4 Working with Projects and Project Templates

This chapter describes how to create and use projects using Oracle BPM Studio.

This chapter includes the following sections:

4.1 Introduction to Oracle BPM Projects

A BPM project is a container for the resources used to create and support business applications created using Oracle BPM. Oracle BPM projects are based on SOA projects but they include additional functionality of the Oracle BPM Suite, including BPMN processes.

You can create new projects directly in Business Process Composer or you can create and edit projects based on project templates.

Projects can be shared between Business Process Composer and Oracle BPM Studio or deployed to BPM runtime. See Section 3.2, "Overview of the Application Development Life Cycle" for information on how projects are used within the development life-cycle.

4.1.1 Introduction to Project Resources

Each BPM project contains one or more business process and may include other resources used by the business processes or overall application. This can include other reusable resources that allow you to connect your application to other applications and systems.

The following are the key resources of an Oracle BPM project:

  • Processes: can include both BPM and BPEL processes.

  • Activity Guide: includes project milestones defined for each BPMN process.

  • Organization: includes the organization elements used to mimic the organizational structure of your organization within BPMN process models.

  • Business Catalog: includes reusable services including services, adapters, and human tasks.

  • Simulations: includes the simulations models defined for a project and individual BPMN processes.

  • Resources: contain the XML transformations define for your project.

Each of these resources are accessible from the BPM Project Navigator. Additional application resources are accessible from the Application Navigator.

4.1.2 Sharing Projects Between Oracle BPM Users

Oracle BPM uses the Oracle Metadata Service (MDS) repository to share projects and project templates between other Oracle BPM Studio and Business Process Composer users.

See Section 3.2, "Overview of the Application Development Life Cycle" for more information on how projects and project templates are shared between BPM Studio and Business Process Composer.

See Section 4.5, "Using the Oracle BPM Metadata Service (MDS) Repository" for more information on the Oracle BPM MDS repository.

4.2 Creating and Working with Projects

The following section describes how to create new Oracle BPM projects and perform other project-related tasks. See Section 4.5, "Using the Oracle BPM Metadata Service (MDS) Repository" for information on working with projects in Oracle BPM MDS.

4.2.1 How to Create a New Project

Oracle BPM projects are created in the same way as other types of SOA composite application components.

To create a new Oracle BPM project:

  1. Choose File > New from the menu.

  2. Under Categories, select BPM Tier, then select BPM Project and click OK.

  3. Enter a name for your project.

  4. Ensure that BPM and SOA appear in the Selected column, then click Next.

  5. Enter a name for the SOA composite.

    By default a BPM project is created and configured using the Composite With BPMN Process template.

  6. Click Finish.

The new project is created and appears in the navigator. After the project and composite file are created, the Create BPMN Process wizard starts automatically. You can choose to create a new process or cancel the wizard.

See Section 5.1.2, "How to Create a New Business Process" for more information on creating a new BPMN process.

4.2.2 How to Open a Project from the File System

You can open an Oracle BPM project directly from the file system. This is generally used to open local projects that you have previously closed.

Projects that are shared with other users are imported from an exported Oracle BPM project or using Oracle BPM MDS.

To open a project:

  1. Choose File > Open from the menu.

  2. Browse to the location of your project folder.

  3. Select the Java Project (.jpr) file for your project

  4. Click Open.

The project appears in the BPM Project Navigator.


When you open a project from the file system, the project remains in its original location. It is not copied to the Oracle JDeveloper working directory.

4.2.3 How to Export a Project

Exported projects enable you to share projects with other Oracle BPM Studio users. This is useful when it is not feasible to share projects by publishing them to Oracle BPM MDS.

To export a project:

  1. Choose File > Export from the menu.

  2. Select Export BPM Project, then click OK.

  3. Provide a name for your project, then browse to the location where you want to export the project.

  4. Click Next

  5. Click Next, then Click Finish.

4.2.4 How to Import a Previously Exported Project

After you export an Oracle BPM project from Oracle BPM Studio or Oracle Business Business Process Composer, you can import it back to Oracle BPM Studio. This enables you to share projects directly from a file system instead of using Oracle BPM MDS.

To import a project:

  1. Choose File > Import from the menu.

  2. Select Import BPM Project, then click OK.

  3. Browse to the location of the .exp file of the exported project and click Open.

  4. Select a project root folder, then click Next.

  5. Provide a project name, then click Next.

  6. Click Next, then click Finish.

4.2.5 How to Edit Project Preferences

You can edit project preferences to configure the behavior of an Oracle BPM project, including the following:

  • Configure sampling points and process analytics.

