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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Connectivity and Knowledge Modules Guide for Oracle Data Integrator
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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22 Oracle Hyperion Planning

This chapter describes how to work with Oracle Hyperion Planning in Oracle Data Integrator.

This chapter includes the following sections:

22.1 Introduction

Oracle Data Integrator Adapter for Hyperion Planning enables you to connect and integrate Oracle's Hyperion Planning with any database through Oracle Data Integrator. The adapter provides a set of Oracle Data Integrator Knowledge Modules (KMs) for loading metadata and data into Planning, Oracle's Hyperion Workforce Planning, and Oracle's Hyperion Capital Expense Planning applications.

22.1.1 Integration Process

Loading a Planning application with metadata and data using Oracle Data Integrator Adapter for Hyperion Planning involves these tasks:

22.1.2 Knowledge Modules

Oracle Data Integrator provides the Knowledge Modules (KM) listed in Table 22-1 for handling Hyperion Planning data. These KMs use Hyperion Planning specific features. It is also possible to use the generic SQL KMs with the Hyperion Planning database. See Chapter 4, "Generic SQL" for more information.

Table 22-1 Hyperion Planning Knowledge Modules

Knowledge Module Description

RKM Hyperion Planning

Reverse-engineers Planning applications and creates data models to use as targets in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces.

Each dimension (standard dimension and attribute dimension) is reversed as a datastore with the same name as the dimension with appropriate columns. Creates a datastore named "UDA" for loading UDA's.

IKM SQL to Hyperion Planning

Loads metadata and data into Planning applications.

22.2 Installation and Configuration

Make sure you have read the information in this section before you start using the Oracle Data Integrator Adapter for Planning:

22.2.1 System Requirements and Certifications

Before performing any installation you should read the system requirements and certification documentation to ensure that your environment meets the minimum installation requirements for the products you are installing.

The list of supported platforms and versions is available on Oracle Technical Network (OTN):

22.2.2 Technology Specific Requirements

There are no technology-specifc requirements for using the Oracle Data Integrator Adapter for Planning.

22.2.3 Connectivity Requirements

There are no connectivity-specific requirements for using the Oracle Data Integrator Adapter for Planning.

22.3 Setting up the Topology

Setting up the Topology consists of:

  1. Creating an Hyperion Planning Data Server

  2. Creating an Hyperion Planning Physical Schema

22.3.1 Creating an Hyperion Planning Data Server

Create a data server for the Hyperion Planning technology using the standard procedure, as described in "Creating a Data Server" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator. This section details only the fields required or specific for defining a Hyperion Planning data server:

  1. In the Definition tab:

    • Name: Enter a name for the data server definition.

    • Server (Data Server): Enter the Planning application host name and RMI port number in this format: <host>:<port>.

  2. Under Connection, enter a user name and password for connecting to the Planning server.


The Test button does not work for a Hyperion Planning data server connection. This button works only for relational technologies that have a JDBC Driver.

22.3.2 Creating an Hyperion Planning Physical Schema

Create a Hyperion Planning physical schema using the standard procedure, as described in "Creating a Physical Schema" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

Under a data server, you can define a physical schema corresponding to an application and the logical schemas on which models are based.

Create for this physical schema a logical schema using the standard procedure, as described in "Creating a Logical Schema" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator and associate it in a given context.

22.4 Creating and Reverse-Engineering a Planning Model

This section contains the following topics:

22.4.1 Create a Planning Model

Create a Planning Model using the standard procedure, as described in "Creating a Model" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator

22.4.2 Reverse-engineer a Planning Model

Reverse-engineering a Planning application creates an Oracle Data Integrator model that includes a datastore for each dimension in the application. Note that the Year/Period/Version/Scenario are not reverse-engineered.

To perform a Customized Reverse-Engineering on Hyperion Planning with a RKM, use the usual procedure, as described in "Reverse-engineering a Model" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator. This section details only the fields specific to the Hyperion Planning technology.

  1. In the Reverse tab of the Planning Model, select the RKM Hyperion Planning.

The RKM connects to the application (which is determined by the logical schema and the context) and imports the following items:

  • A datastore for each dimension in the application, with the same name as the dimension

  • A datastore called UDA, for UDA loading

22.5 Designing an Interface

After reverse-engineering a Planning application as a model, you can use the datastores in this model as targets of interfaces for loading data and metadata into the application.

The KM choice for an interface determines the abilities and performance of this interface. The recommendations in this section help in the selection of the KM for different situations concerning Hyperion Planning.

This section contains the following topics:

22.5.1 Loading Metadata

Oracle Data Integrator provides the IKM SQL to Hyperion Planning for loading metadata into a Planning application.

Metadata consists of dimension members. You must load members, or metadata, before you load data values for the members. For example, before loading salary data for five new employees, you load the employees (as members) to the Planning relational database before you load the data to the Oracle's Hyperion Essbase database.

You can load members only to dimensions that exist in Planning. You must use a separate interface for each dimension that you load. You can chain interfaces to load metadata into several dimensions at once.


