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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter
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54 Integrating with Oracle WebCenter Spaces

This chapter describes how to expose Oracle WebCenter Spaces functionality in a WebCenter Portal application, using WebCenter Spaces APIs. Through these APIs, you can create new Spaces, manage Space membership, retrieve Space information, and more, from your WebCenter Portal applications.

The chapter also describes how to expose information from other applications, such as WebCenter Portal applications in WebCenter Spaces.

This chapter includes the following sections:


Custom-built task flows that implement WebCenter Spaces APIs (described in this chapter) can be deployed on WebCenter Portal applications, but you cannot deploy them to WebCenter Spaces.


This section is intended for developers who want to expose WebCenter Spaces functionality in their WebCenter Portal applications.

54.1 Introduction to WebCenter Spaces

WebCenter Spaces is a Web-based application, built using the Oracle WebCenter Framework, WebCenter services, and Oracle Composer. WebCenter Spaces furnishes all the tools you require to rapidly create portals, communities, and social sites capable of accommodating thousands of users and encompassing diverse populations with differing languages. Figure 54-1 shows a typical WebCenter Spaces home page.

Figure 54-1 Oracle WebCenter Spaces

Description of Figure 54-1 follows
Description of "Figure 54-1 Oracle WebCenter Spaces"

Out of the box, WebCenter Spaces offers a configurable work environment that enables individuals and groups to work and collaborate more effectively. The application is a self-service solution for managing individual and group interactions. It also provides intuitive tools that allow business users to come together and share information by adding pages and resources such as documents, charts, reports, portlets, business applications, services, and other ADF resources or views.

WebCenter Spaces provides two work environments within a single application: the Home Space and Group Spaces. The Home Space provide each user with a private work area for storing personal content, viewing and responding to business process assignments, maintaining a list of online buddies, and performing many other tasks relevant to his or her unique working day. Group Spaces (from hereon referred to as Spaces) support discrete work areas organized around an area of interest or a common goal.

Spaces support the formation and collaboration of project teams and communities of interest. Spaces bring people together in a virtual environment for ongoing interaction and information sharing—in essence, forming a social network. Figure 54-2 shows an example of a Space.

Figure 54-2 Standards - Sample Group Space

Description of Figure 54-2 follows
Description of "Figure 54-2 Standards - Sample Group Space"

Structurally, Spaces comprise pages, many of which are dedicated to a particular service. For example, a Lists page provides the means to create and publish multicolumn lists. A Documents page provides a central library for uploading, organizing, and managing group content. A Search page includes features for saving searches and managing search results. In addition to these and other default pages, a Space supports custom pages created by authorized users. Page creation is easy with a wide selection of predefined layouts. With little effort, users can provide pages neatly tailored to the unique needs of their team or community. For more information about Spaces, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

WebCenter provides various services that Spaces can use to offer a wide variety of functionality in support of group objectives. For example, a Documents service provides features for uploading and managing content; a Discussions service provides features for creating, managing, and participating in discussion forums. Some other examples of these services include Events, Lists, Announcements, and Search. These services are what helps to make Spaces a productive, collaborative working environment. Services expose subsets of their features and functionality through task flows. A task flow is a reusable view that may expose all or a subset of the features available from a particular service. For example, a Recent Documents task flow provides a subset of the functionality offered through the Documents service by listing documents that have recently been opened, added, or affected in some way.

To help users get Spaces up and running quickly, they can be based on out-of-the-box templates. Additionally, WebCenter Spaces allows users to turn any Space into a template, so they can design Spaces to suit specific audiences and offer them up as templates for others to use. For information about creating templates, see "Creating Custom Space Templates" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

WebCenter Spaces can consume portlets from any WSRP, Oracle PDK-Java, or Pagelet producer if the producer is registered first. Therefore, any portlets you create for WebCenter Portal applications can be used in WebCenter Spaces too. For more information, see the "Managing Portlet Producers" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

54.2 Exposing WebCenter Spaces in WebCenter Portal Applications Using APIs

This section includes the following subsections:

54.2.1 Introduction to WebCenter Spaces APIs

While using your WebCenter Portal application, users may encounter situations where a Space would be useful to help them complete a particular task. In such cases, it would be much less disruptive to remain within the context of the current application, rather than having to switch to the WebCenter Spaces application. To this end, WebCenter Spaces provides access to a subset of its Space functionality through several APIs. Using these APIs, you can integrate powerful Space functionality into your WebCenter Portal application.

You can use WebCenter Spaces APIs to:

WebCenter Spaces APIs are contained within several classes. Table 54-1 lists the different classes and describes the purpose of the APIs within each class.

Table 54-1 WebCenter Spaces API Classes

Class Contains APIs for More Information


Creating and managing Spaces and Space templates

Managing Space membership

Retrieving Space information

Section 54.2.5, "How to Provide Space Functionality in WebCenter Portal Applications"


Establishing context before calling the APIs

Section, "Setting Up the WebCenter Spaces Client Context"


Managing exceptions raised by the APIs

Section 54.2.6, "How to Handle Exceptions Raised by WebCenter Spaces APIs"


Retrieving information about Space members

Section, "Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates"


Retrieving Space information

Section, "Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates"

Spaces can have many different applications. From your perspective, as a WebCenter Portal application developer, here are a couple of case studies describing scenarios where building and working with Spaces through the APIs might come in useful:

54.2.2 Case Study 1: Purchasing Application Uses a Space to Evaluate Suppliers

Consider a purchasing application built using the Oracle WebCenter Framework. This application tracks suppliers, pricing, lead-time requirements, delivery time estimates, and performance history.

Users of the purchasing application must also be able to select and evaluate supplier candidates. Supplier evaluation is a collaborative process; it requires people from various areas of a company. For example, a design engineer and manufacturing representative must verify that an item being purchased meets the required technical specifications; a purchasing agent can negotiate prices, logistics and contractual issues; and a manager or executive has to approve the deal. How could the purchasing application initiate supplier evaluations?

Typically, the purchasing manager receives a purchase requisition from the manufacturing department. Sometimes the purchase order cannot be completed because the requisition cannot be delivered by the usual supplier in the time frame required by manufacturing. Therefore, a new supplier that can meet delivery and pricing requirements must be determined. The purchasing manager can add a candidate supplier into the system but the purchasing manager needs a way to organize and share information, and collaborate with people in and outside his team so that he can assess the supplier.

A Space can provide this collaborative environment. So the purchasing application includes a call to the createGroupSpace API, and this enables the purchasing manager to click a link (Create a New Space) that displays a "Create Space" dialog, directly from the purchasing application, as shown in Figure 54-3.

Figure 54-3 Purchasing Application Includes a Space Creation Link

Description of Figure 54-3 follows
Description of "Figure 54-3 Purchasing Application Includes a Space Creation Link"

When the purchasing manager clicks the link a custom dialog prompts him for some information. The purchasing manager enters a name and description for the Space, and also selects a template (Purchasing Projects) as shown in Figure 54-4. The Purchasing Projects template sets up the Space quickly so it is ready to use right away. For example, the template defines which services are required (events, a document library, and so on) and any custom pages that may be required. Because the APIs enable you to create your own "Create Space" dialog, you can apply your own look and feel and terminology.

Figure 54-4 Custom Create Space Dialog

Description of Figure 54-4 follows
Description of "Figure 54-4 Custom Create Space Dialog"

In this scenario, the purchasing manager chooses the Purchasing Projects template from the template list. Another approach would be to have the purchasing application pass in a default template value. With this additional default, there would be one less thing (determining which template to use) for the purchasing manager to think about. You could even generate the name of the Space from the Supplier ID so that the purchasing manager would not have to enter any details at all. The Space could then be created with just the click of a link.

When the purchasing manager clicks OK, WebCenter Spaces displays the new Supplier Evaluation Space in WebCenter Spaces, similar to that shown in Figure 54-5.

