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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Technical Reference Guide for Site Studio
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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11 Site Studio Services

Site Studio introduces a number of new services in Oracle Content Server, which are used specifically to run a web site. The most important ones are detailed here.

This section contains the following topics:


These services are used by the Site Studio Designer and Contributor applications as well as by the Site Studio component. They are subject to change with each release of the Site Studio application.

11.1 About Site Studio Services

A service is an HTTP request to the Oracle Content Server to perform an action. Each service has a defined set of actions (for example, database transactions, executing a piece of code, queries, and so forth).

When you install the Site Studio component, many services are added.

11.2 Services Related to Contributor

These services are used with Site Studio Contributor:

11.3 Services Related to Designer

These services are related to Site Studio Designer:

11.4 Services Related to Manager

These services are related to Site Studio Manager:

11.5 Services Related to Switch Content

These services are related to the use of the Switch Content Wizard:

11.6 Services Related to Link Wizard

These services are related to constructing and modifying links in Site Studio:

11.7 List of Services

This list of services includes the most useful ones to customize Site Studio, especially to use it with third-party software:

11.7.1 SS_ADD_NODE

  • Description: This service adds a child node to the given site node.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId: the unique identifier of the node (required). The newly added node will be a child of this node.

    • newNodeId: the identifier of the new child node (optional). If this value is not specified, a new, unique identifier will be generated.

    • newNodeName: the label of the new child node (optional). If this value is not specified, the text "New Section" will be used.

  • Returns:

    • newNodeId: the identifier of the newly created node.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the node to which a new child will be added.


  • Description: This service adds the given siteId to the list of web sites for the given document.

  • Parameters:

    • dDocName: the dDocName (required).

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • fieldName: either xWebsites or xDontShowInListsForWebsite (required).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have write access to the latest revision of the given dDocName.


  • Description: This service passes and returns a set to SS_DECODE_LINK to run on all listed links and siteIds in the set.

  • Parameters:

    • a result set titled Link containing a list of links and siteIds as listed in SS_DECODE_LINK.

  • Returns:

    • A result set titled Links, one row for each input row with information as described in SS_DECODE_LINK.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service is a wrapper for CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL followed by a post-process where the fragment .zip file is unzipped and deployed to the weblayout.

  • Parameters:

    • primaryFile: the fragment .zip file. Required.

    • alternateFile: the XML fragment definition. Required.

  • Returns: None

  • Security: Same requirements as for CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL.


  • Description: This service is used to call a UI to select a section. It is used when creating a custom user interface and there is a need for a web site section picker. This service has a Oracle Content Server template (in \templates\) called ss_choose_website_section.htm.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: The site ID for a web site. Optional.

  • Returns:

    • The UI as written in ss_choose_website_section.htm.

  • Security: None.


  • Description: This service displays a screen that allows selecting from a list of web sites. This is used in conjunction with the customization of the xWebsites form elements on the content server UI.

  • Parameters:

    • xWebsites: a comma-separated list of web site IDs.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: Anyone with read access to a security group within the content server will be able to invoke this service.


  • Description: This service is used to clear a preview. Previews clear themselves each week if there is an issue with the clear not running; however, many prefer to remove the files form the server to save space.

  • Parameters:

    • previewId: The preview ID (the folder name) in the preview cache.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: Write access to the document you are previewing.


  • Description: This service clears the memory of the switched region associations.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId: the identifier of the node (optional). If this parameter is not specified, the associations for the entire site will be cleared.

    • property: either primaryUrl or secondaryUrl (required when nodeId is also specified).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the node or to the site if nodeId is not specified.


  • Description: This service clears the specified siteId from the xWebsites or xDontShowInListsForWebsites field for the given dDocName.

  • Parameters:

    • dDocName: the dDocName of the file whose xWebsites or xDontShowInListsForWebsites field should be changed (required).

    • removeWebsiteID: the boolean value yes (required).

    • fieldName: The metadata field whose siteId should be cleared (either xWebsites or xDontShowInListsForWebsites) (required).

    • siteId: The siteId to remove from the xWebsites or xDontShowInListsForWebsites field (required).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the specified dDocName.


