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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Setup Guide for Universal Records Management
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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7 Configuration Options

This chapter contains information for administrators who are responsible for configuring the system, usually those with the Records Administrator role. Certain configuration procedures described here and in other chapters may also apply to other users if they have been given the appropriate rights. The required rights are noted for each procedure.

This chapter covers the following topics:

7.1 Retention Options

Several system-wide configuration settings are specified on the Configure Retention Settings Page. This chapter discusses the following specific configuration screens and tasks. Other configuration options are discussed in the remaining chapters of this book.

Most of these options can be set by selecting the checkbox next to the option. For details about each option, see "Configure Retention Settings Page". Other options which require further configuration are discussed later in this section.

General configuration choices are available by clicking Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Settings to display the Configure Retention Settings Page.

General options:

Record Definition options:

Security options:

Notification options:

Scheduling options:

User interface options:

DoD Configuration options:

Classified topic options:

7.1.1 Setting the Fiscal Calendar

The fiscal calendar is the calendar used by an organization for financial and accounting purposes. A fiscal year may coincide with a calendar year (that is, run from January 1 to December 31), but it does not need to.

Specify the start date of the fiscal year once, unless the organization changes the fiscal start date or the start date varies from year to year. The fiscal start date may need to be set manually each year if your organization has a unique fiscal calendar start, such as the first Monday of each year, for example, because a date does not fall on the same weekday each year.


The Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

To set the fiscal calendar start date, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Records then Configure then Settings from the Top menu.

    The Configure Retention Settings Page is displayed.

  2. Specify the date the fiscal year begins for the organization in the Start of Fiscal Calendar box. To enter a date, enter the starting date and select the month from the list. For example, if your organization starts its fiscal calendar on April 1, type 1 and select April from the list of months.

  3. Click Submit Update.

    A message is displayed saying the configuration was successful.

  4. Click OK.

7.1.2 Setting Performance Monitoring

You can enable performance monitoring to check the status of batch processing, service calls, and other system information.

Several default numbers have been set as a starting point for monitoring. Actual performance variations will depend on the hardware used at the site and other variables such as total amount of content and software in use.

For details about using performance monitoring, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Universal Records Management.

7.2 PCM Options

Some general configuration options for Physical Content Management are available on the Configure Physical Settings Page. This is similar to the Configure Retention Settings Page where a series of options are used to determine system functionality.

To access this page, click Physical then Configure then Settings from the Top menu. Other configuration options are available on the Configure menu, such as setting up chargebacks, invoices, and other aspects of Physical Content Management.

Other chapters in this guide discuss how to configure components to use for Physical Content Management. See Chapter 8, "Configuring Physical Content Management" and Chapter 9, "Setting Up PCM Storage Space" for details and see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Universal Records Management for additional information

The following options appear on the Configure Physical Settings Page:

7.3 Setting Up Workflows


Workflow creation is only needed to enable category disposition approval processing, reservation processing, or offsite request processing. If you do not need that functionality, you do not need to set up any workflows.

Workflows are used to specify how content is routed for review, approval, and release to the system. A criteria workflow is used for content that enters the review process automatically, based on metadata matching predefined criteria. A basic workflow is one used to process specific content items.

Three specific criteria workflows must be set up in order for the following functionality to work:

A workflow is composed of several steps which route the content to groups of people in an alias list. It can be customized to exit when completed, branch content depending on certain conditions, and use variables to designate unknown users.

After a workflow is enabled, it goes through several specific stages:

Workflows are discussed in detail in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Administrator's Guide for Content Server. This section describes only the information needed to establish the three workflows necessary for Oracle URM.

7.3.1 Workflow Prerequisites and Process

The following steps briefly explain the Criteria workflow process and some of the tasks that should be performed before setting up the workflow:

  1. A user with Workflow rights sets up the Criteria workflow by defining the following:

    • Security groups: the RecordsGroup, Reservation and Offsite security groups are required.

    • Metadata fields and values: these fields are set up at installation (for example, OffsiteRequest.)

    • Review steps and reviewers for each step: it is good practice to discuss workflows with the people involved so they are aware of the responsibilities they will have in the process.

    • If a group of people need to be included in an alias that should be created ahead of time. The following alias lists are needed:

      • Disposition Reviewers: those people who will review disposition criteria. Suggested name: DispositionReviewGroup.

      • Reservation Reviewers: those people who can approve reservation requests. Suggested name: ReservationGroup.

      • Offsite Request Reviewers: those people who review requests for offsite storage. Suggested name: OffSiteRequestReviewGroup.

      See the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Content Server for details about adding aliases and adding users to alias groups.

