F Deinstalling and Reinstalling Oracle Identity Management

This appendix provides information about deinstalling and reinstalling Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 1 (11.1.1). It contains the following topics:


Always use the instructions provided in this appendix for removing the software. If you try to remove the software manually, you may experience problems when you try to reinstall the software. Following the procedures in this appendix ensures that the software is properly removed.

F.1 Deinstalling Oracle Identity Management

This topic contains procedures for deinstalling Oracle Identity Management. It contains the following sections:

F.1.1 Deinstalling the Oracle Identity Management Oracle Home

The deinstaller attempts to remove the Oracle Home directory from which it was started. Before you choose to remove your Oracle Identity Management Oracle Home directory, make sure that it is not in use by an existing domain and that you stop all running processes that use this Oracle Home.

Deinstalling Oracle Identity Management will not remove any WebLogic domains that you have created—it only removes the software in the Oracle Identity Management Oracle Home directory.


The oraInventory is required for removing instances and Oracle Home. For example, on UNIX it can be found in the following location:


This section describes how to deinstall your Oracle Identity Management Oracle Home using the graphical, screen-based deinstaller. However, you can also perform a silent deinstallation using a response file. A deinstall response file template that you can customize for your deinstallation is included in the Disk1/stage/Response directory on UNIX, or in the Disk1\stage\Response directory on Windows.

Perform the following steps to deinstall your Oracle Identity Management Oracle Home using the graphical, screen-based deinstaller:

  1. Verify your Oracle Identity Management Oracle Home is not in use by an existing domain.

  2. Stop all processes that use the Oracle Identity Management Oracle Home.

  3. Open a command prompt and move (cd) into the IDM_ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin directory (UNIX) or the IDM_ORACLE_HOME\oui\bin directory (Windows).

  4. Invoke the Deinstaller from command line using the -deinstall option. For example:

    On UNIX:

    ./runInstaller -deinstall

    On Windows:

    setup.exe -deinstall

    The Welcome screen appears.

  5. Click Next.

    • If you are deinstalling Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle Virtual Directory, Oracle Directory Services Manager, Oracle Directory Integration Platform, or Oracle Identity Federation, the Select Deinstallation Type screen appears.

      Select the deinstallation type you want to perform. Table F-1 lists and describes each of the deinstallation types:

      Table F-1 Deinstallation Types

      Type Description

      Deinstall Oracle Home

      Select this option to deinstall the binaries contained in the listed Oracle Identity Management Oracle Home.

      If you select this option, the Deinstall Oracle Home screen appears next, where you can save a response file that contains the deinstallation settings before deinstalling.

      Deinstall ASInstances managed by WebLogic Domain - Applicable to Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Virtual Directory only.

      Select this option to deinstall the Oracle Identity Management system component instances, such as Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Virtual Directory, that are registered in a WebLogic domain.

      If you select this option, the Specify WebLogic Domain Detail screen appears next where you identify the administration domain containing the system components you want to deinstall. The Select Managed Instance screen appears next, where you identify the instances you want to deinstall.

      DeInstall Unmanaged ASInstances - Applicable to Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Virtual Directory only.

      Select this option to deinstall the Oracle Identity Management system component instances, such as Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Virtual Directory, that are not registered in a WebLogic domain.

      If you select this option, the Specify Instance Location screen appears next where you identify the instances you want to deinstall.

      Regardless of the option you choose and the subsequent screens that appear, you will arrive at the Deinstall Progress screen, which shows the progress and status of the deinstallation. If you want to quit before the deinstallation is completed, click Cancel.

      Click Finish after the deinstallation progresses to 100%. The Deinstallation Complete screen appears.

  6. Click Finish on the Deinstallation Complete screen to exit the deinstaller.

F.1.2 Deinstalling the Oracle Common Home

The ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory located in the MW_HOME directory contains the binary and library files required for Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control and Oracle Java Required Files (JRF). Before you deinstall the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory, ensure that no other Oracle Fusion Middleware software, such as Oracle SOA Suite, depends on ORACLE_COMMON_HOME. You cannot deinstall the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory until all software that depends on it has been deinstalled.

Perform the following steps to deinstall the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory:

  1. Stop all processes that use the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory. To know all the processes that are using ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory use the following commands:

    On UNIX:

    ps-ef grep <oracle_common>

    On Windows:

    Use the Windows Task Manager to identify the processes that use the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory.

  2. Deinstall your Oracle Identity Management Oracle Home by performing the steps in Deinstalling the Oracle Identity Management Oracle Home.

  3. Open a command prompt and move (cd) into the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/oui/bin/ directory (on UNIX) or the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\oui\bin\ directory (on Windows).

  4. Invoke the Deinstaller from command line using the -deinstall option and the -jreLoc option, which identifies the location where Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed. For example:

    On UNIX:

    ./runInstaller -deinstall -jreLoc FULL_PATH_TO_JRE_DIRECTORY

    On Windows:

    setup.exe -deinstall -jreLoc FULL_PATH_TO_JRE_DIRECTORY

    The Welcome screen appears.

  5. Click Next. The Select Deinstallation Type screen appears.

  6. Select the Deinstall Oracle Home option at the top of the Select Deinstallation Type screen.


    The path to the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory appears in the text describing the Deinstall Oracle Home option.

    Click Next. The Deinstall Oracle Home screen appears.

  7. Confirm the correct ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory is listed and click Deinstall.

    The Deinstallation Progress screen appears, along with a Warning dialog box prompting you to confirm that you want to deinstall the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory.

  8. Click Yes on the Warning dialog box to confirm you want to remove the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME directory. The deinstallation begins.

  9. Click Finish after the deinstallation progresses to 100%. The Deinstallation Complete screen appears.

  10. Click Finish on the Deinstallation Complete screen to exit the deinstaller.

F.1.3 Deinstalling Applications Registered with Oracle Single Sign-On 10g Release

To deinstall a partner application registered with Oracle Single Sign-On 10g Release, you must manually deregister the partner application from Oracle Single Sign-On. Refer to the "Reregister mod_osso on the single sign-on middle tiers" section in Chapter 9 of the Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide 10g Release available at:


F.2 Reinstalling Oracle Identity Management

Perform the following steps to reinstall Oracle Identity Management:

  1. Verify the directory you want to reinstall Oracle Identity Management into does not contain an existing Oracle Identity Management instance. If it does, you must deinstall it before reinstalling. You cannot reinstall Oracle Identity Management 11g Release1(11.1.1) in a directory that contains an existing Oracle Identity Management instance.

  2. Reinstall Oracle Identity Management as if it was the first installation by performing the steps in the appropriate procedure in this guide.


    Reinstalling Oracle Directory Integration Platform and Oracle Directory Services Manager in the same domain from where it was deinstalled, is supported.