  • Description: This service commits site changes when run. Site Studio commits changes automatically every ten minutes, but this script can be run at any time to commit changes on demand.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: You must have write access to the project file to execute the service.


  • Description: This service creates a new, empty site on the content server

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site being created (required). The identifier must follow the siteId naming rules.

    • siteLabel: a label for the site (optional). If no label is specified, the text "Unnamed Site" will be used.

    • siteType: the type of site being created. For example, asp or idoc (optional).

    • initialNodeId: the nodeId of the root section (optional). If this value is not specified, a unique identifier will be created.

    • rootSectionActive: indicates whether or not the root section should be marked as active (optional). Legal values are True or False.

    • rootSectionLabel: the label of the root section (optional). If this value is not specified, the value "Home" will be assigned.

    • rootSectionUrlPageName: the urlPageName value for the root section (optional).

    • rootSectionUrlSecondaryPageName: the urlSecondaryPageName for the root section (optional).

    • rootSectionUrlDirName: the urlDirName value for the root section (optional).

  • Returns:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the created site (required).

  • Security: The user executing the service must have write access to the security group used to check in Site Studio project files, as configured in the "Set Default Project Document Information" administration page.


  • Description: This service creates the site navigation files. This regenerates the sitenavigation.js, sitenavigationfunctions.js, sitenavigation.xml, sitenavigation.hda, and sitenavigation_co.hda files.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • siteNavUrl: the full HTTP URL to the site navigation file.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the root node.


  • Description: This service decodes any Site Studio link to determine where it resolves.

  • Parameters:

    • link: the Site Studio link, in any supported format (required).

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns: (may be blank)

    • targetIsSection: True/False

    • nodeLabel: the navigation label for the node.

    • targetDocName: the dDocName targeted by the link.

    • targetNodeId: the identifier of the section targeted by the link.

    • targetSiteId: the identifier of the site targeted by the link.

    • targetIsSecondary: True/False

    • linkType: the link type of the entered Site Studio link.

    • errors: one of the following string values - unknown Error, noInputLink, invalidInputSiteId, invalidSiteId, invalidNodeId, invalidPathLink, noDocInfo, notSiteStudioUrl, badUrlFormat, cantFindUrlSection, parameterCount, parameterFormat.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service deletes the specified site node and all of its children.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId: the identifier of the node to delete (required).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have at least delete access to the node to be deleted.


  • Description: This service retrieves information about the latest document, including those in workflow, and not just the latest released document. This service behaves similar to the DOC_INFO_BY_NAME Oracle Content Server service.

  • Parameters:

    • dDocName: the dDocName of the document you want to retrieve the info from.

  • Returns:

    • The DOC_INFO result set for the latest version of the supplied dDocName.

    • The document author's email address. The email address is not in the result set.

  • Security: Read access to the latest version. This may require access to the document's workflow .


  • Description: This service returns an HTML page that can be used to launch "Check Out and Open" (COAO). The page has the necessary JavaScript and <object> tag required to launch COAO.

  • Parameters:

    • dDocName: the dDocName of the file that you want to edit with the COAO functionality (required).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: Must have write access on at least one security group; otherwise, the user would not be able to use COAO.


  • Description: This service displays the root Site Studio Administration page.

  • Parameters: None.

  • Returns:

    • The Administration page

  • Security: Requires administration access.


  • Description: Retrieves the custom node property definitions for the given site.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • A result set named CustomNodePropertyDefs, which has the following columns: name, type, and description.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the root node.


  • Description: Retrieves the complete set of node properties.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId: the identifier of the node (required).

  • Returns:

    • Returns two result sets, StandardProperties and SiteStudioProperties. Each result set has one row. The column names are the property names.

    • The StandardProperties result set will contain only one row and column reporting the nodeId.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access to the node's folder.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service retrieves a complete set of the domains on the server.

  • Parameters: None.

  • Returns:

    • A result set named DomainMap of all domain addresses with rows named Key, SiteId, Patterns, and Default. Key is the domain, SiteId is the ID, Pattern is what the URL is re-written to as an SS_GET_PAGE, and Default is the default address to the site.

  • Security: Requires Administrator access.


  • Description: Retrieves the complete set of site properties.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • A result set named SiteStudioProperties, which has one row of values. The column names are the property names.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access to the site.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service returns a list of all of the sites on the content server.