You must refresh the Essbase database after loading the dimension members in the application. The Essbase database is refreshed if you set the REFRESH_DATABASE option in IKM SQL to Hyperion Planning to Yes. See "Load Options" on page 18.

To load metadata into a Planning application:

  1. Create an interface. Make sure that you select the IKM SQL to Hyperion Planning on the Flow tab.

  2. Specify the load options as described in Section 22.5.3, "Load Options".

  3. Run the interface to load the metadata into the application

  4. Validate the dimension:

    1. Log on to Planning Web.

    2. Select Administration > Dimensions.

22.5.2 Loading Data

Oracle Data Integrator provides the IKM SQL to Hyperion Planning for loading data into a Planning application.

You can load data into selected dimension members that are already created in Planning. You must set up the Planning, Workforce Planning, or Capital Expense Planning application before you can load data into it.

Before loading data, ensure that the members (metadata) exist in the Planning relational database and the Essbase database. A data load fails if the members do not exist. (This includes the driver member and the members specified in the point of view.) If necessary, load metadata and refresh the Essbase database to synchronize the members.

Before loading data into a Planning, Workforce Planning, or Capital Expense Planning application, you must set up the relevant data load and driver dimensions in Planning. After you set up the data load and driver dimensions in Planning, you must determine the point of view for the members whose data you are loading.

To load data into a Planning application:

  1. In Planning, specify parameters for data to load:

    1. Select Administration > Data Load Administration.

    2. For Available Data Load Dimensions, select a dimension, and click Go.

    3. For Available Driver Dimensions, select the dimension to which you are loading data in an Essbase database; for example, select the Account dimension.

    4. Select the members of the driver dimension to load with data.

      After the Hyperion Planning data load is set up, use Hyperion Planning RKM to perform the reverse-engineering process. Reverse-engineering retrieves and updates the datastore for the data load dimension with additional columns (fields) required for the data load.

    5. Click Save.

  2. In Oracle Data Integrator Studio, run an interface for loading data.


    You can use the same interface for loading metadata and data. Section 22.5.3, "Load Options" lists the options of the IKM SQL to Hyperion Planning

  3. Check the Operator log to see if the interface ran successfully.

  4. To validate the data load, use either method:

    • Create a Planning data form to retrieve data.

    • Check Oracle's Essbase Administration Services to ensure that blocks were created in the appropriate cube.

22.5.3 Load Options

IKM SQL to Hyperion Planning supports these options for defining how Oracle Data Integrator Adapter for Hyperion Planning loads data:


    Possible values: Yes or No; default: No If set to Yes, members are loaded in the same order as in the input records.


    Possible values: Yes or No; default: No If set to Yes, incoming records are sorted so that all parents are inserted before children.


    Possible values: Yes or No; default: No If set to Yes, logging is done during the load process to the file specified by the LOG_FILE_NAME option.


    The name of the file where logs are saved; default value:Java temp folder/ dimension.log


    Maximum number of errors before the load process is stopped; default value: 0

    If set to 0 or a negative number, the load process is not stopped regardless of the number of errors.


    Possible values: Yes or No; default: No

    If set to Yes, error records are loggedto the file specified by the ERROR_LOG_FILE property.


    The name of the file where error records are logged; default value: Java temp folder/ dimension.err


    The column delimiter used for the error record file; default value: comma (,)


    The row delimiter used for the error record file; default value: \r\n


    Row and column delimiters values can also be specified in hexadecimal. A value that starts with 0x is treated as hexadecimal; for example, 0x0041 is treated as the letter A.


    The text delimiter to be used for the column values in the error record file


    Possible values: Yes or No; default: Yes

    If set to Yes, the row header (with all column names) is logged in the error records file.


    If set to Yes, completion of the load operation invokes a cube refresh.

    Possible values: Yes or No; default: No

22.6 Datastore Tables and Data Load Columns

IKM SQL to Hyperion Planning loads columns in tables to create datastores. The following topics describe the columns in each datastore:

Data Load Columns are columns used for loading data into dimensions.

22.6.1 Accounts

Table 22-2 describes the columns of the Accounts table. See Section 22.6.7, "Data Load Columns" for descriptions of additional columns that are displayed for loading Account dimension data if the application has been set up for data load in Planning.

Table 22-2 Accounts

Column Description


Takes the name of the account member you are loading. If this member exists, its properties are modified; otherwise, the record is added. This field is required.

The value for this field must meet these requirements:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

    This value is passed as a string.


Takes the name of the parent of the member you are loading. It is used to create the hierarchy in the dimension.

When you load data for a member and specify a different parent member that from the parent member in the application, the member is updated with the parent value that you specify.

Example: If Member 1 has a parent value of Member A in your Planning application and you load Member 1 with a parent value of Member B, your application is updated, and Member B becomes the parent of Member 1. Member 1 and its descendants are moved from Member A to Member B. If the column is left blank, it is ignored during the load.

The record is not loaded if one of the following situations occurs:

  • The specified parent is a descendant of the member that you are loading.

  • The specified parent does not exist in the Planning application.

Default Alias

Takes an alternate name for the member being loaded. If you are modifying properties and do not specify a value, the alias is not changed in the Planning application. If you specify <NONE> or <none> as the value, the alias in the Planning application is deleted.