Figure 54-5 Supplier Evaluation Space

Description of Figure 54-5 follows
Description of "Figure 54-5 Supplier Evaluation Space"

Figure 54-5 shows a Home page for the Supplier Evaluation Space, which includes an events calendar, documents the group may find useful, an area for announcements, and so on. Each of these areas was determined by the Purchasing Projects template. In addition a link to the purchasing application transaction instance from which the Space was created is also provided. Clicking this link (Add/Update Vendors) displays the screen Add/Update Vendor transaction for the supplier Shaker Distribution.

In WebCenter Spaces, the purchasing manager becomes the moderator of the Space automatically. The moderator can add content to the Space, initiate discussions, invite members, and collaborate with interested parties. Once consensus is reached regarding the supplier, the purchasing manager is can approve or reject the supplier concerned.

54.2.3 Case Study 2: Customer Support Center Application Uses a Space to Discuss Customer Escalations

Consider a Customer Support Center application built using the Oracle WebCenter Framework that tracks customer calls and issues.

A support analyst is notified that a customer has escalated the service request that the analyst has been working on. The analyst knows that she can find a quicker resolution to the issue if she can involve other people from different areas of the company. For example:

  • The project manager whose team implemented the project can provide more in depth knowledge of the project.

  • An account manager who has been in constant touch with the customer can provide specific information about the implementation of the project at the customer site.

  • Another support analyst, who has worked on a similar escalation before, can provide information about how that escalation was resolved.

This problem can be solved collaboratively using a Space. The support analyst creates a Space from within the Customer Support Center application and adds the required members. These members are then notified and use the Space to start discussing the customer situation. The support analyst views their updates to the Space inside the support application, navigating to the Space whenever necessary to obtain more specific details. Based on the information she gets from the other members of the Space, she can diagnose the problem and offer the customer a solution very quickly.

54.2.4 How to Set Up Your WebCenter Portal Application to Use the WebCenter Spaces APIs

Before you can use the WebCenter Spaces APIs you must ensure that the WebCenter Spaces application is up and running and that your project is set up correctly in JDeveloper.

This section includes the following subsections: Verifying That WebCenter Spaces Is Up and Running

If you want to use the WebCenter SpacesAPIs, the WebCenter Spaces application must be up and running.

To verify that WebCenter Spaces is up and running:

  1. Start WebCenter Spaces. The URL is:


    You do not need to log in.

  2. Verify that the WebCenter Spaces Web service is up and running. The URL is:


    You should see a page similar to the one shown in Figure 54-6. If you do not see this page, contact your Fusion Middleware administrator.

    Figure 54-6 SpacesWebService WSDL

    Description of Figure 54-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 54-6 SpacesWebService WSDL"

For more information about setting up WebCenter Spaces, see the "Getting WebCenter Spaces Up and Running" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter. Setting Up the WebCenter Portal Application to Use WebCenter Spaces APIs

Before you can call the WebCenter Spaces APIs in your WebCenter Portal application, you must ensure that your application contains the correct libraries and that there is a connection to the WebCenter Spaces Web service.

To set up your application to use the WebCenter Spaces APIs:

  1. Start JDeveloper.

  2. In the Application Navigator, expand the application for which you want to provide Space functionality.

    The application should be based on the WebCenter Application template.

  3. Right-click the view-controller project and choose Project Properties.

  4. Select Libraries and Classpath.

  5. Check that the following libraries are available in your project, adding any as necessary:

    • ADF DVT Faces Runtime

    • ADF Model Generic Runtime

    • ADF Model Runtime

    • JAX-RPC Client

    • JAX-WS Client

    • JAXB

    • Oracle JEWT

    • WebCenter Spaces Client

    • JDEV_HOME/jdeveloper/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.model_11.1.1/adfm.jar

    • JDEV_HOME/jdeveloper/oracle_common/modules/oracle.xdk_11.1.1/xml.jar

  6. Click OK.

  7. In the Application Resources panel of the Application Navigator, right-click Connections and choose New Connection > URL.

  8. In the Name field, enter SpacesWebServiceEndpoint.

  9. In the URL Endpoint field, enter the WebCenter Spaces Web service URL:

  10. Click OK.

    The connection information is added to the connections.xml file in the application's META-INF directory, for example:


    If the connections.xml file does not exist, it is created.

  11. Open the connections.xml file and verify that the code shown in Example 54-1 appears:

    Example 54-1 WebCenter Spaces Web Service Endpoint URL Connection

    <Reference name="SpacesWebServiceEndpoint"
    <Factory className="oracle.adf.model.connection.url.URLConnectionFactory"/>
      <XmlRefAddr addrType="SpacesWebServiceEndpoint">
          <urlconnection name="SpacesWebServiceEndpoint"

    If you need to set the WebCenter Spaces Web service endpoint at runtime, you can use the setGroupSpaceWebServiceEndpoint API (Example 54-2). You can write a wrapper API that takes the endpoint as a parameter and then calls setGroupSpaceWebServiceEndpoint, passing the parameter. An exception is reported as INFO in the log file if the endpoint is not set in connections.xml.

    Example 54-2 Setting the WebCenter Spaces Web Service Endpoint at Runtime

    client.setGroupSpacesWebServiceEndpoint(""); Securing the Connection Between the Application and WebCenter Spaces

Before using the WebCenter Spaces APIs in your WebCenter Portal application, you must ensure that the communication between the application (the consumer) and WebCenter Spaces (the producer) is secure. This is so that the identity of the user invoking the APIs is propagated to WebCenter Spaces in a secure manner where the integrity and confidentiality of the communication is maintained.

To do this, the WebCenter Spaces APIs use a policy of SAML based token passing with message protection. Your administrator must create a Java keystore and update the credential store so that WebCenter Spaces can verify the authenticity of the security tokens received from your application. You must then register this keystore and update the credential store using JDeveloper.

For information about the steps that the administrator must perform, see "Securing WebCenter Spaces for Applications Consuming Spaces Client APIs with WS-Security" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter. Setting Up the WebCenter Spaces Client Context

Before calling any of the WebCenter Spaces APIs in your application code, a few setup steps are required.

To set up the WebCenter Spaces client context

  1. Domain-wide configuration settings are used when you call WebCenter Spaces APIs from an application deployed on WebLogic Server (WLS), unless you specifically choose to override them. To override or set security configuration parameters, use the APIs provided by the GroupSpaceWSContext class.

    In particular, you must set the SAML issuer name and the public key alias for WebCenter Spaces, which are required for data encryption. If the WebCenter Spaces Web service endpoint is not set in the connections.xml file, you can set this too.

    For example:

    GroupSpaceWSContext context = new GroupSpaceWSContext();
    groupSpaceWSClient = new GroupSpaceWSClient(context);


    • endPointUrl is the WebCenter Spaces Web service endpoint, for example,

    • samlIssuer is the issuer URI of the SAML Authority issuing assertions for this SAML Asserting Party, for example, Out-of-the-box, is the only trusted SAML issuer.

    • producer is the public key alias for WebCenter Spaces, for example, orakey if you are using a simple topology.

      For information about the steps that the administrator must perform, see "Securing WebCenter Spaces for Applications Consuming Spaces Client APIs with WS-Security" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

    For a full list of the APIs provided by the GroupSpaceWSContext class, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter.

  2. Initialize the WebCenter Spaces client by passing the context. For example:

    GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(context);
  3. Once you have initialized the client, check everything is set up correctly by calling:


    If the correct URL is returned, everything is set up correctly and you can start using the WebCenter Spaces APIs.

54.2.5 How to Provide Space Functionality in WebCenter Portal Applications

The WebCenter Spaces APIs enable you to perform common Space-related operations within a WebCenter Portal application. Most of these APIs are provided by the GroupSpaceWSClient class. The APIs can be grouped into three main categories:

Table 54-2 lists the APIs in the GroupSpaceWSClient class.

Table 54-2 APIs for Performing Common WebCenter Spaces Operations

WebCenter Spaces API Category Description


Managing Spaces and Space Templates

Creates a new Space based on a template. See Section, "Creating a Space."


