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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Application Adapters Guide for Oracle Data Integrator
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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This chapter describes how to work with SAP ERP Knowledge Modules in Oracle Data Integrator.

This chapter includes the following sections:

8.1 Introduction

The SAP ERP Knowledge Modules let Oracle Data Integrator connect to SAP-ERP system using SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) libraries. These adapters allows mass data extraction from SAP-ERP systems.

If this is the first time you are using the SAP ERP adapter, it is recommended to review the Oracle Data Integrator Getting Started with SAP ABAP ERP Adapter on Technical Network (OTN):

It contains the complete pre-requisites list as well as step-by-step instructions including SAP connection testing.

8.1.1 Concepts

The SAP ERP Knowledge Modules for Oracle Data Integrator use mature integration methods for SAP-ERP system, in order to:

  • Reverse-Engineer SAP ERP metadata

  • Extract and load data from SAP ERP system (source) to an Oracle Staging Area

8.1.2 Knowledge Modules

Oracle Data Integrator provides the Knowledge Modules listed in Table 8-1 for handling SAP ERP data.

The Oracle Data Integrator SAP ERP Knowledge Modules provide integration from SAP ERP systems using SAP JCo libraries. This set of KMs has the following features:

  • Reads SAP data from SAP ERP system

  • Loads this SAP data into Oracle Staging Area

  • Reverse-engineers SAP Metadata and proposes a tree browser to select only the required Metadata

  • Uses flexfields to map the SAP table types (Transparent, Cluster, and Pool).

Table 8-1 SAP ERP Knowledge Modules

Knowledge Module Description


Extracts data from SAP ERP into a flat file and then loads it into Oracle Staging Area using the SQL*LOADER command line utility.


Reverse-engineering Knowledge Module to retrieve SAP specific metadata for modules, application components, tables, columns, primary keys, foreign keys and indexes.

RKM SAP ERP Connection Test

This RKM is used for testing the SAP connection from Oracle Data Integrator. See Appendix B, "SAP Connection Test" for more information.

8.1.3 Overview of the SAP ABAP Integration Process

The RKM SAP ERP enables Oracle Data Integrator to connect to SAP ERP system using SAP JCo libraries and perform a customized reverse-engineering of SAP metadata.

The LKM SAP ERP to Oracle (SQLLDR) is in charge of extracting and loading data from SAP ERP system (Source) to an Oracle Staging Area.


Access to SAP ERP is made through ABAP. As a consequence, the technology used for connecting is SAP ABAP. Reverse-Engineering Process

Reverse-engineering uses the RKM SAP ERP.

This KM automatically installs dedicated RFC programs to retrieve SAP metadata. It extracts the list of all SAP tables and optionally displays this list in a Metadata Browser graphical interface. The user selects from this list the tables to reverse-engineer.

The reverse-engineering process retrieves tables, primary keys, foreign keys and indexes. Integration Process

Data integration from SAP is handled by the LKM SAP ERP to Oracle (SQLLDR).

This KM is used for interfaces sourcing from SAP via ABAP and having a Staging Area located in an Oracle Database.

The KM first generates optimized ABAP code corresponding to the extraction process required for a given interface. This code includes filters and joins that can be processed directly in the source SAP server. This ABAP program is automatically uploaded and is executed using the OdiSAPAbapExecute tool to generate an extraction file in SAP.

The KM then transfers this extraction file either to a pre-configured FTP server or to a shared directory. This file is then either downloaded from this server using FTP, SFTP, SCP or copied to the machine where the Oracle Staging Area is located, and is finally loaded using SQL*Loader to the staging area. The agent can also directly read the extraction file on the FTP server's disk. See Section 8.7.1, "File Transfer Configurations" for more information.

The rest of the integration process (data integrity check and integration) is managed with other Oracle Data Integration KMs.

8.2 Installation and Configuration

Make sure you have read the information in this section before you start working with the SAP ERP data:

8.2.1 System Requirements and Certification

Before performing any installation you should read the system requirements and certification documentation to ensure that your environment meets the minimum installation requirements for the products you are installing.

