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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Oracle Design to Release Integration Pack for Agile PLM Product Lifecycle Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Implementation Guide
Release 11.1

Part Number E22282-03
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2 Process Integration for Initial Load of Items and Bill of Materials

This chapter provides an overview of the integration flow for initial loads and discusses:

2.1 Overview

The initial load is a one-way process that loads data from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne into Agile PLM in bulk.

We assume that no items or BOMs exist within Agile PLM while the initial load is being performed. After the initial load, items and BOMs are maintained in Agile PLM. When the items and BOMs are modified in Agile PLM, the system moves these changes to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne by using the Engineering Change Order Release integration flow.


We strongly recommend that you perform the initial load process only one time. After the successful initial load from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne into Agile PLM, you should not perform this process over the same data. However, after you load the business data initially, you can run the initial load process to load new data that was not previously integrated.

To load data from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Agile PLM, run the extract programs in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. These programs generate XML files that contain the data to be uploaded into Agile PLM. These files are written to the folders on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. The location of these folders is specified in the processing options of the extract programs. The details of the individual extract programs and files are discussed later in this chapter.

After creating the XML files, you can use two methods to pass the data to Agile PLM:

If you use the FTP method, the initial load process for item and BOMs data requires a configured FTP adapter to monitor the JDEE1In folder for newly created extract files. When the FTP adapter locates a new file, the appropriate Mediator process debatches the files into separate instances. Use debatching to split large XML files into several smaller XML files.

You can also use a Weblogic Server to move the XML files to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne in a folder on the Weblogic Server. If you use this method, the appropriate mediator process detects the file and debatches it into separate instances.

After the XML files are debatched, routing services route each XML file to the appropriate item and BOMs initial load from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Agile PLM BPEL Service. This BPEL service then invokes a Java utility to execute Agile Integration Services (AIS), which import the data through a change order. Then the InvokeSDK Java utility is executed using Agile Software Development Kit (SDK) to release the change order.


If you use the FTP method for the initial load, configure an FTP server on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise server. You should configure the FTP adapter to use the FTP connection set up on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server.

2.2 Item and Bill of Materials Initial Load Integration Flow

This section discusses:

2.2.1 Item Initial Load Flow

Item data is stored in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne in the Item Master table (F4101) and Item Branch table (F4102). This piece of the process integration enables users to extract item and item branch information from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and load it into Agile PLM.

Users can select items that are extracted from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and loaded into Agile PLM using selection criteria that includes category codes.

To extract initial load item records from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, run the Item Initial Load Extract batch program (R4101D3). This program creates an XML file and, if it completes successfully, it creates a PDF with a successful completion message and the number of items extracted. The XML file is stored in a folder on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server. Specify the location of the folder in the processing options of the R4101D3 program.

After the files are written to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server, one of these consumer services retrieves and debatches the XML files:

  • ItemInitialLoadExtractJDEE1FTPConsumer_ep

    Use this consumer service when you configure the FTP adapter to locate files.

  • ItemInitialLoadExtractJDEE1FileConsumer_epUse this consumer service to retrieve files from the JDEE1In folder in the Weblogic Server.

After a file is written to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server, the appropriate consumer service retrieves and debatches the XML file. XML debatching allows the large XML file created by the extract program to be split into several smaller XML files. The routing service then routes each individual XML file to InitialLoadItemListJDEE1toAgileImpl. This BPEL service transforms the list of items in R4101D3.xml into an XML.xsd format and writes the file with the name agile<BPELInstance>.xml. The BPEL then invokes a Java utility that picks up the agile<BPELInstance >.xml file, zips it, and saves it as agile<BPELInstance >.axml. Then the utility invokes an ant script to call an Agile Integration Service (AIS) Java utility to import the data stored in the agile< BPELInstance >.axml file as a change order. Another Java utility is then invoked to call an ant script to invoke an Agile SDK-built Java utility to release the change order.

Figure 2-1 illustrates the integration flow for initial load:

Figure 2-1 Integration flow for initial load

This image is described in surrounding text

2.2.2 BOM Initial Load Flow

BOM data is stored in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne in the Bill of Material table (F3002). Item information, such as Parent Item Rev Number and Component Stocking Type, is stored in the Item Master table (F4101). This part of the process integration enables users to extract BOM information from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and load it into Agile PLM.

Users can select BOMs that are extracted from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and loaded into Agile PLM using selection criteria within the extract UBE.

To extract initial load BOM records from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, run the BOM Initial Load Extract batch program (R3002D). This program creates an XML file and, if it completes successfully, it creates a PDF with a successful completion message and the number of records extracted. The XML file is stored in a folder on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise server. Specify the location of the folder in the processing options of the R3002D program.

After a file is written to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server, the appropriate consumer service retrieves and debatches the XML file. XML debatching allows the large XML file created by the extract program to be split into several smaller XML files. The routing service then routes each individual XML file to InitialLoadBillOfMaterialsListJDEE1toAgileImpl. This BPEL service transforms the list of BOMs in R3002.xml into an XML.xsd format and writes the file with the name agile<BPELInstance>.xml. Then the BPEL invokes a Java utility that picks up the agile< BPELInstance >.xml file, zips it, and saves it as agile< BPELInstance >.axml. Then the utility invokes an ant script to call AIS to import the data stored in the agile<SEQ>.axml file. Another Java utility is then invoked to call an ant script to invoke an Agile SDK-built Java utility to release the change order.

