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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Setup Guide for Universal Records Management
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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C Customizing Your System

In addition to the configuration available with the software you can create your own customized barcodes, custom disposition actions and custom reports.


Creating custom disposition actions, custom barcodes or custom reports requires in-depth technical knowledge of Content Sever. Contact Consulting Services for more information before proceeding.

This chapter covers the following topics:

C.1 Custom Disposition Actions


If custom dispositions were previously created using an older version of Oracle URM, those dispositions should be re-examined and updated to use the newest services and actions. The Action Service parameters have changed from previous versions of this software and any changes to existing custom dispositons are not mapped automatically.

Disposition actions are used in disposition instructions, which define the sequence of actions to be performed on content during its life cycle. A large number of built-in disposition actions are included, including Cutoff, Destroy, Transfer, Move, Declassify.

Your environment may require disposition actions other than the predefined options. You can set up disposition actions to reflect your organization's specific needs.

Custom disposition actions are based on Oracle UCM services, which can be called with specific parameters to define the behavior of the disposition actions. For example, you could create a disposition action to automatically retain the last three revisions of content items using the DELETE_ALL_BUT_LAST_N_REVISIONS_SERVICE service with the 'NumberOfRevisions=3' parameter.


Custom disposition features are available only to users with the Rma.Admin.Customization right. By default, this right is not assigned to any of the predefined roles. You must assign it to a role before this functionality is exposed.

This section covers the following topics:

C.1.1 Managing Custom Dispositions

The following tasks are used when managing dispositions:

C.1.1.1 Creating or Editing a Custom Disposition Action

Use this procedure to create a custom disposition action. For example, you may need a disposition action that retains the last three revisions of a content item.


Creating custom disposition actions requires in-depth technical knowledge of Oracle UCM. Contact Consulting Services to define custom disposition actions.


The Rma.Admin.Customization right is required to perform this task. This right is not assigned by default to any of the predefined roles, which means you must assign it to a role before this functionality is exposed.

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Disposition Actions then Custom.

    The Configure Dispositions Page is displayed.

  2. Click Add in the Custom Disposition Action area.

    The Create or Edit Disposition Action Page is displayed.

  3. Enter a unique ID for the custom disposition action in the Action ID text box.

  4. Enter a name for the custom disposition action in the Action Name text box.

  5. Enter a description for the custom disposition action in the Brief Description text box.

  6. Enter a group name for the custom disposition action in the Group Name text box.

  7. Select the service to be used for the custom disposition action from the Action Service list.

  8. (Optional) Specify one or more parameters for the selected action service.

  9. (Optional) Select or clear any of the boxes as required. Selections include Must Be First, Must Be Last, Require Approval.

  10. Click Create.

    A message is displayed saying the disposition action was created successfully, with the action information.

  11. Click OK.

The following Action Service Parameters are required for the specific ActionService:

Disposition/Event Service Paramters
Superseded isScrub=1
Delete All Revisions (Destroy Metadata) NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1, dRevRank=0
Delete Revision NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1
Mark Transfer Completed NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1, dRevRank=0
Mark Move Completed NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1, dRevRank=0
Mark Accession Completed NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1, dRevRank=0
Delete Previous Revision NumberOfRevisions=1
Delete Old Revision NumberOfRevisions=1
Mark Archive Completed NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1, dRevRank=0
Archive Leave Metadata isScrub=1
Mark Accession Completed (leave metadata) isScrub=1
Mark Move Completed (leave metadata) isScrub=1
Mark Transfer Complete (leave metadata) isScrub=1
Mark Delete Revision Completed NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1
Delete Complete NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1
Mark Transfer Completed (prompt to keep or delete metadata) NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1
Mark Move Complete (prompt to keep or delete metadata) NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1
Mark Accession Complete (prompt to keep or delete metadata) NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1
Mark Archive Complete (prompt to keep or delete metadata) NumberOfRevisions=0, isDestroy=1
Mark Related Content IsMarkAllRelations=1

To edit a custom disposition action, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Disposition Actions then Custom.

    The Configure Dispositions Page is displayed.

  2. Click Edit Action from a disposition Action menu.

    The Create or Edit Disposition Action Page is displayed.

  3. Make modifications as required, and click Submit Update when you finish.

    A message is displayed saying the disposition action was created successfully, with the action information.

  4. Click OK.

C.1.1.2 Viewing Custom Disposition Action Information

Use this procedure to view the information about a custom disposition action.


The Rma.Admin.Customization right is required to perform this task. This right is not assigned by default to any of the predefined roles, which means you must assign it to a role before this functionality is exposed.

To view the information about a custom disposition action, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Disposition Actions then Custom.

    The Configure Dispositions Page is displayed.

