5 Deploying Your Site Studio Project to a Remote Application Server

Site Studio projects can be bundled and deployed to remote application servers. Bundled Site Studio projects can be deployed to a remote WebLogic application server or remote WebSphere application server using JDeveloper or deployed to your remote application server manually.

This topic describes the steps for creating a web project WAR archive and application EAR archive and deploying the archives to a remote WebLogic application server or WebSphere application server.


These steps assume you have a Site Studio project that includes Site Studio Technology if deploying to WebSphere application servers and both Site Studio Technology and ADF Library Web Application Support if deploying to WebSphere application servers. See Section 4.1, "Creating a Site Studio Project and Connection" or the topic Creating Site Studio Projects in the online help for information on creating a new Site Studio project or to associate required technologies with an existing project.

This section covers the following topics:

5.1 Creating an Application Server Connection

This section describes the steps to create an application server connection.

  1. On the main menu, select File then New.

  2. On the New Gallery dialog, select General then Connections.

  3. Select Application Server Connection and click OK.

  4. Use the Create Application Server Connection wizard to create a connection to your remote application server.

    • On the Name and Type step, provide a Connection Name and select WebLogic 10.3 or WebSphere 7.x for Connection Type.

    • On the Authentication step, provide an administration-level user name and password.

    • On the Configuration step (for WebLogic), provide the Host Name and Port for your remote WebLogic application server and provide a WebLogic Domain name if your WebLogic server is configured to distinguish non-administrative server nodes by name. The WebLogic server installation defaults with a single backend node named myserver and a listen port of 7001, which are also the defaults on this dialog.

    • On the Configuration step (for WebSphere), provide a Host Name, SOAP Connector Port, Server Name (default is SSXA_server1), Target Node, and Target Cell. For Wsadmin Script File location, enter the path to the wsadmin.sh file on your local WebSphere application server or click Browse and navigate to the file. For example, /WebSphere/AppServer/bin/wsadmin.sh.

    • On the Test step, click Test Connection to determine in the information specified successfully establishes a connection with the application server. If the test passes, click Finish

5.2 Creating Web Project WAR and Application EAR Deployment Profiles

This section describes the steps to create a web project WAR deployment profile and application EAR deployment profile.

To create a web project WAR deployment profile:

  1. From the main menu, select View then Application Navigator.

  2. In the Application Navigator, select the Projects panel.

  3. Right-click your Site Studio project and select Project Properties.

  4. On the Project Properties dialog:

    • Select Deployment.

    • Accept the Use Project Settings default option or select Use Custom Settings depending on your configuration.

    • Click New.

  5. On the Create Deployment Profile dialog:

    • For Archive Type, select WAR File from the list. This creates a profile for deploying the Java EE web module (WAR) to an application server. The WAR consists of the web components (JSPs and servlets) and the corresponding deployment descriptor.

    • For Name, provide a descriptive name for the deployment profile. This name is used to identify this deployment profile when you deploy the application or project.

    • Click OK.

  6. On the Edit WAR Deployment Profile Properties dialog:

    • Select Platform.

    • For Default Platform, select WebLogic 10.3 or WebSphere 7.x.

    • For Target Connection, accept the default entry of <none>. This allows you to select a connection when deploying your project.

    • Click OK.

  7. On the Project Properties dialog:

    • The new WAR archive will be listed in the Deployment Profiles list.

    • Click OK.

  8. From the main men, click File then Save All.

To create an application EAR deployment profile:

  1. On the main menu, select Application then Application Properties.

  2. On the Application Properties dialog:

    • Select Deployment.

    • Accept the Use Project Settings default option or select Use Custom Settings depending on your configuration.

    • Click New.

  3. On the Create Deployment Profile dialog:

    • For Archive Type, select EAR File from the list. This creates a profile for deploying the Java EE enterprise archive (EAR) file to an application server. The EAR file consists of the application's assembled WAR, EJB JAR, and client JAR files.

    • For Name, enter the name for the deployment profile. This name is used to identify this deployment profile when you deploy the application or project.

    • Click OK.

  4. On the Edit EAR Deployment Profile Properties dialog:

    • Select Application Assembly.

    • For Java EE Modules, enable the check box for the web project archive (WAR file) you previously created.

