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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (
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28 Configuring the Identity Store

This chapter describes how to reassociate the identity store with an external LDAP rather than the default embedded LDAP identity store. It also describes how to configure an LDAP server for Oracle Content Server and contains the following subsections:


Before reassociating the identity store, be sure to back up the relevant configuration files:
  • config.xml

  • jps-config.xml

As a precaution, you should also back up the file for the Administration Server for the domain.

Note that for WebCenter Portal applications, the steps for Granting the WebCenter Spaces Administrator Role and Migrating the WebCenter Discussions Server to Use an External LDAP are not required. For more information about the identity store, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide.


The content of this chapter is intended for Fusion Middleware administrators (users granted the Admin role through the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console). Users with the Monitor or Operator roles can view security information but cannot make changes. See also, Section 1.8, "Understanding Administrative Operations, Roles, and Tools."

28.1 Reassociating the Identity Store with an External LDAP Server

In almost all cases, you must reassociate the identity store with an external LDAP server rather than using the default embedded LDAP. Although you can use many different types of LDAP servers (see Section 27.2, "Default Security Configuration" for a list of supported LDAPs), this section focuses on how to configure the identity store to use Oracle Internet Directory (OID).

To reassociate the identity store with OID:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

    For information on logging into the WebLogic Server Administration Console, see Section 1.13.2, "Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console."

  2. In the Domain Structure pane (see Figure 28-1), click Security Realms.

    Figure 28-1 Domain Structure Pane

    Description of Figure 28-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-1 Domain Structure Pane"

    The Summary of Security Realms pane displays (see Figure 28-10).

    Figure 28-2 Summary of Security Realms pane

    Description of Figure 28-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-2 Summary of Security Realms pane"

  3. In the Name column, click the realm for which you want to reassociate the identity store.

    The Realm Settings pane displays (see Figure 28-3).

    Figure 28-3 Realm Settings Pane

    Description of Figure 28-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-3 Realm Settings Pane"

  4. Open the Providers tab.

    The Providers Settings pane displays (see Figure 28-4).

    Figure 28-4 Settings Pane - Providers

    Description of Figure 28-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-4 Settings Pane - Providers"

  5. Click New to add a new provider.

    The Create a New Authentication Provider pane displays (see Figure 28-5).

    Figure 28-5 Create a New Authentication Provider Pane

    Description of Figure 28-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-5 Create a New Authentication Provider Pane"

  6. Enter a name for the provider (for example OIDAuthenticator for a provider that authenticates the user for the Oracle Internet Directory).

  7. Select the authenticator appropriate for your LDAP directory from the list of authenticators.

    Be sure to select the authenticator associated with the LDAP you are configuring rather than choosing the generic DefaultAuthenticator. For example, for OID select OracleInternetDirectoryAuthenticator, or for iPlanet select IPlanetAuthenticator.

  8. Click OK to save your settings.

    The Settings pane displays with the new authentication provider (see Figure 28-6).

    Figure 28-6 Settings Pane - Authentication Providers

    Description of Figure 28-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-6 Settings Pane - Authentication Providers"

  9. In the list of Authentication Providers, click the newly created provider.

    The Settings Pane for the new authentication provider displays (see Figure 28-7).

    Figure 28-7 Settings Pane for Authenticator

    Description of Figure 28-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-7 Settings Pane for Authenticator"

  10. Set the Control Flag to SUFFICIENT.

    Setting the Control Flag to SUFFICIENT indicates that if a user can be authenticated successfully by this authenticator, then the authentication provider should accept that authentication and should not invoke any additional authenticators.


    If the authentication fails, it falls through to the next authenticator in the chain. Therefore, be sure all subsequent authenticators also have their control flag set to SUFFICIENT.

  11. Click Save to save this setting.

  12. Open the Provider Specific tab to enter the details for the LDAP server.

    The Provider Specific pane displays (see Figure 28-8).

    Figure 28-8 Provider Specific Pane

    Description of Figure 28-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-8 Provider Specific Pane"

  13. Enter the details specific to your LDAP server.


    The table below shows values appropriate for OID. For the permissible values for other LDAPs, such as Active Directory, see the appendix "OPSS System and Configuration Properties" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide.

    Parameter Value Description
    The LDAP server's server ID (for example, <ldap_host>
    The LDAP server's port number (for example, 3060)
    The LDAP user DN used to connect to the LDAP server (for example, cn=orcladmin)
    The password used to connect to the LDAP server
    User Base DN:
    Specify the DN under which your Users start (for example, cn=users,dc=example,dc=com)
    Group Base DN:
    Specify the DN that points to your Groups node (for example, cn=groups,dc=example,dc=com)
    Use Retrieved User Name as Principal Checked Must be turned on
    All Users Filter: (&(uid=*)(objectclass=person)) Search to find all users under the User Base DN
    User From Name Filter: (&(uid=%u)(objectclass=person))
    User Name Attribute: uid

  14. Click Save.

  15. Return to the Providers tab and reorder the providers so that the new authentication provider is on top, followed by any other authenticators with the DefaultAuthenticator placed at the end of the list.