  2. Click the disposition name to view.

    The Disposition Action Info Page is displayed.

  3. When you finish viewing the information, click OK.

C.1.1.3 Deleting a Custom Disposition Action


The Rma.Admin.Customization right is required to perform this task. This right is not assigned by default to any of the predefined roles, which means you must assign it to a role before this functionality is exposed.

You can only delete custom disposition actions if they are no longer being used in the disposition instructions for any category. If you attempt to delete a disposition action still in use, an error message is displayed.

To delete a custom disposition action, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Disposition Actions then Custom.

    The Configure Dispositions Page is displayed.

  2. Click Delete Action from a disposition's Item Actions menu. You can also click the checkbox by the action name and click Delete from the Table menu.

    A message is displayed saying the disposition action was deleted successfully.

  3. Click OK.

To delete multiple dispositions, click the checkbox for the dispositions to delete on the Configure Dispositions Page and click Delete from the Table menu.

C.1.2 Disabling Custom Disposition Actions


The Rma.Admin.Customization right is required to perform this task. This right is not assigned by default to any of the predefined roles, which means you must assign it to a role before this functionality is exposed.


Some dispositions are required for processing of instructions to occur. Disabling a disposition could interfere with the processing of disposition instructions. Always verify ahead of time that it is acceptable to disable a disposition.

To disable a custom disposition action, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Disposition Actions then Disable.

    The Disposition Actions Configuration Page is displayed.

  2. Select the checkbox next to the actions which should be disabled and made unavailable for use.

  3. Click Submit Update when done.

C.1.3 Creating a Custom Disposition Action Example

This example creates a custom disposition action that automatically retains the last three revisions of a content item.


The Rma.Admin.Customization right is required to perform this task. This right is not assigned by default to any of the predefined roles, which means you must assign it to a role before this functionality is exposed.

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Disposition Actions then Custom.

    The Configure Dispositions Page is displayed.

  2. In the Custom Disposition Action area, click Add.

    The Create or Edit Disposition Action Page is displayed.

  3. Complete the metadata fields as follows:

    1. In the Action ID field, type RetainLast3Rev.

    2. In the Action Name field, type Retain Last 3 Revisions.

    3. In the Brief Description field, type Only keep the last 3 revisions of a content item.

    4. In the Group Name field, type Custom.

    5. From the Action Service list, click DELETE_ALL_BUT_LAST_N_REVISIONS_SERVICE.

    6. In the Action Service Parameters field, type NumberOfRevisions=3.

    7. Click the Require Approval and Allow Scheduling boxes.

  4. Click Create.

The newly created disposition action can now be selected from the list of available disposition actions when creating disposition rules.

C.1.4 Creating Disposition Rules for Physical Content

Physical items can be assigned retention schedules, which define their life cycle. When creating a physical item you can assign a retention schedule to it. This links the physical item to a set of retention and disposition rules, which specify how long an item should be stored and when and how it should be disposed.

The same retention schedules and disposition rules may be used for physical items as for electronic items, but you may also define disposition rules specifically for physical items.

C.2 Using Custom Barcodes

The PCM software is shipped with a default set of barcodes ranges and barcode transaction types (check in, check out and set locations). You can add your own set of barcode numbers to coincide with the system in place at your site and use them to provide additional custom functionality. After adding the numbers, a customized service must be created to use the new functionality. Consulting Services should be used to design this service.

You can also customize the system to process barcode files that are in a format other than the standard format used by PCM. This is done by altering a processing file to accomodate the format in use at your site. A detailed knowledge of Idoc script is required to customize the processing file used to upload barcode data.

Note that PCM barcodes are prefixed with a value when printing that should be stripped before processing. User barcodes are prefixed with "U", storage barcodes with "S", and object barcodes with "O".


The Rma.Admin.Customization right is required to perform this task. This right is not assigned by default to any of the predefined roles, which means you must assign it to a role before this functionality is exposed.

C.2.1 Adding a Custom Barcode Range

Use this procedure to add custom barcode ranges.

  1. Click Physical then Configure then Function Barcodes from the Top menu.

    The Configuring Custom Barcode Page is displayed.

  2. Click Add.

    The Create Custom Barcode Dialog is displayed.

  3. Enter the barcode and the activity or event associated with the barcode (for example, Inventory or Storage Disposal). Custom codes must be a number between 7000 and 9999. Click OK when done.

  4. The Configuring Custom Barcode Page is displayed showing the new barcode in the listing.

After defining the barcode range, contact Consulting Services to define a service called by the custom barcodes. The type of service used will vary depending on the type of functionality defined.

C.2.2 Processing Non-Standard Barcode Data


A detailed knowledg of Idoc Script is required to customize the file that processes barcode data. Contact Consulting Services for more assistance if needed.

