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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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6 Handling Authorization Calls and Decisions

Oracle Entitlements Server contains a set of different application programming interfaces (API) that allows the caller to request authorization for a particular subject and handle the returned decisions. This chapter contains the following sections.

6.1 Using the Authorization Request API

The Oracle Entitlements Server Authorization API are used by components for authorization checks during runtime. The following comprise the authorization API options in this release.

6.2 Using the PEP API

The AzAPI is a Java API developed by the OpenAZ project and designed to communicate requests for authorization decisions and responses to same. The communications are based on the authorization decision request and response standards defined in the XACML specifications and require that an authorization engine create request and response messages using these definitions. The AzAPI interfaces enable a Policy Decision Point (PDP) to supply and consume all the XACML information required when submitting an authorization resquest and receiving an authorization response.


More information on the OpenAZ project can be found at

The PEP API is a Java package built on top of the AzAPI. It contains utility classes for building a Policy Enforcement Point (PEP), and is designed to present a more simplified, scalable interface than the AzAPI, using native Java objects rather than XACML data objects. Figure 6-1 illustrates the relationship between the AzAPI, the PEP API and Oracle Entitlements Server.

Figure 6-1 Relationship Between Open AZ API and PEP API

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 Relationship Between Open AZ API and PEP API"

Oracle Entitlements Server provides an implementation of the org.openliberty.openaz.azapi.pep package. The PEP API provider is packaged in For each PEP API request, the PEP API provider implementation is responsible for converting and mapping native Java objects to the underlying security platform. For each PepRequest, the PEP API provider invokes the Oracle Entitlements Server Authorization Engine and returns a PepResponse object. The provider also provides a default DecisionHandler implementation. The following sections have more information.

6.2.1 Using the PEP API

This section contains sample code that illustrates ways in which the PEP API can be used. Example 6-1 shows how to authenticate the user with the login service and use the authentiated subject in a PEP API authorization request. This code is specific to a Java Standard Edition (JSE) container.

Example 6-1 Using Authenticated Subject in PEP API Request

ServiceLocator locator = JpsServiceLocator.getServiceLocator();
LoginService loginService = locator.lookup(LoginService.class);
CallbackHandler cbh = new MyCallbackHandler("name", "password".toCharArray());
LoginContext ctx = loginService.getLoginContext(new Subject(), cbh);
Subject s = ctx.getSubject();
String action = "read";
String resourceString = "MyApplication/MyResourceType/MyResource";
Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>();
env.put("myAttr", "Hello");
PepResponse response = 
(s, action, resourceString, env).decide(); System.out.println("result: " + response.allowed()); Map<String, Obligation> obligations = response.getObligations(); for (String name : obligations.keySet()) { System.out.print("obligation: name = " + name + ", values = " +
obligations.get(name).getStringValues()); }

Example 6-2 illustrates how, after Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) authentication, you can get the WebLogic Server subject to use with the PEP API.

Example 6-2 Using WebLogic Server with PEP API Request

Subject s = Security.getCurrentSubject();
String action = "read";
String resourceString = "MyApplication/MyResourceType/MyResource";
Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>();
env.put("myAttr", "Hello");
PepResponse response = 
(s, action, resourceString, env).decide(); System.out.println("result: " + response.allowed()); Map<String, Obligation> obligations = response.getObligations(); for (String name : obligations.keySet()) { System.out.print("obligation: name = " + name + ", values = "
+ obligations.get(name).getStringValues()); }

Example 6-3 illustrates how, after Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) authentication, you can get the Websphere Application Server subject to use with the PEP API.

Example 6-3 Using Websphere Application Server with PEP API Request

        Subject s = WSSubject.getCallerSubject();
        String action = "read";
        String resourceString = "MyApplication/MyResourceType/MyResource";
        Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>();
        env.put("myAttr", "Hello");
        PepResponse response = PepRequestFactoryImpl.getPepRequestFactory().newPepRequest
(s, action, resourceString, env).decide(); System.out.println("result: " + response.allowed()); Map<String, Obligation> obligations = response.getObligations(); for (String name : obligations.keySet()) { System.out.print("obligation: name = " + name + ", values = " + obligations.get(name).getStringValues()); }


It is recommended to call the newPepRequest() method with a Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) subject and not a string subject. A string subject will be converted to a JAAS subject.