  • Configure general process properties, layout properties, severity level for process-related messages to highlight, and the default mode to use in data associations.

  • Add localization languages to a project.

To edit project preferences:

  1. From the View menu, select BPM Project Navigator.

  2. Right-click the project whose preferences you want to edit, then select Project Preferences.

  3. Edit the project preferences as necessary, then click OK.

For more information on specific project preferences, see the online Help for Project Preferences.

4.3 Introduction to Project Templates

A project template is an Oracle BPM project that is used as a base for creating new Oracle BPM applications.

Project templates are created using Oracle BPM Studio. In a project template, process developers can create BPM project that contains all of the required services and other components of the business catalog.

Project templates can then be published to Oracle BPM MDS where process analysts can use them in Oracle Business Process Composer to create new deployable projects based on the project template.

The exact changes process analysts can make to an project created from a project template is defined using the edit policies of the project template.

4.3.1 Introduction to Edit Policies

Project templates allow you to define edit policies for BPMN processes and flow objects within them. Edit policies determine what parts of a process can be changed or edited when creating a new project based on a project template.

Edit policies are defined at the process level. However, you can also define edit policies for individual flow objects.

Edit policies allow the creator of a project template to define what elements of a process can and cannot be changed when a project is created from a template.


Edit policies are defined using Oracle BPM Studio. You cannot change the edit policy settings of processes and elements using Business Process Composer. Process Level Edit Policies

In a project templates, each process contains an edit policy which determines the changes you can make to the process from Oracle Business Process Composer.

Table 4-1 describes the process level edit policies.

Table 4-1 Process Level Edit Policies

Edit Policy Description

Flow Sealed

The overall flow of the process cannot be changed. A user can edit specific implementation details, but cannot change the process flow

Activity Sealed

Individual activities (flow objects) within the process cannot be changed. This includes editing flow object properties including assigning components from the business catalog.


If you do not define an edit policy template users can change the process flow, including adding and deleting BPMN flow objects. They may also be able to edit flow objects properties depending on the edit policies you define at the activity (flow object) level. Activity Edit Policies

Within a process, you can also define edit policies that apply to individual flow objects.

Table 4-2 Component Level Edit Policies

Edit Policy Description


The component cannot be modified

Must implement

Template users are required to implement this component in order to create a deployable project.

Can modify implementation

Template users may redefine this component if necessary.

Use process permission

The component inherits the edit policy of the process.

4.3.2 Using Data Objects and Variables in Project Templates

A project template defines the data objects used within a project. These can be the Oracle BPM default types or complex data objects created by process template developers within Oracle BPM Studio.

When editing a process template in Business Process Composer, you can add and create new data objects as necessary. However, you can only create new data objects based on types that are already defined in the project template. You cannot create new types of complex data objects.

4.3.3 Using the Business Catalog in Project Templates

Project templates allow you to incorporate elements of the business catalog. This allows you to create reusable services that can be used in each project created based on a project template.

The following business catalog components can be included in a project template:

  • Human Tasks

  • Business Rules

  • Services

  • Business Objects

Using Business Process Composer, process analysts can reuse these components within a project by assigning a business catalog component to its corresponding activity within a process.

When creating a project template that is shared with Business Process Composer, you must create the necessary business catalog components before publishing the template to MDS. Business Process Composer only enables you to create and edit some business catalog components. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Business Process Composer User's Guide for more information.

4.4 Working with Project Templates

The following sections describe how to create project templates and set the edit policies for processes and activities within a process.

4.4.1 How to Create a New Project Template

After creating a project template, see Section 4.5, "Using the Oracle BPM Metadata Service (MDS) Repository" for information on publishing it to Oracle BPM MDS.

After publishing project templates to the Oracle BPM MDS repository, business users can use them to create new deployable BPM projects. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Business Process Composer User's Guide for more information.

To create a project template:

  1. Choose File > New from the menu.

  2. Select BPM Tier, then select BPM Project Template.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Provide a name for your project, then click Finish.

After clicking Finish, the new project template appears in the BPM Project Navigator. You can create new processes and define any required edit policies for processes and activities.

Also, if you plan to share your template with process analysts using Business Process Composer, you should also define any necessary business catalog components before publishing the template to Oracle BPM MDS.

