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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Team Productivity Center Server
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Installation Guide for Oracle Team Productivity Center Server

11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


April 2011

This document provides information on:

1 Oracle Team Productivity Center Server System Requirements

For the most current system requirements, please refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle JDeveloper.

2 Installing the Oracle Team Productivity Center Server

The installation software for Oracle Team Productivity Center Server is distributed as a platform-independent JAR file. Download the Oracle Team Productivity Center Server installation JAR file from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) web site:

You can choose to install the Oracle Team Productivity Center Server either as a new installation or as an update to an existing server. The installation software is the same, but there are slight differences in the procedure for installing the server depending on whether you are creating a new installation or upgrading an existing one. Instructions for installing a new server or updating an existing one are included in Section 2.4, "Installer Screens for Server Installation".

2.1 Before You Begin

Before installing the Oracle Team Productivity Center Server, take note of the following terms that will help manage the server during and after installation:

  • Client—the set of features in Oracle JDeveloper that allow interaction with team members, selecting work items, and otherwise tracking project development.

  • Server—the software that manages the connections between the team's TPC features in Oracle JDeveloper and data repositories (such as a bug database, feature wiki, or directory of product features and specifications).

  • Connector—the element that defines the data structures and user interface between Oracle Team Productivity Center and a given data repository. For example, presenting a list of bugs from the bug tracking tool in Oracle JDeveloper requires a connector to the bug tracking tool. For more information on this, see the online help for developing a connector (look up how to craft such a link).

  • Plugin—Oracle Team Productivity Center uses a distinct plugin for each automated build system. The plugin is installed on the server for its automated build system, and sends data to Oracle Team Productivity Center.

The Oracle Team Productivity Center installation package can perform the following functions:

  • to perform the initial installation of the server

  • to install or update connectors that the existing server installation will be able to access (such as project tracking software, or a feature/specification repository)

  • to install or update plugins to external servers (such as build, test, or continuous integration servers) that the existing Oracle Team Productivity Center Server can access

  • to install or update the Hudson continuous integration server

It is possible to install the Oracle Team Productivity Center software without installing a connector at the same time. Installing a new connector can be performed at any time after the installation of the server software. Additionally, it is possible to install the Hudson continuous integration server without integrating it with Oracle Team Productivity Center.

2.2 Prerequisites for Installation

Before you run the installer, ensure that the following prerequisites are satisfied:

  • Installation requires entering a user ID and password for the database to which Oracle Team Productivity Center is to be connected. Make sure that you have all user privileges that you require for full access to this database before beginning installation. For example, if an Oracle database is used, please make sure the user has been granted Connect and Resource options.

  • Make sure to download the Oracle Team Productivity Server installation package, available from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) web site:

  • If you are using Oracle WebLogic Server as the installation server, make sure you are using 11g Release 1 (10.3.4).

Make a note of the directory containing the downloaded installation file, called tpcinstaller.jar. Installation requires navigating to that directory and executing a command-line instruction to install Oracle Team Productivity Center.

Make sure the system on which Oracle Team Productivity Server is to be installed is running the latest JDK, as required by the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle JDeveloper.

2.3 Starting the Installer

The Oracle Team Productivity Center Server installation package is a JAR file. The package can be installed on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X platforms that meet the Oracle JDeveloper standard requirements. The installation system must also be running a Java EE application server, on which the Oracle Team Productivity Center server will run when installed.

Installation begins from the command line; after launching the installer, it will continue with a sequence of installation screens containing selections as the installer proceeds with the installation.

To start the installer:

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the Oracle Team Productivity Center installation file, tpcinstaller.jar.

  2. From a command line (that is, a Linux or DOS command shell), type the following command, substituting the installation system's JAVA_HOME directory where indicated:

    set JAVA_HOME=location of java_home

    For example, on a Windows system with JDK 1.6.0_21 installed in the Program Files directory on the C:\ drive, the command would be:

    set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21

  3. When the preceding command completes and the system command-line prompt is once again visible, type the following command:

    set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%

  4. When the preceding command completes and the system command-line prompt is once again visible, type the following command:

    java -jar tpcinstaller.jar

    This launches the Oracle Team Productivity Center installer, which proceeds with a number of screens as shown in the following section.