  • Parameters: None.

  • Returns:

    • numSites=N

    • site0=siteId

      . . .

    • siteN-1=siteId

    The same information will be returned in the SiteIds result set.

  • Security: The list of sites returned will be those to which the user has at least read access.


  • Description: This service gets all Site Studio base configuration information for Designer.

  • Parameters: None.

  • Returns:

    • The base configuration information.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access to the site.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service retrieves the Site Studio base configuration information for Contributor.

  • Parameters: None.

  • Returns:

    • The base configuration information.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access to the site.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service loads a JavaScript file (wcm.strings.js) from weblayout\resources\wcm\base\lang\language id for the current user's language. If there is no wcm.strings.js file for the user's current language, the default EN strings will be returned.

  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • The contents of the JavaScript file.

  • Security: None. If the user is not logged in, the language ID is EN.


  • Description: This service returns a result set of all defined document conversion rules.

  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • A result set of all defined rules for Dynamic Converter named either DCConversions or DCConversions80 depending on the version of Dynamic Converter.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the site.


  • Description: This service is used by Contributor to get labels from a content ID.

  • Parameters:

    • A result set of dDocNames named contentIds.

  • Returns:

    • A label for each of the supplied dDocName values. The response will be in JSON format with the dDocName values as the keys.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access.


  • Description: This service displays the web site usage report.

  • Parameters:

    • dDocName: the dDocName of the file to run the web site usage report for (required).

  • Returns:

    • The web site usage report.

  • Security: The user must have at least read access.


  • Description: This service retrieves the properties of this site that are identified as environment properties.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • A result set called EnvironmentProperties with a single column called name that has a row for each property identified as an environment property.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service retrieves the first node of the site; useful for enumerating the site hierarchy.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • firstId: the identifier of the first node in the site hierarchy.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access to the root node.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service constructs a friendly URL to either a document or a section.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • ssDocName: the dDocName of the document to display (optional).

    • ssTargetNodeId: the identifier of the section that will display the document (optional).

      Either ssDocName or ssTargetNodeId must be specified.

    • ssTargetSiteId: the identifier of the site containing the specified ssTargetNodeId.

  • Returns:

    • ssFriendlyUrl: The site-relative URL to the specified document or section.

    • HttpSiteAddress: The address of the root of the web site. (The full URL can be constructed by concatenating these two return values.)

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.

11.7.32 SS_GET_LINK

  • Description: This is the service version of ssLink server side link.

  • Parameters:

    • ssDocName: the dDocName of the document to display (required).

    • TargetNodeId: the identifier of the section that will display the document (optional).

    • TargetSiteId: the identifier of the site containing the specified TargetNodeId (optional).

    • SourceNodeId: the identifier of the section that will display the document if the document's xWebsiteSection value is not available (optional).

    • SourceSiteId: the identifier of the site containing the specified ssSourceNodeId (optional).

  • Returns:

    • An ssLink parameter denoting an absolute URL to the specified document.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service obtains information about links within a Site Studio Site.

  • Parameters: none.

  • Returns: a result set labeled Manifest with these columns:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • layoutResultSet: contains these values:

      • nodeId: the identifier of the section.

      • dDocName: the name of the document.

      • isPrimaryUrl: if the result is designated as a primary page.

    • UrlDataFiles: contains these values:

      • nodeId: the identifier of the section.

      • dDocName: the name of the document.

      • isPrimaryUrl: if the result is designated as a primary page.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service obtains the configuration information used to populate the Link Wizard.

  • Parameters:

    • link: the value of the link. It can be of any format.

    • target: the target window.


    While these parameters are passed in the service call, they are not used.

  • Returns:

    • The configuration in JSON for the link wizard is returned.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service is used to launch the link wizard within the context of a site.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId: the unique identifier of the node.

    • link: the value of the link. It can be of any format.

    • target: the target window.


    While the nodeId, link, and target parameters are passed in the service call, they are not used.

  • Returns:

    • The configuration in JSON for the link wizard is returned.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This is the service version of ssNodeLink server side link.

  • Parameters:

    • TargetNodeId: the identifier of the section to construct the URL to (required).

    • TargetSiteId: the identifier of the site containing the specified TargetNodeId (optional).