The list of supported platforms and versions is available on Oracle Technical Network (OTN):

8.2.2 Technology Specific Requirements

Some of the Knowledge Modules for SAP ERP use specific features of SAP and of the Oracle database. This section lists the requirements related to these features.

  • A JCo version compatible with adapter must be used. The list of supported JCo versions is available from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). See Section 8.2.1, "System Requirements and Certification" for more information.

  • A JVM version compatible with both Oracle Data Integrator and JCo must be used.

  • The adapter supports two transfer modes for transferring data from SAP system to the ODI agent: data transfer using a Shared Directory and data transfer through FTP. For details and restrictions, see Section 8.7.1, "File Transfer Configurations".

    Depending on the chosen file transfer mode the following requirements must be met:

    • Data transfer through a Shared Directory (recommended transfer method)

      The LKM SAP ERP to Oracle (SQLLDR) requires a folder that is shared between the SAP system and the ODI agent. The SAP application server transfers the data by writing it out into a folder that is accessible from the SAP system and the ODI agent machine. This is typically done by sharing a folder of the ODI agent machine with the SAP system. Note that the shared folder does not necessarily have to be located on the ODI agent machine. A shared folder on a third machine is also possible, as long as the shared folder is accessible to both the ODI agent machine and the SAP system.


      For security reasons, folders located on the SAP server should not be shared. You should instead share a folder located of the ODI agent machine with the SAP system, or use a third machine as the shared file server.

      The shared folder must be accessible to SAP system and not just to the underlying operating system. This means that the folder needs to be declared in SAP transaction AL11 and the folder opens successfully in AL11.

    • Data transfer through FTP

      LKM SAP ERP to Oracle (SQLLDR) requires a FTP server to upload data from the SAP ERP system. This data is either read locally by the agent executing the interface (when this agent runs on the FTP server machine), or remotely (when this agent is located on a different machine than the FTP server). This FTP server must be accessible over the network from both the SAP ERP machine and the agent machine.

  • SQL*Loader is required on the machine running the agent when executing interfaces using LKM SAP ERP to Oracle (SQLLDR). SQL*Loader is used for loading data extracted from SAP to the Oracle staging area.

8.2.3 Connectivity Requirements

Oracle Data Integrator connects to the SAP-ERP system hosting the SAP ERP data using JCo. It also uses a FTP Server or a Shared Directory to host the data extracted from the SAP system.

This section describes the required connection information: Installing and Configuring JCo

The SAP adapter uses JCo to connect to the SAP system. JCo must be configured before proceeding with the project.

To install and configure JCo:

  1. Download a supported JCo version for your configuration from

  2. Unzip the appropriate distribution package into an temporary directory <sapjco-install-path>.

  3. Follow the installation instructions provided in the JCo documentation (<sapjco-install-path>/javadoc/installation.html) for your platform.

  4. Copy the required files (sapjco3.jar and sapjco3.dll) into the <ODI_HOME>/odi_misc directory.

  5. Restart the ODI Components using SAP (ODI Studio, Standalone Agent)

  6. Check the JCo installation. Gathering SAP Connection Information

In order to connect to the SAP ERP system, you must request the following information from your SAP administrators:

  • SAP ERP System IP Address or Hostname: IP address/ Hostname of the host on which SAP is running.

  • SAP User: SAP User is the unique user name given to a user for logging on the SAP System.

  • SAP Password: Case-sensitive password used by the user to log in.

  • SAP Language: Code of the language used when logging in For example: EN for English, DE for German.

  • SAP Client Number: The three-digit number assigned to the self-contained unit which is called Client in SAP. A Client can be a training, development, testing or production client or represent different divisions in a large company.

  • SAP System Number: The two-digit number assigned to a SAP instance which is also called Web Application Server or WAS.

  • SAP System ID: The three-character, unique identifier of a SAP system in a landscape.

  • SAP SNC Connection Properties (optional) SAP Router String (optional): SAP is enhancing security through SNC and SAP router. It is used when these securities are implemented.