Managing Spaces and Space Templates

Creates one or more custom attributes for a Space. See Section, "Creating a Custom Attribute."


Managing Spaces and Space Templates

Permanently removes a Space from WebCenter Spaces. See Section, "Deleting a Space."


Managing Spaces and Space Templates

Creates a new Space template based on an existing Space. See Section, "Creating a Space Template."


Managing Space Membership

Makes a user (or a group) a Space member with a specific role. See Section, "Adding Members to a Space."


Managing Space Membership

Invites a list of users to become members of a Space. See Section, "Inviting Users to Join a Space."


Managing Space Membership

Revokes Space membership. See Section, "Removing Members from a Space."


Managing Space Membership

Retrieves all the roles for a given Space. See Section, "Retrieving Role Information."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves a list of Spaces for a given query string. See Section, "Retrieving a List of Spaces."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves a list of public Spaces for a given query string. See Section, "Retrieving a List of Public Spaces."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves a list of discoverable Spaces for a given query string. See Section, "Retrieving a List of Discoverable Spaces."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves information (metadata) about the Space. See Section, "Retrieving Space Metadata."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves information (metadata) about a Space given the Space's GUID. See Section, "Retrieving Space Metadata."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves a list of Space templates for a given query string. See Section, "Retrieving a List of Space Templates."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves information (metadata) about the Space template. See Section, "Retrieving Space Template Metadata."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves information (metadata) about the Space template given the template's GUID. See Section, "Retrieving Space Template Metadata."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves the WebCenter Spaces URL. See Section, "Retrieving the WebCenter Spaces URL."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves a Space URL. See Section, "Retrieving a Space URL."


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves RSS feed URLs for the specified Space service.


Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Retrieves RSS feed URL for a given Space by GUID and a given service. Managing Spaces and Space Template

Use the following WebCenter Spaces APIs to manage your Spaces and Space templates:

  • createGroupSpace

  • setCustomAttribute

  • createGroupSpaceTemplate

  • deleteGroupSpace

Before you begin

Before using any of these APIs, you must complete all the steps listed in Section 54.2.4, "How to Set Up Your WebCenter Portal Application to Use the WebCenter Spaces APIs."

This section includes the following subsections Creating a Space

Use the createGroupSpace API to create a Space that is based on an existing Space template.

To use this API, specify:

  • The internal name of the new Space. This name can contain blank spaces.

  • A display name for the new Space.

  • A description of the Space. Although this is not mandatory, we recommend that you provide a description to help users identify the Space's purpose.

  • The name of the Space template you want to use. This should be the internal name of the template, not the display name.

Optionally, you can provide a comma separated list of keywords to help users locate the Space in searches.

Example 54-3 creates a Space with the name Databases that is based on the CommunityofInterest template. The example also specifies two search keywords (databases and Oracle).

Example 54-3 Creating a Space

//create the Space
GroupSpaceWSMetadata gsMetadata = 
client.createGroupSpace("Databases", "Databases" "A community for people interested in databases", "databases, oracle", "CommunityofInterest");
//print the Space GUID to provide confirmation of creation
System.out.println("GUID: " + gsMetadata.getGuid());

For an example of how to provide custom attributes for a new Space, see Section, "Creating a Custom Attribute." Creating a Custom Attribute

Every Space comes with built-in attributes such as name, description, date created, icon, and so on. In addition, you can define custom attributes that store additional information (metadata) that is unique to the Space and its characteristics.

Use the setCustomAttribute API to specify a custom attribute for a Space. To use this API, specify the name of the Space and a name, description, type, and value for the custom attribute.

Example 54-4 creates the Databases Space and then creates a custom attribute for that Space. The attribute is named Vendors, with the description List of vendors. It takes string values of Oracle and IBM.

Example 54-4 Creating a Custom Attribute

//create the Space
client.createGroupSpace("Databases", "Databases", "A community for people interested in databases", null, "CommunityofInterest");
//create the custom attribute
client.setCustomAttribute("Databases", "Vendors", "List of vendors", "java.lang.String", "Oracle, IBM"); Creating a Space Template

Use the createGroupSpaceTemplate API to create a Space template based on an existing Space. To use this API specify a name, display name, and description for the template, and the name of the Space to use to create the template.

Example 54-5 creates a Space template based on the Databases Space.

Example 54-5 Creating a Space Template

GroupSpaceWSMetadata templMetadata =
client.createGroupSpaceTemplate("DatabasesTemplate", "Databases Template", 
"A template based on the Databases Space", "Databases");
//print the template GUID to provide confirmation of creation
System.out.println("GUID: " + templMetadata.getGuid()); Deleting a Space

Use the deleteGroupSpace API to permanently delete a Space from WebCenter Spaces. To use this API, specify the name of the Space to delete. The API returns a boolean value to indicate whether the deletion was successful.

Example 54-6 deletes the Space with the name Databases. The example uses the boolean value returned by the API to print a message about the success or failure of the operation.

Example 54-6 Deleting a Space

//delete the Space
Boolean success = client.deleteGroupSpace("Databases");
//print a message depending on the result of the deletion
  System.out.println("Operation Succeeded");
  System.out.println(Operation Failed");
} Managing Space Membership

Use the following WebCenter Spaces APIs to manage Space membership:

  • addMember

  • inviteMember

  • removeMember

  • getRoles

Before you begin

Before using any of these APIs, you must complete all the steps listed in Section 54.2.4, "How to Set Up Your WebCenter Portal Application to Use the WebCenter Spaces APIs."

This section includes the following subsections: Adding Members to a Space

Use the addMember API to give users (and groups) Space membership and assign the new members to a specific role. To use this API, specify the name of the Space, and a list of users/groups. The list must contain objects of type GroupSpaceWSMembers that specify the user/group name and the role to give that user/group in the Space.

You must specify the name of a valid user or user group that exists in the WebCenter Spaces identity store. For the role, choose one of the default roles (Moderator, Participant, Viewer) or a custom role (if any). To retrieve a list of the available roles for a Space, use the getRoles API. For more information, see Section, "Retrieving Role Information." For more information about roles, see the "Managing Roles and Permissions for a Space" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

Example 54-7 makes users (of type GroupSpaceWSMembers) named Pat and Vicki and everyone in the Sales and Marketing user group, members of the Databases Space. Pat and everyone in Sales and Marketing are granted the Viewer role. Vicki is assigned the Participant role.


Use setGroup(true) to indicate when you are adding a group of users.

Example 54-7 Adding Members to a Space

//create the list of users
List addMem = new ArrayList();
//create the GroupSpaceWSMembers objects
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem1 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("pat", "Viewer");
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem2 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("vicki", "Participant");
GroupSpaceWSMembers grp1 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("Sales", "Viewer");
GroupSpaceWSMembers grp2 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("Marketing", Viewer");
//add the GroupSpaceWSMembers objects to the list of users
//add the users to the Space
client.addMember("Databases", addMem);
//print a list of members to confirm the new members were added
GroupSpaceWSMetadata memMetData = client.getGroupSpaceMetadata("Databases");
for (GroupSpaceWSMembers mems: memMetData.getMembers())
} Inviting Users to Join a Space

Use the inviteMember API to invite users to become members of a Space. To use this API, specify the name of the Space and a list of users to invite. The list must contain objects of type GroupSpaceWSMembers that specify the user name and the role to give that user in the Space. An invitation to join the Space is sent to each user, and each user can then accept or reject that invitation.

You must specify a valid user name that exists in the WebCenter Spaces identity store. For the role, choose one of the default roles (Moderator, Participant, Viewer) or a custom role (if any). To retrieve a list of the available roles for a Space, use the getRoles API. For more information, see Section, "Retrieving Role Information." For more information about roles, see the "Managing Roles and Permissions for a Space" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

Example 54-8 invites users (of type GroupSpaceWSMembers) named Pat and Vicki to become members of the Databases Space with Viewer and Participant roles respectively.