4.4.2 How to Create a Project Template from an Existing BPM Project

You can create a project template from an existing BPM project. This enables you to continue developing a BPM project in Oracle BPM Studio while making it available as a project template.

To create a project template from an existing process:

  1. Open your project.

  2. In the BPM Project Navigator, right-click your project and select Convert to Template.


    After converting a project to a project template, you cannot convert it back to a regular project.

  3. Click Yes.

4.4.3 How to Set the Edit Policies for a Process in a Project Template

Setting the edit policies for a process determines the types of process-level changes that can be made to processes within projects created based on project templates.

To set the edit policies for a process:

  1. In the BPM Project Navigator, right-click on the process, then select Properties

  2. Select the Advanced tab.

  3. Under Seal Type, select from the following:

    • Flow Sealed: Prohibits changes to the overall flow of the process.

    • Activity Sealed: Prohibits changes to individual BPMN flow objects within the process.

  4. Click OK.

4.4.4 How to Set the Edit Policies for an Activity in a Project Template

You can set the edit policies at the activity level within a process in a project template.


Edit policies defined at the activity level override process-level edit policies.

To set the edit policies for an activity:

  1. Right-click on the activity where you want to change the editor policy.

  2. Select Properties.

  3. Select an edit policy from the Permissions dropdown list:

    • Sealed: The flow object cannot be modified.

    • Can modify implementation: The user may redefine this component if necessary.

    • Must implement: The user is required to implement this component for it to function correctly.

    • Use process permission: Uses the default edit policy defined by the process.

  4. Click OK.

4.5 Using the Oracle BPM Metadata Service (MDS) Repository

The following sections provide an introduction to the Oracle BPM Metadata Service (MDS) repository. They also provide tasks on how to configure and use it.

For general information on configuring Oracle MDS see "Managing the Metadata Repository" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

4.5.1 Introduction to the Oracle Metadata Service (MDS) Repository

Oracle Metadata Service (MDS) repository is an Oracle Fusion Middleware component that stores metadata for certain types of deployed applications. Oracle BPM uses this repository when deploying applications to run time.

For more information on Oracle MDS see "Managing the Metadata Repository" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

4.5.2 Introduction to the Oracle BPM Metadata Service (MDS) Repository

In addition to using Oracle MDS to store information about deployed applications, Oracle BPM also creates a partition in the MDS repository to store projects and project templates.

This partition is used by both Oracle BPM Studio and Business Process Composer to share project and project templates.

The Oracle BPM MDS repository contains the following default folders:

  • Public: Contains all shared Oracle BPM projects.

  • Templates: Contains all project templates.

You can create additional subfolders within these folders to organize your projects and project templates.

The Oracle BPM Metadata Services repository is installed as part of the Oracle BPM run time installation. After this installation is complete, you must configure your Oracle BPM Studio installation to connect to the repository.

4.5.3 Introduction to the Oracle BPM Metadata Service Browser

The Oracle BPM Metadata Service browser enables you to view the contents of the Oracle BPM MDS repository and perform related tasks.

Figure 4-1 shows an example of the Oracle BPM MDS browser.

Figure 4-1 The Oracle BPM MDS Browser

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 The Oracle BPM MDS Browser"

You can perform the following tasks using this browser:

  • Publish projects and project templates.

  • Create and configure Oracle BPM MDS connections.

  • Checkout and lock projects and project templates.

  • Display the project status in MDS.

4.5.4 How to Configure a Connection to the Oracle BPM Metadata Service Repository

You can configure a connection to the Oracle BPM MDS repository in the BPM MDS Navigator. Before you can configure a BPM MDS connection, you need to have the following created:

  • A connection to a Metadata Service Server (SOA MDS connection)

  • A connection to the Oracle WebLogic Server where the MDS repository resides for SOA (Application Server connection)

  • A database connection where SOA MDS is installed

For general information on configuring Oracle MDS see "Managing the Metadata Repository" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

To configure an Oracle BPM MDS connection:

  1. From the View menu, select BPM MDS Navigator.

  2. Click Configure Connection.

  3. In the Configure Connection dialog, select a BPM MDS connection name from the dropdown list and click OK.

  4. If you have not created a BPM MDS connection, do the following:

    1. Click Add next to BPM MDS connections.

    2. In the New BPM MDS Connection dialog, select IDE Connections.

    3. Enter a connection name.

    4. Select an application server connection name from the Application Server drop-down list or go to step 5 if you have not created a connection.