  • SAP Transport Layer Name: This string uniquely identifies a transport layer in a SAP landscape. It allows ODI to create transport requests for later deployment in SAP.

  • SAP ABAP Version: The version of the SAP system.

  • SAP Character Set: The character set is only required if your SAP system is not a UNICODE system. For a complete list of character sets, see "Locale Data" in the Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide. For example, EE8ISO8859P2 for Croatian Data. For UNICODE systems, use UTF8.


All the connection data listed above (except SAP SNC Connection Properties and SAP Router String) are mandatory and should be requested from the SAP Administrators. You may consider requesting support during connection setup from your SAP administrators. Gathering FTP Connection Information

Gathering FTP connection information only applies if you plan to transfer data using FTP. The SAP ERP system will push data to a server using the FTP protocol. Collect the following information from your system administrator:

  • FTP server name or IP address

  • FTP login ID

  • FTP login password

  • Directory path for storing temporary data files

Validate that the FTP server is accessible both from SAP System and from ODI agent machine. Gathering Shared Directory Information

Gathering Shared Directory information only applies, if you plan to transfer data through a shared directory. The SAP system will push data to a shared folder. For later setup, gather the following information from your system administrator:

  • (UNC) path name of the shared folder

Validate that the shared folder is accessible from both the SAP System and the ODI agent machine and does not require any interactive authentication to be accessed.

Please note that the shared folder must be accessible from the SAP system using the <sid>adm user and from the operating system user that starts the ODI agent.

8.2.4 Getting the Right Privileges

The SAP Adapter requires privileges to perform setup and execution operations. Please provide your administrators with the list of privileges listed in Appendix B, "Additional Information for SAP ABAP ERP Adapter".

These privileges are required for the SAP user used to log in the SAP System with ODI. This user is specified when creating the SAP data server.

8.3 Defining the Topology

You must define the two data servers used for SAP integration. The SAP ABAP Data Server and the File Data server.

  1. Create the File Data Server

  2. Create the SAP ABAP Data Server

8.3.1 Create the File Data Server

This data server corresponds to the FTP server or File Server into which the extraction file will be pushed from SAP and picked up for SQL*Loader. Create a File Data Server

Create a File data server as described in "Creating a File Data Server" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Connectivity and Knowledge Modules Guide for Oracle Data Integrator. This section describes the parameters specific to SAP ERP.

Depending on the chosen data transfer mode, this data server must point either to:

  • An existing FTP server into which the extraction file will be pushed from SAP and picked up for SQL*Loader or

  • The shared folder into which the SAP system will write the extraction file and from which SQL*Loader will pick it up. This schema represents the folder in the FTP host where the extraction file will be pushed.

Note that the parameters for the data server depend on the data transfer mode.

  • When transferring data through FTP, set the parameters as follows:

    • Host (Data Server): FTP server IP host name or IP address

    • User: Username to log into FTP server

    • Password: Password for the user

  • When transferring data through a Shared Directory, set the parameters as follows:

    • Host (Data Server): n/a

    • User: n/a

    • Password: n/a

See Section 8.7.1, "File Transfer Configurations" for more information. Create the File Schema

In this File data server create a Physical Schema as described in "Creating a File Physical Schema" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Connectivity and Knowledge Modules Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

This schema represents the folder that is located either in the FTP host or the File Server. Note that this is the folder into which the extraction file will be pushed. Depending on the data transfer mode, specify the Data and Work Schemas as follows:

  • For the FTP file transfer:

    • Directory (Schema): Path on the FTP server to upload or download extraction files from the remote location. This path is used when uploading extraction files from the SAP ERP system into the FTP server. It is also used by a remote agent to download the extraction files. Note that this path must use slashes and must end with a slash character.

    • Directory (Work Schema): Local path on the FTP server's machine. This path is used by an agent installed on this machine to access the extraction files without passing via FTP. This access method is used if the FTP_TRANSFER_METHOD parameter of the LKM SAP ERP to Oracle (SQLLDR) is set to NONE. The Work Schema is a local directory location. As a consequence, slashes or backslashes should be used according to the operating system. This path must end with a slash or backslash.