    All should have their control flags set to SUFFICIENT so that subsequent authenticators can authenticate identities that fall through from the new provider all the way through to the DefaultAuthenticator (which is used only for the default file-based embedded LDAP). For example, logins such as the default administrator account are not typically created in the LDAP directory, but still need to be authenticated to start up the server. Unless identities are allowed to fall through to the DefaultAuthenticator, the default administrator account will not be authenticated. For more information about the DefaultAuthenticator and the default administrator account, see Section 28.5, "Moving the Administrator Account to an External LDAP Server."


    Do not use the REQUIRED control flag if you are using multiple authenticators. If a REQUIRED control flag is found in the list of authenticators, regardless of its position, no further authenticators will be examined.

  16. Restart the Administration Server and the managed server for the changes to take effect.

28.2 Tuning the Identity Store for Performance

For OVD, the only object class against which attributes are looked up is inetOrgPerson (and it's parent object classes). Since the Profile Gallery can display attributes not defined in inetOrgPerson, all the additional attributes not covered in inetOrgPerson would require an additional round trip to the identity store.For best performance when using OVD in a production environment, Oracle recommends that you add the following configuration entry (in bold) to the domain-level jps-config.xml file:

        <!-- JPS WLS LDAP Identity Store Service Instance -->
        <serviceInstance name="idstore.ldap"
            <property name="idstore.config.provider"
            <property name="CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS"

For best performance when using Active Directory in a production environment, Oracle recommends that you add the following configuration entries (in bold) to the domain-level jps-config.xml file:

        <serviceInstance provider="idstore.ldap.provider"          name="idstore.ldap">
           <property value=""            name="idstore.config.provider"/>
          <property value=""            name="CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS"/>
          <property name="PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING" value="WIRELESS_ACCT_NUMBER=mobile:MIDDLE_NAME=middlename:MAIDEN_NAME=sn:DATE_OF_HIRE=pwdLastSet:NAME_SUFFIX=generationqualifier:DATE_OF_BIRTH=pwdLastSet:DEFAULT_GROUP=primaryGroupID" />
          <property value="sAMAccountName" name="username.attr"/>
          <property value="sAMAccountName" name="user.login.attr"/>

The People Profile Service queries for all these attributes and there is no default mapping for these attributes in the Active Directory provider. A vanilla Active Directory installation doesn't have any mapping corresponding to DATE_OF_HIRE, DATE_OF_BIRTH.

Note that the two attributes are simply a mapping to some attribute of the correct data type to reduce unnecessary LDAP server calls as Active Directory really doesn't have corresponding attributes with the same semantic meaning.

28.3 Adding Users to the Embedded LDAP Identity Store

You can add users to the embedded LDAP using the WebLogic Server Administration Console, or using an LDIF file and LDAP commands. Using an LDIF file lets you add additional attributes not available through the WebLogic Server Administration Console.


The embedded LDAP server should only be used for testing or "proof of concept." For production use, Oracle recommends using external identity stores, such as Oracle Internet Directory or Microsoft Active Directory, that are supported by the OPSS user and role APIs.

For Oracle Internet Directory, users are typically managed using ODSM (described in the section on "Managing Directory Entries" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory).


If you are planning to reassociate your identity store with an external LDAP, perform that step first (as described in Section 28.1, "Reassociating the Identity Store with an External LDAP Server") to avoid having to migrate the users from the embedded LDAP to the newly configured external LDAP.

WebCenter Spaces supports self-registration. New users who self-register with WebCenter Spaces are added directly to the identity store. For more information about self-registration, see "Allowing Self-Registration" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Adding users to the identity store is typically a system administrator task and may not be a task for which application-level administrators have the required permissions.

This section includes the following subsections:

28.3.1 Adding Users to the Identity Store Using the WLS Administration Console

To add users to the embedded LDAP identity store from the WebLogic Server Administration Console:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

    For information on logging into the WebLogic Server Administration Console, see Section 1.13.2, "Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console."

  2. In the Domain Structure pane (see Figure 28-9), click Security Realms.

    Figure 28-9 Domain Structure Pane

    Description of Figure 28-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-9 Domain Structure Pane"

    The Summary of Security Realms pane displays (see Figure 28-10).

    Figure 28-10 Summary of Security Realms pane

    Description of Figure 28-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-10 Summary of Security Realms pane"

  3. In the Name column, click the realm to which you want to add users.

    The Realm Settings pane displays (see Figure 28-11).