    • SourceNodeId: the identifier of the section from which the URL should be constructed. This is useful for ascertaining if the link should be an absolute or relative URL (optional).

    • SourceSiteId: the identifier of the site containing the specified SourceNodeId (optional).

  • Returns:

    • The result is returned as an ssNodeLink parameter.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service retrieves a node property.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId: the identifier of the node (required).

    • property: the name of the property to remove (required).

  • Returns:

    • value: the value of the requested node property. If the requested property does not exist, this parameter will not be returned but the service call will succeed.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access to the node.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.

11.7.38 SS_GET_PAGE

The core service SS_GET_PAGE was created specifically for Site Studio. It performs a central function for the product by dynamically generating a single web page from its many component parts.

In Site Studio version 7.2.1 and earlier versions, the SS_GET_PAGE service was used directly to browse to a Site Studio web page URL. For the current version of Site Studio version, the SS_GET_PAGE service will rarely be used in the web page URL directly. Instead, web pages are accessed using more standard path-based URLs.

However, the core SS_GET_PAGE service call still exists to perform the work behind the scenes for these URLs. In addition, we now have a web server filter plug-in that intercepts all path-based Site Studio related URLs and converts them to their component parts before passing them on to the underlying SS_GET_PAGE service call. As a result, this core service continues to be described here.

The SS_GET_PAGE service requires one of the following, mutually exclusive parameters as part of the query string:

  • nodeId: If specified, the service looks for that node in the site hierarchy and retrieves the node's primaryUrl property, which provides enough information to serve up the node's primary page directly.

    It is also possible to retrieve the node's secondary page, instead, by specifying the "useSecondary=true parameter in the URL. In this case, the service will retrieve the node's secondaryUrl property and serve up the secondary page. This feature is used primarily by the Designer application.

  • ssDocName: If specified (with a valid dDocName value), the service looks for the managed content item and determines the web site section that it is to be displayed in using a three-rule evaluation (see "Three Rules for Reusing Content" below).

    It then performs a decision-making process to determine whether it should display the section's primary or secondary page by parsing the sections primaryUrl and secondaryUrl properties. Once the decision is made, the correct page can be served up.

In the Site Studio Designer interface and in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Site Studio Designer, a site hierarchy is described as having "sections" that make up the web site. These were originally called "nodes" when the product was first developed, and, as such, many behind-the-scenes features like the SS_GET_PAGE service still refer to them as such. In Site Studio terminology, a "node" is the same as a "section."

Three Rules for Reusing Content

When SS_GET_PAGE is used with the nodeId parameter, the service is told explicitly to display the primary page of the specified section, and no more decisions are needed. But when SS_GET_PAGE is used with the ssDocName parameter, the service must determine which section to display the document in, and this is determined by the following three rules:

  1. TARGET: If the optional ssTargetNodeId parameter is specified in the URL, then it explicitly displays the managed document in that section.

  2. SECTION: If the managed document has a value in its xWebsiteSection metadata field, then it uses that value as the section to display the managed document in.

  3. SOURCE: If the optional ssSourceNodeId parameter is specified in the URL as the current pages node, then it explicitly displays the managed document in that section.

All of this allows contributors to share and reuse content (contributor data files and native documents) in different sections of the same site and even different sites on the same content server (see "Sharing region content using target sections" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Site Studio Designer).

Once the SS_GET_PAGE service (using an ssDocName parameter) has determined which section to display the managed document in, it still needs to determine whether it should serve up the primary or secondary layout page. The following algorithm controls this:

Condition Action
If ssDocName matches any of the region parameters in the sections primaryUrl property Serve up the primary page.
If ssDocName matches any of the region parameters in the section's secondaryUrl property Serve up the secondary page.
Else Serve up the secondary page but replace the REPLACEABLE region parameter with the ssDocName value.

The REPLACEABLE region is defined by the sections secondaryUrlVariableField property.

The above description assumes that the ssDocName parameter points to a contributor data file or native document. If the ssDocName parameter points to a layout file, then a different decision-making process occurs, whereby Site Studio walks the site hierarchy until it locates a section using that layout. However, a direct link to a managed layout is rare; it is typically used internally by Designer.