    • Select Platform.

    • For Default Platform, select WebLogic 10.3 or WebSphere 7.x.

    • For Target Connection, accept the default entry of <none>. This allows you to select a connection when deploying your project.

    • Click OK.

  5. On the Application Properties dialog:

    • The new EAR archive will be listed in the Deployment Profiles list.

    • Click OK.

  6. From the main men, click File then Save All.

5.3 Deploying your Project with JDeveloper

To deploy your project with JDeveloper, you must first create a web project WAR deployment profile and application EAR deployment profile.

To deploy the archives to your remote server:

  1. From the main menu, select Application then Deploy and then select the deployment profile you previously created.

  2. On the Deployment Action step, select Deploy to Application Server.

  3. Click Next.

  4. On the Select Server step, select the application server connection you previously created.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Review the deployment summary and click Finish.

Your site is now deployed to your remote application server.

The link to access your site will look something like this:

Note: You must have your application server properly configured and the appropriate libraries installed.

5.4 Deploying your Project Manually

To deploy your project manually, you must first create a web project WAR deployment file and application EAR deployment profile.

To output the archives to your desktop:

  1. From the main menu, select Application then Deploy and then select the deployment profile you previously created.

  2. On the Deployment Action step, select Deploy to EAR.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Review the deployment summary, making note on the output file location.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Retrieve the EAR file from the output file directory.

Your project is now available to be moved to your remote application server. Manually transfer your application EAR archive (the web project WAR archive is included in the application EAR archive) to your remote WebLogic application server, then use the WebLogic Administration Console to deploy the application EAR archive.

5.5 Editing Connection Information in the WAR/EAR Archive

This topic describes the procedure for editing the connection information of a Site Studio project bundled for deployment or deployed to a remote application server. Connection information can be edited manually using any of these three methods: by editing the connections.xml and wcm-config.xml files contained in the application EAR and web project WAR archives, by overwriting the previous connection information with a new file containing updated connection information, or by editing the deployed project files on the application server.

A Site Studio project bundled for deployment consists of an application EAR archive with an included web project WAR archive. The EAR archive contains the connections.xml file, which provides connection details The WAR archive contains the wcm-config.xml file, which references a specific connection in the connections.xml file. To edit connection information, three connection entries in the connections.xml file must be edited and (optionally) one entry in the wcm-config.xml file:

  • The connections.xml file usually contains multiple connection entries. For each of these connection entries, the reference name, connectionURL, and idcServerURL values need editing. These values provide the connection details for each listed connection.

  • The wcm-config.xml file references a specific connection in the connections.xml file. The connnectionName entry is the only value that (optionally) needs editing. This is the connection you are using for your project. By changing this value, you can select a different connection from the connections listed in the connections.xml file.

This section covers the following topics:

5.5.1 Manually Editing Connection Information

The connection information for a Site Studio project can be changed by manually editing the connections.xml file in the application EAR archive (and optionally the wcm-config.xml file in the web project WAR archive). This method is commonly used when only a few connections entries need to be edited. If a large number of connection entries need to be edited, consider overwriting the connections.xml file with a new file containing the correct connection entries.

To unbundle the EAR archive:

Locate the Site Studio project (application EAR archive) that you output for your remote application server and unbundle the EAR archive.

The EAR archive has this structure:

|- adf
    |- adf-config.xml
    |- connections.xml
|- lib
|- yourwebproject.war

To edit the connections.xml file:

  1. In the unbundled EAR archive, locate the connections.xml file in the /adf/META-INF/ directory.

  2. Open the connections.xml file in a text-only editor. The connections.xml file often contains multiple connection entries. For each of these connection entries, the reference name, connectionURL, and idcServerURL values require editing. These values provide the connection details for each listed connection.

  3. For the desired connection, edit the reference name value as desired.

    For example, change:

    <Reference name="productionserver7" className="oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.adf.mbeans.IdcConnection" xmlns="">

    to the new value:

    <Reference name="server4" className="oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.adf.mbeans.IdcConnection" xmlns="">
  4. Edit the connectionURL value for that connection.

