25 Customizing Task Flows

You can extend or alter the look and feel and functionality of Oracle WebCenter Portal task flows using the Oracle JDeveloper Customization Developer role. When you apply task flow customizations to a deployed Framework application, the customizations apply to all instances of that task flow in the application. You do not need to deploy customizations for individual task flow instances.

In Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces, task flow customizations are deployed at application-level, so any customizations that you make will apply to all spaces. To customize a taskflow for a specific space only, you must use runtime Spaces administration tools for taskflow customization as explained in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces. If your customization involves minor modifications like adding text, hiding existing content or rearranging existing content, you can also use runtime administration tools. If your customization requires complex layout changes to be applied to all instances of a space, use the development-based customization approach explained in this chapter.


While you can perform view-level customizations to Framework applications, such as task flow customization, ADF model and Controller customizations are not supported in this release. To learn more about the different customization types, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Java EE Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

This chapter includes the following sections

25.1 Preparing for Task Flow Customization

The steps below prepare WebCenter Portal applications for customizing task flows.

  1. In JDeveloper, install the WebCenter Portal Customization JDeveloper Extension. To do so, choose Help > Check for Updates.

  2. In the Check for Updates wizard, click Next.

  3. On the Search for Updates page, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware Products update center, and click Next.

  4. On the Updates page, in the Available Updates field, enter webcenter.

  5. Select the Oracle WebCenter Portal Customization Framework Design Time extension and click Finish.


    If you have not already installed the latest version of the Oracle WebCenter Portal Framework and Services Design Time extension, you must install it before the customization extension.

25.1.1 WebCenter Portal: Spaces: Create a New Task Flow Customization Application

If you are customizing task flows in WebCenter Portal: Spaces, open JDeveloper and create a new WebCenter Spaces Task Flow Customization Application.

25.1.2 WebCenter Portal: Framework Application: Enable Customization

To enable task flow customization in your Framework application, first ensure that you have created your application using the WebCenter Portal: Framework Application template. (For information on creating a new Framework application, see Section 5.2, "Creating a Framework Application.") Then follow the steps below.

  1. In the Application Navigator, right-click the ViewController project, and choose Project Properties.

  2. In the Project Properties dialog, select ADF View, then select the Enable Seeded Customizations checkbox. Click OK and save your files.

    Figure 25-1 Enabling Seeded Customizations

    Description of Figure 25-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-1 Enabling Seeded Customizations"

25.2 Configuring the JDeveloper Customization Developer Role

After you have enabled customization for your application as described in Section 25.1, "Preparing for Task Flow Customization", you must configure the customization layer values to use in the JDeveloper Customization Developer role.

  1. In JDeveloper, choose Tools > Preferences > Roles, select the Customization Developer role, then click OK.

    Figure 25-2 Selecting the Customization Developer Role

    Description of Figure 25-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-2 Selecting the Customization Developer Role"

  2. JDeveloper prompts you to restart. Choose Yes to restart JDeveloper in the Customization Developer role.

  3. For custom Framework applications, go to the Customization Context window and click Override global layer values.

    Figure 25-3 Customization Context: Override Global Layer Values

    Description of Figure 25-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-3 Customization Context: Override Global Layer Values"

    Enter the configuration for your application's customization class. For applications using the default ADF site customization class, use the following code:

    <cust-layers xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/mds/dt">
      <cust-layer name="site" id-prefix="s">
        <cust-layer-value value="site" display-name="Site" id-prefix="s"/>
  4. Ensure that Show Libraries is enabled in the dropdown (on the far right) of the Projects bar in JDeveloper navigator.

    Figure 25-4 Navigator Display Options - Show Libraries

    Description of Figure 25-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-4 Navigator Display Options - Show Libraries "

In the Customization Developer role, JDeveloper will display a red man next to your application name in the Application Navigator. You will also see a Customization Context window with Edit with following Customization Context selected and the customization layer name selected as site, and the layer value set to the value defined in CustomizationLayerValues.xml. These values indicate that you have successfully configured your application to enable customization of WebCenter Portal task flows.