    Figure 28-11 Realm Settings Pane

    Description of Figure 28-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-11 Realm Settings Pane"

  4. Click the Users and Groups tab to display the list of current users.

  5. Click New to add a new user.

    Figure 28-12 Create a New User Page

    Description of Figure 28-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-12 Create a New User Page"

  6. On the Create a New User page, enter the new user login name in the Name field.

    User names are case sensitive and must be unique. Do not use commas, tabs or any other characters in the following comma-separated list:

    < >, #, |, &, ?, ( ), { }

  7. In the Description field, enter a description for the user (for example, the user's full name).

  8. From the Provider drop-down menu, select DefaultAuthenticator.

  9. In the Password field, enter a password for the user.

    The minimum password length for a user defined in the WebLogic Authentication provider is 8 characters (note that other LDAP providers may have different requirements for the password length). Do not use user name/password combinations such as weblogic/weblogic in a production environment.

  10. Reenter the password in the Confirm Password field.

  11. Click OK to save your changes and add the user.

    The user should now appear in the list of users.

28.3.2 Adding Users to the Identity Store Using an LDIF File

You can add users directly to the embedded LDAP identity store using an LDIF file. Using an LDIF file enables you to specify additional user attributes that are not available through the WebLogic Server Administration Console.As the embedded LDAP server is a conformant LDAP server, you can use LDAP commands to add or modify users. You can also search the directory, which is useful when exporting and importing user accounts.

To add users to the embedded LDAP using an LDIF file you must perform the following tasks:

Enable External LDAP Access

When WebLogic Server is installed, the LDAP access credential is set as a randomized value and encrypted in the config.xml file. To enable external LDAP access, you must reset the access credential for the embedded LDAP.

To reset the access credential for the embedded LDAP:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

    For information on logging into the WebLogic Server Administration Console, see Section 1.13.2, "Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console."

  2. In the Domain Structure pane (see Figure 28-13), click wc_domain.

    Figure 28-13 Domain Structure Pane (wc_domain)

    Description of Figure 28-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-13 Domain Structure Pane (wc_domain)"

  3. In the Settings pane for wc_domain, click the Security tab, and then click the Embedded LDAP tab.

    The Settings Pane for wc_domain displays the embedded LDAP settings (see Figure 28-14).

    Figure 28-14 Settings Pane with Embedded LDAP Settings

    Description of Figure 28-14 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-14 Settings Pane with Embedded LDAP Settings"

  4. Enter a new password in the Credential field, and reenter it in the Confirm Credential field.

  5. Click Save to save your settings.

  6. Restart the WebLogic server.

    After this, you are ready to access the LDAP server with the following values:

    • the DN value for admin access is "cn=Admin"

    • the password is the value you entered in the Credential field

    • the port is the same as the admin port, which by default is 7001

Create an LDIF File

You can create an LDIF file with any text editor, and can include any attributes appropriate for the embedded LDAP directory. The objectclasses that are supported by default in the embedded LDAP server for WebLogic Server are the following:

  • person

  • inetOrgPerson

  • organizationalPerson

  • wlsUser

In order to interact successfully with the embedded LDAP server, you should understand the default layout of the directory information tree (DIT). The default layout in the embedded LDAP directory is shown in Figure 28-15.

Figure 28-15 Embedded LDAP Directory Information Tree

Description of Figure 28-15 follows
Description of "Figure 28-15 Embedded LDAP Directory Information Tree"


The naming attribute for the user entry in the embedded LDAP directory tree is "uid". This is different from the default configuration for Oracle Internet Directory (OID), where the naming attribute is "cn". Also, the location of the users in this tree is "ou=people,ou=myrealm,dc=wc_domain".

The following example shows an LDIF file with the attributes that are displayed in WebCenter Spaces user profile screens:

dn: uid=john.doe,ou=people,ou=myrealm,dc=wc_domain
description: John Doe
cn: john.doe
uid: john.doe
sn: Doe
objectclass: wlsUser
objectclass: organizationalperson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
userpassword: welcome1
displayName: John Doe
employeeNumber: 12345
employeeType: Regular
givenName: John
homePhone: 650-555-1212
title: Manager
manager: uid=mary.jones,ou=people,ou=myrealm,dc=wc_domain
preferredLanguage: en
departmentNumber: tools
facsimiletelephonenumber: 650-555-1200
mobile: 650-500-1200
pager: 650-400-1200
telephoneNumber: 650-506-1212
postaladdress: 200 Oracle Parkway
l: Redwood Shores
homepostaladdress: 123 Main St., Anytown 12345

To create a file with multiple user entries, just replicate the above lines as many times as required, with a blank line between entries.


WebCenter Spaces user profiles include some attributes that are only available in Oracle Internet Directory. These include the following attributes from the orclUserV2 objectclass:
  • orclTimeZone

  • orclDateOfBirth

  • maidenName

You cannot add these attributes to an embedded LDAP identity store.