The value for this column must meet the following requirements for a successful load:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

This value is passed as a string; default value: a null string.

Additional Alias

Can take an alternate name for the member being loaded. There will be as many Alias columns as there are Alias tables defined in Planning. The value for multiple alias columns must conform to the same requirements as those listed for the default alias column.

Data Storage

Takes the storage attribute for the member being loaded.

Valid values:

  • Store

  • Dynamic Calc

  • Dynamic Calc and Store

  • Shared

  • Never Share (default)

  • Label Only

This value is passed as a string.

Two Pass Calculation

Boolean value to indicate whether the member being loaded has the Two-Pass Calculation associated attribute. Valid values: 0 for False (default), or any other number for True. Values are valid only when the Data Storage value is Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store; otherwise, the record is rejected.

Account Type

Takes the account type of the member that is being loaded. Valid values: Revenue, Expense, Asset, Liability, Equity, and Saved Assumption. The default is taken from the parent of the member that is being loaded, or it is Expense if the member is being added to the root dimension.

Time Balance

Takes a type for members with an account type of Saved Assumption only or when the record is rejected. Valid values: Flow, First, Balance, Average, and two averaging options, Actual_365 and Actual_Actual. (Actual_365 assumes the actual number of days in each month and 28 days in February; Actual_Actual accounts for 29 days in February during leap years.)

The default is taken from the parent of the member being loaded or is Flow if the member is being added to the root dimension. This value is passed as a string. Default values of Time Balance for Account types:

  • Revenue-Flow

  • Expense-Flow

  • Asset-Balance

  • Liability-Balance

  • Equity-Balance

Note: When Time Balance is Flow, records with any valid Skip Values are loaded, but Skip Value is disabled for all account types.

Skip Value

Skip ValueTakes the skip option that is set for the Time Balance property. When the Time Balance property is set to First, Balance, or Average, these Skip options are available:

  • None-Indicates that zeros and #missing value are considered when the parent value is calculated

  • Missing-Excludes #missing values when calculating parent values

  • Zeros-Excludes zero values when calculating parent values

  • Missing and Zeros-Excludes #missing and zero values when calculating parent values

Note: When Time Balance is Flow, records with any valid Skip Values are loaded, but Skip Value is disabled for all Account types.

Data Type

Takes the data storage value. Valid values:

  • Currency-Stores and displays the member's data value in the default currency.

  • Non-currency-Stores and displays the member's data value as a numeric value.

  • Percentage-Stores data values as a numeric value and displays the member's data value as a percentage.

  • Smart list / enumeration-Stores data values as a numeric value and displays the member's data value as a string.

  • Date-Stores and displays the member's data value in the format mm/dd/yyyy or dd/ mm/yyyy

  • Text-Stores and displays the member's data value as text.

  • Unspecified-Stores and displays the member's data value as "unspecified."

The default value is taken from the parent of the member being loaded or is Currency if the member is being added to the root dimension.

Exchange Rate Type

Takes the exchange rate. This column is dependent on the value specified for the Data Type column. Valid values:

  • Average, Ending, and Historical when Data Type is equal to Currency

  • None when Data Type is equal to Non-currency or Percentage

    This value is passed as a string. The default value is taken from the parent of the member that is being loaded or, if the member is being added to the root dimension, is based on the account type and takes the following values:

  • Revenue-Average

  • Expense-Average

  • Asset-Ending

  • Liability-Ending

  • Equity-Ending

  • Saved Assumption-None

Use 445

Indicates the distribution selected in the Planning application. If the application has no distribution, this column is not displayed.

Valid values are 0 and 1 (or any number other than 0); default value: 1.

Variance Reporting

Takes a value for account members with an account type of Saved Assumption or if the record is rejected. Valid values:

  • Expense-designates the saved assumption as an expense. The actual amount is subtracted from the budgeted amount to determine the variance.

  • Non-Expense-designates the saved assumption as revenue. The budgeted amount is subtracted from the actual amount to determine the variance.

This value is passed as a string. The default value is taken from the parent of the member being loaded or, if the member is being added to the root dimension, is based on the value of the count type.

For Account types, the value is set to the following:

  • Revenue-Non-Expense

  • Expense-Expense

  • Asset-Non-Expense

  • Liability-Non-Expense

  • Equity-Non-Expense

Source Plan Type

Takes a plan type name for the plan type assigned to the member being loaded. Valid values are any plan types specified in Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. The default is taken from the parent of the member being loaded. If the source plan of the parent is not valid for the member, the specified plan type is not selected for the member in the application, and the first plan type that the member is used in is used. If the member is being loaded to the root dimension, the first plan type the member is used in is used.

When you update or save the parent of a member, the system verifies if the Source Plan Type associated with the member being loaded is valid for the new parent. If the member's source plan type is not a valid plan type of its parent member, you receive the error message, "The source plan type is not in the subset of valid plan types."

If the source plan type of a member is valid for the parent member but not for the member itself, the member is saved but its source plan type is set to the first valid plan type (in the order Plan 1, Plan 2, Plan 3, Wrkforce, Capex).