25.3 Customizing Oracle WebCenter Portal Task Flows

JDeveloper's Customization Developer role is a powerful mechanism that allows you to customize the ADF Library without changing the code in base library JAR. Since both Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle ADF leverage MDS, you can use the Customization Developer role to extend WebCenter Portal: Spaces and WebCenter Portal: Services task flows. All WebCenter Portal task flows are packaged in the ADF Library so task flow customization is possible in JDeveloper design time. For instructions on configuring the Customization Developer role, see Section 25.2, "Configuring the JDeveloper Customization Developer Role"

The use cases that can be achieved by task flow customization include:

  • Change labels including column names for task flows.

  • Change icons used in task flows, for example replacing the Edit and Refresh icons with new icons on the Discussions - Space Forums task flow.

  • Change the order of table columns in a task flow.

  • Remove an entire region or component, such as the Search box from primary tab.

  • Show additional attributes using Expression Language, for example customizing the People Picker task flow to show an additional user profile attribute.

After you have prepared your application for customization as described in the previous sections, open the application and make any necessary customizations.

25.3.1 Examples: Customizing Task Flows for WebCenter Portal: Spaces

To customize task flows in WebCenter Portal: Spaces, open the application you created in Section 25.1.1, "WebCenter Portal: Spaces: Create a New Task Flow Customization Application" and make your customizations. The examples that follow explain two common customizations: Example: Customizing the Worklist Task Flow

This example shows how to customize the Spaces Worklist task flow by replacing the two-row entry for each worklist item with a single row that provides a link to the worklist item details with a popup that displays the details that were previously shown on the second row. The following image shows a sample Worklist with the default two-row entry configuration.

Figure 25-5 Worklist - Before Customization

Description of Figure 25-5 follows
Description of "Figure 25-5 Worklist - Before Customization"

  1. If you are not already using the Customization Developer role, switch to this role (choose Tools > Preferences, select Role, then select Customization Developer Role and restart JDeveloper).

  2. Open your WebCenter Portal: Spaces Task Flow Customization Application.

  3. In the Application Navigator, expand the ViewController project to view the WebCenter Worklist Service View library. (If you cannot see the library, right-click the ViewController project, choose Navigation Display Options in the Projects bar, and select Show Libraries.)

  4. Ensure that the Customization Context panel is configured so that edits will be done with the WebCenter customization layer applied, as shown below.

    Figure 25-6 Customization Context

    Description of Figure 25-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-6 Customization Context"

  5. In the WebCenter Worklist Service View library open the worklist.jsff file under oracle.webcenter.worklist.view.jsf.fragments.

  6. Switch to the list view facet of the view. Click the empty facet on the page and choose Switch To - list.

    Figure 25-7 Switch To List View

    Description of Figure 25-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-7 Switch To List View"

  7. In the Structure window, expand the structure tree to locate the af:outputText - #{row.title} component. Right-click the component and and choose Insert Before af:outputText - #{row.title} > Link.

  8. In the Structure window, click on the newly created af:commandLink to open the Property Inspector dialog.

  9. In the Property Inspector, click the down arrow next to the Text field and choose Expression Builder. Enter #{row.title} as the expression.

    Figure 25-8 Property Inspector

    Description of Figure 25-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-8 Property Inspector"

  10. Expand the Appearance section of the Property Inspector. Click the down arrow next to the ShortDesc field and choose Expression Builder. Enter #{row.dateInfoSummary} as the expression.

  11. In the ActionListener field, enter openTaskDetailsApp()

  12. Find the newly added commandLink and delete the following components:
    af:outputText - #{row.title}

  13. The worklist.jsff.xml file that is generated (under the ADF Library Customizations node in the Application Navigator) should include code similar to the following:

    Example 25-1 Updated worklist.jsff file

    <mds:customization version=""
      <mds:insert parent="pg13" position="first     
        <af:commandLink xmlns:af="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/rich" 
                     text="#{row.title}" id="swccl1"
      <mds:replace node="ot2"/>
      <mds:replace node="pg14"/>
  14. Deploy the metadata deployment profile to the WebCenter Portal: Spaces application as explained in Section 25.4, "Applying Task Flow Customizations to Deployed WebCenter Portal Applications."