Add the Users

The example below uses the ldappadd command, a part of the LDAP command line utilities provided with the Oracle Internet Directory server. For more information about using the ldappadd command, see "Oracle Internet Directory Data Management Tools" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User Reference for Oracle Identity Management.

ldapadd -h -p 7001 -D cn=Admin -w password -v -f newuser.ldif
add description:
        John Doe
add cn:
add uid:
add sn:
add objectclass:
add userpassword:
add displayname:
        John Doe
add employeenumber:
add employeetype:
add givenname:
add homephone:
add mail:
add title:
add manager:
add preferredlanguage:
add departmentnumber:
add facsimiletelephonenumber:
add mobile:
add pager:
add telephonenumber:
add postaladdress:
        200 Oracle Parkway
add l:
        Redwood Shores
add homepostaladdress:
        123 Main St., Anytown 12345
adding new entry uid=john.doe,ou=people,ou=myrealm,dc=wc_domain
modify complete

28.4 Managing Users and Application Roles

This section describes how you can use Fusion Middleware Control, WLST, and the runtime administration pages in WebCenter Spaces and WebCenter Portal applications to manage users and application roles.

This section contains the following subsections:

28.4.1 Granting the WebCenter Spaces Administrator Role

WebCenter Spaces only recognizes users in the identity store that is mapped by the first authenticator. Since the WebCenter Spaces Administrator account is initially created only in the embedded LDAP server, if an external LDAP such as Oracle Internet Directory is configured as the primary authenticator for WebCenter Spaces, you must also create a user in that LDAP and grant that user the WebCenter Spaces Administrator role.

You can grant a user the WebCenter Spaces Administrator role using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST as shown below in the sections on: Granting the WebCenter Spaces Administrator Role Using Fusion Middleware Control

This section describes how to grant the WebCenter Spaces administrator role to a user account other than the default "weblogic" account.

To grant the WebCenter Spaces Administrator role using Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Log into Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the WebCenter Spaces home page.

    For information on logging into Fusion Middleware Control, see Section 6, "Starting Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control."

  2. From the WebCenter menu, select Security -> Application Roles.

    The Application Roles page displays (see Figure 28-16).

    Figure 28-16 Application Roles Page

    Description of Figure 28-16 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-16 Application Roles Page"

  3. Search for the WebCenter Spaces Administrator role:

    1. Select Select Application Stripe to Search.

    2. Select webcenter.

    3. In the Role Name field, enter the following internal identifier for the Administrator role, and then click the Search (arrow) icon:


    The search should return s8bba98ff_4cbb_40b8_beee_296c916a23ed#-#Administrator, which is the administrator role identifier.

  4. Click the administrator role identifier in the Role Name column.

    The Edit Application Role page displays (see Figure 28-17).

    Figure 28-17 Edit Application Role Page

    Description of Figure 28-17 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-17 Edit Application Role Page"

  5. Click Add User.

    The Add User pop-up displays (see Figure 28-18).

    Figure 28-18 Add User Pop-up

    Description of Figure 28-18 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-18 Add User Pop-up"

  6. Use the Search function to search for the user to assign the Administrator role to.

  7. Use the arrow keys to move the user from the Available Users column to the Selected Users column, and click OK.

  8. On the Edit Application Role page, click OK.

  9. To remove the weblogic role, on the Edit Application Role page under Users, click weblogic and the click Delete.

  10. Restart the WC_Spaces managed server.

    When you login to WebCenter Spaces, the Administration link should appear and you should be able to perform all administrator operations. Granting the WebCenter Spaces Administrator Role Using WLST

To grant the WebCenter Administrator role to another user using WLST:

  1. Start WLST as described in Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands."

  2. Connect to the WebCenter Spaces Administration Server for the target domain with the following command:

    connect('user_name','password, 'host_id:port')


    • user_name is the name of the user account with which to access the Administration Server (for example, weblogic)

    • password is the password with which to access the Administration Server

    • host_id is the host ID of the Administration Server

    • port is the port number of the Administration Server (for example, 7001).

  3. Grant the WebCenter Spaces administrator application role to the user in Oracle Internet Directory using the grantAppRole command as shown below:

    grantAppRole(appStripe="webcenter", appRoleName="s8bba98ff_4cbb_40b8_beee_296c916a23ed#-#Administrator",
    principalClass="", principalName="wc_admin")

    Where wc_admin is the name of the administrator account to create.

  4. To test the new account, log into WebCenter Spaces using the new account name.

    The Administration link should appear, and you should be able to perform all administrator operations.

  5. After granting the WebCenter Spaces Administrator role to new accounts, remove this role from accounts that no longer need or require it using the WLST revokeAppRole command. For example, if WebCenter Spaces was installed with a different administrator user name than weblogic, the administrator role should be given to that user and should be revoked from the default weblogic.

    revokeAppRole(appStripe="webcenter", appRoleName="s8bba98ff_4cbb_40b8_beee_296c916a23ed#-#Administrator", 
    principalClass="", principalName="weblogic")

28.4.2 Granting Application Roles

This section describes how to add users to application roles using Fusion Middleware Control and WLST commands.