    For example, change:

     <StringRefAddr addrType="oracle.stellent.idc.connectionUrl">

    to the new value:

    <StringRefAddr addrType="oracle.stellent.idc.connectionUrl">
  5. Edit the idcServerURL value for that connection.

    For example, change:

    <StringRefAddr addrType="oracle.stellent.idc.idcServerURL">

    to the new value:

    <StringRefAddr addrType="oracle.stellent.idc.idcServerURL">
  6. Repeat these steps to edit other connections in the connections.xml file as desired.

  7. Save the connections.xml file.

To unbundle the WAR archive:

In the unbundled application EAR archive, locate your web project WAR archive and unbundle the WAR archive.

The WAR archive has this structure:

|- wcm
  |- sites
  |- tags
  |- wcm-config.xml
  |- web.xml
  |- weblogic.xml

To edit the wcm-config.xml file:

  1. In the unbundled WAR archive, locate the wcm-config.xml file in the /WEB-INF/ directory.

  2. Open wcm-config.xml in a text-only editor. The connectionName entry is the only value that (optionally) needs editing. This is the connection you are using for your project. By changing this value, you can select a different connection from the connections listed in the connections.xml file

  3. Edit the content server connectionName value as desired.

    For example, change:

    <contentServer pollerInterval="10000" enablePoller="true" connectionName="productionserver7" adminUser="sysadmin"/>

    to the new value:

    <contentServer pollerInterval="10000" enablePoller="true" connectionName="server4" adminUser="sysadmin"/>
  4. Save the wcm-config.xml file.

To rebundle the WAR and EAR archives:

  1. In the unbundled application EAR archive, locate your unbundled web project WAR archive.

  2. Rebundle the WAR archive.

  3. Rebundle the complete EAR archive (including the rebundled WAR archive).

  4. Redeploy the Site Studio project.

5.5.2 Manually Overwriting Connection Information

The connection information of a bundled Site Studio project can be changed manually by overwriting the connections.xml file with a new file. This method is commonly used when a large number of connection entries need to be edited. If only a few connection entries need to be edited, consider manually editing the connections.xml file directly. See Section 5.5.1, "Manually Editing Connection Information" for more information.

  1. Using JDeveloper, create a new (blank) Site Studio project.

  2. Define your connection information.

  3. Create a new web project WAR archive and application EAR archive.

  4. Output your archives.

  5. Extract the connections.xml file from the new project EAR archive.

    The connections.xml file is located in the /adf/META-INF/ directory of the unbundled EAR archive.

  6. Copy the new connections.xml fils and overwrite the old XML file in the old EAR archive.

  7. Manually transfer your application EAR archive to your remote application server.

  8. Use your application server administration console to redeploy the updated EAR archive with the new connection information.

5.5.3 Editing Deployed Files on your Application Server

The connection information can be edited after deployment to your application server by editing the deployed project files on the application server. After deployment, the project files are part of the deployable unit and are no longer bundled in the pre-deployment EAR and WAR archives. To edit connection information, the connections.xml file and wcm-config.xml file in the deployable unit must be located and edited on your application server.

These steps describe how to locate and edit your deployed Site Studio project files on a running WebLogic application server using the WebLogic Administration Console. Steps for locating and editing the connections.xml file and wcm-config.xml file in the deployable unit on other application servers would be similar. Consult your application server administration guide for information on locating unbundled files.

  1. Launch Oracle WebLogic Administration Console.

  2. From Domain Structure, select Deployments.

  3. From Summary of Deployments, select the Control tab.

  4. Click the link of the deployed Site Studio project you want to edit (for example, mySiteStudioProject).

  5. From Settings, select the Overview tab.

  6. The Path value displays the path to the source of the deployable unit on the Administration Server.

    Note: If the source path is relative, it is resolved relative to InstallDir/app if InstallDir is not null. Otherwise, it is resolved relative to the domain root.

    For example:


  7. Manually edit the connections.xml file and (optionally) the wcm-config.xml file.

    Note: These files are part of the deployable unit. That is, they are no longer bundled in the pre-deployment EAR and WAR archives.

    • The connections.xml file is located in the /.adf/META-INF/ subdirectory.

    • The wcm-config.xml file is located in the /WEB-INF/ subdirectory.

  8. Changes take effect after you restart the updated Site Studio project.