Note: If a Source Plan Type is specified in the adapter but is not valid for the parent, the record is rejected.

Plan Type (Plan1)

Boolean value that indicates if the member being loaded is used in Plan1. Valid values are 0 for False and any other number for True. The default value is True. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

Aggregation (Plan1)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan1. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Plan Type (Plan 2)

Boolean value that indicates if the member being loaded is used in Plan2. Valid values are 0 for False and any other number for True. The default value is True. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

Aggregation (Plan2)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan2. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Plan Type (Plan3)

Boolean value that indicates if the member being loaded is used in Plan3. Valid values: 0 for False or any other number for True; default value: True. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

Aggregation (Plan3)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan3. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Plan Type (Wrkforce)

For Workforce Planning: The Plan Type (Wrkforce) column is a Boolean value that indicates if the member being loaded is used in Workforce Planning. Valid values are 0 for False and any other number for True. The default is True. The actual name of the column varies, depending on by the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

Aggregation (Wrkforce)

For Workforce Planning: The Aggregation (Wrkforce) column takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Workforce Planning. This column is available only if the Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies, depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Plan Type (Capex)

For Capital Expense Planning: The Plan Type (Capex) column is a Boolean value that indicates if the member being loaded is used in Capital Expense Planning. Valid values are 0 for False and any other number for True. The default is True. The actual name of the column varies, depending on by the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

Aggregation (Capex)

For Capital Expense Planning: Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Capital Expense Planning. This column is available only if the Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies, depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Custom Attribute

Takes the custom attribute member values. The name of the column is determined by the name of the custom attribute in the Planning application. The number of custom attribute columns varies depending on the number of attributes defined for the Account dimension. If you modify properties and do not specify a value, the custom attribute is not changed in the Planning application. If you specify <NONE> or <none> as the value, then the custom attribute in the Planning application is deleted. This value is passed as a string.

Member Formula

Takes the member formula values defined for the dimension member. By default, there is no member formula associated with a dimension or dimension member. You cannot load member formulas for dimension members that are Shared or Label Only.


Specifies a list of user-defined attributes to be updated.Note: You must define the UDA for the dimension members within Planning or by way of the UDA target.

Smart Lists

Takes the name of a user-defined Smart List defined in the Planning application. This value is passed as a string. The default for Smart Lists is <None>. Smart Lists are used in a metadata or dimension load (not a data load) allowing you to define the association of the Smart List name (not the values) with a given dimension member. You can have multiple Smart Listsassociatedwith a dimension but only one Smart Listassociated witha dimension member.

These predefined Smart Lists are available in a Workforce Planning application:

  • None

  • Status

  • FT_PT

  • HealthPlan

  • TaxRegion

  • Month

  • Performance

  • Position

  • EmployeeType


Takes a description for the member that is being loaded. By default, the Description column is empty.

Note: If you do not enter a value for this column or do not connect the column, a new member is loaded without a description, and the description of an existing member is unchanged. If you enter <NONE> as the value for this column, any existing description for the member is deleted and is not loaded with the member.


Takes any of these values:

  • Update (default)-Adds, updates, or moves the member being loaded.

  • Delete Level 0-Deletes the member being loaded if it has no children.

  • Delete Idescendants-Deletes the member being loaded and all of its descendants.

  • Delete Descendants-Deletes the descendants of the member being loaded, but does not delete the member itself.

Note: If you delete a member, that member, its data, and any associated planning units are permanently removed and cannot be restored.

22.6.2 Employee

Table 22-3 describes the columns of the Employee table. See Section 22.6.7, "Data Load Columns" for descriptions of additional columns that are displayed for loading Employee dimension data if the application has been set up for data load in Planning.

Table 22-3 Employee

Column Description


Takes the name of the account member you are loading. If this member exists, its properties are modified; otherwise, the record is added. This field is required.

The value for this field must meet these requirements:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

This value is passed as a string.


Takes the name of the parent of the member you are loading. It is used to create the hierarchy in the dimension.

When you load data for a member and specify a different parent member that from the parent member in the application, the member is updated with the parent value that you specify.

Example: If Member 1 has a parent value of Member A in your Planning application and you load Member 1 with a parent value of Member B, your application is updated, and Member B becomes the parent of Member 1. Member 1 and its descendants are moved from Member A to Member B. If the column is left blank, it is ignored during the load.

The record is not loaded if one of the following situations occurs:

  • The specified parent is a descendant of the member that you are loading.

  • The specified parent does not exist in the Planning application.

Default Alias

Takes an alternate name for the member being loaded. If you are modifying properties and do not specify a value, the alias is not changed in the Planning application. If you specify <NONE> or <none> as the value, the alias in the Planning application is deleted.

The value for this column must meet the following requirements for a successful load:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

This value is passed as a string; default value: a null string.

Additional Alias

Can take an alternate name for the member being loaded. There will be as many Alias columns as there are Alias tables defined in Planning. The value for multiple alias columns must conform to the same requirements as those listed for the default alias column.

Data Storage

Takes the storage attribute for the member being loaded.

Valid values:

  • Store

  • Dynamic Calc

  • Dynamic Calc and Store

  • Shared

  • Never Share (default)

  • Label Only

This value is passed as a string.