  2. A user with Workflow rights starts the Criteria workflow by enabling it.

  3. When content is checked in with the defined security group and metadata field value, the content enters the workflow.

  4. Reviewers for the first step are notified by e-mail that the revision is ready for review.

  5. The reviewers approve or reject the revision.

    • If the step is a reviewer/contributor step, the reviewers can check out the revision, edit it, and check it back in before approving it. For example, administrators may need to alter a reservation request.

    • If a user rejects the revision, the workflow returns to the previous contribution step, and the users for that step are notified by e-mail.

    • When the minimum number of users have approved the revision, it goes to next step. (If the minimum number of approvals is 0, the revision moves to the next step automatically.)

  6. When all steps are complete, the revision is released to the system.

7.3.2 Creating Oracle URM Workflows


The Rights.Apps.Workflow right is required to perform this task. This right is not assigned by default to any role. It must be assigned to a role before a workflow can be created.

This section details the specific requirements for the three workflows needed for Oracle URM functionality. Category Dispositions Workflow

The Category Disposition Workflow is used to approve the disposition rules on a category before the rules are enacted.

  1. Click Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu.

    The Administration Applets Page is displayed.

  2. Click Workflow Admin.

    The Workflow Admin dialog is displayed.

  3. Click the Criteria tab. Click Add.

    The New Criteria Workflow dialog is displayed.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Workflow name: CategoryDispositionsProcess

    • Description: Category Disposition Processing

    • Security Group: select RecordsGroup from the dropdown list

    • Original Author Edit Rule: select Edit Revision

    • Has Criteria Definition: click this checkbox

    • Field: select Type from the dropdown list

    • Operator: this should say "Matches"

    • Value: select RetentionCategory from the dropdown list

    Click OK when done. The Workflow Admin dialog is redisplayed.

  5. In the Criteria portion of the dialog, in the Steps section, click Add.

    The Add New Step dialog is displayed.

  6. Enter the following information:

    • Step name: CategoryDispositionsReview

    • Description: Review Category Dispositions

    • Users can review and edit (replace) the current revision: check this box

    • Click the Users tab then click Add Alias. Select the alias list for the users who will be reviewing dispositions and click OK.

    • Click the Exit Condition tab. In the Required Approvers portion, click the checkbox for All Reviewers.

  7. Click OK. The Workflow Admin dialog is redisplayed.

  8. Click Enable to start the workflow. Reservation Processing Workflow

The Reservation workflow is used to process reservation requests for physical items.

  1. Click Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu.

    The Administration Applets Page is displayed.

  2. Click Workflow Admin.

    The Workflow Admin dialog is displayed.

  3. Click the Criteria tab. Click Add.

    The New Criteria Workflow dialog is displayed.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Workflow name: ReservationProcess

    • Description: Processes reservations

    • Security Group: select Reservation from the dropdown list

    • Original Author Edit Rule: select Edit Revision

    • Has Criteria Definition: click this checkbox

    • Field: select Type from the dropdown list

    • Operator: this should say "Matches"

    • Value: select Request from the dropdown list

    Click OK when done. The Workflow Admin dialog is redisplayed.

  5. In the Criteria portion of the dialog, in the Steps section, click Add.

    The Add New Step dialog is displayed.

  6. Enter the following information for the first step:

    • Step name: RequestReview

    • Description: Review Request

    • Users can review and edit (replace) the current revision: check this box

    • Click the Users tab then click Add Alias. Select the alias list for the users who will be reviewing reservation requests and click OK.

    • Click the Exit Condition tab. In the Required Approvers portion, click the checkbox for At Least This Many Reviewers and enter 1 for the value.

    • Click OK. The Workflow Admin dialog is redisplayed.

  7. In the Criteria portion of the dialog, in the Steps section, click Add.

    The Add New Step dialog is displayed.

  8. Enter the following information for the second step:

    • Step name: RequestComplete

    • Description: Complete the request

    • Users can review the current revision: check this box

    • Click the Users tab then click Add Alias. Select the alias list for the users who will be completing the reservation requests and click OK.

    • Click the Exit Condition tab. In the Required Approvers portion, click the checkbox for At Least This Many Reviewers and enter 0 for the value.

    • Click the Events tab.

      • Click Edit in the Entry section. Click the Custom tab then click the Custom Script Evaluation checkbox. Enter the following code

        <$wfSet("wfJumpName", "complete")$>
                <$wfSet("wfJumpEntryNotifyOff", "1")$>

        Click OK.

      • Click Edit in the Update section. Click the Custom tab then click the Custom Script Evaluation checkbox. Enter the following code:

        <$if parseDate(dOutDate) < parseDate(dateCurrent(1))$>
                <$wfSet("wfJumpName", "complete_update")$>
                <$wfSet("wfJumpTargetStep", wfCurrentStep(10))$>
                <$wfSet("wfJumpEntryNotifyOff", "1")$>

        Click OK.

