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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for HP-UX Itanium
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39 Oracle Data Integrator

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle Data Integrator. It includes the following topics:

39.1 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and their workarounds:

39.1.1 Generated Templates Including a Datasource With an Oracle RAC URL Fail to Deploy

Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard does not support Oracle RAC URLs for datasources. When a datasource is included in a Java EE Agent template that has been generated using Oracle Data Integrator Studio, this template fails to deploy, and raises the following exception is raised: - Uncaught Exception

As a workaround, do not include this datasource definition in the generated template and deploy the datasource from Oracle Data Integrator Studio.

39.1.2 Generated Templates Including Datasources Fail to Deploy

As the Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard uses specific code for parsing the URL and exposing its parameters in a user friendly format, it only supports a predefined set of JDBC URLs. If a JavaEE Agent template that has been generated using Oracle Data Integrator Studio contains a datasource with a URL or driver not included in this set, the Wizard fails to use this template with the following exception: - Uncaught Exception

As a workaround, do not include this datasource definition in the generated template, and deploy the datasource from Oracle Data Integrator Studio.

39.1.3 Setting Test Queries on WLS Datasources

The Clean Stale Sessions feature of the Agent relies on the stale or dead connections of the connection pool to be automatically cleaned up either through expiration or connection validations tests done by the connection pool implementation.

If the stale connections are not removed out by the connection pool, then the Clean Stale Sessions feature does not work even after the database has been restarted. None of the other requests of the agent will work after the database restart if the agent itself is not restarted.

In a WebLogic Server container, connections are validated every few seconds using a test query. It is recommended to verify and provide the table name used by the database to run the test query: select count(*) from <test_table_name>.

For Master Repositories and Work Repositories, datasources use SNP_LOC_REP and SNP_LOC_REPW as the test tables.

Alternatively, you can use the DUAL table for an Oracle repository.

39.2 Design-Time Environment Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and their workarounds:

39.2.1 User Parameters are not Taken into Account by the Runtime Agents

The runtime agents do not take into account the user parameter values specified in the userpref.xml file. The default values are always used instead.

There is no generic workaround at this time.

39.2.2 Incorrect Non-ASCII File Names in Zip Export Files

Non-ASCII file names are incorrectly generated in Zip export files. Non-ASCII characters in these file names are replaced with underscores. Setting the Never transform non ASCII characters to underscores user parameter to Yes has no effect. As a workaround, export the files in a folder and compress this folder.

39.2.3 Non-ASCII Characters Incorrectly Converted to Underscore Characters

Non-ASCII characters are handled incorrectly in the following situations, even if the Never transform non ASCII characters to underscores user parameter is set to Yes:

  • Non-ASCII characters are replaced with underscores in the Alias field of a column when using the fixed file reverse-engineering wizard.

  • Non-ASCII characters from the header line are replaced with underscores in column names when doing a delimited file reverse-engineering.

As a workaround, manually modify the column definitions after the reverse process.

39.3 Oracle Data Integrator Console Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and their workarounds:

39.3.1 Oracle Data Integrator Console Page Task Flow Resets When Another Tab Is Closed.

When the tab containing a page is closed in Oracle Data Integrator Console, all the tabs after this one reset their task flows (the navigation actions that were made). The pages in these tabs reset to the original object that was opened.

There is no workaround for this issue at this time.

39.3.2 Enterprise Manager Logout Does Not Propagate to Oracle Data Integrator Console

When Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control (EM) is used in conjunction with Oracle Data Integrator Console with Single Sign-On (SSO) activated, a user logging out from SSO in Enterprise Manager might still be able to access Oracle Data Integrator Console pages from the same browser window by typing a direct URL.

This issue is caused by a cookie that is created by Oracle Data Integrator Console not being invalidated by the Enterprise Manager logout action.

As a workaround:

  • Administrators should configure their Enterprise Manager and Oracle Data Integrator Console servers for access fronted by a gateway. The gateway automatically redirects the user that is not logged into SSO to the SSO Login page.