In addition to nodeId, ssDocName, ssTargetNodeId, and ssSourceNodeId, the SS_GET_PAGE service also recognizes the following optional URL parameters or cookie values:

  • SSContributor: This parameter contains a true or false value to indicate whether the web page should be displayed in contribution mode. In contribution mode, the web page displays workflow versions of content items and a contribution icon for each contribution region. If necessary, this parameter will also cause a login prompt. If passed as a URL parameter, this value will automatically get set as a cookie value as well so that it is automatically propogated as the contributor navigates the site.

  • PreviewId: This parameter indicates that a temporary preview version of the web page should display instead of the latest checked-in version. It is used only by the Designer and Contributor applications (in combination with the SS_GET_PAGE service) to provide a preview service without checking in new versions of layout pages and contributor data files. Again, if passed as a URL parameter, this value will automatically get set as a cookie value so that it is automatically propagated as the contributor or designer navigates the site in order to remain in preview mode.

    You should not be using this parameter directly.

The Error Handler Section

An error can occur at any point during the SS_GET_PAGE service call. For example, if a REPLACEABLE region is required but has not been specified for a particular section, you may encounter an error. Normally, if these types of errors occur, they are shown within a standard content server error page, which takes the consumer out of the context of the web site.

In order to show the error, but remain within the context of the web site, one section within the site can be specified as an Error Handler section in Designer. If an error occurs within the SS_GET_PAGE service, then the consumer is redirected to the primary layout page associated with the error handler section. Two Idoc variables are available for the layout page displaying error information:

  • ssErrorMessage: a text description of the error that has occurred.

  • ssErrorCode: a numeric error code to indicate what type of error has occurred so that you can present your own error description.

Internally, when setting the error handler section, a site property, errorNodeId, is set to contain the nodeId of the error handler section.

In Site Studio, the potential list of error codes includes:

ssErrorCode ssErrorMessage
-0x100 "No Layout page specified for this part of the web site."
-0x101 "Failed to locate document information for document with content ID"
-0x102 "Document with Content ID '{1}' does not match the Primary or Secondary Url at section '{2}' (Id={3}) and there is no Replaceable Region defined."
-0x103 "Link to Section '{1}' (Id={2}) failed because there is no Primary URL defined for the section."
-0x104 "Link to Section '{1}' (Id={2}) failed because there is no Secondary URL defined for the section."
-0x105 "The Section '{1}' (Id={2}) is not part of a Site Studio web site."
-0x106 "Layout with Content ID '{1}' is not filed in a Site Studio web site."
-0x107 "The Layout with Content ID '{1}' was not found in any section Url of any web site."
-0x108 "Unable to identify in which web site section to display document with Content ID '{1}'."
-0x200 "An unknown error has occurred in the SS_GET_PAGE service call."

  • Description: Displays a Site Studio web page.

  • Parameters:

    To display the primary (splash) page of a section:

    • siteId: the identifier of the site (optional). This value is computed if not specified.

    • nodeId: the identifier of the section (required).

    To display a particular document in a section:

    • ssDocName: the dDocName of the document to display (required).

    • ssTargetNodeId: the identifier of the section that will display the document (optional).

    • ssTargetSiteId: the identifier of the site containing the specified ssTargetNodeId (optional). This value is computed if not specified.

    • ssSourceNodeId: the identifier of the section that will display the document if the document's xWebsiteSection value is not available (optional).

    • ssSourceSiteId: the identifier of the site containing the specified ssSourceNodeId (optional). This value is computed if not specified.

    • SSContributor: indicates whether the page should be delivered in contribution mode (optional). Allowed values are true and false.

  • Returns:

    • The Site Studio web page.

  • Security: The user must have at least read access to the documents that comprise the web site page.


  • Description: This service collects all configuration necessary for the Oracle Content Wizard for a given placeholder definition.

  • Parameters:

    This requires one of the following:

    • contentId: the unique identifier of the placeholder definition.


    • The placeholder definition xml file passed as a string.

  • Returns: Returns a result set for each of the following:

    • RegionTemplates: a result set of the region templates.

    • RegionDefinitions: a result set of the region definitions.

    • Subtemplates: a result set of the subtemplates.

  • Security: The user must have write access.