  9. Click OK. The Workflow Admin dialog is redisplayed.

  10. Click Enable to start the workflow. Offsite Storage Workflow

The Offsite Storage workflow is used to process requests to store physical items offsite.

  1. Click Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu.

    The Administration Applets Page is displayed.

  2. Click Workflow Admin.

    The Workflow Admin dialog is displayed.

  3. Click the Criteria tab. Click Add.

    The New Criteria Workflow dialog is displayed.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Workflow name: OffsiteProcess

    • Description: Processes Offsite Requests

    • Security Group: select Offsite from the dropdown list

    • Original Author Edit Rule: select Edit Revision

    • Has Criteria Definition: click this checkbox

    • Field: select Type from the dropdown list

    • Operator: this should say "Matches"

    • Value: select Offsiterequest from the dropdown list

    Click OK when done. The Workflow Admin dialog is redisplayed.

  5. In the Criteria portion of the dialog, in the Steps section, click Add.

    The Add New Step dialog is displayed.

  6. Enter the following information for the first step:

    • Step name: OffsiteRequestReview

    • Description: Review Offsite Request

    • Users can review and edit (replace) the current revision: check this box

    • Click the Users tab then click Add Alias. Select the alias list for the users who will be reviewing reservation requests and click OK.

    • Click the Exit Condition tab. In the Required Approvers portion, click the checkbox for At Least This Many Reviewers and enter 1 for the value.

  7. Click OK. The Workflow Admin dialog is redisplayed.

  8. Click Enable to start the workflow.

7.4 Configuration with Desktop Integration Suite

When using Oracle DIS with Oracle URM with the DoD compliance component enabled, users may not be able to check in files by copying and pasting or by dragging and dropping them into contribution folders. DoD compliance requires that the Category or Folder fields be required during checkin, which means an item cannot be checked in if the field is empty.

Because copying and pasting or dragging and dropping into a folder often doesn't require any additional user interaction, the checkin won't complete successfully unless the administrator configures Oracle URM to enable such checkins.

Several workarounds for this issue are available:

7.5 Configuration Variables

Several configuration variables are available that can be included (or modified) in a configuration file to change the behavior or interface of the software.

In addition to the configuration variables described here, flags in the rma_email_environment.cfg file can be set to determine which fields can be edited during events such as checkin and update for e-mail content. The flags are a double-colon-separated list.

The following section describes some of the more commonly used configuration variables.

7.5.1 UieHideSearchCheckboxes

Use this configuration variable to show or hide the metadata field boxes on the search page, which limit the number of metadata fields initially shown on the page.

  • UieHideSearchCheckboxes=true: The metadata field boxes are not shown on the search page.

  • UieHideSearchCheckboxes=false: The metadata field boxes are shown on the search page.

The default setting is TRUE, so the metadata field boxes are not displayed.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.2 RmaNotifyDispReviewerAndCatAuthor

By default, when events are triggered by a disposition rule, both the specified notification reviewer and the original category author receive e-mail notifications about the event. Use this configuration variable to control who is notified.

  • RmaNotifyDispReviewerAndCatAuthor=true: Both the specified notification reviewer and the category author receive e-mail notifications.

  • RmaNotifyDispReviewerAndCatAuthor=false: Only the category author receives e-mail notifications.

The default setting is TRUE, so both the specified notification reviewer and the category author receive e-mail notifications.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.3 RmaNotifyReviewerAndAlternateReviewer

Users can select an alternate user to perform review actions and process assigned disposition events (for example, if they are out of the office for some time). By default, only the alternative reviewer receive e-mail notifications about the action.You can use this configuration variable to control who is notified.

  • RmaNotifyReviewerAndAlternateReviewer=true: Both the specified alternative reviewer and the original user receive e-mail notifications.

  • Default: RmaNotifyReviewerAndAlternateReviewer=false: Only the alternative reviewer receives e-mail notifications.

The default setting is FALSE.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.4 RecordsManagementNumberOverwriteOnDelete

Use this configuration variable to set the number of disk scrubbing passes used for a destroy action.

  • RecordsManagementNumberOverwriteOnDelete=Number: Where Number is the number of passes.

The default number of scrubbing passes is 2.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.5 RMAHideExternalFieldsFromSearchInfo

Use this configuration variable to hide external fields on the Search and Info pages. The default setting is TRUE, meaning External fields are hidden on those screens.

  • RMAHideExternalFieldsFromSearchInfo=true: This hides the external fields on the Search and Info pages.

  • RMAHideExternalFieldsFromSearchInfo=false: This displays the external fields on the Search and Info pages.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.6 RMAHideExternalFieldsFromCheckInUpdate

Use this configuration variable to hide external fields on the Checkin and Update pages. The default setting is TRUE, meaning External fields are hidden on those screens.

  • RMAHideExternalFieldsFromCheckInUpdate=true: This hides the external fields on the Checkin and Update pages.

