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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator and Manager's Guide for Site Studio
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


access to consumption server, B.2
Add Export Archive page, A.10
Add Import Archive page, A.12
Add New Section dialog, 2.5.2
adding a Web site address, 3.2
adding sections, 2.5.2
address of Web site, 3.1, A.5
adding --, 3.2
deselecting --, 3.3
removing --, 3.4
selecting --, 3.3
administration of Site Studio, 1.4
administrator, 1.4
administrators, 1.2
applets in Contributor, B.5
Archive Information page, A.17
Archiver status, A.9
export, 6.9, A.10, A.11
import, 6.8, A.12, A.13
assigning external URLs to sections, 2.5.15
assigning primary pages to sections, 2.5.14
assigning secondary pages to sections, 2.5.16
automatically exporting new and changed content, 6.9


backing up sites, 7.2
Backup and Restore page, A.15
backup progress, 7.2
backups, 7.1
server configuration, 7.4
blocking access to consumption server, B.2


caching, 2.5.11, A.2.1
certificate validation applet, B.5
changed content in replication, 6.9
changing maximum age of sections, 2.5.11
changing URL or site sections, 2.5.10
component information, 8, A.14
component install number, 8.3
component on Content Server, 1.1
Compressing Contributor JavaScript, 4.4
compressing JavaScript, 4.4
configuration variables
DisableSiteStudioContribution, B.2
SSDefaultEditor, B.3
SSEnableExtranetLookCompatibility, B.6
SSExtraCertificateClasses, B.5
SSExtraCertificateJars, B.5
SSExtraCertificateLabels, B.5
SSHttpLayerManager, B.5
configuring JSP fragments, 4.3
configuring SSO, B.6
configuring target server for replication, 6.6
consumption server, blocking access to --, B.2
content file, 6.11
content information page of page templates, 2.5.18
Content Server
component, 1.1
configuring JSP, 4.3
location of fragment libraries, 4.1, A.6
Site Studio Certificate Validation page, B.5
contribution mode
key combination, B.1
access to consumption server, B.2
certificate validation, B.5
default editor, B.3
key combination, B.1
Contributor (application), 1.1, 1.3.3
contributor (user), 1.2, 1.3.3
contributor data files, 1.3.3
contributor-only site sections, 2.5.8
custom elements, B.4
custom properties, 2.5.12
custom properties (of section), A.2.4
Custom Properties tab of Manage Site page, A.2.4


data files, see 'contributor data files'
default Contributor editor, B.3
default project document information, 5.1, 5.2, A.7
setting --, 5.2
default web asset document information, A.8
deploying fragment libraries, 4.2
deselecting a Web site address, 3.3
designating sections as contributor-only, 2.5.8
designating sections as error handler, 2.5.9
Designer (application), 1.1, 1.3.1
designer (user), 1.2, 1.3.1
DisableSiteStudioContribution variable, B.2
distributing a site, 1.3.4
domain site addresses, 3.1, A.5
dragging and dropping sections, 2.5.4


Edit Export Archive page, A.11
Edit Import Archive page, A.13
editing sections, 2.5.5
editor, default for Contributor, B.3
elements, updating custom --, B.4
Ephox, B.3
certificate validation, B.5
error handler site sections, 2.5.9
export archive, 6.9, A.10, A.11
export settings for replication, 6.5
exporting new and changed content, 6.9
exporting sites, 6.2
External Applications Administration page, A.19
external SSEA applications, A.19
external URLs, 2.5.15


FCKeditor, B.3
files included in replication, 6.3
folder site addresses, 3.1, A.5
fragment libraries, 4.1, A.6
deploying --, 4.2
fragment library
deploying, 4.2
fragments, 4.1, A.6
JSP, 4.3


general component information, 8, A.14
General Component Information page, A.14


hiding sections, 2.5.7
hierarchy, see 'site hierarchy'


IdcClientLoginForm tag, B.6
import archive, 6.8, A.12
import archives, A.13
importing sites, 6.2
including project file in export archive, 6.9
information about versions, 8, A.14
install number, 8.3, 8.3
Add Export Archive page, A.10
Add Import Archive page, A.12
Add New Section dialog, 2.5.2
Archive Information page, A.17
Backup and Restore page, A.15
Edit Export Archive, A.11
Edit Import Archive page, A.13
External Applications Administration page, A.19
General Component Information page, A.14
Manage Archives page, A.16
Manage Fragment Libraries, A.6
Manage Site page, A.2
Manage Site Replication page, A.9
Manage Web Sites page, A.1
Server Configuration Details page, A.18
Set Default Project Document Information page, A.7
Set Default Web Asset Document Information page, A.8
Site Studio Administration page, 1.4
Web Site Addresses page, A.5
Web Site Objects Report page, A.4


