17 Content Tracker Integration

Site Studio and Content Tracker can be used together to generate reports for a Site Studio web site. You can customize the integration of the two products using several configuration flags. The configuration flags control the data that is reported.

Using Content Tracker (the Data Engine Control Center), you can control the data that is tracked and where that data is tracked for each service call.

This section covers the following topics:

17.1 Tracked Data

There are two types of site accesses that are tracked:

  • Hierarchy access: Access is typically by section ID and is targeted at the section regardless of the actual content at that section.

  • Content access: Access is directed specifically at a piece of content regardless of where that content actually appears.

    Hierarchy Access Content Access SS Variable CT Field Name
    dDocName of layout page dDocName of data file, native doc or fragment library targetPage sc_scs_dDocName
    dID of layout page dID of data file, native doc or fragment library targetdID sc_scs_dID
    Site id Site id targetSiteId extField_1
    Node id Node id targetNodeId extField_2
    Is secondary page Is secondary page targetIsSecondary extField_3
    Website object type Website object type targetWebsiteObjectType extField_4
    contribution mode contribution mode SSContributor extField_5
    [Not used] dDocName of layout that data file, native doc or fragment is being used on targetContentId extField_6
    Site relative url Site relative url siteRelativeUrl extField_7

If errors occur, then the following values are included in the Content Tracker database:

Error Type SS Variable CT Field Name
Error SS Variable CT Field Name
The original site relative URL that was received at the server and could not be resolved. originalSiteRelativeUrl extField_8
Whether or not the original URL was invalid invalidSiteRelativeUrl extField_9

If the site has an error handler page and that page gets accessed, the siteRelativeUrl will be set to the URL of the error page. The original URL that caused the error will be set as the originalSiteRelativeUrl value. The invalidSiteRelativeUrl value will be set to 1.

If the site has no error handler page and an error occurs, then the original URL will be recorded as the siteRelativeUrl, and the invalidSiteRelativeUrl value will be set to 1. In this case the originalSiteRelativeUrl value will be empty.

17.2 Configuration Flags

The following configuration flags (set in config.cfg) control the data that Site Studio tracks and how it tracks that information.

  • SSTrackContentAccess=[true|false]

    This specifies whether content access is enabled. The default setting is true. If you set it to false, then only hierarchy access is tracked.

  • SSTrackFragmentAccess=[true|false]

    This specifies whether to record access to fragment libraries. The default setting is false.

  • SSTrackerReportNumDaysBack=[n|7]

    This specifies the number of days to go back for a content access type report that is accessed using a popup menu from the contribution icon. The default setting is 7 and n is a positive number (in days).