Valid for Consolidation

The column is ignored.

Two Pass Calculation

Boolean value to indicate whether the member being loaded has the Two-Pass Calculation associated attribute. Valid values: 0 for False (default), or any other number for True. Values are valid only when the Data Storage value is Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store; otherwise, the record is rejected.

Data Type

Takes the data storage value. Valid values:

  • Currency-Stores and displays the member's data value in the default currency.

  • Non-currency-Stores and displays the member's data value as a numeric value.

  • Percentage-Stores data values as a numeric value and displays the member's data value as a percentage.

  • Smart list / enumeration-Stores data values as a numeric value and displays the member's data value as a string.

  • Date-Stores and displays the member's data value in the format mm/dd/yyyy or dd/ mm/yyyy

  • Text-Stores and displays the member's data value as text.

  • Unspecified-Stores and displays the member's data value as "unspecified."

The default value is taken from the parent of the member being loaded or is Currency if the member is being added to the root dimension.

Custom Attribute

Takes the custom attribute member values. The name of the column is determined by the name of the custom attribute in the Planning application. The number of custom attribute columns varies depending on the number of attributes defined for the Employee dimension. If you modify properties and do not specify a value, the custom attribute is not changed in the Planning application. If you specify <NONE> or <none> as the value, then the custom attribute in the Planning application is deleted. This value is passed as a string.

Aggregation (Plan1)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan1. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Aggregation (Plan2)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan2. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Aggregation (Plan3)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan3. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Aggregation (Wrkforce)

For Workforce Planning: The Aggregation (Wrkforce) column takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Workforce Planning. This column is available only if the Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies, depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Aggregation (Capex)

For Capital Expense Planning: Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Capital Expense Planning. This column is available only if the Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies, depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Member Formula

Takes the member formula values defined for the dimension member. By default, there is no member formula associated with a dimension or dimension member. You cannot load member formulas for dimension members that are Shared or Label Only.


Specifies a list of user-defined attributes to be updated.Note: You must define the UDA for the dimension members within Planning or by way of the UDA target.

Smart Lists

Takes the name of a user-defined Smart List defined in the Planning application. This value is passed as a string. The default for Smart Lists is <None>. Smart Lists are used in a metadata or dimension load (not a data load) allowing you to define the association of the Smart List name (not the values) with a given dimension member. You can have multiple Smart Lists associatedwith a dimension but only one Smart List associated with a dimension member.

These predefined Smart Lists are available in a Workforce Planning application:

  • None

  • Status

  • FT_PT

  • HealthPlan

  • TaxRegion

  • Month

  • Performance

  • Position

  • EmployeeType


Takes a description for the member that is being loaded; empty by default.

Note: If you do not enter a value for this column or do not connect the column, a new member is loaded without a description, and the description of an existing member is unchanged. If you enter <NONE> as the value for this column, any existing description for the member is deleted and is not loaded with the member.


Takes any of these values:

  • Update (default)-Adds, updates, or moves the member being loaded.

  • Delete Level 0-Deletes the member being loaded if it has no children.

  • Delete Idescendants-Deletes the member being loaded and all of its descendants.

  • Delete Descendants-Deletes the descendants of the member being loaded, but does not delete the member itself.

Note: If you delete a member, that member, its data, and any associated planning units are permanently removed and cannot be restored.

22.6.3 Entities

Table 22-4 describes the columns of the Entities table. See Section 22.6.7, "Data Load Columns" for descriptions of additional columns that are displayed for loading Entities data if the application has been set up for data load in Planning.

Table 22-4 Entities

Column Description


Takes the name of the member you are loading. If this member exists, its properties are modified. If the member does not exist, then the record is added. This column is required.

The value for this column must meet the following requirements for a successful load:

The value for this field must meet these requirements:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

This value is passed as a string.


Takes the name of the parent of the member you are loading. It is used to create the hierarchy in the dimension.

When you update a member of an application using the Load method and specify a parent member that is different than the parent member in the application, the member is updated with the new parent value specified in your flow diagram.

For example, if Member 1 has a parent value of Member A in your Planning application and you load Member 1 with a parent value of Member B, the system updates your application and makes Member B the parent of Member 1. Member 1 and its descendants are moved from Member A to Member B. If the column is left blank, it is ignored during the load.

The record is not loaded if one of the following situations occurs:

  • The specified parent is a descendant of the member that you are loading.

  • The specified parent does not exist in the Planning application.

Default Alias

Takes an alternate name for the member being loaded. If you are modifying properties and do not specify a value, the alias is not changed in the Planning application. If you specify <NONE> or <none> as the value, the alias in the Planning application is deleted.

The value for this column must meet the following requirements for a successful load:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

This value is passed as a string; default value: a null string.

Additional Alias

Additional Alias columns can take alternate names for the member being loaded. There are as many Alias columns as there are Alias tables defined in Planning. The value for multiple alias columns must conform to the same requirements as those listed for the default alias column.

Data Storage

Takes the storage attribute for the member being loaded.

