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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Activity Monitoring
11g Release 1 (
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B Filter Comparison Expressions

This appendix describes the comparison expressions used in filters.

It contains the following topics:

For more information about creating filters in report views, see Filtering Data.

Filter Comparison Expressions

is equal to returns exact value. See Exceptions for timestamp filter expressions for exceptions.

is not equal to returns all values except specified value.

is less than returns values less than specified value.

is less than or equal to returns values less than or equal to specified value.

is greater than returns values greater than specified value.

is greater than or equal to returns values greater than or equal to specified value.

is like returns values that match a string pattern. Include an underscore (_) as a wildcard for a single character in a string, and a percent symbol (%) as a wildcard for one character or more. Wildcard characters can be combined, for example, %mm _00 would return all columns (35mm 200, 35mm 400, 35mm 800). Do not enter any spaces in the expression because spaces are treated as characters in the data match.

is not like returns values that do not match a string pattern. You can use the wildcard characters permitted in is like comparison expression.

is null returns values where the column is null.

is not null returns values where the column is not null.

is in list returns values included in a list. To build a list, click Edit. Type a value in the field and click Add to add it to the list. Add as many values as needed. Click Remove to remove a value. Click OK to close the dialog box. See Exceptions for timestamp filter expressions for exceptions.

is not in list returns values not included in the list.

is within a time interval returns the values that occur within the specified time interval. When filtering on a datetime or timestamp field, select Active Now to keep the displayed time interval current as time passes. Configure the Active Now Interval to specify how often to refresh the display. See Using Active Now for more information.

is within the current time period returns the values that occur within the specified time unit. When filtering on a datetime or timestamp field, select Active Now to keep the displayed time period current as time passes. See Using Active Now for more information.

is within a time period returns the values that occur within the specified time period. When filtering on a datetime or timestamp field, select Active Now to keep the displayed time period current as time passes. See Using Active Now for more information.

Exceptions for timestamp filter expressions

Note that is equal to and is in list filters is not satisfied for fields containing time stamp data type because the time stamp values in the Oracle database are stored with a microsecond precision, and Oracle BAM does not have the option in the Time selection within Oracle BAM Active Studio filter creation user interface to include microseconds.

You can work around this limitation using the is equal to by creating two filters: one using the comparison is greater than or equal to and the desired value, and a second filter using the comparison less than and the next second of the value.

For example, if you want is equal to be satisfied for 10:05:30 11:14:35 AM,

In the filter headers, choose All for Include rows where x of the following apply.

In the first filter, choose the comparison expression is greater than or equal to and the value 10:05:30 11:14:35 AM.

In the second filter, choose the comparison expression is less than and the value 10:05:30 11:14:36 AM.