  • Description: This service returns region associations of primary and secondary URLs that have been changed via the SS_SWITCH_REGION_ASSOCIATION service URLs.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • Primary: all primary URLs for the site.

    • Secondary: all secondary URLs for the site.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service retrieves all element definitions listed in a region definition.

  • Parameters:

    • regionDefinition: the unique identifier of the region definition.

  • Returns:

    • A result set named ssElementConfigs containing the following columns: SSElementType, SSElementTitle, SSElementName, SSElementIsList, SSSubelements.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service retrieves the node identifier of the given relative; useful for enumerating the site hierarchy.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId: the identifier of the node (required).

    • relative: one of the following: parent, child, next, or prior (required).

  • Returns:

    • relativeId: the identifier of the relative node in the site hierarchy. If there is no such relative, the empty string is returned.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access to the specified node.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service is a wrapper around the regular GET_SEARCH_RESULTS service. It allows some Site Studio features to be specified simply as flags and have the real query syntax be constructed on the server. It can modify the standard SearchResults result set to contain an additional column called ssUrl which will contain the Site Studio-friendly url for all of the search results.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • ssLimitScope: this restricting scope to within the site only (optional). It is true, false, or -1.

      True alters the QueryText with a clause for xWebsites.

      False does not alter the QueryText for xWebsites.

      -1 alters the QueryText with a <not> clause for xWebsites.

    • ssUserSearchText: a user-supplied search text (optional). This is joined to the supplied QueryText.

    • ssWebsiteObjectType: the object type (optional). This appends to the QueryText the requirement that xWebsiteObjectType match the specified object type.

    • computeFriendlyUrls: this modifies results to include ssUrl (optional). This parameter defaults to true.

    • ssDontShowInLists: this is used to limit the search to those documents where the siteId is contained in the xDontShowInListsForWebsites metadata field. This parameter is true/false.

    These parameters are all in addition to those required by GET_SEARCH_RESULTS.

  • Returns:

    • A result set named Search Results.

  • Security: The user must have read access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service retrieves the entire site with nodes and attributes as XML.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • includeProperties: A Boolean parameter (true or false) that indicates whether the properties of the nodes should be included as result sets in the response (optional).

  • Returns:

    • siteXml: an XML representation of the site.

    • Optionally returns two result sets, StandardProperties and SiteStudioProperties, which give the properties of the nodes in the XML file. A nodeId parameter associates rows in the result set to the nodes of the XML.

  • Security: This requires that the user have at least write access to the root node of the hierarchy. The returned XML will enumerate every node in the hierarchy. This is because Site Studio has to be able to show a tree structure that the user can navigate through to get to nodes that he can modify.


  • Description: This service retrieves the site asset categories for a site from the project file.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • A result set named SiteAssetCategories containing the following columns: name, type, querytext, metadata, and description.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This is a 'heartbeat' service that Designer normally runs every 10 seconds by default to determine if changes have been made to the site by someone else.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • ssChangeMonitorToken: an identifier that changes when the web site changes.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access to the project root element.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service returns the site definition in XML.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • siteXml: an XML representation of the site hierarchy.

  • Security: The user must have write access to the project root element.


  • Description: This service returns the site definition in XML, showing all nodes a user has read access to.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service returns domain mapping information for a site.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • ssSiteDomains: a result set listing the domains that are mapped to the site.

  • Security: The user must have write access to one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service lists all information for assets being used in all fragments in a site.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • The information for the assets is returned. The same information appears in the Administration page.

  • Security: The user must have read access and be logged in.


  • Description: This service returns the dDocName of the project file for a site.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • The dDocName of the project file.

  • Security: The user must have read access.


  • Description: This service retrieves a site property.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • property: the name of the property to retrieve (required).

  • Returns:

    • value: the value of the requested site property.

    If the requested site property does not exist, this parameter will not be returned, but the service call will succeed.

  • Security: The user must have at least read access to the site. This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service obtains a report of the items used in the site. This is designed to be used with the Site Studio Publishing Utility (SSPU) or Site Studio Publisher to ensure the fidelity of the "scraped" site.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns: Returns numerous result sets describing the site content.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the site's root folder.


  • Description: This service obtains a report of the items used in the site.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns: Returns numerous result sets describing the site content.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the site.