The image below shows a sample Worklist after customization, with a single row and a popup.

Figure 25-9 Worklist - After Customization

Description of Figure 25-9 follows
Description of "Figure 25-9 Worklist - After Customization" Example: Customizing the Discussion Forums Task Flow

This example shows how you can customize the WebCenter Portal: Spaces Discussion Forums task flow to display a profile image for the user who initiated the discussion. The following image shows a sample Discussion Forum without the profile image.

Figure 25-10 Discussion Forum - Before Customization

Description of Figure 25-10 follows
Description of "Figure 25-10 Discussion Forum - Before Customization"

To customize the Discussion Forums task flow:

  1. If you are not already using the Customization Developer role, switch to this role (choose Tools > Preferences, select Role, then select Customization Developer Role and restart JDeveloper).

  2. Open your WebCenter Portal: Spaces Task Flow Customization Application.

  3. In the Application Navigator, expand the ViewController project to view the WebCenter Portal Discussion Services View library. (If you cannot see the library, right-click the ViewController project, choose Navigation Display Options in the Projects bar, and select Show Libraries.)

  4. In the WebCenter Portal Discussion Services View library, open the ListTopics.jsff file under oracle.webcenter.collab.forum.view.jsf.fragments.

  5. In the Structure window, search for the <rtc:presence> tag on the page. This tag renders the user name.

    Figure 25-11 Structure Window

    Description of Figure 25-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-11 Structure Window"

  6. Right-click the rtc.:presence tag, then choose Insert After > ADF Faces and select Panel Group Layout from the dialog.

  7. In the Structure window, right-click the new Panel Group Layout and choose Insert > Image Component.

  8. In the Property Inspector for the new Image component, set the Source property to #{webCenterProfile[row.createdBy].photoURI['SMALL']}. This EL will return the location of the image that the current user has set as their profile photo.

  9. Save your files and rebuild the project.

    The ListTopics.jsff.xml file that is generated will contain the following code:

    Example 25-2 Updated ListTopics.jsff.xml File

    <mds:customization version="" xmlns:mds="http://xmlns.oracle.com/mds">
     <mds:insert after="p1" parent="frmltpgl11"     
        <af:panelGroupLayout xmlns:af="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/rich" 
          <af:image xmlns:af="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/rich"
            source="#{webCenterProfile[row.createdBy].photoURI['SMALL']}" id="swci1"/>
  10. Deploy the metadata deployment profile to the Spaces application as explained in Section 25.4, "Applying Task Flow Customizations to Deployed WebCenter Portal Applications."

The following image shows a sample Discussion Forum after customization, with a profile image.

Figure 25-12 Discussion Forum - After Customization (With User Profile Image)

Description of Figure 25-12 follows
Description of "Figure 25-12 Discussion Forum - After Customization (With User Profile Image)"

25.3.2 Examples: Customizing Task Flows for Custom Framework Applications

To customize task flows in a custom Framework application, first follow the instructions in Section 25.1.2, "WebCenter Portal: Framework Application: Enable Customization." The example that follows demonstrates a common customization. Example: Customizing the Document Library - List View Task Flow

The example that follows shows how to customize the Document Library – List View task flow to add a new column called HTML Rendition. Before you perform these steps, ensure that you have prepared a customizable Framework application application as described in Section 25.1.2, "WebCenter Portal: Framework Application: Enable Customization.".

  1. Open your custom Framework application in JDeveloper and confirm that you are using the Customization Developer role.

  2. In the Resource Palette, under My Catalogs, expand the WebCenter Portal Services Catalog and open the Task Flows folder.

  3. Right-click Document Library – List View and choose Add to project. If a confirmation dialog displays, click Add Library.