6.2.2 Formatting PEP API Authorization Request Strings

Example 6-4 illustrates the newQueryPepRequest() method for creating an authorization request using subject and environment objects.

Example 6-4 newQueryPepRequest Method

public PepRequest newQueryPepRequest
    (object subjectObj,
    Object environmentObj
    String scope
    PepRequestQueryType queryType)
     throws PepException

This method contains a string to define the scope of the request. Within the scope string is defined a resource string. The following sections contain information on how to format these strings. Formatting the Scope String

The scope input string is a PDP policy-specific resource representation that encapsulates resource, actions and search scope information. It is represented as:

String scope = "resource = resourceString,actions = actionString1, 
actionString2, actionString3, searchscope = immediate/children";

The following is true regarding this representation.

  • resource is required and the resource string should appear first within the scope string. See Section, "Formatting the Resource String."

  • actions is optional. If present, it contains a comma separated list of requested actions.

  • searchscope is optional and takes a value of children (the default value) or immediate.

    • If the value is children, resourceString may contain only the application identifier as documented in Section, "Formatting the Resource String." In this case, the PEP API provider will query the specified resource object and its children (if any). In the following example, Scope string defines a resource which contains a Resource string (with application identifier), no actions and no defined search scope; thus, the search scope is set to children, by default.

      String scope = "resource = PepQueryTest/resource_type_1/resource_1";
    • If the value is immediate, resourceString should be fully qualified as documented in Section, "Formatting the Resource String." In this case, the PEP API provider will query the specified resource object. For example:

      String scope = "resource = PepQueryTest/resource_type_1/resource_1, 
      actions = action1,action2, searchscope=immediate";

The following Scope string defines a hierarchical resource.

String scope= "resource = PepQueryTest/hierarchical_type//res1/res2/res3, 
searchscope= children"; Formatting the Resource String

The string should be in the format appId + / + resourceType + / + resourceName. The forward slash (/) is the delimiter. The appId and resourceType cannot be empty but the resourceName can be empty for a query request only.

When formatting the string, there is no need to escape the delimiter character if it is used in the resourceName. For example, if there is a hierarchical resource with the name /res1/res2/res3, the resource string passed to the PEP API will be appId/ResType//res1/res2/res3.

It is necessary to escape the delimiter character if it is used in the appId or resourceType though. In these cases, a string with more than two delimiters is considered invalid. The special characters \ and / must be escaped as in the following examples:

  • myapp/computer\/laptop/mybox signifies a resource in the application myapp with the resource type computer/laptop and the resource name mybox.

  • myapp/computer\\laptop/mybox signifies a resource in the application myapp with the resource type computer\laptop and the resource name mybox.

  • myapp/computer\laptop/mybox is invalid because the character after \ is neither / nor \.


For strings in Java, the character \ itself needs to be escaped. Thus the three strings previously documented, in Java, are:

  • myapp/computer\\/laptop/mybox

  • myapp/computer\\\\laptop/mybox

  • myapp/computer\\laptop/mybox

6.2.3 Processing Query Requests

The code in this section are examples of a query against a particular resource. Example 6-5 is a query request against a particular resource. Note that the search scope is defined as immediate.

Example 6-5 Requesting Authorization Against a Resource

String scope = "resource = PepQueryTest/resource_type_1/resource_1, 
  actions = action1, searchscope=immediate";
PepRequest req = PepRequestFactoryImpl.getPepRequestFactory().
  newQueryPepRequest(subject, env, scope, 
//this method is backed by AuthorizationService.queryActionsOnResource
PepResponse resp = req.decide();
//List of RuntimeAction objects
List actions = (List) resp.getAction();
RuntimeResource resource = (RuntimeResource) resp.getResource();

Example 6-6 is a query request against a particular resource and its children. Note that the search scope is defined as children.

