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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Data Integrator
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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A Oracle Data Integrator Upgrade Screens

This appendix contains images and descriptions for all of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant for Oracle Data Integrator screens.

A.1 Welcome

Surrounding text describes upgrade_welcome.gif.

Click Next.

A.2 Specify Operation

The Specify Operation screen provides two upgrade options:

Surrounding text describes upgrade_mt.gif.
Surrounding text describes ua_new_specify_operation.gif.
Option Description
Update Topology and Security Metadata The Update Topology and Security Metadata option updates only the Oracle Data Integrator 10g built-in topology and security objects. Customized objects, such as user defined profiles or technologies, for example, are not updated. If you modified any ODI 10g objects, you must re-apply your changes after the upgrade process.

NOTE: If this option is deselected, the topology and security metadata objects will have to be manually upgraded in order to use the ODI 11g features. For more information, see Section 4.3, "Updating Topology and Security Metadata".

  • Updating the Topology Metadata upgrades the built-in technologies to support new 11g features. If you do not upgrade your topology, you will not be able to use the 11g features defined in the technologies.

  • Updating the Security Metadata upgrades the profiles, objects and methods to support new 11g features and menus. If you do not upgrade the security metadata, some of the 11g features will not be available.

For more information, see Section 4.4, "Re-applying ODI 10g Modifications to the ODI 11g Topology and Security Metadata"

Replace KMs with Mandatory Updates Most ODI 10g Knowledge Modules (KMs) can be used with ODI 11g, so the update is not mandatory for all KMs. This option updates only the 10g Knowledge Modules (KMs) that will no longer work with ODI 11g.

If this option is deselected, the 10g Knowledge Modules that no longer work with ODI 11g will have to be manually upgraded to take advantage of the ODI 11g features. For more information, see Section 4.6, "Replacing KMs with Mandatory Updates".

NOTE: KM updates are performed based on the name of the knowledge module. For example, a KM called "LKM File to DB2 UDB (LOAD)" will automatically be replaced.

The following 10g KMs are automatically updated to work with ODI 11g when the Replace KMs with Mandatory Updates option is selected:

  • LKM File to Oracle (EXTERNAL TABLE)

  • LKM File to Netezza (EXTERNAL TABLE)

  • LKM File to Oracle (SQLLDR)

  • LKM File to DB2 UDB (LOAD)

  • LKM SQL to Teradata (TTU)

  • IKM SQL to Teradata (TTU)

  • LKM File to Teradata (TTU)

  • IKM File to Teradata (TTU)

  • IKM Teradata to File (TTU)

  • LKM File to Sybase IQ (LOAD TABLE)

Replaced KMs are exported, before their replacement, into a directory named:

UA_Oracle_Home/upgrade/odi/KM10g/expdir.<time_stamp>/work_ repository_name/project_name

NOTE: The following KMs are no longer available:

  • LKM File to SAS

  • LKM SAS to SQL

  • LKM File to MSSQL (BCP)

Check that Upgrade Occurs Only on Cloned Repositories When selected, this option will prevent an upgrade if validations find that the repositories are not cloned copies. Specifically, the Upgrade Assistant performs the following validations:
  • Original ODI 10g Master Repository schema and cloned ODI 10g Master Repository schema names are not the same.

  • Each cloned ODI 10g Work Repository schema name is different from the original ODI 10g Work Repository schema name.

NOTE: If the Upgrade Assistant detects that one of the repositories is not a clone, you will be prevented from proceeding with the upgrade. Oracle recommends that you clone the repositories before running the Upgrade Assistant.

A.3 Specify Source Home

Surrounding text describes upgrade_sourcehome.gif.

This screen only appears when you select Upgrade Middle Tier Instance.

Select the 10g Oracle home you want to upgrade. Click Next to continue.

A.4 Prerequisites

Surrounding text describes prereq.gif.

Check the boxes indicating that the prerequisites have been met and click Next to continue.

A.5 Target Database

Surrounding text describes target_db.gif.

The following table provides sample field entries for the ODI databases that the Upgrade Assistant supports:

Element Description
Target Database Type Select the database type from the drop-down list. The target database is the database where you installed the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g ODI schema.
Connect String Enter the connect string for the database that contains the 11g ODI schemas.

Oracle Database

Use a JDBC connect string:


For example:




For example:


Microsoft SQL Server

Use the following connect string:


For example:



Use the following connect string:


For example:



Use the following connect string:


For example:


HSQL Database Engine

Use the following connect string:


For example:



Use the following connect string:


For example:

DBA User Name Enter the user name that will be used by the Upgrade Assistant to connect to the target database. You can also include the privileges required for the user.

Oracle Database

For example, to connect as the SYS user, enter the following in the DBA User Name field:

sys as sydba

NOTE: For Oracle Database DBA, you must have SYSDBA privilege otherwise you will be prevented from performing the upgrade.

DBA Password Enter the password for the user you entered in the DBA User Name field.
Master Repository User Name Enter the user name of the Oracle Data Integrator Master Repository owner.

For example:

Master Repository Password Enter the password for the user you entered in the Master Repository User Name field.
ODI Supervisor Name Enter the user name of the Oracle Data Integrator User with Supervisor privileges. The ODI Supervisor name is case-sensitive.

For example:

ODI Supervisor Password Enter the password for the user you entered in the ODI Supervisor Name field. The ODI Supervisor password is case-sensitive.

A.6 Specify Work Repositories

Surrounding text describes spec_work_rep.gif.

Enter the Oracle Data Integrator 11g Work Repositories password for each repository user. Click Next.

A.7 Examine

Surrounding text describes examine_logname.gif.

Click Next if all component examinations have succeeded. If there are any issues, refer to the generated log file located in the directory shown on this screen.

A.8 Upgrade Summary

Surrounding text describes ua_new_upgrade_summary.gif.

Review the summary of the Oracle Data Integrator upgrade operations. If the operations and configuration settings are correct, click Upgrade to begin.

A.9 Upgrade Progress

Surrounding text describes upgrade_comp_log.gif.

The Upgrading Components screen shows the progress of the upgrade process. Once complete, click Next.

A.10 End of Upgrade

Surrounding text describes ua_new_upgrade_complete2.gif.

The Upgrade Complete screen provides a link to the upgrade log file. Review the log file and test the upgraded applications to ensure that they are working as expected. Click Close to exit the Upgrade Assistant.