2.4 Installer Screens for Server Installation

The installer provides several screens, which specify various parameters for the installation. Depending on whether you are installing Oracle Team Productivity Center for the first time, or updating an existing installation, the responses you give to the screens may change. Follow the instructions shown here:

  1. Welcome

    On this screen, the Oracle Team Productivity Center installer shows the list of steps you can perform.

  2. Select Installation Type

    Select the components of Oracle Team Productivity Center that you wish to install:

    • TPC Server:

      Select this option to install the Oracle Team Productivity Center Server framework and database schema.

    • Connectors:

      Select this option to install connectors for information repositories you plan to use with Oracle Team Productivity Center. You will select the individual connectors, and the source from which you wish to install them, in a later step.

    • Hudson Server:

      Select this option to install the .war file for the Hudson server. This installs the Hudson continuous integration server.

    • Test/Build Plugins:

      Select this option to install the test/build plugins. The test/build plugins integrate test and build summary information required for integrating a number of systems that plug into the Oracle Team Productivity Center, such as the build dashboard and build summary screens.

    After entering all the selections, click Next. The Oracle Team Productivity Server installer will verify the connection before proceeding to the next step.

  3. Specify Database Connection Information

    Enter the following information for this installation's database connection:

    • Connection type:

      Connect using either generic JDBC or Oracle JDBC. Selecting generic JDBC causes the installer to prompt for the driver to use.

      For purposes of this installation, select Oracle (JDBC)

    • JDBC URL:

      Type the JDBC URL for the database connection used by this server. For example:


    • Username:

      Type the selected username for the database to which you are connecting.

    • Password:

      Type the selected user's password.

    After entering all the selections, click Next. The Oracle Team Productivity Center Server installer will verify the connection before proceeding to the next step.

    You can install TPC server and connectors to a database other than an Oracle database. For example, if you are using MySQL, you would specify the values as follows:

    • Connection Type: Generic JDBC

    • Driver Library: <JDEV_HOME>/oracle/wlserver_10.3/server/ext/jdbc/mysql/mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.0.3-bin.jar

    • Driver Class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

    • JDBC URL: jdbc:mysql://<host>:3306/<db_name>

  4. Installation Detection

    This screen automatically detects whether an earlier version of Oracle Team Productivity Center has been installed.

    If Oracle Team Productivity Center has not been installed previously, the screen will indicate that this is a new installation. Click Next.

    If Oracle Team Productivity Center has been installed previously, the installer will detect this, and will present options for updating the server, updating the connectors, or both. When running this installer, make sure to select only the Update type.

    Select at least one of these installation elements (if available) before the installer will continue.

    For the purpose of this instruction, select the checkbox labeled Server, then click Next.

    Instructions for installing or updating an Oracle Team Productivity Center connector are described in Section 3, "Installing an Oracle Team Productivity Center Connector".

  5. Create Administrator Account (New Installation Only)

    This step applies only to the initial installation of Oracle Team Productivity Center. If you are updating the Oracle Team Productivity Center server or connectors, use the administrator account information entered during the initial installation of Oracle Team Productivity Center.

    Installation requires creating an administrator account that will be used to seed the database with an Oracle Team Productivity Center user that has administrative privileges. The account name does not have to be the same as any existing name in the Oracle Team Productivity Center database. Be sure to follow safe, high-security password guidelines when creating your password.

    Enter the desired user name, followed by the password for the account being created. Repeat the password to confirm, then click Next.

  6. Specify Application Server Location

    Enter a fully qualified path to the location on the Java EE application server selected to run the Oracle Team Productivity Server. It is possible to type the path, copy and paste it from another location screen, or click Browse to search for the path in the local file system.

    For example, on a Windows system running the Oracle WebLogic server, enter the following application server location:


    where <fields> represent the specific path information on the installation system.

