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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager
Release 11g (11.1.1)
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26 Monitoring Performance by Using Fusion Middleware Control

This chapter describes how to monitor Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g performance and shut down and start Oracle Adaptive Access Manager instances using Fusion Middleware Control.

26.1 Displaying Fusion Middleware Control

Fusion Middleware Control organizes a wide variety of performance data and administrative functions into distinct, Web-based home pages. The Fusion Middleware Control home pages make it easy to locate the most important monitoring data functions from a Web browser.

To display Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Enter the Fusion Middleware Control URL, which includes the name of the host and the administration port number assigned during the installation. The following shows the format of the URL:

  2. Enter the Oracle Fusion Middleware administrator user name and password and click Login.

    The default user name for the administrator user is weblogic. This is the account you can use to log in to Fusion Middleware Control for the first time. The password is the one you supplied during the installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

The Fusion Middleware Control Login is shown in Figure 26-1.

Figure 26-1 Fusion Middleware Control Login

The Fusion Middleware Control Login is shown.

26.2 Displaying Base Domain 11g Farm Page

When you first log in to Fusion Middleware Control, the Base Domain home page is displayed.

Fusion Middleware Control displays the target navigation pane on the left and the content pane on the right.

The farm home page is shown in Figure 26-2

Figure 26-2 Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Farm Home Page

The OAAM Farm page is shown.

Content Pane

The content pane displays the overall status of the Oracle Fusion Middleware environment and links to reference information.

From here, you can view

Target Navigation Pane

The target navigation pane lists all of the targets in the farm in a navigation tree.

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager details in Fusion Middleware Control are divided into the following nodes within the navigation pane:

When you select a target, such as a Managed Server or a component, the target's home page is displayed in the content pane and that target's menu is displayed at the top of the page, in the context pane. For example, if you select a Managed Server, the WebLogic Server menu is displayed. You can also view the menu for a target by right-clicking the target in the navigation pane.

Farm Menu

Farm Menu in the upper left corner of the target navigation pane provides a list of operations that you can perform on the farm.

Figure 26-3 Farm Menu

The Farm menu is shown.

Dynamic Menu

Dynamic Target Menu provides a list of operations that you can perform on the currently selected target. The menu that is displayed depends on the target you select. The menu for a specific target contains the same operations as those in the Right-Click Target Menu.

Figure 26-4 Dynamic Menu

The farm dynamic menu is shown.

26.3 Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home Page

To access the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home page:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Expand the Identity and Access node.

  3. Click the OAAM (cluster) node.

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home page appears. Use this page to monitor the OAAM cluster.

From the Oracle Access Manager Cluster Home page, you can:

Monitor the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager cluster

The Performance Overview section of the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home page shows a graphical representation and a table view of the login statistics.

The data shown are for:

In the graphical representation, the x axis shows the time and the y axis shows the number of logins.

The performance overview is also available in tabular format when you click the Table View link at the bottom of the graph.

View the status of the servers that are part of the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager cluster

The Deployment section of the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home page provides information on the statuses of the OAAM server instances.

You can view the following information:

Fields Description
Instance Name The name of the OAAM server instance. For example: oaam_server.
Status The status of the OAAM server instance:
  • Green Up Arrow indicates that the instance is running

  • Red Down Arrow indicates that the instance is not running

  • Clock indicates that the status information is currently unavailable.

Total Logins The total number of logins attempted since startup.
Logins Successful The total number of successful logins since startup
Logins Failed The total number of failed logins since startup.

View details of the database used by Oracle Adaptive Access Manager

To view hostname, port, and Service ID of the data repository, refer to the Data Store section. Oracle Adaptive Access Manager uses the RDBMS database as its data store.

Fields Description
Hostname The name of the server where the data store is located.
Port The port on which the Listener is listening for Oracle connections
Service ID The name of the database that Oracle Adaptive Access Manager is using.

Access general information about the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager

From the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home page, you can access general information about the cluster and the datasource.

To view the target name, version, Oracle Home, and Domain home:

  1. Click Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster at the top of the home page to expand the dynamic menu.

  2. Select General Information.

Access the Performance Summary for the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster

To see a performance summary for insight into the current performance of the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager cluster:

  1. Click Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster at the top of the home page to expand the dynamic menu.

  2. Click Performance Summary.

26.4 Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Server Home Page

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Server Home page displays a performance overview of the instance.

To access an Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Server Home page:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Expand the Identity and Access node.

  3. Expand the OAAM (cluster) node.

  4. Click an OAAM server node.

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Server Home page appears. From this page, you can:

View statistic summary for the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager server instance

The OAAM Server Home Page displays a Performance Overview with key metrics.

From this page, you can view a statistic summary for the OAAM Server instance that was selected.

Metric Description
Logins - Logins Successful Total number of successful logins since startup.
Logins - Logins Failed Total number of login attempts that failed since startup.
Checkpoint - Average Processing Time Average time (in ms) for all the policies in a checkpoint to process since startup.
Checkpoint - Number of Checkpoints Processed Total number of checkpoints processed since startup.
Policies - Average Policy Processing Time Average time (in ms) to process a policy
Policies - Number of Polices Processed Total number of policies processed since startup

View performance overview of the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager server instance

The Performance Overview section of the OAAM Server Home page provides a graphic representations of logins to the OAAM server instance. You can also open a table view of logins from this section.

Access the list of operations to perform on the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager server instance

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager menu, which is available when you click Oracle Adaptive Access Manager at the top of the page, provides a list of server instance-related operations. This menu contains the same operations as those in the context menu.

Menu Item Operation
Home Allows you to view the instance home page
Control Allows you to start up and shut down the server instance

From the menu, click Control and select Startup or Shutdown.

Logs Allows you to view server logs and configure logging

From the menu, click Logs and select View Log Messages or Log Configurations.

Performance Summary Allows you to view a performance summary

From the menu, click Performance Summary.

The categories for the summary metrics are:

  • CheckPoint Execution Summary

  • Login Metrics Summary

  • Policy Execution Summary

  • Rule Execution Summary

  • Rule Processing Summary

  • Update Authorization Status Summary

  • Update Log Summary

  • Web Module Metrics

Web Services Allows you to view web services

From the menu, click Web Services.

Security Allows you to view OAAM Server application policies and roles

From the menu, click Security and select Application Policies or Application Roles.

System MBean Browser Allows you to access the System MBean Browser

From the menu, click System MBean Browser.

WebLogic Server Administration Console Allows you to access the WebLogic Server Administration Console

From the menu, click WebLogic Server Administration Console.

General Information Allows you to view general information about the server instance

From the menu, click General Information.