Example 6-6 Requesting Authorization Against a Resource and Children

String scope = "resource=PepQueryTest/Hierarchical/\\/res1";
PepRequest req = PepRequestFactoryImpl.getPepRequestFactory
   (subject, env, scope, PepRequestQueryType.VERBOSE);
//this method is backed by AuthorizationService.queryActionsOnChildResource
PepResponse resp = req.decide();
ArrayList arrayList;
List grantedActions;
List deniedActions;
int i = 0;

//there can be more than 1 result when searchscope="children"
while ( {
  RuntimeResource res = (RuntimeResource) resp.getResource();
//both granted actions and denied actions are returned for PepRequestQueryType.VERBOSE
//PepResponse.getAction() returns an ArrayList where ArrayList.get(0) returns list of granted actions;
//it returns an ArrayList where ArrayList.get(1) returns list of denied actions;
arrayList = (ArrayList) resp.getAction();
grantedActions = null;
deniedActions = null;
if (arrayList != null) {
  grantedActions = (List) arrayList.get(0);
  deniedActions = (List) arrayList.get(1);
String resourceName = res.getResourceName();

Example 6-7 is an example of code written for bulk authorization.

Example 6-7 Requesting Bulk Authorization

public void testBulkRequest() throws Exception {
        Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>();
        env.put("dynamic_attr", "dynamic_attr_value");
        String resourceString = 
        String wrongAction = "wrong_action";
        PepResponse resp = pepRequestFactory.newBulkPepRequest(
                Arrays.asList(new Object[]{MY_ACTION, wrongAction}),
                Arrays.asList(new Object[]{resourceString, resourceString}),
// first request
        assertTrue("resp.allowed() is expected to be true!! ", resp.allowed());
        assertSame(MY_ACTION, resp.getAction());
        assertSame(RESOURCE_STRING, resp.getResource());
// second request
        assertFalse("resp.allowed() is expected to be false!! ", resp.allowed());
        assertSame(wrongAction, resp.getAction());
        assertSame(RESOURCE_STRING, resp.getResource());
// call next() again..

6.2.4 Getting Obligations

An Obligation specifies optional information that is returned to the calling application with the access decision. Each obligation in the PEP API response has a map in type Map<String, String>. (There are no double quotes around the String value.) Example 6-8 is an authorization request that also requests any Obligations.

Example 6-8 Getting Obligation with PEP API Authorization Request

Subject s = ...; // a Jps subject (with app roles inside)
String action = "read";
String resourceString = "MyApplication/MyResourceType/MyResource";
Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>();
env.put("myAttr", "Hello");
PepResponse response = 
System.out.println("result: " + response.allowed());
Map<String, Obligation> obligations = response.getObligations();
for (String name : obligations.keySet())
{                System.out.print("obligation: name = " + name + ", values = " + obligations.get(name).getStringValues());         }

Example 6-9 is an example of an Obligation output. Again, there are no double quotes around the string value.

Example 6-9 Returning Obligations in a PEP API Response

result: true
obligation: name = MyObligation, values =
{attr1=18, attr2=World, time=08:59:59, attr_date=12/29/2010}

6.2.5 Configuring the PEP API

To use the PEP API, the identity store, the policy store, the Policy Distribution Service, and the user assertion login module must be defined in jps-config.xml. Example 6-10 is not a complete file but copied below for demonstration purposes.

