16 Using the Oracle BPM Worklist

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle BPM Worklist and describes how to enable and use the BPM Worklist.

The Oracle BPM Worklist application is a user interface (UI) that Actor roles, such as integration administrators, and FYI roles, such as customer service representatives (CSRs), can use to access details about AIA ecosystem service errors that have been assigned to them for resolution or for informational purposes only.

This chapter includes the following sections:

16.1 Introduction to the Oracle BPM Worklist

The Oracle BPM Worklist application can be used to provide an error console for the Oracle Application Integration Architecture (AIA). You can enable this functionality in AIAConfigurationProperties.xml.


Oracle BPM Worklist functionality will be accessible even if you have not enabled it to work with Oracle AIA. However, the Oracle BPM Worklist will not include any AIA-specific error tasks.

For more information about enabling Oracle BPM Worklist functionality, see Section 16.2, "How to Enable the Oracle BPM Worklist."

The Oracle BPM Worklist application is a user interface (UI) that Actor roles, such as integration administrators, and FYI roles, such as customer service representatives (CSRs), can use to access details about AIA ecosystem service errors that have been assigned to them for resolution or for informational purposes only. Users will not receive email notifications regarding Oracle BPM Worklist task assignments unless error notifications are enabled.

For more information, see Chapter 15, "Using Error Notifications."

Based on their roles, users will be able to interact with the following types of tasks in the Oracle BPM Worklist:

  • Single-approver task

    Actor roles, such as integration administrators, are assigned single-approver tasks in the Oracle BPM Worklist. Typically, this role is responsible for taking action to resolve the error and must update the error task with activity and status details. Therefore, for Actor roles, the Oracle BPM Worklist provides an editable UI.

  • FYI task

    FYI roles, such as customer service representatives, are assigned FYI tasks in the Oracle BPM Worklist. Typically, this role only needs a view of information about the status of the errored end-to-end transaction. Therefore, for FYI roles, the Oracle BPM Worklist provides a display-only UI. The FYI role is not responsible for taking any particular action to resolve the error.

The Oracle BPM Worklist provides the following error details that can assist in the troubleshooting process:


  • EBMName

  • EBOName

  • Verb Code

  • Business Scope Reference ID

  • Business Scope Reference Instance ID

  • Enterprise Service Name

  • Enterprise Service Operation Name

  • Sender Reference ID

  • Sender Message ID

  • Sender Reference Transaction Code

  • Sender Object Identification ID

  • Context ID


  • Reporting Date Time

  • Corrective Action

  • Fault Message Code

  • Fault Message Text

  • Severity

  • Stack

  • Faulting Service ID

  • Faulting Service Implementation Code

  • Faulting Service Instance ID

  • B2B Fault Element

  • B2BMReference/B2BMID

  • B2BMReference/B2BDocumentType/DocumentTypeCode

  • B2BMReference/B2BDocumentType/DocumentTypeVersion

  • B2BMReference/SenderTradingPartner/TradingPartnerID

  • B2BMReference/ReceiverTradingPartner/TradingPartnerID

16.2 How to Enable the Oracle BPM Worklist

By default, Oracle BPM Worklist functionality is disabled. You can enable this functionality in AIAConfigurationProperties.xml.

To enable the Oracle BPM Worklist:

  1. Access AIAConfigurationProperties.xml located in <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/AIAMetaData/config.

  2. Set the EH.INVOKE.HWF property value to true.

  3. Reload updates to the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.

For more information about reloading updates to AIAConfigurationProperties.xml, see "Building AIA Integration Flows" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack.

The AIAReadJMSNotification BPEL process will now listen to the AIA Error Topic Java message service (JMS) topic, which is populated by the Error Handling Framework. Relevant errors will be aggregated by the AIAReadJMSNotification BPEL process and displayed in the Oracle BPM Worklist.

If error notification is also enabled, error notification emails will contain a link to the Oracle BPM Worklist.

For more information about error notifications, see Chapter 15, "Using Error Notifications."

16.3 How to Use the Oracle BPM Worklist

After you have been assigned an AIA error task that you need to view or act upon to resolve, you can use the details provided by the Oracle BPM Worklist to troubleshoot the error.

Access the Oracle BPM Worklist: http://<host>:<SOA server port>/integration/worklistapp.

Your assigned tasks display on the My Tasks page. You can filter your assigned tasks using various criteria and search for assigned tasks by title, priority, and status. Click an assigned task to access complete task details.

For more information, see "Using Oracle BPM Worklist" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

FYI user roles can view a task in read-only mode in the Oracle BPM Worklist.

Actor user roles can work on a task by acquiring the task. They can also enter comments against the task and update the task status. For example, when the error has been resolved, the user can set the task action to COMPLETED. Setting this value in the Actions field completes the task.

For more information about message resubmission, see Chapter 17, "Using the Message Resubmission Utility."