      Path names given on Data and Work schemas are not necessarily the same: the FTP server may provide access to a FTP directory named /sapfiles - the value for Directory (Schema) - while the files are accessed locally in c:\inetpub\ftproot\sapfiles - the value for Directory (Work Schema).

  • For the Shared Directory transfer:

    • Directory (Schema): Path (UNC) of the shared folder to write and read extraction files. SAP System writes the extraction files into this folder. It is also used by a remote agent to copy the extraction files to the ODI agent machine. Note that this path must use slashes or backslashes according to the operating system of the SAP Application Server and must end with a slash or backslash character.

    • Directory (Work Schema): Local path on the server's machine hosting the shared folder. This path is used by an agent installed on this machine to access the extraction files without passing though the shared folder. This access method is used if the FTP_TRANSFER_METHOD parameter of the LKM SAP ERP to Oracle (SQLLDR) is set to FSMOUNT_DIRECT. The Work Schema is a local directory location. As a consequence, slashes or backslashes should be used according to the operating system. This path must end with a slash or backslash.

    See Section 8.7.1, "File Transfer Configurations" for more information.

Create a File Logical Schema called File Server for SAP ABAP, and map it to the Physical Schema. The name of this Logical Schema name is predefined and must be File Server for SAP ABAP.

8.3.2 Create the SAP ABAP Data Server

This SAP ABAP data server corresponds to the SAP server from which data will be extracted. Create the SAP ABAP Data Server

To configure a SAP ABAP data server:

  1. Create a data server for the SAP ABAP technology using the standard procedure, as described in "Creating a Data Server" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator. This data server uses the SAP connection information.

  2. Set the parameters for this data server as follows:

    • Name: The name of the data server as it will appear in ODI. For example, SAP_ERP.

    • Host (Data Server): SAP ERP System IP Address or Hostname

    • User: SAP User, as provided by the SAP Administrator

    • Password: This user's SAP Password. This password is case-sensitive.

  3. Set the flexfields values for this data server in the Flexfields tab.

    • SAP Language: Code of the language used when logging in. For example EN for English, DE for German.

    • SAP Client Number: The three-digit number assigned to the self-contained unit which is called Client in SAP. A Client can be a training, development, testing or production client or represent different divisions in a large company.

    • SAP System Number: The two-digit number assigned to a SAP instance which is also called Web Application Server or WAS.

    • SAP System ID: The three-character, unique identifier of a SAP system in a landscape.

    • SAP SNC Connection Properties: SNC Connection Properties. This parameter is optional and can be left empty.

    • SAP Router String: Router String. This parameter is optional and can be left empty.

    • SAP Character Set: Character set of the SAP system. This information is used for SQLLDR when loading data. For UNICODE SAP systems, use the default value UTF8. For a complete list of character sets, see "Locale Data" in the Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide. For example, EE8ISO8859P2 for Croatian Data.

    • For a complete list of character sets, please refer to Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide: Locale Data: Character Sets. For example, EE8ISO8859P2 for Croatian Data."

    • SAP ABAP Version: Enter the SAP ABAP version as follows:

      • For SAP 4.6C enter 46C

      • For SAP ECC 6.0 enter 700

    • SAP ERP Version: Reserved for future use.


The Test button for validating the SAP Connection and the FTP Connection definition is not supported.

Except for Data Server Name, all the parameters that you provide while defining the SAP Data Server should be provided by the SAP Administrators. See Gathering SAP Connection Information for more information about these parameters. Create the SAP ABAP Schema

To configure a SAP ABAP schema:

  1. Create a Physical Schema under the SAP ABAP data server as described in "Creating a physical schema" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator. This schema does not require any specific configuration. Only one physical schema is required under a SAP ABAP data server.

  2. Create a Logical Schema for this Physical Schema as described in "Creating a Logical Schema" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator in the appropriate context.

8.4 Setting up the Project

Setting up a project using SAP ERP features follows the standard procedure. See "Creating an Integration Project" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

Import the following KMs into your Oracle Data Integrator project:

In addition to these specific SAP ERP KMs, import the standard Oracle LKMs, IKMs, and CKMs to perform data extraction and data quality checks with an Oracle database. See "Oracle Database" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Connectivity and Knowledge Modules Guide for Oracle Data Integrator for a list of available KMs.