Java Virtual Machine (JVM), B.5
compressing, 4.4, 4.4
performance, 4.4
JSP fragments, 4.3, 4.3
JSP support files, 4.3
JVM, B.5


key combination for contribution mode, B.1


launching Site Studio Manager, 2.5.1
layout pages, see 'page templates'
legacy projects, B.7
libraries of fragments, 4.1, A.6
deploying --, 4.2
fragment libraries (on content server), 4.1, A.6


Manage Archives page, A.16
Manage Fragment Libraries page, A.6
Manage Site page, A.2
Custom Properties tab, A.2.4
Page Template tab, A.2.2
Secondary Page Template tab, A.2.3
Section tab, A.2.1
Manage Site Replication page, A.9
Manage Web Sites page, A.1
Manager (application), 1.1, 1.3.2, A.2
adding sections, 2.5.2
assigning external URLs to sections, 2.5.15
assigning primary pages to sections, 2.5.14
assigning secondary pages to sections, 2.5.16
changing custom properties, 2.5.12
changing URL of section or page, 2.5.10
Custom Properties tab, A.2.4
designating sections as contributor-only, 2.5.8
designating sections as error handler, 2.5.9
editing sections, 2.5.5
hiding sections, 2.5.7
launching --, 2.5.1
maximum age of sections, 2.5.11
moving sections, 2.5.4
Page Template tab, A.2.2
previewing page templates, 2.5.13
removing page templates from sections, 2.5.17
removing sections, 2.5.3
renaming sections, 2.5.6
Secondary Page Template tab, A.2.3
Section tab, A.2.1
showing sections, 2.5.7
using --, 2.5
manager (user), 1.2, 1.3.2
managing fragment libraries, 4
managing site replication, 6
managing Web site addresses, 3
managing Web sites
Web sites
managing --, 2.1
maximum age, 2.5.11, A.2.1
metadata for project files, 5.1, A.7
metadata for web assets, A.8
moving sections, 2.5.4


native documents, 1.3.3
navigation of sites, 2.3
new content in replication, 6.9


objects report for sites, 2.4, A.4
On-Demand Web Site, A.3
On-Demand Web sites, 2.8
outgoing provider for replication, 6.7


page template (of section), A.2.2
Page Template tab of Manage Site page, A.2.2
page templates, 2.5.13
content information page, 2.5.18
removing -- from site sections, 2.5.17
performance improvement, 4.4
previewing a site, 1.3.4
previewing page templates, 2.5.13
process of replication, 6.2
progress of backup, 7.2
progress of restore, 7.3
project document information, 5.1, A.7
project file, 5.1
project files, 5.1, A.7
and replication, 6.9
using pre-10gR4 projects, B.7
outgoing, 6.7
publishing a site, 1.3.4
publishing model, 1.3
adding and editing content in Contributor, 1.3.3
creating site in Designer, 1.3.1
managing site in Manager, 1.3.2
previewing and distributing completed site, 1.3.4


Ready to Replicate, 6.11
reloading Web sites, 2.7
removing a Web site address, 3.4
removing page templates from sections, 2.5.17
removing sections, 2.5.3
renaming sections, 2.5.6
replication, 6.1, 6.11, A.9
and content files, 6.11
automatically export new and changed content, 6.9
configuring target server, 6.6
contents of site, 6.3
export, 6.2
export settings, 6.5
import, 6.2
including project file in export archive, 6.9
process, 6.2
retaining region content, 6.8
retaining switched region content, 6.8
revisions of files, 6.4
scope, 6.3
setting up export archive on source server, 6.9
setting up import archive on target server, 6.8
setting up outgoing provider on source server, 6.7
starting --, 6.10
transfer, 6.2
reports about Web site objects, 2.4, A.4
resetting the install number, 8.3, 8.3, 8.3
restore progress, 7.3
restoring sites, 7.3
retaining region content in replication, 6.8
retaining switched region content in replication, 6.8
revisions of files included in replication, 6.4


