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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (
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What's New

Release is a maintenance release that addresses internal issues and, consequently, strengthens your application experience. For example, in Release performance and stress tolerance have been enhanced throughout the application as have error and exception handling.


Release is part of a patch set. Patching involves copying a small collection of files over an existing installation. A patch is normally associated with a particular version of an Oracle product and involves updating from one minor version of the product to a newer minor version of the same product (for example, from Release to Release patch set is a single patch that contains a collection of patches designed to be applied together.

All users must move to Release for continued support.

Read this quick-reference page for a concise summary of the issues addressed in this release.

Issues Addressed in Release

The following table provides an overview of the types of issues addressed in Release

Feature Adjustment
Of General Interest
  • You can now customize components that are placed inside af:forEach and af:iterator.
  • In a scenario in which WebCenter is fronted by OHS, WebTier, or a load balancer, the load balancer host name is now properly seen in connection invitation emails and in MS Office document properties.

  • Release introduces numerous improvements to the thread safety and performance of the service framework.

  • Updates to WLST commands made as part of a patch set are properly picked up.

  • Unnecessary LDAP round trips to fetch Profile details have ceased in favor of storing such details in cache.

  • Exporting data as an Excel spreadsheet from faces executes properly, even when the component is portletized.

  • The process of creating a Resource Catalog and moving components into it in WebCenter Portal applications works as expected.

  • The forward-slash character (/) has been removed from the list of Public URIs to prevent unexpected issues.

  • A discrepancy in the authorization checks between the WebCenter Spaces UI and the Web Service API has been reconciled.

  • Missing labels have been added where needed for screen readers, such as JAWS.
Activity Graph
  • URN lookup calls are now batched to prevent a single call that results in too many arguments.
  • The calculation of incremental gathering and decay periods has been adjusted.

Activity Stream
  • Additional checks are in place to handle the business scope separately when publishing and sharing business-scope activities, thus removing the logging of exceptions when Spaces are not provisioned in a WebCenter Portal application.
  • Within a Space, discussions- and announcements-related activities that are published in the Activity Stream are reported only within the scope of that Space. That is, they appear to all Space members, including those members who are also your connections. But they do not appear in the Activity Streams of your connections who are not also members of the Space.

  • Import of administration settings is successful regardless of whether the import target table is empty or populated.

  • The database query for Activity Stream is significantly accelerated.

  • Slide preview operates more effectively in Release

  • Various fixes are in place to enhance accessibility.

  • Within a Space, announcements-related activities that are published in the Activity Stream are reported only within the scope of that Space. That is, they appear to all Space members, including those members who are also your connections. But they do not appear in the Activity Streams of your connections who are not also members of the Space.
  • Comments counts are accurate.
  • When invite or manage connections actions are invoked, they open a popup window as expected, rather than the full Connections page.
  • When creating a connection list using an API to make it unmodifiable, the UI and data control also do not allow update operations on that list.

Customization Manager
  • The Customization Manager works in a clustered environment.
  • Within a Space, discussions-related activities that are published in the Activity Stream are reported only within the scope of that Space. That is, they appear to all Space members, including those members who are also your connections. But they do not appear in the Activity Streams of your connections who are not also members of the Space.
  • In Documents task flows, you can turn off the task flows' multifile and profile upload features using the Features Off parameter. For information about the Features Off parameter, see the chapter, "Setting Documents Service Task Flow and Document Component Properties," in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.
  • If a file is rejected in a workflow, and a new version of the file with a different file name is uploaded, the confirmation page properly shows the new file version.

  • Various issues in Internet Explorer 7 when uploading a file are resolved.

  • Events honors user preferences for date and time.
  • Events properly handles characters including quotes, slashes, control characters and Unicode.

Instant Messaging and Presence
  • When the presence of a connection changes, it is updated wherever presence is indicated. For example, the Profile page is no longer dependent on a page refresh for the change to be reflected
  • When a user selects Personalize Pages from the Actions menu, the status of the Show Page setting reflects that user's personal setting rather than the value set at the Space level.
  • Release introduces a new version of the Portlet Bridge.
  • A new client-side API is available for triggering PPR postbacks to Bridge portlets.

    Consider a scenario where you have a portlet inside of a showDetailItem, inside a panelTabbed. There is an AdfItemEvent client-side listener on the showDetailItem. This is called when the tab is closed. But before the tab is closed, you want to check if the portlets contain any unposted data. To achieve this, have the showDetailItem listener call:

    AdfDhtmlPortletPeer.syncPortletsAndRestartEvent(event, component)

    This will cancel the original event and then call:

    AdfDhtmlPortletPeer.syncPortlets(component, context, callback, state)

    This will initiate the portlet postbacks for all the portlets inside component. The other three parameters are for creating a callback to call when the portlet postbacks are done. For more information, see Oracle Application Development Framework JDeveloper 10.1.3 Tag Library Information Java API Reference.

  • Portlets with parameters that are tied to a managed bean method are now handled correctly.

  • Files required for the WLST portlet registration command are properly added to the portlet consumer dist directory.

  • A new _x query string parameter is available for setting on URLs that are passed to the ADF portlet bridge for encoding, resulting in a direct request to the URL from the browser. This enables bridged portlets to make effective use of content delivery networks to serve static resources, such as JavaScript and CSS.

  • An ADF Bridge portlet no longer reverts to the Simple skin following a file upload.

  • An enhancement was made to allow ADFm events, for which no portlet event has been declared in portlet.xml, to propagate out of the PortletBridge. Additionally, it enables the PortletBinding to forward unexpected PortletEvents automatically as ADFm events.

  • The REST API for Profile is more tolerant under uncommon authentication scenarios.
Resource Catalogs
  • With ojdeploy, Resource Catalogs across multiple projects are included in the MAR file.
  • Space workflows, such as invite member, subscribe to or unscubscribe from Space, and change Space membership, are working as expected when GPA is enabled on the SOA server.
  • When a Space administrator revokes a user's create Space privileges, that user sees neither the Create Space link nor its associated icon.

Task Flows
  • Since PS1, you can configure Oracle Composer to restrict task flow editing based on task flow permission grants. This is accomplished through a JVM flag. In Release, you can also accomplish this through a setting in the adf_config.xml file.

    In the security-config section of the adf_config.xml file, provide the following entry:

    <pe:page-editor-config xmlns:pe=
         <task-flow-security check-permission="[false]|true" />

    The default for this option is false.

    To maintain backward compatibility, the JVM flag -Doracle.composer.enableTaskflowPermissionCheck=true is supported.

  • Task flows with buttons that cause navigation and that are exposed as portlets now work properly in Internet Explorer 8.

  • The portlet consumer component is installed automatically from the WebCenter JDeveloper bundle Zip file; manual installation is no longer required.