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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B
11g Release 1 (
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18 Using B2B Metrics

Oracle B2B metrics provide system-level and partner-level status on B2B run-time data. This includes status on messages and errors, message counts, active document types and trading partners, and error messages.

This chapter contains the following topics:

18.1 Introduction to B2B Metrics

Use the Metrics tab to view current run-time data in the repository. The Metrics tab reflects changes that occur in the run-time repository (for example, purging the run-time instance data).

Metrics data shown in the Messages and Errors chart and the Message Count chart, shown in Figure 18-1, display data for the last 10 hours or the last 20 hours.

Figure 18-1 The Messages and Errors Chart and Message Count Chart

Description of Figure 18-1 follows
Description of "Figure 18-1 The Messages and Errors Chart and Message Count Chart"

The metrics tables show all data from the time the first message was received. Current data is available by using the Refresh button. In contrast, changes are not immediately reflected in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, which is based on dynamic monitoring service (DMS) metrics collected from the Weblogic managed server node. Enterprise Manager also shows limited information (the top 5 partners, the top 5 documents) and the data is available only from the last restart of the server. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite for more information.

Most fields in the active document types, active trading partners, and errors tables can be sorted in ascending or descending order, as shown in Figure 18-2.

Figure 18-2 Sorting Columns

Description of Figure 18-2 follows
Description of "Figure 18-2 Sorting Columns"

This is useful to identify the largest average message size or to group all the responding partner error messages, for example. You can resize columns to see any text that may be obscured. For error text, place the mouse over the text to see the entire message. The business message IDs in the Errors area link to business message details, as shown in Figure 18-3.

Figure 18-3 Business Message Details

Description of Figure 18-3 follows
Description of "Figure 18-3 Business Message Details"

18.2 B2B System Metrics

Figure 18-4 shows system metrics summary data.

Figure 18-4 System Metrics

Description of Figure 18-4 follows
Description of "Figure 18-4 System Metrics"

Table 18-1 describes the information on the System metrics tab.

Table 18-1 B2B System Metrics

Area/Field Description


Active partners are partners for which at least one agreement has been deployed. Active agreements are agreements that have been deployed and are in the active state. Active document types are document types that have been included in deployed and active agreements.

Messages and Errors

Processed messages = Completed messages + Errored messages

Details of the errored messages are listed under Errors.

Message Count

Active messages are shown in this trend of inbound and outbound message quantity over time.

Active Document Types

Active document types are document types that have been included in active agreements. Details of the errors are listed under Errors. Messages processed include completed plus errored messages, that is, active messages.


Name of the document definition

No. of Messages Processed

Shows the number of document messages exchanged between the host and trading partners. Outbound indicates messages sent from the host to the trading partner and Inbound indicates messages sent from the trading partner to the host.

Average Processing Time (millisec)

Shows the average document processing time, in milliseconds, for exchanged messages. Outbound indicates messages sent from the host to the trading partner and Inbound indicates messages sent from the trading partner to the host.

Average Message Size (kb)

Shows the average document size, in kilobytes, for outbound and inbound messages.


Shows the document error count.

Active Trading Partners

Active trading partners are partners for which an agreement has been deployed and is in an active state. The host trading partner is included in the list. Messages processed include completed plus errored messages, that is, active messages.


Name of the trading partner

No. of Messages Processed

Shows the number of messages sent by (From column) and received by (To column) the specified trading partner.

Average Processing Time (millisec)

Shows the average document processing time, in milliseconds, for the specified trading partner.

Average Message Size (kb)

Shows the average document size, in kilobytes, for the specified trading partner.


Shows the document error count.


Error message text is available from the Java resource bundle. The business message IDs link to business message details.

18.3 B2B Partner Metrics

Figure 18-5 shows metrics summary data for a selected trading partner.

Figure 18-5 Partner Metrics

Description of Figure 18-5 follows
Description of "Figure 18-5 Partner Metrics"

Table 18-2 describes the information on the Partners metrics tab. The data displayed is specific to the trading partner selected under Active Trading Partners.

Table 18-2 B2B Partner Metrics

Area/Field Description

Messages and Errors

Processed messages = Completed messages + Errored messages

Details of the errored messages are listed under Errors.

Message Count

Active messages are shown in this trend of inbound and outbound message quantity over time.


The number of messages processed, the average processing time, the average message size, and the number of errors are summarized for the selected trading partner.

No. of Messages Processed

Shows the number of messages sent by (From column) and received by (To column) the specified trading partner.

Average Processing Time (millisec)

Shows the average document processing time, in milliseconds, for the specified trading partner.

Average Message Size (kb)

Shows the average document size, in kilobytes, for the specified trading partner.


Shows the document error count.

Active Document Types

Active document types are document types that have been included in active agreements. Details of the errors are listed under Errors. Messages processed include completed plus errored messages, that is, active messages.


Name of the document definition

No. of Messages Processed

Shows the number of document messages exchanged between the host and trading partners. Outbound indicates messages sent from the host to the trading partner and Inbound indicates messages sent from the trading partner to the host.

Average Processing Time (millisec)

Shows the average document processing time, in milliseconds, for exchanged messages. Outbound indicates messages sent from the host to the trading partner and Inbound indicates messages sent from the trading partner to the host.

Average Message Size (kb)

Shows the average document size, in kilobytes, for outbound and inbound messages.


Shows the document error count.


Error message text is available from the Java resource bundle. The business message IDs link to business message details.