  • RMAHideExternalFieldsFromSearchInfo=false: This displays the external fields on the Checkin and Update pages.

Restart the Content Server for this variable to take effect.

7.5.7 AllowRetentionPeriodWithoutCutoff

This variable specifies retention periods for triggers. To use this functionality, add this variable to the records_management_environments.cfg file.

  • AllowRetentionPeriodWithoutCutoff=true: retention periods for triggers for content is enabled. Default.

  • AllowRetentionPeriodWithoutCutoff=false: retention periods are disabled.

Restart the Content Server for this variable to take effect.

7.5.8 RmaAddDocWhereClauseForScreening

This variable allows users with the Records Administrator role to screen for frozen items to which they do not have access (using ACLs) on the screening page or on the Freeze Information Page.

  • RmaAddDocWhereClauseForScreening=false: frozen items can be screened. Default.

  • RmaAddDocWhereClauseForScreening=true: frozen items cannot be screened.

The default is FALSE.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.9 RecordsManagementDenyAuthorFreePassOn RMSecurity

This variable allows the author of content to delete content they authored regardless of the user's security settings.

  • RecordsManagementDenyAuthorFreePassOnRMSecurity=TRUE: Authors are not allowed to delete content they authored.

  • RecordsManagementDenyAuthorFreePassOnRMSecurity=FALSE: Authors are allowed to delete content they authored.

The default is FALSE.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.10 HideVitalReview

This variable hides the Subject to Review related fields.

  • HideVitalReview=true: Subject to Review fields are hidden.

  • HideVitalReview=false: Subject to Review fields are revealed.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.11 RmaEnableWebdavPropPatchOnExport

This variable enables WebDAV support of a PropPatch method to assign metadata values to a file that has been uploaded to a WebDAV server.

  • RmaEnableWebdavPropPatchOnExport=true: Enables the PropPatch method.

  • RmaEnableWebDavPropPatchOnExport=false: The method is not enabled.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.12 SimpleProfilesEnabled

This variable enables the Simple Profile functionality.

  • IsSimpleProfilesEnabled:=true: Enables Simple Profile functionality.

  • IsSimpleProfilesEnabled=false: Disables Simple Profile functionality.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.13 RmaEnableFixedClone

This variable enables the fixed clone functionality which allows the create of record clones of content revisions.

  • RmaEnableFixedClones=true: Enabled fixed clone functionality.

  • RmaEnableFixedClones=false: Disables fixed clone functionality.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.14 RmaFixedClonesTitleSuffix

This variable is used to set the suffix that is automatically appended to a fixed clone content item.

Default: RmaFixedClonesTitleSuffix=(fixed clone)

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.15 ShowContentForStorageBrowse

This variable is used to show content items in the storage browse screens.

  • ShowContentForStorageBrowse=true: Displays content items in the storage browse screens.

  • ShowContentForStorageBrowse=false: Hides content items in the storage browse screens.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.16 RmaFilePlanVolumePrefix and RmaFilePlanVolumeSuffix

These variables are used to define the naming convention for volumes. The usual convention is prefix+timestamp+suffix. Use these variables to define the prefix and suffix. If neither is define, a prefix of volume_ is used by default.

  • RmaFilePlanVolumePrefix=value: Sets the prefix used to value.

  • RmaFilePlanVolumeSuffix=value: Sets the suffix used to value.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.17 RmaEnableFilePlan

This variable enables File Plan folder structure functionality.

  • (default) RmaEnableFilePlan=false: Disables the folder structure used with MoReq2 file plans.

  • RmaEnableFilePlan=true: Enables folder structure for use with MoReq2 file plans.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.18 RmaEnablePostFilterOnScreening

This variable enables additional security on screening results. If a user does not have appropriate security for an item in a screening result list, that item is hidden from view.

  • Default: RmaEnablePostFilterOnScreening=true: Enable filtering on screening results.

  • RmaEnablePostFilterOnScreening=false: Disables additional security on screening results.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.19 dodSkipCatFolderRequirement

This variable allows an item to be checked in without specifying a category or folder for the checkin. If a DoD configuration is in use, this will cause non-conformance with DoD regulations.

  • Default: dodSkipCatFolderRequirement=true: Items must be checked in with a category or folder specified.

  • dodSkipCatFolderRequirement=false: Items may be checked in without specifying a category or folder.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.

7.5.20 RmaAllowKeepOrDestroyMetadataOption

This variable allows the option to keep or detroy metadata when using the following disposition actions: Delete All Revisions, Accession, Archive, Move, and Transfer. See "Disposition Actions" for details.

  • RmaAllowKeepOrDestroyMetadataOption=true: Enables the user of the keep/destroy option.

  • RmaAllowKeepOrDestroyMetadataOption=false: Disables the use of this option.

Restart the Content Server for this setting to take effect.