Example 54-8 Inviting Users to Join a Space

//create the list of users
List inviteMem = new ArrayList();
//create the GroupSpaceWSMembers objects
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem1 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("pat", "Viewer");
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem2 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("vicki", "Participant");
//add the GroupSpaceWSMembers objects to the list of users
//invite the list of users to join the Space
client.inviteMember("Databases", inviteMem); Removing Members from a Space

Use the removeMember API to revoke Space membership. To use this API, specify the name of the Space, and a list of users. The list must contain objects of type GroupSpaceWSMembers that specify the user name. To obtain a list of current Space members, use the getGroupSpaceMetadata API. For more information, see Section, "Retrieving Space Metadata."

Example 54-9 removes users (of type GroupSpaceWSMembers) Pat and Vicki from the membership of the Databases Space.

Example 54-9 Removing Members from a Space

//create the list of users
List remMem = new ArrayList();
//create the GroupSpaceWSMembers objects
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem1 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("pat");
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem2 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("vicki");
2 lines
//add the GroupSpaceWSMembers objects to the list of users

//remove the users from the Space
client.removeMember("Databases", remMem);
//print a list of members to confirm the members were removed
GroupSpaceWSMetadata memMetData = client.getGroupSpaceMetadata("Databases");
for (GroupSpaceWSMembers mems: memMetData.getMembers())
} Retrieving Role Information

Use the getRoles API to retrieve all the roles for a given Space. This is useful for determining which roles are available when adding or inviting members to a Space. Roles include out-of-the box roles (Moderator, Participant, Viewer) and also custom roles (if any). To use this API, specify the name of the Space.

Example 54-10 retrieves and displays role information for the Databases Space.

Example 54-10 Retrieving Role Information

//retrieve the list of roles
List<String> roles = client.getRoles("Databases");
//print the list of roles
for (String role: roles)
} Retrieving Information for Spaces and Space Templates

Use the following WebCenter Spaces APIs to retrieve Space information:

  • getGroupSpaces

  • getPublicGroupSpaces

  • getDiscoverableGroupSpaces

  • getGroupSpaceMetadata

  • getGroupSpaceMetadataByGuid

  • getGroupSpaceTemplates

  • getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadata

  • getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadataByGuid

  • getWebCenterSpacesURL

  • getGroupSpaceURL

Before you begin

Before using any of these APIs, you must complete all the steps listed in Section 54.2.4, "How to Set Up Your WebCenter Portal Application to Use the WebCenter Spaces APIs."

This section includes the following subsections Retrieving a List of Spaces

Use the getGroupSpaces API to obtain a list of Spaces that match a given query string. To use this API, specify a query string. A null value query string returns a list of all Spaces that are accessible to the current user.

The API returns Spaces that are accessible to the current user, up to a maximum of 500.

Example 54-11 returns a list of Spaces containing the string Database.

Example 54-11 Retrieving a List of Specific Spaces

List<String> allGroupSpaces = client.getGroupSpaces("Database");

Example 54-12 returns a list of all Spaces to which the current user has access. This is achieved by specifying a null query string.

Example 54-12 Retrieving a List of All Spaces

List<String> allGroupSpaces = client.getGroupSpaces(null) Retrieving a List of Public Spaces

Use the getPublicGroupSpaces API to obtain a list of public Spaces that match a given query string. To use this API, specify a query string. A null value query string returns a list of all public Spaces.

The API returns Spaces that are accessible to all users, even those who are not logged in to WebCenter Spaces, up to a maximum of 500.

Example 54-13 returns a list of public Spaces containing the string Database.

Example 54-13 Retrieving a List of Specific Public Spaces

List<String> allPublicGroupSpaces = client.getPublicGroupSpaces("Database");

Example 54-14 returns a list of all public Spaces. This is achieved by specifying a null query string.

Example 54-14 Retrieving a List of All Public Spaces

List<String> allPublicGroupSpaces = client.getPublicGroupSpaces(null) Retrieving a List of Discoverable Spaces

Use the getDiscoverableGroupSpaces API to obtain a list of discoverable Spaces that match a given query string. To use this API, specify a query string. A null value query string returns a list of all discoverable Spaces.

The API returns Spaces that are accessible to all users who are logged in to WebCenter Spaces, up to a maximum of 500.

Example 54-13 returns a list of discoverable Spaces containing the string Database.

Example 54-15 Retrieving a List of Discoverable Spaces

List<String> allDiscoverableGroupSpaces = client.getDiscoverableGroupSpaces("Database");

Example 54-14 returns a list of all discoverable Spaces. This is achieved by specifying a null query string.

Example 54-16 Retrieving a List of All Discoverable Spaces

List<String> allDiscoverableGroupSpaces = client.getDiscoverableGroupSpaces(null) Retrieving Space Metadata

Use the getGroupSpaceMetadata or getGroupSpaceMetadataByGuid APIs to obtain information (metadata) about a particular Space. This includes information such as the description of the Space, the name of the user who created it, the date on which it was last updated, and so on.

To use the getGroupSpaceMetadata API, specify the name of the Space. To use the getGroupSpaceMetadataByGuid API, specify the GUID of the Space. Note that while the Space name may be changed during the existence of the Space, the GUID always remains the same. You can obtain the GUID of a Space as follows:


Both APIs return a bean object that contains more APIs that you can then use for retrieving the Space metadata. These APIs are provided by the GroupSpaceWSMetadata class. Table 54-3 lists the APIs returned by the bean object:

Table 54-3 APIs for Retrieving Space Metadata

WebCenter Spaces API Description


Returns the name of the person who created the Space.


Returns the custom attributes for a Space.


Returns the description of the Space.


Returns the display name of the Space.


Returns the state of the Space: active, offline, deleted.


Returns the GUID of the Space.


Returns the location of the Space icon.


Returns a comma separated list of keywords used to describe the Space.


Returns the date the Space was last updated.


Returns the location of the Space logo.


Returns the mailing list for the Space.


Returns the current list of Space members.


Returns the internal name of the Space.


Returns if the Space is returned in searches made by users who are not members of the Space.


Returns if the Space is available to users who are not logged in.

Example 54-17 retrieves the Description, Keywords, and Last Updated Date information for the Databases Space given the Space's name.

Example 54-17 Retrieving Space Metadata Using the Space Name

//get the exact name of the Space
List<String> myGroupSpace = client.getGroupSpaces("Databases");
//check that the API returns a single result
if(myGroupSpace.size() == 1)
  //retrieve the metadata
  GroupSpaceWSMetadata metadata = client.getGroupSpaceMetadata(myGroupSpace);
  //get Space description
  System.out.println("Description: " + metadata.getDescription());
  //get Space keywords
  System.out.println("Keywords: " + metadata.getKeywords());
  //get the date the Space was last updated
  System.out.println("Last Updated Date: "+ metadata.getLastUpdated().toString());

Example 54-18 retrieves the Display Name, Creator, and Last Updated Date information for the Databases Space given the Space GUID.

Example 54-18 Retrieving Space Metadata Using Space GUID

GroupSpaceWSMetadata metadata = client.getGroupSpaceMetadataByGuid("Guid");
//get Space display name
System.out.println("Display Name: " + metadata.getDisplayName());
//get the name of the user who created the Space
System.out.println("Created By: " + metadata.getCreatedBy());
//get the date the Space was last updated
System.out.println("Last Updated Date: " + metadata.getLastUpdated().toString());

Example 54-19 retrieves the Name, Description, Type, and Value for every custom attribute associated with the Databases Space.