This section contains the following subsections: Granting Application Roles Using Fusion Middleware Control

This section describes how to grant an application role to users using Fusion Middleware Control.

  1. Log into Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the WebCenter Spaces or WebCenter Portal application home page.

    For information on logging into Fusion Middleware Control, see Section 6, "Starting Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control."

  2. From the WebCenter menu, select Security -> Application Roles.

    The Application Roles page displays (see Figure 28-19).

    Figure 28-19 Application Roles Page

    Description of Figure 28-19 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-19 Application Roles Page"

  3. Search for the WebCenter Spaces or WebCenter Portal application role:

    1. Select Select Application Stripe to Search.

    2. Sect the application stripe (webcenter for WebCenter Spaces).

    3. In the Role Name field, enter the name of the role you are looking for (for example, appConnectionManager), and then click the Search (arrow) icon:

      If you are not sure of the name, enter a partial search term or leave the field blank to display all the application roles.

  4. Click the role identifier in the Role Name column.

    The Edit Application Role page displays (see Figure 28-20).

    Figure 28-20 Edit Application Role Page

    Description of Figure 28-20 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-20 Edit Application Role Page"

  5. Click Add User.

    The Add User pop-up displays (see Figure 28-21).

    Figure 28-21 Add User Pop-up

    Description of Figure 28-21 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-21 Add User Pop-up"

  6. Use the Search function to search for the user to assign the application role to.

  7. Use the arrow keys to move the user from the Available Users column to the Selected Users column, and click OK.

  8. On the Edit Application Role page, click OK.

  9. Restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. For WebCenter Spaces this is always WC_Spaces. Granting Application Roles Using WLST

Use the grantAppRole command to grant an application role to a user. For syntax and usage information, see "grantAppRole" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

28.4.3 Using the Runtime Administration Pages

WebCenter Spaces provides a Security tab from which an administrator can define application roles and grant application roles to users defined in the identity store. For information about managing users and application roles in WebCenter Spaces, see "Managing Users and Roles for WebCenter Spaces" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


The "Allow Password Change" property, which specifies whether users can change their passwords within WebCenter Spaces, should be carefully controlled for corporate identity stores. WebCenter Spaces administrators can set this property from the Profile Management Settings page in WebCenter Spaces. For more information, see "Configuring Profiles" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

WebCenter Portal applications can provide a similar Security tab for application administrators. For details, see Section 34.4, "Managing Application Members and Roles."For more information about role-mapping for ADF-security based WebCenter applications, see the section What You May Need to Know About Application Roles and Enterprise Roles in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

28.5 Moving the Administrator Account to an External LDAP Server

When configuring the domain to use an external LDAP server, you can also optionally move the Fusion Middleware administrator account (weblogic by default) to the LDAP server.

If the Fusion Middleware administrator account, or any other appropriate user in LDAP, is in an LDAP group called "Administrators", then this account should be sufficient to manage the server, and the DefaultAuthenticator provider can be removed from the list of authentication providers. In this case, all users, including the administrator account, are authenticated against the external LDAP.

If you cannot create the weblogic (default) user in the external LDAP directory, there are two options. You can:

28.5.1 Migrating the WebCenter Discussions Server to Use an External LDAP

If you've installed Oracle WebCenter Discussions Server and choose not to move the administrator account to an external LDAP (as described in Section 28.5, "Moving the Administrator Account to an External LDAP Server"), you must perform some additional steps to identify the new administrator account for the discussions server prior to reordering the authenticators on the WebLogic Server:

  1. Select a user account from the external LDAP to be the administrator for the discussions server.

  2. Create an administrator account in the DefaultAuthenticator (that is, the embedded LDAP) that matches the one you selected from the external LDAP. The account names in the embedded LDAP and the external LDAP server must be the same.

    For information about adding users to the embedded LDAP, see Section 28.3, "Adding Users to the Embedded LDAP Identity Store."

  3. Log in to the Oracle WebCenter Discussions Server Admin Console with the boot-identity account (that is, weblogic) at:


    Where host and port are the host ID and port number of the WLS_Services managed server.

  4. Click Settings > Admins/Moderators.

    The Admins & Moderators page displays (see Figure 28-22).

    Figure 28-22 Admins & Moderators Page

    Description of Figure 28-22 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-22 Admins & Moderators Page"

  5. Click Grant New Permissions.

    The Grant New Permissions pane displays (see Figure 28-23).

    Figure 28-23 Grant New Permissions Pane

    Description of Figure 28-23 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-23 Grant New Permissions Pane"

  6. Grant System Admin privileges to the user you created, as shown in Figure 28-24.

    Figure 28-24 Grant New Permissions Pane with New User

    Description of Figure 28-24 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-24 Grant New Permissions Pane with New User"

  7. Click System > System Properties.

    The Jive Properties page displays (see Figure 28-25).