Barcode processing in PCM uses code written with Idoc script in a processing file to evaluate each line in a data file. The processing file can be modified to customize how the system parses and processes the barcode data files.

The processing file is stored in the barcode\resources directory and is named barcode_process_resource.htm.

The following is an example of a standard barcode data file:

H YYYYMMYYHHMMSS 00 0000000000       - Header
20050721125151 00 1000                - Transaction code
20050721125201 00 URMUSER             - Location
20050721125204 00 OB1                 - Object to be processed
20050721125204 00 OB2                 - Object to be processed
T 000                                 - Footer

C.2.2.1 Header and Footer Information

The header line in the standard data file begins with the value "H" and is ignored by the processing file. This can be customized if a header line is different or if one is absent. To modify this, change the barcodeHeaderStartsWith variable in the barcode environment file.

The standard footer line in the data file begins with "T 000". When the processing file encounters this notation, processing stops and the processed data is uploaded. The barcodeFooterStartsWith variable can be changed to indicate a different footer type.

C.2.2.2 Data Information

Each line in the file that is not a Header or a Footer is parsed as data. Each valid transaction must have a Transaction Code, a Location, and Items to assign to the location.

C. Transaction Codes

Three default transaction codes are available:

  • 1000: check in

  • 2000: check out

  • 3000: set permanent and actual locations; this can also be used as a check-in transaction.

As noted in Adding a Custom Barcode Range you can also create custom Transacton Codes. If custom codes are used, the location must be set to a user, storage item or object (for example, a box, folder, or tape).

The Transaction Date (dTransDate) and the Transaction Type (dTransType, which is the code designation of 1000, 2000, 3000, or custom number) must be set in the processing file. The following values should be cleared in the processing file:

  • Location Type (dLocationType)

  • Location (dLocation)

  • Object Type (dExtObjectType)

  • Barcode (dBarcode)

  • Barcode Date (dBarcodeDate). Dates must bein the format MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS.

The following variables should be set to FALSE:

  • Barcode Transaction Location (barcodeTransLocation)

  • Barcode Item (barcodeItemSet)

C. Location

The dLocationType and dLocation values must be set in order to set the location. In addition, the barcodeTransLocation variable must be set to TRUE. This indicates that a location has been set for the current transaction.

If the location is a user, dLocationType must be set to wwUser. If the location is a storage location, dLocationType must be set to wwStorage. If the location is an object, dLocationType can be left blank and the processing code will determine the object type of the object during processing.

Multiple items can be assigned to the same location with one transaction. If the value for barcodeTransLocation is set to TRUE, it is assumed that the item being processed is an object being assigned to the current location set earlier. Make sure the barcodeItemSet value is set to TRUE after each item is parsed so it is processed.

C. Ojbect

To set the item, set dBarcode and dBarcode Date values. Also set barcodeItemSet to TRUE. This indicates that an item is ready to be processed.

C.3 Adding a Mobile Bar Code Reader

This section describes the steps needed to install bar code scanner software on a mobile device which can be enabled for that functionality. Consult the device documentation for complete details about installing and enabling software on the device.

The following files are needed for installation. Note that Windows Mobile version 5.0 is currently the only supported version:

Depending on the type of device and the software downloaded, usage instructions may vary. The following are general instructions for use. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Universal Records Management for details about using default scanner wands and for background information about bar codes.

  1. Start the application on the mobile device.

  2. A login screen is displayed. After logging in, a Direct Scan window is displayed on the device.

  3. Scan items and click the Process icon.

  4. A Results screen is displayed, showing the effects of scanning.

The following menu options are available from the main menu on the Direct Scan window:

On the Results screen, two different views are available: List, to display a text list of all transations and Detail, a table list of all transactions.

C.4 Creating Custom Reports


The Rma.Admin.Customization right is required to perform this task. This right is not assigned by default to any of the predefined roles, which means you must assign it to a role before this functionality is exposed. To create custom reports with a report source type of Query, a user must also have the Rma.Admin.NoSecurity right.

Customized reports can be created to tailor data presentation for your site. Data is gathered for the report, a report template is chosen, the data is populated, and the report is generated. The data is gathered in XML format then formatted for use using a template. This process allows you to keep the data separate from the presentation of the data.

Several default reports and templates are provided when you install Oracle URM. You can create new reports by using the current reports as a base then editing them, or you can create entirely new reports.

When creating custom reports, content on Oracle URM Adapter systems is not included in the report even if the content is managed by Oracle URM. To generate reports concerning Adapter content, run the reports on the Oracle URM Adapter system.

This section describes how to create customized reports using Oracle UCM services and queries. To create reports about users and content using the default reports provided with the software, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Universal Records Management.