  4. In the Application Navigator, expand the ViewController project to view the WebCenter Document Library Services View library. (If you cannot see the library, right-click the ViewController project, choose Navigation Display Options in the Projects bar, and select Show Libraries.)

  5. In the WebCenter Portal Document Library Services View library, open the docListViewerTableTemplate.jsff file under oracle.webcenter.doclib.view.jsf.fragments.

  6. Add a new column after ITEM_NAME_COLUMN_HEADER.

    1. In the Structure window, right-click the column with title #{dlBndl.ITEM_NAME_COLUMN-HEADER} and choose Copy and Paste to create a new ADF column component.

    2. In the Property Inspector for the new ADF column component, change the headerText property to "HTML Rendition".

    3. In the Structure window, expand the new column and delete the af:image component.

    4. Right click the af:goLink component inside af:switcher -> f:facet – false and choose Go to property.

    5. Change the values of the Text and Destination. For example:

      Text=" Get Conversion (HTML)"
      Destination="http://host:port/idcplg?IdcService=GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION &amp;dID=#{item.dID}&amp;coreContentOnly=1#{item.portletLinkPostfix}"
  7. Save your files.

25.4 Applying Task Flow Customizations to Deployed WebCenter Portal Applications

The previous sections explained how to customize WebCenter Portal task flows for different scenarios. The output of these exercises is the generated MDS customization. The customizations show up as .xml.xml or .jsff.xml files in the View project of the application under the libraryCustomization package. These customization documents are essentially instructions for MDS to apply changes on top of the base document that is shipped to show the customized behavior at runtime.

Once you complete a task flow customization, you must apply it to the deployed WebCenter Portal application (Framework or Spaces). To see customizations performed on task flows in JDeveloper at runtime, you must import these customizations to the MDS repository of the deployed application.


This process updates the runtime WebCenter Portal application metadata repository; back up the MDS schema before performing these steps. Also, it is a best practice to test your customizations in a development or stage environment first.

To import WebCenter Portal task flow customizations to the MDS repository, use the steps in the following sections:

25.4.1 Creating a Metadata Deployment Profile for Custom WebCenter Portal Applications

Use the steps that follow to create a metadata deployment profile for your custom WebCenter Portal application. (These steps are not necessary if you are using the WebCenter Portal: Spaces Task Flow Customization Application.)

  1. In the Application Navigator, from the Application Menu, choose Application Properties.

    Figure 25-13 Application Properties

    Description of Figure 25-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-13 Application Properties"

  2. Choose Deployment and create a deployment profile by using the MAR File archive type.

    Figure 25-14 Creating a Deployment Profile

    Description of Figure 25-14 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-14 Creating a Deployment Profile"

  3. Click OK to close the Create Deployment Profile dialog.

  4. Click OK, then click OK again to finish creating the Deployment Profile.

25.4.2 Deploying Task Flow Customizations Directly from JDeveloper

Use the steps that follow to deploy your task flow customizations directly from JDeveloper.

  1. In the Application Navigator, from the Application Menu, choose Deploy > metadata (metadata is the name of the Deployment Profile).

    Figure 25-15 Deploying the "metadata" Deployment Profile

    Description of Figure 25-15 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-15 Deploying the "metadata" Deployment Profile"

  2. In the Deploy metadata dialog, select Export to a Deployed Application and click Next.

    Figure 25-16 Deploy Metadata Dialog

    Description of Figure 25-16 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-16 Deploy Metadata Dialog"

  3. On the Application Server page, select the application server connection for the instance to which you are deploying or create a new connection by clicking the "+" icon. Click Next.

    Figure 25-17 Deploy Metadata: Application Server

    Description of Figure 25-17 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-17 Deploy Metadata: Application Server"

  4. On the Server Instance page, select the server on which the application you are customizing is deployed. For a high availability installation with multiple servers hosting a single application, the customizations only need to be deployed to one server. Click Next.