  • If you're accessing Oracle Data Integrator Console or Enterprise Manager from a shared or public computer, close the session by logging out. For additional security, close the browser session.

39.4 Technologies and Knowledge Modules Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and their workarounds:

39.4.1 SQL Exception "Unknown Token" appears when using Complex File or XML as Staging Area

When running interfaces and using a XML or Complex File schema as the staging area, the "Unknown Token" error appears. This error is caused by the updated HSQL version (2.0). This new version of HSQL requires that table names containing a dollar sign ($) are surrounded by quotes. Temporary tables (Loading, Integration, and so forth) that are created by the Knowledge Modules do not meet this requirement on Complex Files and HSQL technologies.

As a workaround, edit the Physical Schema definitions to remove the dollar sign ($) from all the Work Tables Prefixes. Existing scenarios must be regenerated with these new settings.

39.4.2 Adding Subscribers fails for Consistent Set JKMs when the Model Code Contains Non-ASCII Characters

When the Model code contains non-ASCII characters, adding subscribers does not work for Consistent Set Journalizing KMs. This applies to all Consistent Set JKMs. The Session completes successfully but no subscriber is added. Note that this issue does not occur when the Model code contains exclusively ascii characters.

There is no generic workaround at this time.

39.4.3 IKM and LKM SQL Incremental Update (Row by Row) fail with Non-ASCII Characters

When the source datastore contains non-ascii characters the interface using the IKM or LKM SQL Incremental Update (Row by Row) fails at the step Insert flow into I$ table with the following error message:

org.apache.bsf.BSFException: exception from Jython:
Traceback (most recent call last):  File "<string>", line 149, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 6-7:
ordinal not in range(128)

There is no generic workaround at this time.

39.4.4 IKM SQL Incremental Update (Row by Row) Cannot Target Japanese Tables

IKM SQL Incremental Update (Row by Row) fails on task Flag rows for update if the target table name contains Japanese characters. In the generated code, the integration table name appears as "I$_??????" where "?" characters replaces a Japanese character.

As a workaround, replace this IKM with another IKM suitable for the technology. For example, 'IKM Oracle Incremental Update' for Oracle.

39.5 Oracle Data Profiling and Oracle Data Quality Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and their workarounds:

39.5.1 ODIDQ fails to Create Loader Connection when Server is Installed on Linux 64 bits

Included per bug 11775170.

When trying to create loader connections with ODQ installed on Linux 64 bits server, ODQ Client installed on Windows machine, and the Metabase Host set as the Linux Server, the loader connection is not created and no error message or warning is displayed.

As a workaround, download the patch 11775170 and follow the instructions in the README file included with the patch:

  1. Go to My Oracle Support:

  2. Click on the Patches & Updates tab.

  3. In the Patch Search area, search for patch 11775170.

  4. Download the patch.

39.5.2 Unable to Connect the Client to a Data Quality Server on UNIX

Included per bug 9812470.

When connecting from the Oracle Data Quality Client to a Data Quality Server installed on a UNIX machine the following error message may appear: "No support for client application "Admin" version 12.0.1".

To solve this issue re-install the metabase definitions using the following steps:

  1. On the UNIX server go to the following directory:ODQ_HOME/oracledi/odp/Client/SvrSide

  2. Run ./setup

  3. At the prompt, enter the Metabase Installation location: ODQ_HOME/oracledq/metabase_server/

  4. Enter the metabase admin user and password.

  5. When the metabase definitions installation completes, restart the Scheduler service using the following command: ODQ_HOME/oracledq/metabase_server/metabase/bin/scheduler -restart

39.5.3 Menus Are in English When Starting the Client Using a .tss File.

When starting Oracle Data Quality Client by double-clicking on a saved .tss file, the menus appear in English independently of the client machine's locale.

As a workaround, open the client from the shortcut menu, then open the .tss file.