1 Introduction

This section covers the following topics:

1.1 About This Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions to set up and administer the product software. In general, it does not contain details about processing information. For example, this guide contains instructions for setting up dispositions (those rules used to manage content life cycles), but it does not contain instructions for processing those dispositions.

Details about processes are contained in either the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records or the Oracle WebCenter Content User's Guide for Records. If a task can only be accomplished by users with administrative privileges, that task is discussed in the Administrator's Guide. If the task can be accomplished by users with administrative or user privileges, it is discussed in the User's Guide.

The information contained in this document is subject to change as the product technology evolves and as hardware, operating systems, and third-party software are created and modified.

This guide assumes you are using the Trays layout and that you have some familiarity with Oracle WebCenter Content and its use. References to appropriate documentation are made throughout this documentation to assist in finding the information.

In this document and other documents in this product set, the terms content and record are synonymous and are used interchangeably.

1.2 About This Product

Oracle WebCenter Content: Records is an enterprise-wide 5015.2 Chapter 2 and Chapter 4 certified electronic and physical records management system. It provides a single application that can be used to create and administer the information life cycle for both physical and electronic information. It allows organizations to apply retention policies as well as legal discovery and holds to relevant content across the enterprise, from e-mail attachments and content stored in file servers to physical records in a warehouse. It also has a framework for extension to other repositories via adapters.

The following options are available after installing the software:

  • Minimal: Installs a small amount of the Records system metadata fields and a limited subset of disposition actions. This is the initial default when the software is enabled.

  • Typical: Enables Physical Content Management as well as all disposition actions and all features except for DoD Configuration (Department of Defense), Classified Topics, FOIA/PA tracking (Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act), and E-mail.

  • DoD Baseline: Enables the features from a Typical installation with the addition of DoD Configuration and Email.

  • DoD Classified: Enables all features except for FOIA/PA.

  • Custom: Enables the ability to choose a variety of features. Note that some disposition actions are dependent on other actions. If an action is selected, dependent actions are also automatically selected.

This documentation describes features available in the majority of configuration scenarios. The features available at your site will vary depending on the options chosen during configuration.

1.3 What's New

The 10g version (and older versions) of this software were divided into two editions:

  • Records Manager DoD Edition, which was used for DoD compliance tracking

  • Corporate Edition, which did not contain many of the features included in Records Manager DoD Edition.

As of the 11g release, much of the product functionality has been merged and functionality can be chosen after installation by selecting different features for installation and configuration.

The classification scheme hierarchy functionality for use with the Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (MoReq2) specification is also new for this release. This functionality can be enabled by setting a configuration variable.

Sites that are upgrading from previous versions of the software will see increased flexibility and functionality. Specific differences are available in the Installation Guide for the product.

The following list discusses some specific changes to the product from previous releases. The features in use at your site will vary depending on the options chosen at installation:

  • The definition of a record is now configurable. Options on the Create Retention Category page allow a records administrator to choose whether items in that category can be revised, deleted, edited, or will be permanent.

  • Setting up the software now consists of three main steps:

    • Initial choices: This should be done immediately after installation. Depending on the choices made, specific components will be enabled for use.

    • Initial configuration of global settings: This includes setting configuration variables, configuring the time periods used in the software, setting up triggers, and other global settings used for retention management.

    • Configuring the retention elements of the software: This includes setting options to use custom security fields, to use classification guides, and to choose how revisions, deletions, and edits to content are handled.

  • Physical Content Management documentation is incorporated into this documentation at this release. Separate documentation no longer exists for Physical Content Management.

  • Page navigation menus on the search results page have changed. If more results are returned than are configured in the User Profile page, the page navigation menu indicates that other pages of information are available for viewing.

  • A print option is now available on every screen.

  • When using Physical Content Management offsite storage of content can be configured.

  • Menus have been extensively changed. Most options are now available by using the Records or the Physical menu option on the Top menu.

  • You can easily view your assigned rights by going to the My Profiles page. Retention administration rights are shown there as are the assigned roles.

  • A dashboard is now available that can be used to quickly organize product features for easy access and use. This is discussed in detail in the Oracle WebCenter Content User's Guide for Records.

  • A new interface is provided to manage reports. Templates can be created for reports and can be checked in to the repository in the same way other content can be checked in.

  • Out of date content (not the current version) is now designated as such with a line through the content name in search results. Any item that is obsolete, canceled, rescinded, and so on is designated in this manner.

  • A Favorites listing can be created, similar to bookmarked browser Favorites. Users and aliases as well as categories, freezes and other retention objects can be added to the Favorites menu. Favorites items are used to populate option lists, such as when creating freezes. For example, if an item is on your Favorites list, it appears on the list when you choose a freeze name. This helps to narrow the choices when using this functionality.

  • When creating disposition rules involving moves (such as Archive, Accession, Transfer, and Move), a location can be specified. If a location is chosen, content is copied to the specified location as part of the disposition step. In previous releases, a zip file of the copied content was created; the content was not copied to a location.

  • Disposition rules can now be reviewed in a workflow before implementation.

  • Content stored in folders can now be transferred to volumes. When a volume is created, all content in the folder is moved to a newly created volume folder.

  • Services used in this product are now documented in the Oracle WebCenter Content Services Reference Guide. See that guide for details about the services used and how to implement new services.

  • Screening can now be accessed through the Search menu.

  • Performance monitoring can now be done to track batches processes, items, and other processes.

  • Folios can be used to easily manage content. With this release, when a folio is locked (either by freezing or filing in a category that prohibits edits), the folio and its content are automatically cloned, and the bundle is locked, thus preventing the folio from being edited.

  • Categories and disposition rules can be copied from existing categories to a new category, making retention schedule creation easier and less prone to error.

  • Related content links for items can be created as needed on the content checkin page.

  • Oracle WebCenter Content: Records, in conjunction with Oracle WebCenter Content, has been verified by a third party to be compliant with the technical elements of FDA 21 CFR Part 11, specifically the electronic signature portion of that specification.

  • New functionality called Folders Retention is available to provide retention capability for draft items in folders.

1.3.1 Conceptual Changes in this Product

In previous releases of this product, the term record was used to designate those items of content that could not be revisioned. Therefore, a designation was made between content and records.

In this release, any item of content can be revisioned if revisioning is allowed. One of the initial setup choices is to allow revisions or to prohibit revisions of content. You can now finely tune which categories, folders, and content are revisionable, editable, or which can be deleted. Content, categories, and folders are no longer designated as record categories or record folders.

1.3.2 Documentation Changes in this Product

The documentation set for this product has been substantially revised to reflect new functionality and changes.

In addition, several task descriptions have been moved from the administrative guides. Any task that can be performed by either a user or a privileged user (administrator or user with other administrative privileges) is now documented in the Oracle WebCenter Content User's Guide for Records.

1.4 Using Help

In addition to the guides provided with the product, information about product functionality is available with context-sensitive tooltips, quick help, and the help menu.

1.4.1 Tooltips

If the mouse cursor is held over a field label in a web browser, context-sensitive information about the field label open. A question mark is displayed then the tooltip appears.

Figure 1-1 Field Label Tooltip

Surrounding text describes the field label tooltip.

When using Netscape or Firefox as a web browser, tooltips for items in options lists are available as well, provided the list items are not custom entries.

Figure 1-2 Option List Item Tooltip (Only Supported by Netscape and Mozilla Browsers)

Surrounding text describes the option list tooltip.

1.4.2 Quick Help

Click Quick Help where available on pages and screens to view context-sensitive help for that page or screen.