    For example, on a Windows system running the Apache Tomcat application server version 6.0.16 from the top level of its C:\ drive, enter the following application server location:


    If you are updating an existing installation of Oracle Team Productivity Center, be sure to use the same path used for the previous installation.

    To select the application server type, click on the drop-down list labeled Select the application server type. Choose the appropriate server type from the list.

  7. Select Connector Source

    On this screen, specify the location of the source file for the connector. Options are to search the Oracle JDeveloper Update Centers for connectors, or to install from a local file.

    To search the Oracle JDeveloper Update Centers:

    • Select Search Update Centers.

    • Select one or more of the Update Centers displayed on the screen.

    • Click Next.

    To install from a local file:

    • Select Install From Local File, and then click Next.

    • Enter the pathname of the connector ZIP file in the local file system. For example: C:\

    • Click Next.

  8. Select Connectors

    On this screen, choose the connectors you wish to install from the list at the connector source specified in the previous step. You can select connectors individually, or choose Select All to install all connectors at the specified connector source.

    To proceed with the installation, click Next.

  9. Specify Hudson Server Location

    On this screen, enter the fully qualified path on the Java EE application server to which you wish to install the Hudson application .WAR file.

    To proceed with the installation, click Next.

  10. Select Plug-ins

    On this screen, choose from the available plug-ins for Oracle Team Productivity Center. Note in particular the information for the Hudson and CruiseControl plug-ins.

    Hudson Plug-in: Enter the fully qualified path to which you wish to install the Hudson application.WAR file.


    The Hudson administrator must provide the password when creating the job. The Oracle Team Productivity Center Server administrator password does not display on the screen while entering the Hudson information.

    CruiseControl Plug-in: Enter the fully qualified path to which you wish to install the CruiseControl plug-in.

    To proceed with the installation, click Next.

  11. Installation Summary

    The final screen of the installation wizard displays the key information about the installation:

    • Oracle Team Productivity Center Server location

    • Database details

    • Selected connectors

    • Selected plug-ins, with the path to the installed tool location

    To complete the installation, click Finish. The wizard then displays the installation progress.

  12. After installation is complete:

    The Oracle Team Productivity Center installer only ships with the Oracle JDBC Driver. If a database other than Oracle (for example, MySQL) is used, you need to make that database's driver available for your Application Server to use. In some case, you need to copy the driver to the designated folder of your Application Server before you can bring up and connect to Oracle Team Productivity Center Server.

    For WebLogic, the MySQL JDBC driver is installed in the folder <WL_HOME>/server/lib through weblogic.jar. It will be loaded when the server starts. Therefore, you do not need to do anything for this driver. If you plan to use a JDBC driver other than Oracle and MySQL, specifically one that is not installed with the WebLogic folder, see "Third-Party JDBC Drivers Installed with WebLogic Server."


    If you use a WebLogic domain for TPC server installation, copy the driver to your <JDEV_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<domain>/lib folder instead.

    If you are using Oracle JDeveloper Studio, MySQL JDBC driver is shipped in <JDEV_HOME>/oracle/wlserver_10.3/server/ext/jdbc/mysql/mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.0.3-bin.jar.

    Start Oracle JDeveloper and download and install the Oracle Team Productivity Center client extension. To download the extension in Oracle JDeveloper, click the Help menu, and then select Check for Updates. The online Help for Oracle Team Productivity Center contains instructions for the administrator on how to set up Team Productivity Center inside Oracle JDeveloper.

2.5 Upgrading Oracle Team Productivity Center Server with Apache Tomcat 6.0.20

When the Oracle Team Productivity Center installer is used to update a Team Productivity Center server running on Apache Tomcat version 6.0.20, any new or updated Team Productivity Center web service classes cannot be auto-deployed correctly by the server. This causes an Oracle Team Productivity Center login issue, as observed in the server's log file. Upgrading the Team Productivity Center server running on other versions of Apache Tomcat does not have this problem.This is due to an issue with Apache Tomcat 6.0.20. When using this version of Apache Tomcat, updates to Team Productivity Center web service classes are not properly re-deployed, even with autoDeploy set to "true" in the Tomcat server.xml file.To resolve this issue:

  1. Complete the Oracle Team Productivity Center update, as described in Section 2.3, "Starting the Installer" and Section 2.4, "Installer Screens for Server Installation".