Example 54-19 Retrieving Custom Attribute Metadata

//get the exact name of the Space
List<String> myGroupSpace = client.getGroupSpaces("Databases");
//check that the API returns a single result
if(myGroupSpace.size() == 1)
  //retrieve the metadata
  GroupSpaceWSMetadata metadata = client.getGroupSpaceMetadata(myGroupSpace);
  //get list of custom attributes
  List<GSCustomMetadata.Attribute> attributes = metadata.getCustomAttributes();
  //get name, description, type, and value for each custom attribute
  for(GSCustomMetadata.Attribute attribute: attributes)
    System.out.println("Name :" + attribute.getName());
    System.out.println("Description :" + attribute.getDescription());
    System.out.println("Type :" + attribute.getType());
    System.out.println("value.toString() :" + attribute.getValue().toString());

Example 54-20 retrieves a list of members of the Databases Space.

Example 54-20 Retrieving Membership Information

//get the exact name of the Space
List<String> myGroupSpace = client.getGroupSpaces("Databases");
//check that the API returns a single result
if(myGroupSpace.size() == 1)
  //retrieve the metadata
  GroupSpaceWSMetadata metadata = client.getGroupSpaceMetadata(myGroupSpace);
  //get the list of members
  for(String member: metadata.getMembers())
    System.out.println("Member UID: " + member);
} Retrieving a List of Space Templates

Use the getGroupSpaceTemplates API to obtain a list of Space templates that match a given query string. To use this API, specify a query string. A null value query string returns a list of all templates that are accessible to the current user.

The API returns templates that are accessible to the current user, up to a maximum of 500.

Example 54-21 returns a list of Space templates containing the string Interest.

Example 54-21 Retrieving a List of Specific Space Templates

List<String> allGroupSpaceTemplates = client.getGroupSpaceTemplates("Interest");

Example 54-22 returns a list of all Space templates to which the current user has access. This is achieved by specifying a null query string.

Example 54-22 Retrieving a List of All Space Templates

List<String> allGroupSpaceTemplates = client.getGroupSpaceTemplates(null); Retrieving Space Template Metadata

Use the getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadata and getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadataByGuid APIs to obtain information (metadata) about a particular Space template. This includes information such as the description of the template, the name of the user who created it, and so on.

To use the getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadata API, specify the name of the template. To use the getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadataByGuid API, specify the GUID of the template. Note that while the Space template name may be changed during the existence of the template, the GUID always remains the same.

Both APIs return a bean object that contains more APIs that you can then use for retrieving the Space template metadata. These APIs are provided by the GroupSpaceWSMetadata class. Table 54-4 lists the APIs returned by the bean object:

Table 54-4 APIs for Retrieving Space Template Metadata

WebCenter Spaces API Description


Returns the name of the person who created the template.


Returns the description of the template.


Returns the display name of the template.


Returns the GUID of the template.


Returns the location of the template icon.


Returns a comma separated list of keywords used to describe the template.


Returns the location of the template logo.


Returns the internal name of the template.

Example 54-23 retrieves the GUID, Description, and Created By information for the CommunityofInterest Space template given the template name.

Example 54-23 Retrieving Template Metadata Using the Template Name

GroupSpaceWSMetadata metadata = client.getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadata(myGroupSpaceTemplate);
//get the exact name of the Space template
List<String> myGroupSpaceTemplate = client.getGroupSpaceTemplates("CommunityofInterest");
//check that the API returns a single result
if(myGroupSpaceTemplate.size() == 1)
  //retrieve the metadata -- get GUID
  System.out.println("GUID: " + metadata.getGuid());
  //get template description
  System.out.println("Description: " + metadata.getDescription());
  //get name of user who created the template
  System.out.println("Keywords: " + metadata.getCreatedBy());

Example 54-24 retrieves the name of a Space template given the template GUID.

Example 54-24 Retrieving Template Metadata Given the Template GUID

GroupSpaceWSMetadata templGuidMetadata = client.getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadataByGuid("Guid");
System.out.println("Template Name: " + templGuidMetadata.getName()); Retrieving the WebCenter Spaces URL

Use the getWebCenterSpacesURL API to obtain the URL of WebCenter Spaces.

Example 54-25 retrieves the URL of the currently running instance of WebCenter Spaces.

Example 54-25 Retrieving the WebCenter Spaces URL

String myWebCenterSpacesURL = client.getWebCenterSpacesURL(); Retrieving a Space URL

Use the getGroupSpaceURL API to obtain the URL of a specific Space. This is useful for when you want to construct a hyperlink for a Space or you have a relative URL that you need to make into an absolute URL. To use this API, specify the name of the Space.

Example 54-26 retrieves the URL of the Databases Space.

Example 54-26 Retrieving a Space URL

String myGroupSpaceURL = client.getGroupSpaceURL("Databases");

Example 54-27 prints a list of Spaces as hyperlinks.

Example 54-27 Printing a List of Spaces as Hyperlinks

//get the list of Spaces
List<String> spaces = client.getGroupSpaces("");
//print the list of Spaces as hyperlinks
for (String spaceName : spaces)
  print("<a href =""" + client.getGroupSpaceURL(spaceName) + "">" + spaceName + "</a><br>");

To construct the URL of a particular Space page, retrieve the Space URL and then add the page information. For information about how to create pretty URLs for Space pages, see "WebCenter Spaces Pretty URLs" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces. Retrieving RSS Feed URLs for Space Services

In WebCenter Spaces, Space members can find out what is happening in a Space through various RSS news feeds. The following Space RSS feeds are available:

  • Announcements RSS - View Space announcements

  • Discussions RSS - Track contributions to discussion forums

  • Lists RSS - Watch for revisions to lists

  • Recent Activity RSS - Monitor recent activities

You can retrieve the RSS feed URLs for these Space services, from a WebCenter Portal application, using the following WebCenter Spaces APIs:

  • getServiceRSSFeedURL

  • getServiceRSSFeedURLbyGuid

To obtain an RSS feed URL, you must identify the Space (by name or GUID) and specify the service required (using a service ID). Service IDs are available as constants in GroupSpaceWSClient as follows:

  • Announcements - GroupSpaceWSClient.ANNOUNCEMENT_SERVICE_ID

  • Discussions - GroupSpaceWSClient.DISCUSSION_FORUM_SERVICE_ID

  • Lists - GroupSpaceWSClient.LIST_SERVICE_ID

  • Recent Activities - GroupSpaceWSClient.RECENT_ACTIVITY_SERVICE_ID

Retrieving Space RSS News Feed URLs Using getServiceRSSFeedURL

Use the getServiceRSSFeedURL API to obtain service-related RSS news feed URLs for a particular Space by specifying the Space name.

To retrieve the RSS news feed URL for a service using getServiceRSSFeedURL, use the following:

String service_URL = client.getServiceRSSFeedURL("groupspace_name",service_ID);


service_URL refers to the service parameter being retrieved

groupspace_name is the name of the Space

service_ID is the ID of the service for which you want to retrieve the RSS news feed URL. Use one of the following: ANNOUNCEMENT_SERVICE_ID, DISCUSSION_FORUM_SERVICE_ID, RECENT_ACTIVITY_SERVICE_ID, or LIST_SERVICE_ID.

Therefore, depending on the service required, you can use the following:

  • String service_URL = client.getServiceRSSFeedURL("groupspace_name", GroupSpaceWSClient.ANNOUNCEMENT_SERVICE_ID)

  • String service_URL = client.getServiceRSSFeedURL("groupspace_name", GroupSpaceWSClient.DISCUSSION_FORUM_SERVICE_ID)

  • String service_URL = client.getServiceRSSFeedURL("groupspace_name", GroupSpaceWSClient.LIST_SERVICE_ID)

  • String service_URL = client.getServiceRSSFeedURL("groupspace_name", GroupSpaceWSClient.RECENT_ACTIVITY_SERVICE_ID)

Example 54-28 retrieves the recent activity RSS feed URL for a Space named Finance_Project:

Example 54-28 Retrieving the RSS Feed URL for Recent Activity

String recentActivityURL = client.getServiceRSSFeedURL("Finance_Project", GroupSpaceWSClient.RECENT_ACTIVITY_SERVICE_ID);

Retrieving RSS News Feed URLs Using GetServiceRSSFeedURLbyGuid

Use the getServiceRSSFeedURLbyGuid API to obtain service-related RSS news feed URLs for a particular Space by specifying the Space's GUID.