  • Description: This service returns the Switch Content configuration for the listed region definition.

  • Parameters:

    • regionDefinition: the unique identifier of the region definition (required).

  • Returns:

    • A JSON response of the XML of the region definition named ssRegionConfig.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the site.


  • Description: This service returns what site a given node ID is associated with. This should be used with servers set up to use unique nodes.

  • Parameters:

    • nodeId: the unique identifier of the node, to determine what site it is associated with (required).

    • preferredSiteId: the unique identifier of the site to search first. This is used in those cases where you might think the nodes may not be unique.

  • Returns:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site. If the nodeId could not be found in any site, the service will return a StatusCode with a negative value.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access to the specified node.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service returns the version number and build number for Site Studio as well as the version number for Oracle Content Server.

  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • Product version number and build number for the Site Studio component, and the version number for the Oracle Content Server.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access to the specified node.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service returns the full weblayout url in the parameter labeled ssWeblayoutUrl.

  • Parameters:

    • ssWebLayoutParam: either dDocName, or a weblayout url starting with the path groups/ (required).

  • Returns:

    • A full weblayout url in a parameter labeled ssWeblayoutUrl.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service determines if the navigation files are out of date.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • Variable jsNavIsOutOfDate of 0 or 1.

  • Security:

    • The user must have at least read access.

    • This service can be executed from Idoc script.


  • Description: This service maps either a dDocName value to a friendly name or a friendly name to a dDocName - this relates to use of the SSUrlFieldName configuration setting.

  • Parameters:

    • inputName: value of either the dDocName or the friendly name (required).

    • direction: either fromDocName or toDocName (required).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.

11.7.61 SS_MOVE_NODE

  • Description: This service moves a site node in the hierarchy.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId: the identifier of the node to move (required).

    • newParentId: the identifier of the new parent for the node (required).

    • insertAfterId: the identifier of the prior sibling to the moved node (optional). If this parameter is not specified, the node will be the first child of new_parent_id.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the new parent node.


  • Description: This service returns the siteId and siteRelativeUrl for the target of the link passed.

  • Parameters:

    • ssFriendlyUrl: the friendly url located on the site (required).

  • Returns:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site.

    • siteRelativeUrl: the parsed url of the entered friendly url.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: The preview of a file is a temporary file in a directory under the directory of the actual checked-in item. This service creates a preview ID for a given file.

  • Parameters:

    • path: the local file system path of the file to be previewed.

    • ssDocName: the content ID of the item to preview.

  • Returns:

    • The Preview ID.

  • Security: The user must have write access to the file you are trying to preview.


  • Description: This service is the same as the Publish Now functionality used to interact with Site Studio Publisher to publish the URL for the node.

    For this service to work with a site, the site must be marked with the Enable Publish Site action in Site Studio Designer to work.

  • Parameters:

    • nodeId: the unique identifier of the node. (required)

    • isSecondaryPage: A boolean value. The default is false.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service removes the given siteId to the list of web sites for the given document.

  • Parameters:

    • dDocName: the unique identifier for the file (required).

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • fieldName: either xWebsites or xDontShowInListsForWebsite (required).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have write access to the latest revision of the given dDocName.


  • Description: This service sets the custom node property definitions for the given site.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required). Takes as input a result set named CustomNodePropertyDefs, which has the following columns: name, type, and description (required).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the root node.


  • Description: This service is used by Contributor to update and save changes. This is called at the end of a revision. The checkout of the data file is independent of this service; the data file must be checked out before it can be checked in with changes.

  • Parameters:

    • dDocName: the unique identifier of the data file (required).

    • dId: the ID of the revision checked out (required).

      The two above values are obtained with the check-out of the data file.

    • A result set named SSElementData, with the following columns: element, value, and isList. The isList is boolean, so if it is yes, then an additional result set with the name of the element and the columns named with the list sub-elements.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service sets the defined environment properties for the specified site.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • a result set called EnvironmentProperties with a single column called name that has a row for each property identified as an environment property.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service sets a node property.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId: the unique identifier of the node (required).

    • property: the name of the property to set or remove (required).

    • value: the new value of the attribute (optional). If the value is not specified, the property will be removed.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the node.


