelivery objects.

Table 2-37 Fields Provided by JobOutputDeliverysList

Field Description

ArrayOfJobOutputDelivery jobOutputDeliveryList

See Section 2.3.8, "ArrayOfJobOutputDelivery.".

2.3.36 JobOutputsList

Use this data type to return an array of JobOutput objects.

Table 2-38 Fields Provided by JobOutputsList

Field Description

ArrayOfJobOutput jobOutputList

See Section 2.3.7, "ArrayOfJobOutput."

2.3.37 JobStatus

Use this data type to return the status of a job request.

Table 2-39 Fields Provided by JobStatus

Field Description

String jobID

The numeric identification assigned by BI Publisher to the job request.

String jobStatus

The current status of the job.

String message

Details on the job status.

2.3.38 LocalDeliveryOption

The options to set for delivery of a report to the BI Publisher repository.

This type is used in the ArrayOfLocalDeliveryOption complex data type.

Table 2-40 Fields Provided by LocalDeliveryOption

Field Description

String destination

Required. The file path to the BI Publisher repository on the local server. This field supports concatenation of the directory path and the file path. If empty, a SOAP fault is thrown with the following message:

Local destination is not specified.

2.3.39 MetaData

Use the data type to set the name-value pair for a MetaData object.

Table 2-41 Fields Provided by MetaData

Field Description

String metaDataName

The name of the metadata.

String metaDataValue

The metadata content.

2.3.40 MetaDataList

Use this data type to return a list of MetaData objects.

Table 2-42 Fields Provided by MetaDataList

Field Description

ArrayOfMetaData metaDataList

See Section 2.3.10, "ArrayOfMetaData."

2.3.41 ParamNameValue

This data type describes parameters defined for a reports and templates in BI Publisher.

The ParamNameValue data type is used in the ArrayOfParamNameValue, which is included in the ReportRequest, ReportDefinition, and JobInfo data types. ParamNameValue is also returned by the getTemplateParameters() Method and getReportParameters() Method.

Table 2-43 Fields Provided by ParamNameValue

Field Description

String UIType

The type of parameter as defined in the BI Publisher data model user interface.

Valid values include:

  • Date

  • Hidden

  • Menu

  • Search

  • Text

String dataType

Valid values include:

  • Boolean

  • Date

  • Float

  • Integer

  • String

String dateFormatString

If UIType is "Date", this specifies the Date Format String. The date format string must be a Java date format (for example, MM-DD-YYYY).

String dateFrom

If UIType is "Date", this specifies the begin value of the date.

String dateTo

If UIType is "Date", this specifies the end value of the date.

String defaultValue

Specifies the default value of the parameter.

String fieldSize

For parameter types "Text" and "Date", specifies the text field size for the parameter.

String label

For all parameter types except "Hidden", specifies the display label for the parameter.

ArrayOfString lovLabels

If the parameter type is "Menu", specifies the values displayed in the list of values to the user.

boolean multiValuesAllowed

True indicates that a parameter may contain multiple values.

String name

The parameter name.

boolean refreshParamOnChange

For parameter types "Text" and "Menu", a value of true for this parameter indicates that other defined parameters should be refreshed when a selection is made for this parameter.

boolean selectAll

For parameter type "Menu", a value of true indicates that all values can be selected for the LOV.

boolean templateParam

A value of true indicates the parameter is defined in the RTF template.

boolean useNullForAll

For parameter type "Menu", a value of true indicates that a null will be passed if all values are selected for the parameter.

ArrayOfString values

See Section 2.3.13, "ArrayOfString."

2.3.42 ParamNameValues

This data type is a wrapper class that returns an array of ParamNameValue objects.

Table 2-44 Fields Provided by ParamNameValues

Field Description

ArrayOfParamNameValue listOfParamNameValues

See Section 2.3.11, "ArrayOfParamNameValue."

2.3.43 PrintDeliveryOption

Use this data type to set the options for printer delivery of a report.

This type is used in the ArrayOfPrintDeliveryOption complex data type.

Table 2-45 Fields Provided by PrintDeliveryOption

Field Description

String printNumberOfCopy

The number of copies to print.

String printOrientation

Valid values are "portrait" or "landscape".

String printRange

A range of pages to print. Separate multiple ranges with a comma (for example, "1,3-5,8-10").

String printSide

Valid values are "Single sided", "Double Sided Long Edge (Duplex)", and "Double Sided Short Edge (Tumble)".

String printTray

Valid values are "Default", "Tray 1", "Tray 2", and "Tray 3".

String printerName

Required. The name of the printer to which to send the report. If empty, a SOAP fault is thrown with the following message:

Print server is not specified.

2.3.44 ReportDataChunk

Use this data type to handle large report data sets, or to upload and download report data in smaller data chunks.

Table 2-46 Fields Provided by ReportDataChunk

Field Description

byte[] reportDataChunk

Byte[] array representing binary report data transported between the BI Publisher client and server.