To retrieve the RSS news feed URL for a service using getServiceRSSFeedURLbyGuid, use the following:

String service_URL = client.getServiceRSSFeedURLbyGuid("groupspace_GUID",service_ID);


service_URL refers to the service parameter being retrieved

groupspace_GUID is a Space GUID. For information about obtaining a Space's GUID, see Section, "Retrieving Space Metadata."

service_ID is the ID of the service for which you want to retrieve the RSS news feed URL. Use one of the following: ANNOUNCEMENT_SERVICE_ID, DISCUSSION_FORUM_SERVICE_ID, RECENT_ACTIVITY_SERVICE_ID, or LIST_SERVICE_ID.

Example 54-29 retrieves the recent activity RSS feed URL for a Space with the GUID: s2201fa44_b441_4bdd_950e_47307f6f9800:

Example 54-29 Retrieving the RSS Feed URL for Recent Activity

String recentActivityURL = client.getServiceRSSFeedURLbyGuid("s2201fa44_b441_4bdd_950e_47307f6f9800", GroupSpaceWSClient.RECENT_ACTIVITY_SERVICE_ID);

54.2.6 How to Handle Exceptions Raised by WebCenter Spaces APIs

The GroupSpaceWSException class provides APIs for handling exceptions raised by WebCenter Spaces APIs.

Table 54-5 WebCenter Spaces APIs in the GroupSpaceWSException Class

API Class Description



Composes the localized error message.



Prints the exception and its back trace to the standard error stream.

This section includes the following subsections: Providing Localized Error Messages

Sometimes you may find that the default error messages provided by the APIs are not specific enough for your particular application. In these cases you can provide your own error messages.

Use the getLocalizedMessage API to compose application-specific error messages.

Example 54-30 shows a servlet that includes code to create a Space. If any exceptions are raised during the creation process, a localized message is printed.

Example 54-30 Printing a Localized Error Message

      GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(context);
      client.createGroupSpace("Databases", "Databases, "A community for people interested in databases", "databases, oracle", "CommunityofInterest");
      print("Successfully created Space");
  catch(GroupSpaceWSException ex)
      if(ex instanceof GroupSpaceNameNullException)
      else if (ex instanceof GroupSpaceDescNullException)
} Listing the Error Stack

For debugging purposes, it is often useful to see which errors ultimately led to the failure of a particular operation to discover the underlying cause of the problem. Use the printStackTrace API to list all the errors that caused a particular exception.

Example 54-31 prints the exception and all the errors leading up to it.

Example 54-31 Listing the Error Stack

      GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(context);
      client.createGroupSpace("Databases", "Databases", "A community for people interested in databases", "databases, oracle", "CommunityofInterest");
      print("Successfully created Space");
  catch(GroupSpaceWSException ex)

54.2.7 Finding More Information on WebCenter Spaces APIs

API Reference Documentation
For detailed syntax information for each API, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter.

54.2.8 Troubleshooting Issues with WebCenter Spaces APIs

If you experience issues with WebCenter Spaces APIs, check the following:

  1. Verify that the credential stores for both WebCenter Spaces and the client WebCenter Portal application are configured correctly.

    See "Updating the Credential Stores" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

  2. Ensure the WebCenter Spaces client context is set up correctly in the WebCenter Portal application by checking the alias passed in the context.setRecipientKeyAlias. The alias should be the public key alias of the producer (WebCenter Spaces), for example:

    GroupSpaceWSContext context = new GroupSpaceWSContext();context.setEndPoint(endPointUrl);context.setRecipientKeyAlias("orakey");
    groupSpaceInternalWSClient = new GroupSpaceWSInternalClient(context);

    In this example, the public key alias of the producer is orakey. See also, Setting Up the WebCenter Spaces Client Context.

  3. Check that keystores exist at both ends of the connection. For example:

    - webcenter.jks (copied to WebCenter Spaces end)

    - clientapi.jks (copied to WebCenter Portal application end)

    For example, the following commands generate clientapi.jks and webcenter.jks for a simple topology:

    keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -dname "cn=spaces,dc=example,dc=com" -alias orakey -keypass mypassword -keystore webcenter.jks -storepass mypassword -validity 360keytool -exportcert -v -alias orakey -keystore webcenter.jks 
    -storepass mypassword -rfc -file webcenter.cerkeytool -importcert -alias webservice_client_api  
    -file webcenter.cer -keystore clientapi.jks -storepass mypasswordkeytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -dname "cn=clientapi,dc=example,dc=com" 
    -alias clientapi -keypass mypassword -keystore clientapi.jks -storepass mypassword -validity 360
    keytool -exportcert -v -alias clientapi -keystore clientapi.jks -storepass mypassword -rfc -file clientapi.cer
    keytool -importcert -alias clientapi -file clientapi.cer -keystore webcenter.jks -storepass mypassword

    See also, Securing the Connection Between the Application and WebCenter Spaces.

54.3 Using the WebCenter Spaces REST APIs

Oracle WebCenter provides REST APIs to support various Space-related operations. You can use REST APIs to perform the following actions in WebCenter Spaces:

This section describes the WebCenter Spaces REST APIs. It contains the following subsections:

For an introduction to the REST APIs, see Section 55, "Using Oracle WebCenter REST APIs."

54.3.1 WebCenter Spaces Entry Point

Each REST service has a link element within the Resource Index that provides the entry point for that service. To find the entry point for WebCenter Spaces REST APIs, find the link element with a resourceType of:


The corresponding href or template element provides the URI entry point which returns a list of Spaces accessible to the current user. The client sends HTTP requests to this entry point to work with WebCenter Spaces.

For more information about the Resource Index, see Section 55.6.1, "The Resource Index".

For more information about resource types, see Section, "Resource Type."

54.3.2 WebCenter Spaces Resource Type Taxonomy

When the client has identified the entry point, it can then navigate through the resource type taxonomy to perform the required operations. For more information about the individual resource types, see the appropriate section in Section 54.3.4, "WebCenter Spaces Resource Types".

The taxonomy for WebCenter Spaces is:


54.3.3 WebCenter Spaces Security Considerations

There are no specific security considerations for this service. For general security considerations, see Section 55.9, "Security Considerations for WebCenter REST APIs."

54.3.4 WebCenter Spaces Resource Types

The following sections provide all the information you need to know about each resource type: urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view a list of Spaces (GET) and to create a new Space (POST). The response from a GET operation includes each Space, and each Space includes links to operate on that Space.

Navigation Paths to spaces

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for spaces

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET – Returns information on all Spaces.

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters:

      • startIndex

      • itemsPerPage

      • projection - Allowed values are summary and details. The default is summary.

      • visibility - Determines which Spaces are included in the list: all Spaces, public Spaces only, joined Spaces, or discoverable Spaces.

        Allowed values are all, public, joined and discoverable. The default is joined.

    • response - body: collection of Spaces

  • POST – Creates a new Space.

    • request - body: space



      The templateName parameter must be a valid template name returned from urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces:resource:templates. For example, the default template names are:

Resource Types Linked to from spaces

Table 54-6 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-6 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces

rel resourceType



urn:oracle:webcenter:space urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces:resource:templates

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to retrieve a list of Space templates (GET). The response from a GET operation includes a list of template names. The main purpose of retrieving template names is to provide a value for the templateName parameter for the create Space command.

Navigation Paths to templates

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for templates

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters:

      • startIndex

      • projection - Allowed values are summary and details. The default is summary.

      • q - Performs searches.

      • itemsPerPage

    • response - body: list of template names

For more information about query parameters, see Section, "Templates."