  • Description: This service is a method to set multiple node properties on multiple nodes.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId0: the unique identifier of the node (or nodes) (required).

      . . .


    • property0: the name of the property (or properties) (required).

      . . .


    • value0: the value of the associated property (required).

      . . .


  • Returns:

    • A rowsProcessed value of the number of properties set.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the node.


This service is a specialization of SET_ELEMENT_DATA, where the data is saved in a preview location and not checked in.

For more information, see Section 11.7.67, "SS_SET_ELEMENT_DATA."


  • Description: This service is used to save changes to the site asset categories.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • A result set called SiteAssetCategories with the following columns: description, metadata, name, querytext, and type. Values for name and type must be supplied. These values match the descriptions detailed in the Site Asset Categories dialog in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Site Studio Designer.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service sets the domain mapping information for a site.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • ssSiteDomains: a result set listing the domains to be mapped to the site.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service sets multiple site properties in a single service call.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • property: the name of the property to retrieve (required).

    • value: the value of the requested site property.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


  • Description: This service sets a site property.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • property: the name of the property to set or remove (required).

    • value: the new value of the attribute (optional). If value is not specified, the property will be removed.

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the site.


  • Description: This service changes the dDocName associated with a particular region in a particular node.

  • Parameters:

    • siteId: the unique identifier of the site (required).

    • nodeId: the identifier of the node (required).

    • region: the region identifier (required).

    • primaryUrl: the dDocName value to set for the specified "region" in the primaryUrl (optional).

    • secondaryUrl: the dDocName value to set for the specified "region" in the secondaryUrl (optional).

    • primaryTemplateUrl: the dDocName value of a region template or subtemplate to set for the specified "region" in the primary page (optional).

    • secondaryTemplateUrl: the dDocName value of a region template or subtemplate to set for the specified "region" in the secondary page (optional).

  • Returns: Nothing.

  • Security: The user must have at least write access to the node.


  • Description: This service validates a website object (in XML) against the known XSD Schema for the object type.

  • Parameters:

    • websiteObject:path: the path to the local object file to validate and upload.

    • websiteObjectType: the the object type of the local object file.

  • Returns:

    • A binder response with message and status code.

  • Security: The user must have write access to at least one security group on the content server.


This service evaluates a placeholder, allowing the contents of the placeholder to be retrieved directly from anywhere the Oracle Content Server can be seen from.

This allows you to create a third party application on top of xml data files that are managed by the Oracle Content Server and can be edited by the Site Studio Contributor, without being forced into using a full Site Studio web site.

  • Parameters:

    • dataFileDocName: the dDocName of the data file to associate with the placeholder.

    • templateDocName: the dDocName of the region template or subtemplate to associate with the placeholder.

    • placeholderDefinitionDocName: the dDocName of the placeholder definition to map to the placeholder.

    • regionDefinitionDocName: the dDocName of the region definition to associate with the region template named in templateDocName.

    • placeholderActions: the allowed actions of the placeholder definition, as follows:

      • E allows contributor update

      • P allows workflow approve

      • R allows workflow reject

      • I allows viewing docInfo

      • S allows switching the data file

      • U allows viewing the web usage report

      • T allows viewing the web tracker report

      • M allows updating the docInfo

      • V allows switching the region template

      • N allows remove content

      Each selection corresponds to the checkbox for the action in the design view of the placeholder definition in Designer.

  • Returns:

    • The evaluated placeholder content.

These are the same parameters required by the wcmPlaceholder script extension.

This service can be used with webcache and Edge Side Includes (ESI) for partial page caching. When the page is rendered in an ESI environment, the ESI server can cache the request for placeholder contents.


This service displays the Site Studio Contributor, allowing the user to edit the specified data file.


  • dDocName: the unique identifier of a data file.

When you check the file in, if it is no longer the head revision, then you cannot complete the check-in.


This service should rarely, if ever, be called directly. Consider calling WCM_BEGIN_EDIT_SESSION instead.


This service can be used to check out a data file before editing it with the WCM_EDIT_DATA_FILE service. WCM_BEGIN_EDIT_SESSION will automatically redirect to WCM_EDIT_DATA_FILE after the checkout.

  • Parameters:

    • dDocName: the unique identifier of a Site Studio data file (required).