    Figure 28-25 Jive Properties Page

    Description of Figure 28-25 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-25 Jive Properties Page"

  8. Check that the properties marked in red have been added and are set as shown in Figure 28-25.

  9. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

    For information on logging in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console, see Section 1.13.2, "Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console."

  10. In the Domain Structure pane (see Figure 28-26), click Security Realms.

    Figure 28-26 Domain Structure Pane

    Description of Figure 28-26 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-26 Domain Structure Pane"

    The Summary of Security Realms pane displays (see Figure 28-27).

    Figure 28-27 Summary of Security Realms pane

    Description of Figure 28-27 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-27 Summary of Security Realms pane"

  11. In the Name column, click the realm for which you want to change the administrator group name.

    The Realm Settings pane displays (see Figure 28-28).

    Figure 28-28 Realm Settings Pane

    Description of Figure 28-28 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-28 Realm Settings Pane"

  12. Select the Providers tab and the Authentication sub-tab, and reorder the authentication providers so that the authenticator for the external LDAP appears at the top of the list as shown in the example in Figure 28-29:

    Figure 28-29 Providers Tab with Reordered Authentication Providers

    Description of Figure 28-29 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-29 Providers Tab with Reordered Authentication Providers"

  13. Restart the domain Administration Server and discussions server.

28.5.2 Changing the Administrator Group Name

You can change the group name to any other valid enterprise role in your LDAP server that contains users authorized to manage the domain. This lets you delegate the administration of specific domains in your enterprise. You can create various administration groups in the directory and have the corresponding domains be configured to use the appropriate group for defining its administrators.

The following example LDIF file creates an administrative group in Oracle Internet Directory:

dn: cn=wc_domain_Admin,cn=groups,dc=example,dc=com
cn: wc_domain_Admin
uniquemember: cn=joe.admin,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
owner: cn=orcladmin
displayname: WebLogic Administrators Group
description: WebLogic Administrators Group
objectclass: orclgroup
objectclass: groupofuniquenames

Once this group is created, you must update the role definition for the WebLogic Server global Admin role using the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

To update the role definition for the WebLogic Server global Admin role:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

    For information on logging into the WebLogic Server Administration Console, see Section 1.13.2, "Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console."

  2. In the Domain Structure pane (see Figure 28-30), click Security Realms.

    Figure 28-30 Domain Structure Pane

    Description of Figure 28-30 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-30 Domain Structure Pane"

    The Summary of Security Realms pane displays (see Figure 28-31).

    Figure 28-31 Summary of Security Realms pane

    Description of Figure 28-31 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-31 Summary of Security Realms pane"

  3. In the Name column, click the realm for which you want to change the administrator group name.

    The Realm Settings pane displays (see Figure 28-32).

    Figure 28-32 Realm Settings Pane

    Description of Figure 28-32 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-32 Realm Settings Pane"

  4. Open the Roles and Policies tab, and then the Realm Roles subtab.

    The Realm Roles settings pane displays (see Figure 28-33).

    Figure 28-33 Realm Roles Settings Pane

    Description of Figure 28-33 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-33 Realm Roles Settings Pane"

  5. Expand the Global Roles node, and then the Roles node.

  6. Click View Role Conditions for the Admin role.

    The Edit Global Role page displays (see Figure 28-34).

    Figure 28-34 Edit Global Role Page

    Description of Figure 28-34 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-34 Edit Global Role Page"

    By default, the Administrators group in Oracle Internet Directory (or other configured identity store) defines who has the administrator role in WebLogic Server.

  7. Click Add Conditions to add a different group name.

    The Edit Global Role - Predicate List page displays (see Figure 28-35).

    Figure 28-35 Edit Global Role Page - Predicate List

    Description of Figure 28-35 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-35 Edit Global Role Page - Predicate List"

  8. Select Group from the Predicate List list and click Next.

    The Edit Global Role - Arguments page displays (see Figure 28-36).

    Figure 28-36 Edit Global Role Page - Arguments

    Description of Figure 28-36 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-36 Edit Global Role Page - Arguments"

  9. Enter the name for the new administrator group and click Add.

  10. Select the pre-existing administrator group and click Remove to delete it leaving the new one you've selected in its place.

  11. Click Finish to save your changes.

    After making this change, any members of the new group specified are authorized to administer WebLogic Server.

28.6 Configuring the Oracle Content Server to Share the WebCenter Spaces Identity Store LDAP Server

Oracle Content Server (OCS) must be configured to use the same identity store LDAP server as Oracle WebCenter Spaces. For more information on configuring the OCS, see Chapter 11, "Managing Content Repositories" and also "Configuring the LDAP Identity Store Service" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide.