Valid values:

  • Store

  • Dynamic Calc

  • Dynamic Calc and Store

  • Shared

  • Never Share (default)

  • Label Only

This value is passed as a string.

Two Pass Calculation

Boolean value to indicate if the member being loaded has the Two-Pass Calculation attribute associated in the Planningapplication. Valid values: 0 for False (default), or any other number for True. Values are valid only when the Data Storage value is Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store; otherwise, the record is rejected.

Data Type

Takes the data storage value. Valid values:

  • Currency-Stores and displays the member's data value in the default currency.

  • Non-currency-Stores and displays the member's data value as a numeric value.

  • Percentage-Stores data values as a numeric value and displays the member's data value as a percentage.

  • Smart list / enumeration-Stores data values as a numeric value and displays the member's data value as a string.

  • Date-Stores and displays the member's data value in the format mm/dd/yyyy or dd/ mm/yyyy

  • Text-Stores and displays the member's data value as text.

  • Unspecified-Stores and displays the member's data value as "unspecified."

The default value is taken from the parent of the member being loaded or is Currency if the member is being added to the root dimension.

Base Currency

Takes the base currency for the entity being loaded. It takes the code of the currency as defined in your Planning application. The default value is USD. This column is displayed only when the application is defined to be multi-currency.

Plan Type (Plan1)

Boolean value that indicates if the member being loaded is used in Plan1. Valid values: 0 for False or any other number for True (default). The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

Aggregation (Plan1)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan1. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Plan Type (Plan2)

Boolean value that indicates if the member being loaded is used in Plan2. Valid values are 0 for False and any other number for True. The default value is True. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

Aggregation (Plan2)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan2. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Plan Type (Plan 3)

Boolean value that indicates if the member being loaded is used in Plan3. Valid values: 0 for False or any other number for True; default value: True. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

Aggregation (Plan3)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan3. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Aggregation (Wrkforce)

For Workforce Planning: The Aggregation (Wrkforce) column takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Workforce Planning. This column is available only if the Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies, depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Aggregation (Capex)

For Capital Expense Planning: Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Capital Expense Planning. This column is available only if the Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies, depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Custom Attribute

Takes the custom attribute member values. The name of the column is determined by the name of the custom attribute in the Planning application. The number of custom attribute columns varies depending on the number of attributes defined for the Entity dimension. If you modify properties and do not specify a value, the custom attribute is not changed in the Planning application. If you specify <NONE> or <none> as the value, then the custom attribute in the Planning application is deleted. This value is passed as a string.

Member Formula

Takes the member formula values defined for the dimension member. By default, there is no member formula associated with a dimension or dimension member. You cannot load member formulas for dimension members that are Shared or Label Only.


Specifies a list of user-defined attributes to be updated.Note: You must define the UDA for the dimension members within Planning or by way of the UDA target.

Smart Lists

Takes the name of a user-defined Smart List defined in the Planning application. This value is passed as a string. The default for Smart Lists is <None>. Smart Lists are used in a metadata or dimension load (not a data load) allowing you to define the association of the Smart List name (not the values) with a given dimension member. You can have multiple Smart Lists associatedwith a dimension but only one Smart List associated with a dimension member.

These predefined Smart Lists are available in a Workforce Planning application:

  • None

  • Status

  • FT_PT

  • HealthPlan

  • TaxRegion

  • Month

  • Performance

  • Position

  • EmployeeType


Takes a description for the member that is being loaded; empty by default.

Note: If you do not enter a value for this column or do not connect the column, a new member is loaded without a description, and the description of an existing member is unchanged. If you enter <NONE> as the value for this column, any existing description for the member is deleted and is not loaded with the member.


Takes any of these values:

  • Update (default)-Adds, updates, or moves the member being loaded.

  • Delete Level 0-Deletes the member being loaded if it has no children.

  • Delete Idescendants-Deletes the member being loaded and all of its descendants.

  • Delete Descendants-Deletes the descendants of the member being loaded, but does not delete the member itself.

Note: If you delete a member, that member, its data, and any associated planning units are permanently removed and cannot be restored.

22.6.4 User-Defined Dimensions

Table 22-5 describes the columns of the User-Defined Dimensions table.

Table 22-5 User-Defined Dimensions

Column Description


Takes the name of the member you are loading. If this member exists, its properties are modified. If the member does not exist, then the record is added. This column is required.

The value for this column must meet the following requirements for a successful load:

The value for this field must meet these requirements:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

This value is passed as a string.


Takes the name of the parent of the member you are loading. It is used to create the hierarchy in the dimension.

When you update a member of an application using the Load method and specify a parent member that is different than the parent member in the application, the member is updated with the new parent value specified in your flow diagram.

For example, if Member 1 has a parent value of Member A in your Planning application and you load Member 1 with a parent value of Member B, the system updates your application and makes Member B the parent of Member 1. Member 1 and its descendants are moved from Member A to Member B. If the column is left blank, it is ignored during the load.

The record is not loaded if one of the following situations occurs:

  • The specified parent is a descendant of the member that you are loading.

  • The specified parent does not exist in the Planning application.