8.5 Creating and Reverse-Engineering a Model

This section contains the following topics:

8.5.1 Creating a SAP ERP Model

Create an SAP ERP Model based on the SAP ABAP technology and on the SAP ABAP logical schema using the standard procedure, as described in "Creating a Model" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

8.5.2 Reverse-Engineering a SAP ERP Model

To perform a Customized Reverse-Engineering with the RKM SAP ERP, use the usual procedure, as described in "Reverse-engineering a Model" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator. This section details only the fields specific to SAP ERP:

  1. In the Reverse tab of the SAP ERP Model, select the RKM SAP ERP.

  2. For the RKM SAP ERP, set the USE_GUI KM option to true.

  3. For first time RKM use only: Set SAP_TRANSPORT_LAYER_NAME to the name of the transport layer your SAP basis admin has provided you with.


    A wrong or invalid transport layer name will cause serious delays during the installation process. Please use only the value provided by your SAP Basis Admin.

  4. For first time RKM use only: Set UPLOAD_ABAP_CODE to Yes.

    After the first execution this value must be set back to No.

  5. Save the model.

  6. Click Reverse-Engineer in the Model Editor toolbar.

  7. Set UPLOAD_ABAP_CODE back to No.

  8. For first time RKM use only: Validate in Operator that the session is now in status running.

    If session has failed, please validate settings. Do not move on until all installation steps have been completed successfully.

  9. The Tree Metadata Browser appears after the session is started. Select the table(s) to reverse.

  10. Click Reverse-Engineer in the Tree Metadata Browser window.

The reverse-engineering process returns the selected tables as datastores.


If the reverse-engineering is executed on a run-time agent, the USE_GUI option should be set to false. This option should be used only when the customized reverse-engineering is started using the agent built-in the Studio.

8.6 Designing an Interface

To create an interface loading SAP ERP data into an Oracle staging area:

  1. Create an interface with source datastores from the SAP ERP Model. This interface should have an Oracle target or use an Oracle schema as the Staging Area.

  2. Create joins, filters and mappings for your interface.

  3. In the Flow tab of the interface, select the source set containing the SAP ABAP source table(s) and select the SAP ERP LKM to Oracle (SQLLDR).

8.7 Considerations for SAP ERP Integration

This section includes the following topics:

8.7.1 File Transfer Configurations

The ODI SAP adapter extracts data using ABAP programs. For transferring the data from SAP system to the ODI agent the adapter supports two transfer modes and different configurations: Transfer using a Shared Directory (recommended)

During the extraction process the ABAP programs write chunks of data into the data file in the shared folder. For better performances this shared folder should be located on the ODI agent machine. In this setup, SQL*Loader directly reads the data from this folder and loads it into database.

If the folder is not located on the ODI agent machine, then the ODI agent first needs to copy the file from the shared folder to the agent for loading the data using SQL*Loader in the next step.

Configuration 1: Shared Folder is physically located on the ODI Agent machine (recommended)

Figure 8-1 Configuration 1

Description of Figure 8-1 follows
Description of "Figure 8-1 Configuration 1"

This configuration is used, when FTP_TRANSFER_METHOD = FSMOUNT_DIRECT. In this configuration the following data movements are performed:

  1. The ABAP program extracts chunks of FETCH_ BATCH SIZE records and writes them into a file in the shared folder.

  2. SQL*Loader reads locally the data file and loads the data into the Oracle staging area.

This configuration requires the following Topology settings:

  1. Create a File data server pointing to the File server/ODI Agent machine:

    • Host (Data Server): n/a

    • User: n/a

    • Password: n/a

  2. Under this File data server create a physical schema representing the shared folder in the File host server. Specify the Data and Work Schemas as follows:

    • Data Schema: Path (UNC) of the shared folder used by the ABAP program to write extraction files.