In order to create new templates, the Oracle BI Publisher functionality must be purchased and installed. This documentation describes how to use the default templates provided with the system. For details about creating new templates or editing the default templates, see the BI Publisher documentation.

After you have created a new template, you can add it to the list of available templates for others to use. You can check in the templates used to create reports and you can check in the reports themselves (that is, a report with data included). These are separate checkins, thus keeping data separate from the report format.

A similar interface is used to create the different elements of a report (report type, template, report sources).

Click Browse Content then Custom Physical Reports or Custom Record Reports to access reports that have been created.

Note that user permissions are needed to access the data for a report as well as permissions to the report itself. Therefore, if two different people run a report, they might see different results depending on their rights.

Follow this procedure to create a custom report using default templates and sources.

  1. Click Records then Configure then Reports to create a report for content items. Click Physical then Configure then Reports to create reports for physical items.

    Click Create New Report.

    The Configure Report Element Page is displayed.

  2. Choose the type of report you wish to create. Click Configure.

    A Report Checkin Page is displayed.

  3. Enter content information for the report as required at your site. Also enter the following report-specific information for the report:

    • Report Template: Choose a template from the dropdown list or click Add New to create a new template. See "Creating Custom Templates" for details about creating a new template.

    • Report Format: Choose a format from the dropdown list. If creating a barcode report, use PDF as your format type. Choices include:

      • System

      • User

      • HTML

      • PDF

      • RTF

      • XLS

    • Report Source Type: Choose the type of source to use to gather the data for the report. Options include:

      • Service: use Oracle UCM services to build the report data.

      • Query: use Oracle UCM queries to gather data.

      • Dynamic Query: use a dynamic query to gather data. If Services or Query are chosen, the correct service or query must be used to work with the template. A dynamic query will gather the appropriate data for use.

    • Report Source: Choose a previously configured report source for the data or click Add New to create a new source using the Configure Report Sources Page. See "Creating or Editing New Report Sources" for details.

C.4.1 Creating Custom Templates

Follow this procedure to edit or create a new custom template. Note that templates are files that can be checked in and checked out of the system. They are treated as content items.

For details about creating a new template without using an existing template as a guide, see the BI Publisher documentation.

  1. Click Records then Configure then Reports to create a template for content items. Click Physical then Configure then Reports to create reports for physical items.

    Click Templates.

    The Configure Report Element Page is displayed.

  2. Choose the type of template you wish to create. Click Configure.

    A Report Templates Page is displayed.

  3. The following options are available:

    • To create a new template based on an existing template, click Get Native File from the Action menu of the template to be used. You can then save the file, edit the file as needed, and check it in as a new template.

    • To check out and edit an existing template, click Check Out from the Action menu of the template to be used. Save the file, edit it, then check it back in to the system.

    • If you have a template and would like to check it in using similar metadata as another template, click Check In Similar from the Action menu of the template with metadata to be copied.

Additional options on this page can be used to freeze or unfreeze template files, add files to a folio or Content Basket for later use, set dates for processing files, or create reports from a template.

C.4.2 Creating or Editing New Report Sources


Creating custom report sources requires in-depth technical knowledge of services and queries. Contact Consulting Services for further assistance if needed.

Follow this procedure to edit report sources.

  1. Click Records then Configure then Reports to edit sources for a report for content items. Click Physical then Configure then Reports to edit sources for reports for physical items.

    Click Report Sources.

    The Configure Report Element Page is displayed.

  2. Choose the report whose sources will be altered. Click Configure.

    The Configure Report Sources Page is displayed.

  3. To use this screen, highlight a query or a service on the left side of the screen. Click the right arrow to move the query or service to the right column for use.

    To remove a query or service from use, highlight the name and click the left arrow to move the item to the left column.

  4. Click Update when done. The report sources for that particular type of report are altered and will be used the next time the report is run.

Follow this procedure to create a new report source:

  1. Use the previously described procedure to create a new report.

  2. Click Add New in the Report Source section of the Report Checkin Page.

  3. A dialog opens. Follow the previously described procedure to add queries and services for the new source.

  4. Click OK when done. The report source is added and is available for use with the new report.

C.4.3 Downloading a BI XML Data File

You can use the provided XML data files in conjunction with BI Publisher to customize report templates Using the XML data file, you can import data into a Word document and then edit the template to create a specialized report.

Follow this procedure to select a XML data file.

  1. Click Records or Physical then Configure from the Top menu. Click Reports then Download BI XML Data.

    The Configure Report Element Page is displayed.

  2. Choose the type of XML data file to download. Click Download.

    The XML Data Dialog is displayed.

  3. You can open the data file to examine the contents in a browser window or you can save the file for later use.

  4. Click OK when done.