String reportDataFileID

The identifier for the data file of the report on the BI Publisher server.

long reportDataOffset

The offset value for the location of the previously downloaded report data file.

2.3.45 ReportDefinition

Use this data type to define a report object. This is the object returned by the getReportDefinition() Method.

Table 2-47 Fields Provided by ReportDefinition

Field Description

boolean autoRun

True indicates that the report property Auto Run is turned on.

boolean cacheDocument

True indicates that the report property Enable document cache is turned on.

boolean controledByExtApp

Whether the report definition is controlled by an external application (true) or not (false).

String dataModelURL

The .xdm location from where to get the Data Model definition.

String defaultOutputFormat

The default output format.

Valid values include:

  • csv (CSV)

  • data (Data)

  • eText (eText template)

  • excel (Microsoft Excel)

  • excel2000 (Microsoft Excel 2000)

  • flash (Adobe Flash)

  • html (HTML)

  • mhtml (MIME HTML)

  • pdf (Adobe PDF)

  • ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint)

  • rtf (Rich Text Format)

String defaultTemplateId

The default template identified for the report.

boolean diagnostics

True indicates that diagnostics have been turned on for the report.

String ESSJobName

The ESS job name.

String ESSPackageName

The ESS package name. Used in conjunction with ESSJobName.

ArrayOfTemplateFormatsLabelValues listOfTemplateFormatsLabelValues

Passes the list of template format labels through the ArrayOfTemplateFormatsLabelValues data type. See Section 2.3.15, "ArrayOfTemplateFormatLabelValues."

boolean onLine

True indicates the property "Run report online" is turned on for the report.

boolean openLinkInNewWindow

True indicates the property "Open Links in New Window" is turned on for the report.

integer parameterColumns

The value of the report property "Parameters per line."

ArrayOfString parameterNames

Passes the parameter names defined for the report through the ArrayOfString data type. See Section 2.3.13, "ArrayOfString."

String reportDefnTitle

Inactive. Do not use.

String reportDescription

The user-assigned description of the report.

String reportName

The user-assigned name for the report.

ArrayOfParamNameValue reportParameterNameValues

Passes the report name-value pairs through the ArrayOfParamNameValue data type. See Section 2.3.11, "ArrayOfParamNameValue."

String reportType

Inactive. Do not use.

boolean showControls

True indicates the report property "Show controls" has been turned on.

boolean showReportLinks

True indicates the report property "Show report links" has been turned on.

ArrayOfString templateIds

Passes the layout names of the report templates through the ArrayOfString data type. See Section 2.3.13, "ArrayOfString."

2.3.46 ReportRequest

Use this data type to define the settings needed to run a report. Note that allowable values for attributeFormat will vary according to the type of template used (for example, PDF templates can only generate PDF output.)

Table 2-48 Fields Provided by ReportRequest

Field Description

String attributeCalendar

The formatting calendar to use for the report request. Valid values are: "Gregorian", "Arabic Hijrah", "English Hijrah", "Japanese Imperial", "Thai Buddha", and "ROC Official".

String attributeFormat

The output format of the requested report. Valid values are: pdf, rtf, html, excel, excel2000, mhtml, csv, data, flash, and powerpoint.

String attributeLocale

The locale selection for the report. Example: fr-FR

String attributeTemplate

The template to apply to the report. For example: Employeelisting.rtf.

String attributeTimeZone

Specifies the time zone to use for the request, using a supported Java time zone ID. For example: "America/Los_Angeles".

boolean byPassCache

True indicates to bypass document cache.

BIPDataSource dynamicDataSource

If the data source for the report is not defined, you can dynamically define it. See Section 2.3.17, "BIPDataSource."

boolean flattenXML

True indicates that the XML is to be flattened. This flag is used for the Analyzer for Microsoft Excel because Excel requires XML data type to be flattened.

ParamNameValues parameterNameValues

The parameter name-value pairs to be used in the submission of this report request, passed through the ParamNameValues data type. See Section 2.3.42, "ParamNameValues."

String reportAbsolutePath

The absolute path to the report in the BI Publisher repository. For example: /HR Manager/HR Reports/Employee Listing.xdo.

byte[] reportData

If you are providing the data directly for the report use this element to pass the data.

String reportOutputPath

Specifies the output path for the generated report.

String reportRawData

If raw XML data is used for the report, this element contains the XML data.

integer sizeOfDataChunkDownload

If you set flattenXML to true, or if you do not want to chunk the data, set this parameter to -1 to return all data back to the client.

MetaDataList XDOPropertyList

See Section 2.3.40, "MetaDataList."

2.3.47 ReportResponse

Use this data type to define the settings needed to run a report. Note that allowable values for attributeFormat will vary according to the type of template used (for example, PDF templates can only generate PDF output.)

Table 2-49 Fields Provided by ReportResponse

Field Description

MetaDataList metaDataList

See Section 2.3.40, "MetaDataList."

byte[] reportBytes

The report binary data output.

String reportContentType

The report content type. Possible values include:








"text/xml" "message/rfc822"

String reportFileID

The numeric identification for the report file.