    • Directory (Work Schema): Local path on the server's machine hosting the shared folder. This path is used by an agent and SQL*Loader installed on this machine to access the extraction files without passing via the shared folder.

Configuration 2: Shared folder is not physically located on the ODI Agent machine

Figure 8-2 Configuration 2

Description of Figure 8-2 follows
Description of "Figure 8-2 Configuration 2"

This configuration is used, when FTP_TRANSFER_METHOD = FSMOUNT. In this configuration the following data movements are performed:

  1. The ABAP program extracts chunks of FETCH_ BATCH SIZE records and writes them into a file in the shared folder.

  2. The run-time agent copies the file into the directory given by TEMP_DIR option of the LKM.

  3. SQL*Loader reads the data file from this TEMP_DIR and loads the data into the Oracle staging area.

This configuration requires the following Topology settings:

  1. Create a File data server pointing to the file server into which the extraction file will be pushed from SAP and picked up from for SQL*Loader.

    Set the parameters for this data server as follows:

    • Host (Data Server): n/a

    • User: n/a

    • Password: n/a

  2. In this File data server create a physical schema representing the shared folder. Specify the Data and Work Schemas as follows:

    • Directory (Schema): Path (UNC) of the shared folder used by the ABAP program to write extraction files, and by the agent to copy the file.

    • Directory (Work Schema): <undefined>. Leave this path blank, as data files are never accessed directly from the File server's file system.

Please note that data files will be copied to the run-time agent from the shared folder in a local temporary folder. The default temporary directory is the system's temporary directory. On UNIX this is typically /tmp and on Windows c:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Temp. This directory can be changed using the KM option TEMP_DIR. FTP based Transfer

At the end of the extraction process these ABAP programs will upload the data file to a FTP server. For better performances this FTP server should be located on the same machine as the run-time agent.

If the agent is not located on the same machine as the FTP server, it will download the file from the FTP server before loading it to the staging area using SQL*Loader. This download operation is performed using FTP, SFTP or SCP.

Figure 8-3 Configuration 1: FTP Server is installed on an ODI Agent machine

Description of Figure 8-3 follows
Description of "Figure 8-3 Configuration 1: FTP Server is installed on an ODI Agent machine"

The configuration shown in Figure 8-3 is used, when FTP_TRANSFER_METHOD = NONE. In this configuration the following data movements are performed:

  1. The ABAP program extracts the data and uploads the data file to the FTP server.

  2. SQL*Loader reads locally the data file and loads the data into the Oracle staging area.

This configuration requires the following Topology settings:

  1. Create a File data server pointing to the FTP server:

    • Host (Data Server): FTP server host name or IP address.

    • User: Username to log into FTP server.

    • Password: Password for the user.

  2. In this File data server create a physical schema representing the folder in the FTP host where the extraction file will be pushed. Specify the Data and Work Schemas as follows:

    • Directory (Schema): Path on the FTP server for uploading SAP extraction files.

    • Directory (Work Schema): Local path on the FTP server's machine containing the SAP extraction file. The agent and SQL*Loader read the extraction files from this location.

Figure 8-4 Configuration 2: FTP Server is not installed on ODI Agent machine

Description of Figure 8-4 follows
Description of "Figure 8-4 Configuration 2: FTP Server is not installed on ODI Agent machine"

The configuration shown in Figure 8-4 is used, when FTP_TRANSFER_METHOD is FTP, SFTP or SCP. In this configuration the following data movements are performed:

  1. The ABAP program extracts the data and uploads the data file to the FTP server.

  2. The ODI agent downloads the file from the FTP server into the directory given by KM Option TEMP_DIR.

  3. SQL*Loader reads the data file from this TEMP_DIR and loads the data into the Oracle staging area.

This configuration requires the following Topology settings:

  1. Create a File data server pointing to the FTP server:

    • Host (Data Server): FTP server host name or IP address.

    • User: User name to log into FTP server.

    • Password: Password for the user.

  2. In this File data server create a physical schema representing the folder in the FTP host where the extraction file will be pushed. Specify the Data and Work Schemas as follows:

    • Directory (Schema): Path on the FTP server for uploading SAP extraction files.