  2. If the Tomcat server is running, shut it down.

  3. Delete the folder <tomcat_install_folder>\webapps\otpc.

  4. Restart the Tomcat server.

If you are using MySQL with Tomcat, download the driver from your provider, then copy the driver to your <TOMCAT_HOME>/lib folder.

If you are using Oracle JDeveloper Studio, the MySQL JDBC driver is shipped in <JDEV_HOME>/oracle/wlserver_10.3/server/ext/jdbc/mysql/mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.0.3-bin.jar.

2.6 Backward Compatibility with Previous Oracle Team Productivity Center Server and Client Versions

Backward compatibility is supported on a limited basis between Oracle Team Productivity Center Server and Oracle Team Productivity Center client software as follows:

  • If you install a newer server with older clients, you will not be able to log in to the server with the older client.

  • If you install newer clients with an older server, the clients will be able to log in to the older server.

For best results and full compatibility, it is recommended that you update both the client and the server software when you install a new version of Oracle Team Productivity Center.

3 Installing an Oracle Team Productivity Center Connector

Installing a connector begins by launching the Oracle Team Productivity Center installer, as described in Section 2.3, "Starting the Installer". When you launch the installer, select the information from the installer screens as described below.

Note that you can also use the installer to update an Oracle Team Productivity Center connector. If you install a later version of the same connector as one that has already been installed, the installer will overwrite the earlier version and install the later version in its place.

3.1 Installer Screens for Connector Installation

The installer provides several screens that specify various parameters for the installation:

  1. Select Installation Type

    This screen presents the option of installing the server alone, one or more connectors alone, or both the server and connectors. Select at least one of these installation elements before the installer will continue.

    For the purpose of this instruction, select the checkbox labeled Connectors, then click Next.

    For information on installing an Oracle Team Productivity Center server, see Section 2.4, "Installer Screens for Server Installation".

  2. Specify Database Connection Information

    Enter the following information for the selected database connection:

    • Connection type:

      Connect using either generic JDBC or Oracle JDBC. Selecting generic JDBC makes the installer prompt for the driver to use.

      For purposes of this installation, select Oracle (JDBC)

    • JDBC URL:

      Type the JDBC URL for the database connection. For example:


    • Username:

      Type the selected username on the database.

    • Password:

      Type the user's password.

    After entering all selections, click Next. The Oracle Team Productivity Server installer will verify the connection before proceeding to the next step.

  3. Select Connector Source

    On this screen, specify the location of the source file for the connector. Options are to search the Oracle JDeveloper Update Centers for connectors, or to install from a local file.

    To search the Oracle JDeveloper Update Centers:

    1. Select Search Update Centers.

    2. Select one or more of the update centers displayed on the screen.

    3. Click Next.

    To install from a local file:

    1. Select Install From Local File, and then click Next.

    2. Enter the pathname of the connector ZIP file in the local file system. For example:


      After making the selection, click Next.

  4. Installation Summary

    The summary screen of the installation wizard displays the key information about the installation:

    • Database connection information

    • Selected connectors, with the path to the ZIP or JAR file containing the connector components

    Once satisfied with the data, click Finish to proceed with the installation. The wizard then displays the installation progress.

The installer will unpack the compressed file and make connections to the database as required to configure this connector for use. When the installer indicates that it has completed the installation, connect to the data repository for the connector. Details for using the connector are in the Oracle JDeveloper on-line help for Oracle Team Productivity Center.

3.2 Setting Up Repositories for Default Connectors

The JIRA, Microsoft Project, and Rational Team Concert connectors to Oracle Team Productivity Center require some initial setup before Oracle Team Productivity Center can interact with them. The following three sections discuss initial setup for each of these connectors.