String reportLocale

The locale selected for the report (for example, fr_FR).

2.3.48 ScheduleRequest

The options to schedule a report.

Table 2-50 Fields Provided by ScheduleRequest

Field Description

boolean bookBindingOutputOption

Whether the book binding output is enabled (true) or not (false).

String dataModelUrl

The location of the .xdm file from which to obtain the Data Model definition.

DeliveryChannels deliveryChannels

See Section 2.3.20, "DeliveryChannels."

String endDate

The end date of the schedule.

String jobLocale

The locale to use for the scheduled requests. Example: fr-FR

String jobTZ

The time zone to use for the scheduled requests.

boolean mergeOutputOption

Whether the merge output option is enabled (true) or not (false).

String notificationPassword

The HTTP notification server password when scheduling notification through an HTTP server.

String notificationServer

The name of the HTTP server used for notification.

String notificationTo

E-mail addresses to which to send notifications.

String notificationUserName

The user name for the HTTP server used for notification.

boolean notifyHttpWhenFailed

True indicates to send a notification when the job request fails.

boolean notifyHttpWhenSuccess

True indicates to send a notification when the job request succeeds.

boolean notifyHttpWhenWarning

True indicates to send a notification when the job completes with a warning.

boolean notifyWhenFailed

True indicates to send a notification when the job request fails.

boolean notifyWhenSuccess

True indicates to send a notification when the job request succeeds.

boolean notifyWhenWarning

True indicates to send a notification when the job completes with a warning.

String recurrenceExpression

The expression that defines a recurring schedule.

String recurrenceExpressionType

The type of expression defined for a recurring schedule. Valid value is cron.

integer repeatCount

The number of times to repeat the schedule. For the recursive scheduling of a report, startDate must not be null, and repeatCount repeatInterval should be greater than 0 for any meaningful schedule. The endDate can be null.

integer repeatInterval

The interval between two scheduled jobs in seconds.

ReportRequest reportRequest

Information about the request included through the ReportRequest data type. See Section 2.3.46, "ReportRequest."

boolean saveDataOption

True indicates that the report data from the scheduled request run will be saved.

boolean scheduleBurstingOption

True indicates that the scheduled requests will be burst.

boolean schedulePublicOption

True indicates that the scheduled requests are to be made public.

String startDate

The date on which the schedule starts.

boolean useUTF8Option

True indicates that the Use UTF8 option is enabled.

String userJobDesc

The user-entered description for the scheduled job.

String userJobName

The user-entered name for the scheduled job.

2.3.49 TemplateFormatLabelValue

To specify the template format labels and values for a report. TemplateFormatLabelValue is included in the ArrayOfTemplateFormatLabelValue complex data type. The elements that comprise TemplateFormatLabelValue are as follows:

Table 2-51 Fields Provided by TemplateFormatLabelValue

Field Description

String templateFormatLabel

The label that displays for a template format. Examples include: "HTML" "PDF" "Excel"



The template format value that corresponds to the label. Examples include: "html" "pdf" "excel"

2.3.50 TemplateFormatsLabelValues

Provides detailed information about template formats stored in the BI Publisher repository. TemplateFormatsLabelValues is included in the ArrayOfTemplateFormatLabelValues complex data type.

Table 2-52 Fields Provided by TemplateFormatsLabelValues

Field Description

boolean active

Whether the template is active (true) or not (false).

boolean applyStyleTemplate

Whether to apply the style template (true) or not (false).

boolean default

Whether the template is the default template (true) or not (false).

ArrayOfTemplateFormatLabelValue listOfTemplateFormatLabelValue

Contains the TemplateFormatLabelValue label-value pairs. See Section 2.3.14, "ArrayOfTemplateFormatLabelValue."

ArrayOfString templateAvailableLocales

The available locale options defined for a template passed in the ArrayOfString data type. See Section 2.3.13, "ArrayOfString."

String templateBaseLocale

The base locale options defined for a template.

String templateDefaultLocale

The default locale options defined for a template.

String templateID

The name assigned to the template in BI Publisher, for example: "Employee Listing".

String templateType

The type of template, for example: "rtf" or "pdf".

String templateURL

The template file name in the BI Publisher repository, for example: "Employee Listing.rtf".

boolean viewOnline

Whether the template can be viewed online (true) or not (false).

2.3.51 WebDAVDeliveryOption

The options to set for Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) delivery of a report.

This type is used in the ArrayOfWebDAVDeliveryOption complex data type.

Table 2-53 Fields Provided by WebDAVDeliveryOption

Field Description

String deliveryAuthType

Authentication type. Valid values are: None, Basic, Digest

String password

If a proxy server has been set up, the password required to access the proxy server.

String remoteFilePath

The path to directory on the remote server to which to deliver the report file.

String server

Required. The WebDAV server name (for example, myserver). If empty, a SOAP fault is thrown with the following message:

WebDAV server is not specified.

String userName

If a proxy server has been set up, the user name required to access the proxy server.