    • Directory (Work Schema): <undefined>; this path is left blank, as data files are never accessed directly from the FTP server's file system.

Considerations and Limitations:

The FTP based data transfer uses the widely spread (S)FTP file transfer and requires all data to be held in SAP's application server memory before transfer. Therefore the required memory per SAP session increases with the amount of data extracted and will set an upper limit to the data volume. This upper limit can be adjusted to a certain extend by increasing the sessions memory settings in SAP.

The required setup for the shared folder based configuration is slightly more complex, but it allows defining an upper limit to the required SAP AS memory and is therefore the recommended extraction method.

8.7.2 Controlling ABAP Uploading

During development, ABAP code is uploaded to the SAP system with every interface execution. This upload can be explicitly turned off by setting the LKM option UPLOAD_ABAP_CODE to No.

Once an Interface or Package has been unit tested and is ready to be migrated out of the development environment, ODI should no longer upload ABAP code, as the ABAP code will be transported by SAP's CTS (Change and Transport System).

Alternatively, the upload can be turned off using the FlexField SAP Allow ABAP Upload defined on the SAP data server in the Topology: The ABAP code is only uploaded, if both the LKM option UPLOAD_ABAP_CODE and the Flexfield SAP Allow ABAP Upload are set to Yes. For disabling upload in production systems you can set the Flexfield SAP Allow ABAP Upload to 0 in the Topology.


To configure an interface that uploads the ABAP code in development but skips the upload in QA or production:
  1. Set the KM option UPLOAD_ABAP_CODE set to Yes in all interfaces

  2. Configure the SAP data servers in the Topology as follows:

    • Set the Flexfield SAP Allow ABAP Upload to 1 for all SAP development systems

    • Set the Flexfield SAP Allow ABAP Upload to 0 for all other SAP systems


Before starting the extraction process, ODI verifies that the interface/scenario matches the code installed in SAP. If there is a discrepancy - for example, if the scenario was modified but the ABAP code was not re-uploaded - an exception is thrown.

8.7.3 Log Files

During the RKM and LKM execution several log files are created. These log files may contain valuable details for troubleshooting. Table 8-2 describes the different log files and their usage:

Table 8-2 Log Files

Default Log File Name KM / Phase Content

<System Temp Dir>/sap_rkm_erp_<ODI Session Number>.log


Execution Log of metadata retrieval

<System Temp Dir>/sap_rkm_erp_<ODI Session Number>.log.opentool.log


Information about first time installation of SAP RFC for RKM

<System Temp Dir>/ODI_<Interface Id>_<SrcSet>.genlog

LKM - Generation Time

Information about code generation for ABAP extractor

<System Temp Dir>SAPAbapExecuteOpenTool_<Interface Id>.log

LKM - Runtime

Information about installation of ABAP extractor

<System Temp Dir or local FTP dir>/ ZODI_<Interface Id>_<SrcSet>_<Context>.log

LKM - Runtime

SQL*Loader log file

<System Temp Dir or local FTP dir>/ ZODI_<Interface Id>_<SrcSet>_<Context>.out

LKM - Runtime

OS std output during SQL*Loader execution, may contain information, e.g. when SQL*Loader is not installed

<System Temp Dir or local FTP dir>/ ZODI_<Interface Id>_<SrcSet>_<Context>.err

LKM - Runtime

OS error output during SQL*Loader execution, may contain information, e.g. when SQL*Loader is not installed

8.7.4 Limitations of the SAP ABAP Adapter

The SAP ABAP adapter has the following limitations:

  • The Test button for validating SAP Connection definition in ODI's Topology manager is not supported.

  • The SAP table type (Transparent, Pool, and Cluster) cannot be changed after a table has been reverse-engineered.

  • The SAP ABAP KMs only support Ordered Joins.

  • Full Outer join and Right outer joins are not supported.

  • In one-to-many relationships, the first table of a join needs to be the one-table, for example when joining MARA and MARC, MARA needs to be the first table in the join.

  • Mapping expression executed on the source must not contain any transformations.