    Figure 25-18 Deploy Metadata Dialog: Server Instance

    Description of Figure 25-18 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-18 Deploy Metadata Dialog: Server Instance"

  5. On the Deployed Application page, select the application to which the customizations should be deployed. Click Next.

    Figure 25-19 Deploy Metadata: Deployed Applications

    Description of Figure 25-19 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-19 Deploy Metadata: Deployed Applications"

  6. Click Finish to deploy the customization.

25.4.3 Deploying Task Flow Customizations Using WLST

Use the steps that follow to deploy task flow customizations using WLST.

  1. In the Application Navigator, from the Application Menu, choose Deploy > metadata (metadata is the name of the Deployment Profile).

    Figure 25-20 Deploying the "metadata" Deployment Profile

    Description of Figure 25-20 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-20 Deploying the "metadata" Deployment Profile"

  2. In the Deploy metadata dialog, choose Deploy to MAR file, then click Finish.


    Alternatively, you can export the metadata to a deployed application by selecting the Export to Deployed Application option, configuring the connection details of the server on which the application is deployed, and selecting the appropriate application.

  3. JDeveloper creates the MAR file in the application directory of your JDEV_USER home directory. Copy this MAR file, which contains the customizations, to the directory where the application is deployed. Maintain a backup of this file so that you always have a version of the customizations for this application.

  4. Use the MDS WLST import command to import the task flow customizations to the application's MDS repository.

    Example 25-3 Command Line for Importing Customizations


For more information on MDS WLST commands, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference on the Oracle Technology Network.

25.5 Removing Customizations from Deployed WebCenter Portal Applications

You can revert task flow behavior or look and feel to the original deployment by removing task flow customizations.

Use the MDS WLST deleteMetadata command to remove the applied customizations. The deleteMetadata command needs to exercise with caution as incorrect use of this command may cause the loss of metadata documents. The sample command below removes the customization created in Section, "Example: Customizing the Discussion Forums Task Flow."

Example 25-4 Command to Delete the Customization Metadata from a Deployed WebCenter Portal Application

deleteMetadata(application='webcenter',server='WC_Spaces', docs='/oracle/webcenter/webcenterapp/view/taskflows/discussionServices/**', excludeBaseDocs='true') 

For more details on MDS WLST commands, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference on the Oracle Technology Network.

25.6 Catalog of WebCenter Portal Task Flows

The following task flows have been validated for view-level customizations. You can find these task flows in the libraries or JAR files and definition paths specified in Table 25-1.


To customize analytics task flows, you must add the following JARs to the project:



Table 25-1 WebCenter Portal Task Flows

Description Library/JAR Files Definition Path


WebCenter Portal: Framework


Activity Stream - Mini View

WebCenter Portal Activity Streaming Service View


Activity Stream - Main View

WebCenter Portal Activity Streaming Service View


Analytics - Console

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - WebCenter Portal Traffic

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Page Traffic

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Login Metrics

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Portlet Traffic

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Portlet Response Time

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Portlet Instance Traffic

Task flows included analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Portlet Instance Response Time

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Search Metrics

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Document Metrics

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Wiki Metrics

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Blog Metrics

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar


Analytics - Discussion Metrics

Task flows included in analytics-reporting-service-view.jar and analytics-reporting-service-model.jar