Resource Types Linked to from templates

Table 54-7 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-7 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces

rel resourceType


urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces:resource:templates urn:oracle:webcenter:space

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view details for a single Space (GET), create a nested Space (POST), or delete a Space (DELETE). The response from a GET operation includes the specific Space identified by the URI, including its creator, description, members, and custom attributes.


The response from this resource also includes a link to the Space's message board.

Navigation Paths to space

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for space

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters:

      • projection - Allowed values are summary, and details. The default is details. Choose summary to exclude member and custom attribute details.

    • response - body: Space

  • POST – Creates a new Space that is a child of the named Space. This feature supports creating hierarchical or nested Spaces.

    • request - body: Space



      The templateName parameter must be a valid template name returned from urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces:resource:templates. For example, the default template names are:

  • DELETE – Deletes the named Space.

    • request - body: None

      On delete, a 204 status code is returned whether or not the Space existed.

For more information about query parameters, see Section, "Templates."

Writable Elements for space

Table 54-8 lists the writable elements for this resource.

Table 54-8 Writable Elements for urn:oracle:webcenter:space

Element Type Description



Description of the Space.



Internal name for the Space.



Must be a valid template name returned from urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces:resource:templates. For example, the default template names are:


Read-only Elements for space

Table 54-9 lists the read-only elements for this resource.

Table 54-9 Read-only Elements for urn:oracle:webcenter:space

Element Type Description



Global ID for the Space.



ID of the user who created the Space.



User information about the user who created the Space, including GUID, ID, display name, and a link to the profile icon (same user as creator).



Name of the Space as displayed to members.



Fully qualified URL for the Space's icon image.



Relative URL for the Space's logo image.



Indicates whether the Space is offline or online.



Specifies whether the space is discoverable.



Specifies whether the space is public.



Lists keywords for the space.



Lists the mailing list email for the space if it has one.



Shows the parent display name if the Space is a child space and has a parent. In this case, there will also be an isInheritFromParent boolean element that signifies whether the permissions of the parent space are inherited by the child space or not. Specifically, members of the parent space will be inherited.



List of service ids whose data is to be copied to new spaces/templates when created based off this Space.



The default language.



URI to the Space landing page if specified.



Specifies whether or not this is a Template.



Specifies whether or not you need approval to unsubscribe.



Specifies whether or not the space has an associated RSS feed.



Specifies whether or not the space is closed.



Specifies whether or not all access to space is blocked (not sure how this happens).



Returns the members element for the space.



Returns the attributes element for the space.

Resource Types Linked to from space

Table 54-10 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource. urn:oracle:webcenter:space:resourceindex

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view the WebCenter Spaces resource index.

Navigation Paths to resourceindex

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for resourceindex

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters: None

    • response - body: resource index

Resource Types Linked to From resourceindex

Table 54-11 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-11 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:resourceindex

rel resourceType


urn:oracle:webcenter:discussions:forum urn:oracle:webcenter:space:roles

Use this resource type to get a list of roles for the named Space (GET). The results returned from this call can be used to add a new member to a Space with urn:oracle:webcenter:space:members.

Navigation Paths to space:roles

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for roles

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET – Returns the list of roles assigned to the named Space.

Resource Types Linked to from roles

Table 54-12 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-12 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces:roles

rel resourceType





urn:oracle:webcenter:space urn:oracle:webcenter:space:role

Use this resource type to get a named role (GET).

Use this resource type to get a list of roles for the named Space (GET). The results returned from this call can be used to add a new member to a Space with urn:oracle:webcenter:space:members.

Navigation Paths to space:role

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for role

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET – Returns the named role.

Resource Types Linked to from role

Table 54-12 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-13 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces:roles

rel resourceType





urn:oracle:webcenter:space urn:oracle:webcenter:space:icon

Use this resource type to get the icon used for the named Space (GET).


This resource type is used for Group Space references, not for Group Space responses. This resource can be used anywhere a Group Space is referenced, like in an Activity Stream or a Group Space event.

Navigation Paths to space:icon

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for icon

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET – Returns the icon used for the named Space.

Resource Types Linked to from icon

Table 54-12 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-14 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:spaces:roles

rel resourceType




urn:oracle:webcenter:space urn:oracle:webcenter:space:attributes

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view a list of custom attributes defined for a Space (GET). The response from a GET operation includes each custom attribute for the Space, and each attribute includes links to operate on that attribute. Also use this resource type to add custom attributes to a Space (POST).

Navigation Paths to attributes

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for attributes

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters: None

    • response - body: collection of attributes

  • POST – Adds a custom attribute to the named space.

    • request - body:


Writeable Elements for attributes

Table 54-15 lists the writeable elements for this resource.

Table 54-15 Writeable Resources for space:attributes

Element Type Description



Attribute name.



Attribute value.

Resource Types Linked to From attributes

Table 54-16 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-16 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:attributes

rel resourceType



urn:oracle:webcenter:space:attribute bill


urn:oracle:webcenter:space urn:oracle:webcenter:space:attribute bill

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view the name and value of single Space attribute (GET). The response from a GET operation includes the specific attribute identified by the URI.

Navigation Paths to attribute

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for attribute

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters: None

    • response - body: attribute

Read-only Elements for attribute

Table 54-17 lists the read-only elements for this resource.

Table 54-17 Read-only Elements for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:attribute

Element Type Description



Name of the custom attribute.



Description of the custom attribute.



Data type of the custom attribute.



Value of the custom attribute.

Resource Types Linked to From attribute

Table 54-18 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-18 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:attribute

rel resourceType


urn:oracle:webcenter:space:attribute bill


urn:oracle:webcenter:space urn:oracle:webcenter:space:members

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view a list of members for the Space (GET). The response from a GET operation includes each member of the Space, each member includes links to operate on that member.

Navigation Paths to members

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for members

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters: None

    • response - body: collection of members

  • POST – Adds a member to the Space.

    • request - body: member

  • DELETE – Removes the named member from the Space. You can obtain the member guid with urn:oracle:webcenter:space:member.

    • request - body: None


Writeable Elements of spaces:space:members

Table 54-19 Writeable Elements of spaces:space:members

Element Type Description



The member's name.



The member's role. Obtain this value from urn:oracle:webcenter:space:roles.

Resource Types Linked to From members

Table 54-20 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-20 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:members

rel resourceType





urn:oracle:webcenter:space urn:oracle:webcenter:space:member

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view details for a Space member and their current role assignments (GET). The response from a GET operation includes the specific member identified by the URI, including a hyperlink to the member's profile.

Navigation Paths to member

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for member

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters: None

    • response - body: member

Read-only Elements for member

Table 54-21 lists the read-only elements for this resource.

Table 54-21 Read-only Elements for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:member

Element Type Description



Global ID for the Space member.



User ID of the Space member.



Role assigned to the member.



Display name of the member.

Resource Types Linked to From member

Table 54-22 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-22 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:member

rel resourceType





urn:oracle:webcenter:people:person urn:oracle:webcenter:space:lists

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view (GET) and add (POST) lists for the Space. The response from a GET operation includes each list in the Space, and each list includes links used to operate on that list. The response from a POST operation includes the list that was created in this collection of lists and a link to operate on that list.

Navigation Paths to lists

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for lists

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters:

      • startIndex

      • itemsPerPage

      • q

        You can search on name, title, description, creator, created, modifier, and modified.

        For string type elements (that is, name, title, description, creator, and modifier), you can use the following supported operands: equals, not.equals, and contains. For example:


        For date type elements (that is, created and modified), you can use the following supported operands: equals, not.equals, greater.than, greater.than.or.equals, less.than, less.than.or.equals. For example:

      • projection - Allowed values are summary and details. The default is summary.

    • response - body: collection of lists

  • POST

    • request - body: list

    • response - body: list

For more information about query parameters, see Section, "Templates."

Resource Types Linked to From lists

Table 54-23 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-23 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:lists

rel resourceType



urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view (GET), update (PUT), and delete (DELETE) a list belonging to a Space. The response from a GET operation includes the specific list identified by the URI. The response from a PUT operation includes the modified version of the list identified by the URI. The response to a DELETE operation is a 204 status code.