28.7 Aggregating Multiple Identity Store LDAP Servers Using libOVD

Sites with muliple identity stores can use libOVD to aggregate their user profile information. Two scenarios are covered in the step-by-step configuration instructions below:


If you are supporting self-registration with Active Directory, be sure to see the troubleshooting note in Section 27.3.3, "Users Cannot Self-Register when WebCenter Spaces Configured with Active Directory."

This section contains the following subsections:

28.7.1 Configuring libOVD for Identity Stores with Complete User Profiles

To configure libOVD where each identity store contains complete user profiles:

  1. Create the required authenticators in the WLS Admin Console for the identity stores being configured and restart the Weblogic Admin and Managed Servers for the domain. Alternatively, you can also configure the identity store information in jps-config.xml by hand.

  2. Update the identity store service instance in jps-config.xml and add a property virtualize with the value true. You can do this either by editing the jps-config.xml file by hand, or using Fusion Middleware Control.

  3. WebCenter lets users self-register, which creates a new user or group in the identity store. Since multiple identity stores are being used, you also need to explicitly specify the user create bases and group create bases in jps-config.xml. This step must be done by directly editing jps-config.xml.

    Thejps-config.xml file should look like the example below after the configuration.

    <serviceInstance provider="idstore.ldap.provider" name="idstore.ldap">
    <property value=""
    <property value=""
    <property value="true" name="virtualize"/>

    Be sure to replace the actual values for the user create base in "ou=people,ou=myrealm,dc=wc_domain" and group create base "ou=groups,ou=myrealm,dc=wc_domain."

28.7.2 Configuring libOVD for Identity Stores with Partial User Profiles

To configure libOVD where each identity store contains only partial user profiles:

  1. Create the required authenticators in the WLS Admin Console for the identity stores being configured and restart the Weblogic Admin and Managed Servers for the domain. Alternatively, you can also configure the identity store information in jps-config.xml by hand.

  2. Update the identity store service instance in jps-config.xml and add a property virtualize with the value true. You can do this either by editing thejps-config.xml file by hand, or using Fusion Middleware Control.

  3. WebCenter lets users self-register, which creates a new user or group in the identity store. Since multiple identity stores are being used, you also need to explicitly specify the user create bases and group create bases in jps-config.xml. This step must be done by directly editing jps-config.xml.

    Thejps-config.xml file should look like the example below after the configuration.

    <serviceInstance provider="idstore.ldap.provider" name="idstore.ldap">
    <property value=""
    <property value=""
    <property value="true" name="virtualize"/>

    In the above example "ou=people,ou=myrealm,dc=wc_domain" and "ou=groups,ou=myrealm,dc=wc_domain" are the user and group create bases respectively. The actual values should be substituted while doing the configuration.

  4. Run the following OVD WLST commands to configure the Join Adapter for the identity stores. Go to $MWHOME/oracle_common/common/bin and invoke (wlst.cmd in windows) and bring up the WLST prompt. Connect to the Weblogic Administration Server and run the following WLST commands.

    createJoinAdapter(adapterName="<Join Adapter Name>",  root="<Namespace>", primaryAdapter="<Primary adapter Name>")
    addJoinRule(adapterName="<Join Adapter Name>", secondary="<Secondary Adapter Name>", condition="<Join Condition>")

    If there are more secondary identity stores, then run the addJoinRule command for each secondary identity store.

    modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName="<AuthenticatorName>", attribute="visible", value="Internal")

    Run the above modifyLDAPAdapter command for each identity stores that is configured.


Authenticator 1:

In this example, the same user is available in both identity stores with some attributes in one store and some in the other. For this example, AD is the primary store and OID is the secondary store.

Authenticator Name: AD

User Base: cn=users,dc=acme,dc=com

Authenticator 2:

Authenticator Name: OID

User Base: cn=users,dc=oid,dc=com

Perform steps 1 - 3 above, specifying the user.create.bases and group.create.bases corresponding to the primary adapter's namespace.

Perform the following WLST commands:

createJoinAdapter(adapterName="JoinAdapter1", root="dc=acme,dc=com", primaryAdapter="AD")
addJoinRule(adapterName="JoinAdapter1", secondary="OID", condition="uid=cn")

"uid=cn" is the join condition in the above example, which indicates that if the uid value of a user in the secondary identity store (OID) matches with the cn value of the user in the primary identity store (AD), then the attributes will be combined.

modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName="OID", attribute="visible", value="Internal")
modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName="AD", attribute="visible", value="Internal")

Restart the WebLogic Administration server and Managed Servers.

28.7.3 Restoring the Single Authenticator

You can restore the single authenticator by removing the Join Adapter rule, thereby backing out the configuration done in Section 28.7.2, "Configuring libOVD for Identity Stores with Partial User Profiles."

