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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager
Release 11g (11.1.1)
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7 Customizing Oracle Adaptive Access Manager

The chapter provides information on how to customize Oracle Adaptive Access Manager by using the OAAM Extensions Shared Library.

It contains the following sections:

7.1 Overview

Shared libraries are collections of programming and data that can be used by multiple applications. They can permit applications to use memory efficiently by sharing common programming and resources. You can customize Oracle Adaptive Access Manager by adding custom jars and files to the OAAM Extensions Shared Library.

This shared library, oracle.oaam.extensions.war, is located in <IAM_Home>/oaam/oaam_extensions/generic. It is deployed in both the OAAM Server and OAAM Admin Server. By default oracle.oaam.extensions.war contains the MANIFEST.MF, which has the definition of the shared library.

7.2 Add Customizations Using the OAAM Extensions Shared Library

Follow these steps to add customizations to Oracle Adaptive Access Manager:

  1. Create a work folder called oaam_extensions.

    The folder can be created anywhere as long as it is outside the installation folder.

  2. In the oaam_extensions folder, create the following subfolders:

    • META-INF

    • WEB-INF

    • WEB-INF\lib

    • WEB-INF\classes

  3. In the META-INF folder, create a file named MANIFEST.MF and ensure it contains the following lines:

    Extension-Name: oracle.oaam.extensions

    The specification version and implementation version must be more than the versions in the file currently. For example, if the implementation version in the file is, you could change it to

  4. Compile custom java classes that extend or implement Oracle Adaptive Access Manager classes, adding the jars from the $ORACLE_IDM_HOME\oaam\cli\lib folder to the build class path.

  5. Add the custom jars and files as described:

    1. Add the custom jars to the <IAM_Home>\oaam\oaam_extensions\generic\WEB-INF\lib folder.

    2. Add custom properties to a file named and save it in the <IAM_Home>\oaam\oaam_extensions\generic\WEB-INF\classes folder.

      Information about enums are provided in Section 7.3, "User-Defined Enumerations."

    3. Add custom JSPs to the oaam_extensions folder.

  6. Rejar oracle.oaam.extensions.war from the parent folder of oaam_extensions using the command:

    jar -cvfm oracle.oaam.extensions.war oaam_extensions\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF -C  oaam_extensions/ .
  7. Start the WebLogic Server where Oracle Adaptive Access Manager is deployed and log into the WebLogic Administration Console.

  8. Deploy the oracle.oaam.extensions.war file created in Step 6 as a Shared Library with oaam_server and oaam_admin as target applications.

  9. Test the custom functionality and make sure files added to oracle.oaam.extensions.war are used by Oracle Adaptive Access Manager applications.

7.3 User-Defined Enumerations

To override any Oracle Adaptive Access Manager properties or extend Oracle Adaptive Access Manager enumerations, add those properties and enumerations to and place that file in WEB-INF\classes or WEB-INF\classes\bharosa_properties directory.

User-defined enums are a collection of properties that represent a list of items. Each element in the list may contain several different attributes. The definition of a user-defined enum begins with a property ending in the keyword ".enum" and has a value describing the use of the user-defined enum. Each element definition then starts with the same property name as the enum, and adds on an element name and has a value of a unique integer as an ID. The attributes of the element follow the same pattern, beginning with the property name of the element, followed by the attribute name, with the appropriate value for that attribute.

The following is an example of an enum defining credentials displayed on the login screen of an OAAM Server implementation:

bharosa.uio.default.credentials.enum = Enum for Login Credentials
bharosa.uio.default.credentials.enum.companyid.description=Company ID