Example 6-10 Sample jps-config.xml File

<serviceInstance name="idstore.ldap" provider="idstore.ldap.provider">
 <property name="idstore.config.provider"  
 <property name="CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS"  
<serviceInstance name="pdp.service" provider="pdp.service.provider">
 <property name="sm_configuration_name" value="permissionSm"/>
 <property name="work_folder" value="/tmp"/>
 <property name="authorization_cache_enabled" value="true"/>
 <property name="role_cache_enabled" value="true"/>
 <property name="session_eviction_capacity" value="500"/>
 <property name="session_eviction_percentage" value="10"/>
 <property name="session_expiration_sec" value="60"/>
 <property name="" 
 <property name="" 
  value="600000"/> <\!-\- 10 minutes -->
 <property name="loading_attribute_backward_compatible" value="false"/>
<\!-\- Properties for controlled mode PD -->
 <property name="" 
 <property name="" 
 <property name="" 
 <property name="" 
<serviceInstance name="policystore.oid" provider="policy.oid">
 <property name="" value="4096"/>
 <property name="security.principal" value="cn=orcladmin"/>
 <property name="security.credential" value="welcome1"/>
 <property name="ldap.url" value="ldap://"/>
 <property name="" value="cn=jpsTestNode"/>
 <property name="" value="cn=duyang_wls.atzsrg"/>
 <property name=""  
<serviceInstance name="user.assertion.loginmodule" provider="jaas.login.provider">
 <description>User Assertion Login Module</description>
 <property name="loginModuleClassName" 
 <property name="jaas.login.controlFlag" value="REQUIRED"/>
<jpsContexts default="default">
<jpsContext name="default">
<serviceInstanceRef ref="idstore.ldap"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="idstore.loginmodule"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="policystore.oid"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="pdp.service"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="audit"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="pip.service.ootb.ldap"/>

6.3 Making XACML Calls

Oracle Entitlements Server allows external applications to ask authorization questions using the XACML 2.0 protocol. The Web Services Security Module contains a XACML gateway that allows it to receive XACML authorization requests and return XACML authorization responses. This capability is supported only when using the Multi-Protocol Security Module.

The Web Services Security Module XACML gateway acts as a remote PDP. It uses the standard XACML 2.0 context to convey authorization requests and responses between the PEP and the PDP. Here is the processing sequence for a XACML authorization request.

  1. The PEP (application) establishes a session, authenticates a user and gets a valid token for the principal. Example 6-11 illustrates how to establish the section and send a XACML 2.0 authorization request.

    Example 6-11 Sample Code to Establish Session For XACML Gateway

    request = createRequest();
    try {
        resp = xacmlSvc.authorize(request);
    } catch (AxisFault af) {
        if (isTokenExpired(af)) {
            try {
                resp = xacmlSvc.authorize(request);
            catch (RemoteException e) {
                throw new XACMLException("Error calling the XACML service.", e);
        else {
            throw new XACMLException(“Error calling the XACML service.”, af);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
             throw new XACMLException("Error calling the XACML service.", e);
    private boolean isTokenExpired(AxisFault af) {
      String faultReason = af.getFaultReason();
      if((faultReason != null) && (faultReason.indexOf
        ("IdentityAssertionException") != -1)) {
         return true;
    return false;
    private void setupSession() throws XACMLException {
      if (identity == null) {
    private void resetupSession() throws XACMLException {
    private void establishSession() throws XACMLException {
      try {
        EstablishSessionType sess = new EstablishSessionType();
            AuthenticationResultType result = atzSvc.establishSession(sess);
            identity = result.getIdentityAssertion();
          catch (Exception e) {
            throw new XACMLException("Unable to authenticate user.", e);
          if (identity == null) {
              throw new XACMLException("Null identity received. 
                 Unable to establish session for " + subject);
          System.out.println("Authentication Succeeded, Identity: ");
          MessageElement ele = identity.get_any()[0];
  2. The PEP sends a XACML request containing the token to the PDP (Security Module). Example 6-12 is sample code that details how to create a XACML authorization request.