WebCenter Portal Announcement Service View


Announcements - Quick View

WebCenter Portal Announcement Service View


Application Navigator

WebCenter Portal: Spaces View





Calendar Main View

WebCenter Portal Events Service View


Calendar Mini View

WebCenter Portal Events Service View



WebCenter Portal: Spaces View



WebCenter Portal: Spaces View



WebCenter Portal: Spaces View


Connections - Card

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Connections - Detailed View

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Connections - Main View

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Connections - Main View

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Connections - Mini View

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Connections - Network

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View



WebCenter Portal: Framework



Oracle Composer



WebCenter Portal Discussions Service View


Discussions - Manager

WebCenter Portal Discussions Service View


Discussions - Popular Topics

WebCenter Portal Discussions Service View


Discussions - Recent Topics

WebCenter Portal Discussions Service View


Discussions - Space Forums

WebCenter Portal Discussions Service View


Discussions - Quick View

WebCenter Portal Discussions Service View


Discussions - Watched Forums

WebCenter Portal Discussions Service View


Discussions - Watched Topics

WebCenter Portal Discussions Service View


Documents - AutoVue

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Content Presenter

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Document Manager

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Document Navigator

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Document Viewer

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Folder Viewer

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Document Explorer

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - List Viewer

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Main View

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Mini Properties

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Properties

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Recent Documents

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Rich Text Editor

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Upload

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View


Documents - Version History

WebCenter Portal Document Library Service View



WebCenter Portal Events Service View



Internal - invoked by WebCenter Portal: Spaces administrator for export of spaces or space templates.



WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Feedback - Summary View

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View



Internal - invoked by WebCenter Portal: Spaces administrator for import of spaces or space templates.









Internal - used in Resource Manager



Internal - used in Resource Manager



WebCenter Portal Links Service View


Links Dialog

WebCenter Portal Links Service View


List - Main View

WebCenter Portal List Service View



WebCenter Portal Lists Service View






WebCenter Portal Mail Service View


Message Board - Mini View

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Message Board - Main View

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Navigation - Menu

Navigation Task Flows


Navigation - Breadcrumb

Navigation Task Flows


Navigation - Tree

Navigation Task Flows



WebCenter Portal: Framework


Organization View

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Page - Create New

WebCenter Portal Page Service View


Polls - Polls Manager

WebCenter Portal Polls and Surveys Service View


Polls - Quick View

WebCenter Portal Polls and Surveys Service View


Polls - Take Poll

WebCenter Portal Polls and Surveys Service View


Polls - View Poll Results

WebCenter Portal Polls and Surveys Service View



WebCenter Portal Portal Framework


Presence Controls

WebCenter Portal IM and Presence Service View


Profile - Actions

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Profile Gallery

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Profile - Main View

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Profile - Snapshot

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Profile - Summary

WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View



WebCenter Portal PeopleConnections View


Recommended Connections

WebCenter Portal Activity Graph Service View


Resource Action Handler - Resource Viewer

WebCenter Portal Common View


Recent Activities

WebCenter Portal Recent Activity Service View


RSS Viewer

WebCenter Portal RSS Service View



WebCenter Portal Search Services View


Search Preferences

WebCenter Portal Search Services View


Search - Saved Searches

WebCenter Portal Search Services View


Search Toolbar

WebCenter Portal Search Services View


Security - Self Registration

Public user registration


Security - Self Registration - Public Invitation

Public user invitation to join spaces


Security - Enterprise Role - Members

Lists the members of an enterprise group


Security - Enterprise Role - Members Search

The members of an enterprise group of a particular pattern


Security - Enterprise Role - Members Viewer

A tabbed page which shows the members of a group in one and the other tab lets you search for a particular pattern


Security - Role Manager

Create, modify and delete application roles


Security - External Application Credential Provisioning

Credential provisioning for a particular external application


Security - External Application Change Password

Screen to change the password for all the external applications created


Similar Items

WebCenter Portal Activity Graph Service View


Similar Spaces

WebCenter Portal Activity Graph Service View


Smart Tag Actions



Smart Tag Actions Enabler




WebCenter Portal: Spaces View


Space Members

WebCenter Portal: Spaces View


Subscription Preferences

WebCenter Portal Notification Service View


Subscription Viewer

WebCenter Portal Notification Service View


Tag Cloud

WebCenter Portal Tagging Service View


Tagging Dialog

WebCenter Portal Tagging Service View


Tagged Items

WebCenter Portal Tagging Service View


Tagging - Personal View

WebCenter Portal Tagging Service View


Tagging - Related Links

WebCenter Portal Tagging Service View


Tagging - Similar Items

WebCenter Portal Tagging Service View



WebCenter Portal: Framework



WebCenter Portal Worklist Service View