Navigation Paths to list

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for list

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters: None

    • response - body: list

  • PUT

    • request - body: list

    • response - body: list


    • request - body: None

    • response - body: None

Writable Elements for list

Table 54-24 lists the writable elements for this resource.

Table 54-24 Writable Elements for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list

Element Type Required Constraints Description




1 or more characters

Name of the Space list.




0 or more characters

Description of the list.




1 or more characters

Columns that make up the list.

Read-only Elements for list

Table 54-25 lists the read-only elements for this resource.

Table 54-25 Read-only Elements for urn:oracle:webcenter:list

Element Type Description



ID of the list.



Name of the list.



Description of the list.



Global ID of the parent Space.



Name of the parent Space.



ID of the user that created the list.



User information about the user that created the list, including GUID, ID, display name, and a link to the profile icon (same user as creator).



Date the list was created.



ID of the user that last modified the list.



User information about the user that last modified the list, including GUID, ID, display name, and a link to the profile icon (same user as modifier).



Date the list was last modified.



Columns that make up the list.

Resource Types Linked to From list

Table 54-26 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-26 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list

rel resourceType




urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:columns urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:rows

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view (GET) and create (POST) list rows (list items). The response from a GET operation includes each row in this list, each row includes links to operate on that row. The response from a POST operation includes the row that was created in this list and a link to operate on that row.

Navigation Paths to rows

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for rows

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters:

      • startIndex

      • itemsPerPage

      • q

        You can search on name, title, description, creator, created, modifier, and modified.

        For string type elements (that is, name, title, description, creator, and modifier), you can use the following supported operands: equals, not.equals, contains, and starts.with. For example:


        For date type elements (that is, created and modified), you can use the following supported operands: equals, not.equals, greater.than, greater.than.or.equals, less.than, less.than.or.equals. For example:

    • response - body: collection of rows

  • POST

    • request - body: row

    • response - body: row

For more information about query parameters, see Section, "Templates."

Resource Types Linked to From rows

Table 54-27 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-27 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:rows

rel resourceType





urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:row urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:row

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view (GET), update (PUT), and delete (DELETE) a list row (list item). The response to a GET operation includes the specific row identified by the URI. The response to a PUT operation includes the modified version of the row identified by the URI. The response to a DELETE operation is a 204 status code.

Navigation Paths to row

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for row

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters: None

    • response - body: row

  • PUT

    • request - body: row

    • response - body: row


    • request - body: None

    • response - body: None

For more information about query parameters, see Section, "Templates."

Writable Elements for row

Table 54-28 lists the writable elements for this resource.

Table 54-28 Writable Elements for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:row

Element Type Required Constraints Description



1 or more characters

ID of the column (containing list item detail).



1 or more characters

Name of the column.




1 or more characters

Value of the column.

Read-only Elements for row

Table 54-29 lists the read-only elements for this resource.

Table 54-29 Read-only Elements for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:row

Element Type Description



ID of the row (list item).



ID of the list.



Global ID of the parent Space.



ID of the user that created the list item.



User information about the user that created the list item, including GUID, ID, display name, and a link to the profile icon (same user as creator).



Date the list item was created.



ID of the user that last modified the list item.



User information about the user that last modified the list item, including GUID, ID, display name, and a link to the profile icon (same user as modifier).



Date the list item was last modified.

Resource Types Linked to From row

Table 54-30 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-30 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:row

rel resourceType


urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:row urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:columns

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view (GET) and create (POST) list columns (list item detail). The response from a GET operation includes each column in this list, each column includes link to operate on that column. The response from a POST operation includes the column created in this list and a link to operate on that column.

Navigation Paths to columns

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for columns

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters:

      • startIndex

      • itemsPerPage

      • q - Search parameters STARTS.WITH and END.WITH are not supported.

    • response - body: collection of columns

  • POST

    • request - body: column

    • response - body: column

For more information about query parameters, see Section, "Templates."

Resource Types Linked to From columns

Table 54-31 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-31 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:columns

rel resourceType





urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:column urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:column

Use this resource type to identify the URI to use to view (GET), update (PUT), and delete (DELETE) a list column (list item detail). The response from a GET operation includes the specific column identified by the URI. The response from a PUT operation includes the modified version of the column identified by the URI. The response from a DELETE operation is a 204 status code.

Navigation Paths to column

This section shows how the client can navigate through the hypermedia to access this resource:


Supported Methods for column

The following methods are supported by this resource:

  • GET

    • request - body: None

    • query parameters: None

    • response - body: column

  • PUT

    • request - body: column

    • response - body: column


    • request - body: None

    • response - body: None

Writable Elements for column

Table 54-32 lists the writable elements for this resource.

Table 54-32 Writable Elements for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:column

Element Type Required Constraints Description



1 or more characters

ID of the column (containing list item detail).



1 or more characters

Name of the column.




1 or more characters

Value of the column.

Read-only Elements for column

Table 54-33 lists the read-only elements for this resource.

Table 54-33 Read-only Elements for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:column

Element Type Description



ID of the column (list item detail).

Resource Types Linked to From column

Table 54-26 lists the resource types that the client can link to from this resource.

Table 54-34 Related Resource Types for urn:oracle:webcenter:space:list:column

rel resourceType



54.4 Exposing Enterprise Applications in WebCenter Spaces

You can expose various enterprise applications inside WebCenter Spaces, including:

Technologies such as WSRP, Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge, ADF task flows, and WebCenter support for external applications, enable WebCenter Spaces to consume and present application data in a unified way. The following sections tell you how.

This section includes the following subsections:

54.4.1 Exposing WebCenter Portal Applications in WebCenter Spaces

You can expose WebCenter Portal applications, built using the WebCenter Framework, as portlets and task flows in WebCenter Spaces:

  • Portlets: Web components that are deployed inside a container and generate dynamic content. For more information, see Chapter 57, "Overview of Portlets."

  • Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge: A technology that enables you to easily expose existing ADF applications and task flows as JSR 168 portlets. For more information, see Chapter 58, "Creating Portlets with the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge."

  • Task flows: ADF navigational components that define the transition between states and activities using call methods on managed beans, evaluating an EL expression, and so on. For more information see, "Getting Started with ADF Task Flows" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

54.4.2 Exposing Oracle Applications in WebCenter Spaces

You can expose Oracle Applications Unlimited products, for example, E-Business Suite, Siebel, PeopleSoft, and JDEdwards, in WebCenter Spaces, using:

  • Web services and ADF: Enterprise applications like Siebel expose various web service interfaces. You can leverage these web service interfaces to build data controls, ADF task flows, and portlets that can be consumed in WebCenter Spaces.

  • Prebuilt portlets: Enterprise applications such as Oracle E-Business Suite ship portlets out of the box that you can register with WebCenter Spaces and consume in the same way as any other portlet.

54.4.3 Exposing Non-Oracle Applications in WebCenter Spaces

You can expose Web applications developed using non-Oracle platforms in WebCenter Spaces, as follows:

  • WebCenter support for external applications: External applications enable credential stores to pass mapped user identities to web applications that require their own authentication. For more information, see "Registering External Applications" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter and "Working with External Applications" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

  • Oracle Composer iframe-level integration: The Oracle Composer Web Page page style and component displays any Web page content, including pages from applications built using a different Web technology. For more information, see "Adding a View into Another Web Page to a Page" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

  • Raw HTML markup injection in Oracle Composer: The Oracle Composer HTML Markup layout component injects HTML or JavaScript snippets into WebCenter Spaces pages. You can use this component to display content from an external source. For more information see "Adding Markup, Such as HTML, JavaScript, and EL, to a Page" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

  • OmniPortlet: A portlet that publishes data from various data sources using a variety of layouts. For more information, see Chapter 64, "Creating Portlets with OmniPortlet."