    Example 6-12 Creating a XACML Request

    private RequestType createRequest() throws XACMLException
      // create resource
      String res = "Library/LibraryResourceType/Book";
      AttributeType attr = createAttribute(res, RESOURCE_ID, XML_STRING_TYPE);
      ResourceType resource = new ResourceType(null, new AttributeType[]{attr});
        // create action
      String actionStr = "borrow";
      attr = createAttribute(actionStr, ACTION_ID, XML_STRING_TYPE);
      ActionType action = new ActionType(new AttributeType[]{attr});
        // create environment
      String isRegistered = input.getString("Is the user registered in the library (yes|no): ");
      String numberOfBorrowedBooks = input.getString("How many books has the user borrowed already:: ");
      EnvironmentType env;
      List attrs = new ArrayList();
      attrs.add(createAttribute(isRegistered, XACML_NAMESPACE + "RegisteredAttribute", XML_STRING_TYPE));
      attrs.add(createAttribute(numberOfBorrowedBooks, XACML_NAMESPACE + "NumberOfBorrowedBooksAttribute", XML_STRING_TYPE));
        // obligations
        env = new EnvironmentType((AttributeType[])attrs.toArray(new AttributeType[attrs.size()]));
        // subject
      attr = createAttribute(identity.get_any(), SUBJECT_ID, XACML_NAMESPACE + OES_CREDENTIAL_TYPE);
      SubjectType subject = new SubjectType(new AttributeType[]{attr}, null);
        // now construct the request with subject, resource, action and environment.
      return new RequestType(new SubjectType[]{subject},
                 new ResourceType[]{resource}, action, env);

    Example 6-13 is a sample XACML 2.0 authorization request. The SSM-SOAPWS.wsdl file provides the operation interface definitions.

    Example 6-13 XACML 2.0 Authorization Request

    <Request xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:context:schema:os">
      <Subject xsi:type="ns1:SubjectType" xmlns:ns1="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:context:schema:os" 
        <Attribute AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id" 
          <AttributeValue xsi:type="ns1:AttributeValueType">
      <ns2:Resource xsi:type="ns2:ResourceType"   
        <ns2:Attribute AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:resource:resource-id" 
        <ns2:AttributeValue xsi:type="ns2:AttributeValueType">
      <ns3:Action xsi:type="ns3:ActionType"  
      <ns3:Attribute AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id" 
      <ns4:Environment xsi:type="ns4:EnvironmentType" 
      <ns4:Attribute AttributeId=
      <ns4:AttributeValue xsi:type="ns4:AttributeValueType">yes</ns4:AttributeValue> 
        <ns4:Attribute AttributeId=
        <ns4:AttributeValue xsi:type="ns4:AttributeValueType">2</ns4:AttributeValue> 
  3. The XACML gateway asserts the token and converts it to the applicable identity.

  4. Oracle Entitlements Server reaches an authorization decision regarding the principal using any applicable policies and returns a XACML response to the PEP. Example 6-14 is a sample XACML 2.0 authorization response. The SSM-SOAPWS.wsdl file provides the operation interface definitions.

    Example 6-14 XACML 2.0 Authorization Response

    <Response xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:context:schema:os">
        <Result ResourceId="Library/LibraryResourceType/Book">
            <StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:status:ok"/>
          <ns1:Obligations xmlns:ns1="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:policy:schema:os">
            <ns1:Obligation ObligationId=
             "" FulfillOn="Permit">
              ResponseAttributes" FulfillOn="Permit">

6.4 Making checkPermission() Calls

A Java Permission object represents access to a resource. A Permission object is constructed and assigned (access granted) based on the configured policy in effect. Java checkPermission() authorization is based on these permissions.

Oracle Entitlements Server supports the use of the checkPermission() method in the following standard classes:

Additionally, Oracle Entitlements Server supports the use of the checkPermission() method in the class.


Oracle recommends the use of the checkPermission() method in the class as it provides improved debugging support, better performance, and audit support.

When invoking the checkPermission() method (in a JavaSE application), make sure:

  1. The system property has been set to the location of the Oracle Platform Security Services/Oracle WebLogic Server policy file.

  2. Your application first calls the setPolicy() method to explicitly set the policy provider. This is illustrated by the following sample code.; works exactly as the standard methods by accepting a Permission object. If the requested access is allowed, checkPermission() returns quietly; if denied, an AccessControlException is thrown. The following sample illustrates how you might use checkPermission().; // Java SE env only
PolicyContext.setContextID(TARGET_APP); // Java SE env only

// authorization runtime 
Subject s = new Subject(); s.getPrincipals().add(new WLSUserImpl("wcai")); s.setReadOnly();
JpsSubject.invokeAs(s, new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
public Object run() {
FilePermission perm2 = new FilePermission(“HARRY_PORTER”, "read");     
    return null;