Default Alias

Takes an alternate name for the member being loaded. If you are modifying properties and do not specify a value, the alias is not changed in the Planning application. If you specify <NONE> or <none> as the value, the alias in the Planning application is deleted.

The value for this column must meet the following requirements for a successful load:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

This value is passed as a string; default value: a null string.

Additional Alias

Additional Alias columns can take alternate names for the member being loaded. There are as many Alias columns as there are Alias tables defined in Planning. The value for multiple alias columns must conform to the same requirements as those listed for the default alias column.

Data Storage

Takes the storage attribute for the member being loaded.

Valid values:

  • Store

  • Dynamic Calc

  • Dynamic Calc and Store

  • Shared

  • Never Share (default)

  • Label Only

This value is passed as a string.

Two Pass Calculation

Boolean value to indicate if the member being loaded has the Two-Pass Calculation attribute associated in the Planningapplication. Valid values: 0 for False (default), or any other number for True. Values are valid only when the Data Storage value is Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store; otherwise, the record is rejected.

Data Type

Takes the data storage value. Valid values:

  • Currency-Stores and displays the member's data value in the default currency.

  • Non-currency-Stores and displays the member's data value as a numeric value.

  • Percentage-Stores data values as a numeric value and displays the member's data value as a percentage.

  • Smart list / enumeration-Stores data values as a numeric value and displays the member's data value as a string.

  • Date-Stores and displays the member's data value in the format mm/dd/yyyy or dd/ mm/yyyy

  • Text-Stores and displays the member's data value as text.

  • Unspecified-Stores and displays the member's data value as "unspecified."

The default value is taken from the parent of the member being loaded or is Currency if the member is being added to the root dimension.

Aggregation (Plan1)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan1. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Aggregation (Plan2)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan2. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Aggregation (Plan3)

Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Plan3. This column is available only ifthe Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Aggregation (Wrkforce)

For Workforce Planning: The Aggregation (Wrkforce) column takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Workforce Planning. This column is available only if the Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies, depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Aggregation (Capex)

For Capital Expense Planning: Takes the aggregation option for the member being loaded as related to Capital Expense Planning. This column is available only if the Planning application is valid for this plan type. The name of the column varies, depending on the name of the plan type in the Planning application.

This value is passed as a string. Valid values:

  • + (default)

  • ­

  • *

  • /

  • %

  • ~

  • Never

Custom Attribute

Takes the custom attribute member values. The name of the column is determined by the name of the custom attribute in the Planning application. The number of custom attribute columns varies depending on the number of attributes defined for the Entity dimension. If you modify properties and do not specify a value, the custom attribute is not changed in the Planning application. If you specify <NONE> or <none> as the value, then the custom attribute in the Planning application is deleted. This value is passed as a string.

Member Formula

Takes the member formula values defined for the dimension member. By default, there is no member formula associated with a dimension or dimension member. You cannot load member formulas for dimension members that are Shared or Label Only.


Specifies a list of user-defined attributes to be updated.Note: You must define the UDA for the dimension members within Planning or by way of the UDA target.

Smart Lists

Takes the name of a user-defined Smart List defined in the Planning application. This value is passed as a string. The default for Smart Lists is <None>. Smart Lists are used in a metadata or dimension load (not a data load) allowing you to define the association of the Smart List name (not the values) with a given dimension member. You can have multiple Smart Lists associatedwith a dimension but only one Smart List associated with a dimension member.

These predefined Smart Lists are available in a Workforce Planning application:

  • None

  • Status

  • FT_PT

  • HealthPlan

  • TaxRegion

  • Month

  • Performance

  • Position

  • EmployeeType


Takes a description for the member that is being loaded; empty by default.

Note: If you do not enter a value for this column or do not connect the column, a new member is loaded without a description, and the description of an existing member is unchanged. If you enter <NONE> as the value for this column, any existing description for the member is deleted and is not loaded with the member.


Takes any of these values:

  • Update (default)-Adds, updates, or moves the member being loaded.

  • Delete Level 0-Deletes the member being loaded if it has no children.

  • Delete Idescendants-Deletes the member being loaded and all of its descendants.

  • Delete Descendants-Deletes the descendants of the member being loaded, but does not delete the member itself.

Note: If you delete a member, that member, its data, and any associated planning units are permanently removed and cannot be restored.

22.6.5 Attribute Dimensions

Table 22-6 describes the columns of the Attribute Dimensions table.


The Parent, Default Alias, and Additional Alias columns are available only in Planning 9.3.1 and later.

Table 22-6 Attribute Dimensions

Column Description


Takes the name of the member you are loading. If this member exists, its properties are modified. If the member does not exist, then the record is added. This column is required.

The value for this column must meet the following requirements for a successful load:

The value for this field must meet these requirements:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

This value is passed as a string.


Takes the name of the parent of the member you are loading. It is used to create the hierarchy in the dimension.

When you update a member of an application using the Load method and specify a parent member that is different than the parent member in the application, the member is updated with the new parent value specified in your flow diagram.

For example, if Member 1 has a parent value of Member A in your Planning application and you load Member 1 with a parent value of Member B, the system updates your application and makes Member B the parent of Member 1. Member 1 and its descendants are moved from Member A to Member B. If the column is left blank, it is ignored during the load.