      This is the connection to Oracle WebLogic Server where SOA is installed.

    5. Select Override Application Server user/password if you do not want to use the user name and password of the selected application server (see step 4d) to authenticate the connection.

      Then enter the user name and password in the fields below the selected checkbox.

    6. Select a connection name from the SOA MDS dropdown list or go to step 6 if you have not created a connection.

    7. Click OK.

  5. If you have not created a connection to Oracle WebLogic Server where SOA is installed, perform the following:

    1. Click Add next to Application Server.

      The Create Application Server Connection wizard opens.

    2. Enter a connection name and click Next to enter the rest of the information needed to connect to Oracle WebLogic Server. Click Finish when done.

    3. Go back to step 4d.

  6. If you have not created a connection to SOA MDS, do the following:

    1. Click Add next to SOA MDS.

    2. In the Create SOA-MDS Connection dialog, enter a connection name.

    3. Select DB Based MDS from the Connection Type dropdown list.

    4. Select a database connection from the Connection dropdown list.

      This is the database where SOA MDS is installed. If you don't have a connection already set up, click Add to use the Create Database Connection dialog to create one: enter the user name, password, and details of the host where the database is installed.

    5. Select obpm from the MDS Partition dropdown list.

    6. Click OK when done.

    7. Go back to step 4f.

4.5.5 How to Refresh the Oracle BPM MDS Repository

Before performing any administrative tasks related to Oracle BPM MDS, you should refresh the repository. This helps ensure that you do not conflict with the work of other Oracle BPM users.

To refresh the Oracle BPM MDS Repository:

  1. From the View menu, select BPM MDS Navigator.

  2. Click Refresh from the toolbar.

4.5.6 How to Publish a Project or Project Template to Oracle BPM MDS

Publishing a project to the Oracle BPM MDS repository enables you to share projects and project templates with other process analysts and process developers. After a project or project template is published to the repository, it can be accessed by other process analysts and developers using either Oracle BPM Studio or Business Process Composer.

To publish a project to the Oracle BPM MDS Repository:

  1. From the View menu, select BPM Project Navigator.

  2. In the BPM Project Navigator, right-click the project you want to publish, then select Publish to BPM MDS.

  3. Enter the name for your project. This is the name used in the Oracle BPM MDS repository.

  4. Click Override if you want to overwrite an existing project or project template in the repository.

  5. Select the folder where you want to publish, then click OK.

4.5.7 How to Checkout a Project in Oracle BPM MDS

Checking out a project copies a project from Oracle BPM MDS to your local file system. After checking out a project, you can make changes and edit the project locally. You can then republish the project to MDS.

To checkout a project from Oracle BPM MDS:

  1. From the View menu, select BPM MDS Navigator.

  2. Expand the folder containing the project you want to checkout.

  3. Right-click the project, then select Checkout.

  4. Provide a project name. This is the name of the project on your local file system.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click OK to lock the project if necessary.

After checking out a project, you can edit it locally on your file system. If you need to ensure that other users do not make changes to the project in the repository, you can lock the project.

4.5.8 How to Lock or Unlock a Project in Oracle BPM MDS

Oracle BPM Studio enables you to lock and unlock projects stored in Oracle BPM MDS. This is useful when you need to make changes to a checked-out project and want to ensure that other users do not edit the project.

To lock or unlock a project in Oracle BPM MDS:

  1. From the View menu, select BPM MDS Navigator.

  2. Expand the folder containing the project you want to lock or unlock.

  3. Right-click the project, then select Lock or Unlock.


    Unlocking a project that is locked by another may cause the owner of the original lock to lose all changes.

  4. Click OK.

4.5.9 How to Display MDS Status Information of a Project

You can display MDS status information of a project in a tooltip or in a small panel in the BPM MDS Navigator.

To display the MDS status of a project:

  1. From the View menu, select BPM MDS Navigator.

  2. Expand the folder containing the project you want to inspect.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Place the cursor over the project to display a tooltip.

    • Select the project to open a yellow panel, as shown in Figure 4-2.

    The tooltip or yellow panel shows MDS information such as the project name, role, status, and the user who has locked the project.

Figure 4-2 BPM MDS Navigator with Project Status Panel Opened

Description of Figure 4-2 follows
Description of "Figure 4-2 BPM MDS Navigator with Project Status Panel Opened"