secondary page template (of section), A.2.3
Secondary Page Template tab of Manage Site page, A.2.3
Section tab of Manage Site page, A.2.1
adding --, 2.5.2
assigning external URLs to --, 2.5.15
assigning primary pages to --, 2.5.14
assigning secondary pages to --, 2.5.16
contributor-only, 2.5.8
custom properties, A.2.4
editing --, 2.5.5
error handler, 2.5.9
hiding --, 2.5.7
maximum age, 2.5.11, A.2.1
moving --, 2.5.4
page template, A.2.2
removing --, 2.5.3
removing page templates from --, 2.5.17
renaming --, 2.5.6
secondary page template, A.2.3
showing --, 2.5.7
URL, 2.5.10
URL directory name, A.2.1
URL page name, A.2.1
selecting a Web site address, 3.3
Server Configuration Details page, A.18
server configuration of backups, 7.4
Set Default Project Document Information page, A.7
Set Default Web Asset Document Information page, A.8
setting default project document information, 5.2
setting up export archive on target server, 6.9
setting up import archive on target server, 6.8
setting up outgoing provider on source server, 6.7
shortcut for contribution mode, B.1
showing sections, 2.5.7
signed applets, B.5
single sign-on (SSO), B.6
site addresses, 3.1, A.5
adding --, 3.2
deselecting --, 3.3
removing --, 3.4
selecting --, 3.3
site contributor, see 'contributor (user)'
site designer, see 'designer (user)'
site hierarchy, A.2
adding sections, 2.5.2
contributor-only sections, 2.5.8
editing sections, 2.5.5
error handler sections, 2.5.9
external URLs, 2.5.15
hiding sections, 2.5.7
maximum age of sections, 2.5.11
moving sections, 2.5.4
primary pages of sections, 2.5.14
removing page templates, 2.5.17
removing sections, 2.5.3
renaming sections, 2.5.6
secondary pages of sections, 2.5.16
showing sections, 2.5.7
URL of sections, 2.5.10
site manager, see 'manager (user)'
site objects reports, 2.4, A.4
site replication, see 'replication'
Site Studio, 1.1
administration, 1.4
Contributor, 1.1, 1.3.3
Designer, 1.1, 1.3.1
install number, 8.3
Manager, 1.1, 1.3.2
pre-10gR4 projects, B.7
publishing model, 1.3
users, 1.2
version information, 8, A.14
Site Studio Administration page, 1.4
Site Studio Certificate Validation page, B.5
Site Studio Designer, see 'Contributor (application)'
Site Studio Designer, see 'Designer (application)'
Site Studio Designer, see 'Manager (application)'
sites, see 'Web sites'
source server for replication, 6.7, 6.9
source server of backup, 7.4
SSDefaultEditor variable, B.3
SSEnableExtranetLookCompatibility variable, B.6
SSExtraCertificateClasses variable, B.5
SSExtraCertificateJars variable, B.5
SSExtraCertificateLabels variable, B.5
SSHttpLayerManager variable, B.5
SSO, B.6
starting replication, 6.10
starting Site Studio Manager, 2.5.1
starting Web sites, 2.6
status of Archiver, A.9
stopping Web sites, 2.6
switch content file, 6.11


target server for replication, 6.8
target server in replication, 6.6
transferring sites, 6.2
types of users, 1.2


updating custom elements, B.4
updating site navigation, 2.3
URL directory name, 2.5.10, A.2.1
URL of site sections or pages, 2.5.10
URL page name, 2.5.10, A.2.1
usage details, 2.4, A.4
user interface, see 'interface'
administrators, 1.2
contributors, 1.2, 1.3.3
designers, 1.2, 1.3.1
managers, 1.2, 1.3.2
users, types of --, 1.2


validation of Ephox certificates, B.5
variables, see 'configuration variables'
version information, 8, A.14
viewing general component information, 8.2
viewing Web site objects reports, 2.4
viewing Web sites, 2.2
virtual key codes, B.1


wcm.toggle.js, B.1
web asset document information, A.8
web assets, A.8
Web site addresses, 3.1, A.5
adding --, 3.2
deselecting --, 3.3
removing --, 3.4
selecting --, 3.3
Web Site Addresses page, A.5
Web Site Objects Report page, A.4
Web sites
adding sections, 2.5.2, 2.5.2
address, 3.1, A.5
backing up --, 7.2
contributor-only sections, 2.5.8
custom properties, 2.5.12
error handler sections, 2.5.9
external URLs of sections, 2.5.15
hiding sections, 2.5.7
maximum age of sections, 2.5.11
moving sections, 2.5.3, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.5.4
navigation, 2.3
primary pages of sections, 2.5.14
reloading --, 2.7
removing page templates, 2.5.17
renaming sections, 2.5.6, 2.5.6
replicating --, 6.1, A.9
restoring --, 7.3
secondary pages of sections, 2.5.16
showing sections, 2.5.7
starting --, 2.6
stopping --, 2.6
URL of sections or pages, 2.5.10
viewing --, 2.2
window.external functionality, B.4