To remove the Join Adapter rule, connect to the Weblogic Administration Server and run the following WLST commands:

modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName="oid auth", attribute="Visible", value="Yes")
modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName="AD", attribute="Visible", value="Yes"

Restart the WebLogic Administration server and Managed Servers and make sure that users from both identity stores are able to log in.

28.8 Configuring the REST Service Identity Asserter

This section describes how to configure an identity asserter for the REST service. For the REST service, including REST service APIs, to be used with WebCenter requires that an identity asserter be configured for it in the WebCenter domain identity store. The following sections show how to configure OPSS Trust Service instances and identity asserters for Oracle WebLogic Server.

This section contains the following subsections:

28.8.1 Understanding the REST Service Instance and Identity Asserter

Although WebCenter Portal applications, and other Oracle WebLogic applications, can use REST APIs to display information the way they need to, since such calls originate from the mid-tier, users will be prompted again to provide login credentials. To overcome this, we use perimeter authentication where the user identity is propagated in the HTTP header and asserted using the OPSS Trust Service Asserter.

In order to successfully propagate user identity from one application to another application, these applications must be using correctly configured Trust Service instances. Figure 28-37 shows the different components involved in the identity propagation and assertion.

Figure 28-37 REST Identity Propagation and Assertion

Description of Figure 28-37 follows
Description of "Figure 28-37 REST Identity Propagation and Assertion"

The following depicts the sequence of events involved in REST identity propagation and assertion:

  1. End clients (browsers, smart phone apps) connect to a WebCenter Portal application.

  2. The application page queries data from REST APIs and builds its own UI on top and therefore needs to call the REST end point.

  3. The WebCenter Portal application calls WebCenter Security API (WCSecurityUtility.issueTrustServiceSecurityToken) to issue the token used for securely propagating the user identity. The token is generated using the Trust Service Embedded Provider. Generated tokens are compressed to optimize token size and then BASE64-encoded to ensure that the token can be safely transported using an HTTP header.

  4. The WebCenter Portal application takes the issued token and adds it against the "Authorization" security header. The client then dispatches the token as part of its call to the REST URI.

  5. WebLogic Server checks if the identity asserter exists for the given token type.

  6. The identity asserter parses and verifies that the token is using OPSS Trust Service APIs.

  7. The asserter maps the username to a WLS username, a user Subject is established, and the call ends up on the REST application.

  8. The REST application recognizes that the user is already an authenticated user and sends a response. The WebCenter Portal application uses the response and shows the page to the end user.

28.8.2 Setting up the Client Application

This section describes how to configure the client for a REST service identity asserter.

To configure the client for a REST service identity asserter:

  1. Using JDeveloper, create the client application.

    The client application could be a JSE or a servlet application. The following example shows the skeleton of a sample client application.

    // The authenticated username
    // String user = "weblogic"; 
    // URL of the target application
    URL url = "http://host:port/destinationApp"; 
    String b64EncodedToken = WCSecurityUtility.issueTrustServiceSecurityToken()
    HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", AUTH_TYPE_NAME + " " + b64tok);
    BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String line = null;
    while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
  2. Create and configure the keystore.

    Create the keystore for the domain and then configure WebLogic Server for the identity asserter. The keystore is first provisioned for a client certificate and private key. The client certificate is then exported and imported into a trust key store.

    1. Create the keystore as shown in Section, "Creating the WebCenter Domain Keystore."

    2. Configure the keystore as shown in Section, "Configuring the Keystore with WLST," or Section, "Configuring the Keystore Using Fusion Middleware Control."

  3. Edit the jps-config.xml configuration file.

    1. Navigate to your domain_home/config/fmwconfig directory.

    2. Open the jps-config.xml file in a text editor.

    3. Modify the trust.provider.embedded propertySet node as below:

              <propertySet name="trust.provider.embedded">
                   ... existing entries
                  <property value="orakey" name="trust.aliasName"/>
                  <property value="orakey" name="trust.issuerName"/>


      trust.aliasName is the alias looked up by the identity asserter in the configured keystore for a certificate with which the asserter verifies the issued trust token.

      trust.issuerName is the alias looked up by the token issuer to look up the private key with which the trust token is issued/signed.

  4. If the client and REST applications are in different domains, repeat these steps for both domains.

  5. Restart all servers.

28.8.3 Configuring the WLS Trust Service Asserter

This section describes how to configure the WebLogic Server Trust Service asserter.

To configure the WebLogic Server Trust Service asserter:

  1. Log into the WebLogic Administration Console as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to Security Realms -> myrealm.

  3. Open the Providers tab, and then the Authentication subtab.

    The Create a New Authentication Provider page displays.

  4. Enter the Name of the new asserter (for example, TrustServiceIdAsserter).

  5. Select TrustServiceIdentityAsserter as the asserter Type.

    This asserter calls the Trust Service APIs to decode and validate the token from the incoming request, and pass the username to the WebLogic for establishing the asserted subject.

  6. Click OK to save your changes.