The record is not loaded if one of the following situations occurs:

  • The specified parent is a descendant of the member that you are loading.

  • The specified parent does not exist in the Planning application.

Default Alias

Takes an alternate name for the member being loaded. If you are modifying properties and do not specify a value, the alias is not changed in the Planning application. If you specify <NONE> or <none> as the value, the alias in the Planning application is deleted.

The value for this column must meet the following requirements for a successful load:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

This value is passed as a string; default value: a null string.

Additional Alias

Additional Alias columns can take alternate names for the member being loaded. There are as many Alias columns as there are Alias tables defined in Planning. The value for multiple alias columns must conform to the same requirements as those listed for the default alias column.


Takes any of these values:

  • Update (default)-Adds, updates, or moves the member being loaded.

  • Delete Level 0-Deletes the member being loaded if it has no children.

  • Delete Idescendants-Deletes the member being loaded and all of its descendants.

  • Delete Descendants-Deletes the descendants of the member being loaded, but does not delete the member itself.

Note: If you delete a member, that member, its data, and any associated planning units are permanently removed and cannot be restored.

22.6.6 UDA

Table 22-7 describes the columns of the UDA table.

Table 22-7 UDA

Column Description


Takes the dimension name for the UDA. You can associate UDAs only with dimensions that exist in the Planning application. If the UDA exists, its properties are modified; otherwise, the record is added. This column is required.


Takes the values of the UDA that you are loading.


Takes the values of the UDA you are loading. The value for this column must meet the following requirements for a successful load:

The value for this column must meet the following requirements for a successful load:

  • Unique

  • Alphanumeric

  • Not more than 80 characters

  • Member name cannot contain tabs, double quotation marks ("), or backslash (\) characters.

  • Member name cannot start with any of these characters: ' \ < | , = @ _ + - { } ( ) .

  • Value must not be an Essbase reserved word such as Children, Parent, $$$UNIVERSE $$$, #MISSING, or #MI. For more information about reserved words in Essbase, see the Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide or Essbase online help.

This value is passed as a string; default value: a null string.


Takes any of these values:

  • Update (default)-Adds, updates, or moves the member being loaded.

  • Delete Level 0-Deletes the member being loaded if it has no children.

  • Delete Idescendants-Deletes the member being loaded and all of its descendants.

  • Delete Descendants-Deletes the descendants of the member being loaded, but does not delete the member itself.

Note: If you delete a member, that member, its data, and any associated planning units are permanently removed and cannot be restored.

22.6.7 Data Load Columns

These columns for loading data into Account, Employee, Entities, and user-defined dimensions are displayed if the application has been set up for data load in Planning.

Table 22-8 Data Load Columns

Columns Description

Data Load Cube Name

Takes the name of the plan type to which data is being loaded. The value is passed as a string. Valid values are any plan types specified in the Planning application. For example:

  • Plan1

  • Plan2

  • Plan3

  • Wkforce

  • Capex

Driver Member

Takes the name of the driver member that is selected when the Planning, Oracle's Hyperion® Workforce Planning, or Oracle's Hyperion® Capital Expense Planning application is set up for loading data. You can have one driver dimension per load. The Driver Dimension and Driver Dimension Members are defined in the Data Load Administration page in Planning. The driver members are the members into which the data is loaded. The number of driver member columns depends on the number of driver members you select in Oracle's Hyperion® Planning - System 9. The value is passed as a string representing a numeric value or, if a Smart List is bound to the member represented on this column, a Smart List value.

Note: The Smart List field on this load method does not affect this column.


Takes the names of all the other dimensions that are required to determine the intersection to load the data. The value is passed as a string. The data load automatically performs cross-product record creations based on dimension parameters defined in the POV. For example, an employee's Smart List attribute values that are constant over time such as full time status for all twelve months need only be supplied once in the data feed and the load file will create and load that data record for each relevant cell intersection.

Column Description
Data Load Cube Name Takes the name of the plan type to which data is being loaded. The value is passed as a string. Valid values are any plan types specified in the Planning application. For example:
  • Plan1

  • Plan2

  • Plan3

  • Wkforce

  • Capex

Driver Member Takes the name of the driver member that is selected when the Planning, Oracle's Hyperion® Workforce Planning, or Oracle's Hyperion® Capital Expense Planning application is set up for loading data. You can have one driver dimension per load. The Driver Dimension and Driver Dimension Members are defined in the Data Load Administration page in Planning. The driver members are the members into which the data is loaded. The number of driver member columns depends on the number of driver members you select in Oracle's Hyperion® Planning - System 9. The value is passed as a string representing a numeric value or, if a Smart List is bound to the member represented on this column, a Smart List value.

Note: The Smart List field on this load method does not affect this column.

Point-of-View Takes the names of all the other dimensions that are required to determine the intersection to load the data. The value is passed as a string. The data load automatically performs cross-product record creations based on dimension parameters defined in the POV. For example, an employee's Smart List attribute values that are constant over time such as full time status for all twelve months need only be supplied once in the data feed and the load file will create and load that data record for each relevant cell intersection.