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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Data Profiling and Oracle Data Quality for ODI
11g Release 11.1.1
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C Oracle Data Quality Deinstallation Screens

This appendix contains images and descriptions for all of the Oracle Data Integrator deinstallation screens:

C.1 Welcome Screen

The Welcome screen is the first screen you see when the Deinstaller is started.

Figure C-1 Deinstallation Welcome

Surrounding text describes Figure C-1 .

C.2 Deinstall Oracle Home Screen

This screen shows the Oracle Home directory that is about to be deinstalled. This is the Oracle Home directory from which the Deinstaller was started.

Figure C-2 Deinstall Oracle Home Screen

Surrounding text describes Figure C-2 .

C.3 Deinstallation Progress Screen

This screen shows you the progress of the deinstallation.

If you want to quit before the deinstallation is completed, click Cancel.

Figure C-3 Deinstallation Progress Screen

Surrounding text describes Figure C-3 .

C.4 Deinstallation Complete Screen

This screen summarizes the deinstallation that was just completed.

Figure C-4 Deinstallation Complete Screen

Surrounding text describes Figure C-4 .