7 Oracle Tuxedo Licensing

This chapter describes licensing for Oracle Tuxedo and add-on products. Please note that as of August 2012, the Oracle Tuxedo products are version 12c. Please refer to the 12c documentation (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24329_01/doc.1211/e24414/toc.htm) for the most current packaging and licensing information.The following sections describes the Oracle Tuxedo products and product families:

7.1 The Oracle Tuxedo Product Family

The Oracle Tuxedo product family includes the following components:

Oracle Tuxedo: Provides infrastructure for building C/C++/COBOL based, high performance, transactional applications in heterogeneous environment that extend from the Web to the Enterprise. Using Oracle Tuxedo, users can develop, manage, and deploy distributed applications independently of the underlying hardware, operating system, network, and database environment.

The Tuxedo installation program can be used to install the following server and client components of Tuxedo:

Server components:

  • Oracle Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface (ATMI) server software

  • Oracle Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) C++ server software

  • Oracle SNMP Agent software

  • Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console software

  • Link-Level Encryption (LLE) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption software

Client components:

  • Oracle ATMI Workstation (/WS) client software

  • Oracle CORBA C++ client software—includes the C++ client Object Request Broker (ORB) and the environmental objects

  • Oracle Jolt client software

  • Tuxedo.NET Workstation client software

  • LLE and SSL encryption software

7.2 Separately Licensed Product Options for Oracle Tuxedo

The Oracle Tuxedo installation program includes several Tuxedo product options, described in the following table, that may be installed along with Oracle Tuxedo. However, the Oracle Tuxedo license does not extend to these product options. Each must be separately licensed prior to use.

Product Option Description

Oracle Tuxedo Jolt

Provides Java-based client API to access the Oracle Tuxedo application services extending functionality of existing Tuxedo applications to Intranet- and Internet-wide availability. The Jolt client API can be used in standalone mode or from within an application server, such as Oracle WebLogic server.

Oracle Service Architecture Leveraging Tuxedo (SALT)

Enables access to Tuxedo services as Web services as well as enables Tuxedo applications to access Web services hosted outside of Tuxedo domain. SALT provides easy to use, configuration driven model, without requiring any programming.

Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapters (SNA, TCP and OSITP)

Provide bi-directional and transactional connectivity between Tuxedo and CICS/IMS services running on IBM or Unisys mainframes. These adapters support automatic data conversion to and from HOST formats.

Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter

Enables bi-directional access between Tuxedo services and Java EE application servers, such as Oracle WebLogic Server.

Tuxedo JCA Adapter is licensed on the computer where the Java EE application server is running.

Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench

Helps simplify and accelerate mainframe application rehosting by automating code and data migration.

Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime (ART) for CICS and Batch

Supports IBM mainframe applications rehosted to Oracle Tuxedo. It provides a combination of APIs and services that allows OLTP and Batch mainframe applications to run unchanged, preserving investment in business logic and data.

Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime (ART) for Batch

Enables rehosting of mainframe batch applications to Oracle Tuxedo running on open systems. Supports JCL converted by ART Workbench and provides required JES services, JCL functions, and standard utilities, which allows batch applications run unchanged, preserving investment in business logic and data, reducing cost and risk of migration. Supports VSAM files, flat files, GDGs, DB2 UDB, DB2Connect, and Oracle DB. Provides CLI shell for batch operations and relies on TSAM/EM for Batch monitoring and operations Web UI. Provides CICS integration with ART for CICS and IMS integration with ART for IMS (to run IMS BMP jobs).

Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime (ART) for IMS

Supports IBM IMS TM mainframe applications rehosted to Oracle Tuxedo. It provides an IMS-compatible programming model and required services that allow TP and Batch mainframe applications to run unchanged, preserving investment in business logic and data, reducing cost and risk of migration

Oracle Tuxedo Message Queue

Enterprise messaging product that offers rich messaging functionality, such as store-and-forward, asynchronous queue operations, publish and subscribe, filtering, notification and delivery interest points, reliable message delivery, dynamic queue alias, undelivered message action. Oracle Tuxedo Message Queue must be licensed on all nodes where it is installed.

7.3 Oracle Tuxedo Optimizations for Exalogic Elastic Cloud Software

The following section describe the Oracle Tuxedo optimizations for Exalogic Elastic Cloud Software:

Section 7.3.1, "Tuxedo Optimization for Inter-node Communication"

Section 7.3.2, "Socket Direct Protocol for Exalogic Elastic Cloud Software"

Section 7.3.3, "Tuxedo Optimization for Lock Mechanism"

7.3.1 Tuxedo Optimization for Inter-node Communication

Exalogic Elastic Cloud Software can be configured with Tuxedo to optimize inter-node communication within a Tuxedo domain. These optimizations are enabled when Exalogic domain-level enhancements are enabled as described in Oracle Tuxedo on Oracle Exalogic User's Guide.

7.3.2 Socket Direct Protocol for Exalogic Elastic Cloud Software

Exalogic Elastic Cloud can be configured to utilize socket direct protocol (SDP) as a high performance protocol for Tuxedo Network Channels and Oracle Database connectivity. For information about configuring SDP based Tuxedo Network Channels and Oracle Database connections, see Oracle Tuxedo on Oracle Exalogic User's Guide.

7.3.3 Tuxedo Optimization for Lock Mechanism

Exalogic Elastic Cloud Software can be configured with Tuxedo to self-tune bulletin board lock mechanism in a Tuxedo domain. This optimization is enabled when enhancement is enabled as described in Oracle Tuxedo on Oracle Exalogic User's Guide.