What's New in This Guide for Release

The following table lists the sections that have been added or changed for Release The last two columns denote for which release of was the feature added.

For a list of known issues (release notes), see the "Known Issues for for Oracle SOA Products and Oracle AIA Foundation Pack" at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/docs/soa-aiafp-knownissuesindex-364630.html.

Sections Changes Made

Chapter 2, "Building AIA Integration Flows"

The term Task was described as a Business Task. This is now changed to Task.

Sequence of the chapter is changed. Earlier it was chapter 20 now it is chapter 2.



Chapter 10, "Developing and Deploying Custom XPath Functions"

This is a new chapter. This chapter discusses how to implement a function in Java as a Java XPath Class, deploy an XPath/XSL function in JDeveloper and deploy an XPath/XSL function in application servers.



Chapter 22, "Describing the Event Aggregation Programming Model"

This is a new chapter. This chapter provides an overview of the Event Aggregation programming model and discusses how to implement it.



Chapter 16 Completing ABCS Development

New section on "Resequencing in Oracle Mediator" was added.


Section 16.9, "Resequencing in Oracle Mediator"

This section provides an overview of the Requencing feature in Oracle Mediator and discusses how to set up and use it in the Oracle AIA Asynchronous message exchange pattern.



Chapter 16 Completing ABCS Development

New section on Layered Customizations is added.


Section 16.10, "Developing Layered Customizations"

This section provides an overview of Layered Customizations and how to develop layered customizations for out-of-box pre-built integrations delivered by Oracle.