3.2.1 Setting Up a JIRA Repository

In order for the JIRA connector to retrieve data from the server, the JIRA server's Remote API must be enabled. To enable remote APIs please follow the following steps.

To enable the JIRA Server's Remote API:

  1. Log in to the JIRA server as administrator.

  2. Select the Administration tab.

  3. From the left pane, locate the Global Settings group, then select General Configuration.

    At the bottom of the page, select Edit Configuration.

  4. In the Options section, locate the setting Accept remote API calls and select ON.

3.2.2 Setting Up a Microsoft Project Repository

Oracle Team Productivity Center MS Project Server connector supports the two user authentications used by Project Server: windows and forms.

To configure forms authentication for Project Server 2007 please see this article on MSDN:

3.2.3 Setting Up a Rational Team Concert Repository

Oracle Team Productivity Center's OSLC (Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration) connector for RTC (Rational Team Concert) supports the two user authentications used by the RTC server: basic and forms.

To configure forms authentication for RTC, please refer to article:

In case the host name of the RTC server is not accessibility can connect to the server by its IP address.

To connect to the RTC server by its IP address:

  1. Log in to the Rational Team Concert server as Administrator.

  2. Locate the Server link on top of the navigation bar.

  3. On the left pane, select Configuration > Advanced Properties.

  4. Locate the entry for

  5. Double-click Host Name.

  6. Enter the IP address of the server in the edit box.

4 Installing Oracle Team Productivity Center Server on a Production WebLogic Server Database

Installing Oracle Team Productivity Center Server on a production Web Logic Server database requires a specific procedure.

4.1 Deploying Oracle Team Productivity Center to a Production WebLogic Server

  1. Install Oracle Team Productivity Center server.

    For information on installing an Oracle Team Productivity Center server, see Section 2.3, "Starting the Installer".

  2. Move the WebLogic Server file otpc.war

    Locate the file otpc.war that you deployed on your Web Logic Server autodeploy folder. Move it to another location in order to perform manual deployment successfully. Note the new location, as you will use it in the following step.

  3. Log in to WebLogic Server administration console

    Once the domain server is running, log in to its Admin Server Console using your WebLogic Server Administrator user name and password. You can log in either from the Fusion Middleware Start menu or from the server login page, located at http://<hostname>:<port>/console/login/LoginForm.jsp

  4. Select Deployments from the Domain Structure panel.

  5. Click the Lock & Edit button from the Change Center panel to edit the Deployments page.

  6. On the Deployments page, click Install. Specify the path to which you copied your otpc.war file, and then click Next.

  7. Verify the options shown on the Install Application Assistant page, and then click Next.

  8. Verify the optional settings, and then click Next.

  9. Click Finish when you are done with verifying or changing settings in the Install Application Assistant.

  10. Click Save on the Settings for otpc page. Wait until you get the confirmation message, Settings updated successfully from WebLogic Server.

  11. Click Activate Changes from the Change Center panel to activate deployment changes. Wait until you see the message All changes have been activated. No restarts are necessary.

  12. Select Deployments from the Domain Structure panel.

  13. Select the checkbox next to otpc Deployment on the Deployments list, then click Start. Select Service all requests, and then click Yes on the Start Deployments page.

  14. Wait for the message, otpc application has Active state. It may be necessary to refresh the WebLogic Server console before you can login to Team Productivity Center.

4.2 Installing a WebLogic Server Production Server

The final portion of the process for installing Oracle Team Productivity Center on a production WebLogic Server database is to create a WebLogic Server production domain, using the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard.

  1. Select Create a new WebLogic Domain, and then click Next.

  2. Select Default, and then click Next on the Select Domain Source window.

  3. Enter domain name and domain location, and then click Next.

  4. Specify WebLogic Server Administrator user name and password, and then click Next.

  5. Select Production Mode, and then click Next, Next, Create.

You can now bring up the newly created production domain yourself, or follow these steps:

  1. Select Start Admin Server, and then click Done.

  2. Type in your WebLogic Server Administrator user name and password at the startWebLogic.cmd prompt.

5 Documentation Accessibility

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Team Productivity Center Server, 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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