The system uses one of these consumer services to retrieve and debatch the XML files:

  • BillOfMaterialsInitialLoadExtractJDEE1FTPConsumer_ep

    Use this consumer service to configure the FTP adapter to locate files.

  • BillOfMaterialsInitialLoadExtractJDEE1FileConsumer_ep

    Use this consumer service to retrieve files from the JDEE1In folder in the Weblogic Server.

2.2.3 Initial Load Orchestration

Figure 2-2 illustrates the orchestration of the initial load from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Agile PLM:

Figure 2-2 Orchestration of initial load from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Agile PLM

This image is described in surrounding text

Table 2-1 lists the results of each activity involved in an initial load:

Table 2-1 Activities in Initial Load

Step Activity Result

Initial Load

Run R4101D3 to export


R4101D3_mmddyy_hhmmss.xml file is placed in

the location specified in the UBE processing option



DEE1FileConsumer or



reads and debatches the


Batch size is determined from the BatchSize

property in




The system invokes the


1toAgileImpl BPEL


ItemList ABM is transformed into ItemListAXML,

and agile<instanceid>.xml is written with the file



The system invokes AIS

Importer to create a

change order

AIS adds affected items to an ECO and imports

items in redline mode


The system retrieves the

AIS Result.xml file for

error handling

Result<InstanceId>.xml file is retrieved through

file adapter and stops processing in case of any



The system invokes

SDK methods to release

the change order

ReleaseECO SDK is invoked to advance the ECO

to Released status


The system invokes

SDK methods to release

the change order

ReleaseECO SDK is invoked to advance the ECO

to Released status


The system retrieves the

SDK Result.xml file for

error handling

Result<InstanceId>.xml file is retrieved through

file adapter and stops processing in case of any


BOM Initial Load



Run R3002D to export


R3002D _mmddyy_hhmmss.xml file is placed in

the location specified in the UBE processing options



adExtractJDEE1FileConsumer or


adExtractJDEE1FtpConsumer reads and debatches the file

The batch size is determined from the BatchSize

Property in




The system invokes the


lsListJDEE1toAgileImplBPEL service

ItemBOM application business message (ABM) is

transformed into ItemBOMAXML, and

agile<instanceid>.xml is written with the file adapter


The system invokes AIS Importer to create a change order

AIS adds Affected Items and BOM to an ECO and imports BOM in redline mode


The system retrieves the

AIS Result.xml file for

error handling

Result<InstanceId>.xml file is retrieved through

file adapter and stops processing in case of any



The system invokes

SDK methods to release

the change order

ReleaseECO SDK is invoked to advance the ECO

to Released status


The system retrieves the

SDK Result.xml file for

error handling

Result<InstanceId>.xml file is retrieved through

file adapter and stops processing in case of any


2.3 Solution Assumptions and Constraints

This design assumes that the following statements are true:

  1. While installing this integration, items and BOMs from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne does not exist in Agile PLM.

  2. When multi site is enabled in Agile PLM, the system sets corresponding sites in Agile PLM, through the AGILE_TARGET_SITE_MAPPING domain value map (DVM), for all items with branch/plants.

  3. When multi site is enabled in Agile PLM, the system does not load item initial load batches containing all nonstock items.

    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users can add a data selection of STKT != 'N' in R4101D3 to filter out nonstock items if they choose not to send them.

  4. You run the R3002D - BOM Initial Load Extract UBE with appropriate processing options set up to retrieve the Parent Item Revision Level; otherwise, the system populates the PARENT_ITEM_REVISION_LEVEL Property in AIA configuration properties with the value to be used as a parent item revision level.

  5. The system accepts only BOM types that match the "DEFAULT_BOM_TYPE" property in the AIA configuration properties.

    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users can add a data selection in the TBM field to match the value defined in the 'DEFAULT_BOM_TYPE' property.

  6. The system accepts only BOMs with a batch quantity of zero (0).

    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users can add a data selection of BQTY = 0 to extract BOMs with a batch quantity equal to zero.

  7. The system loads BOM components with the same branch/plant as the parent branch plant into Agile PLM; it filters out other components.

    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users can filter these components by setting the R3002D processing option "Selection for Components" as blank.

  8. The system does not accept nonstock BOM components when multi site is enabled in Agile PLM.

    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users can choose to not send nonstock components in an Agile PLM No-Site configuration by adding a data selection for STKT != 'N' when running the R3002D UBE.

  9. The system considers multiple BOMs for the same parent item as duplicates, and it does not accept them when multi site is not enabled in Agile PLM.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users can set appropriate data selections for Branch (MMCU), BOM Type (TBM), Batch Quantity (BQTY), and Batch UOM (UOM) such that only single BOM is selected for a parent Item.

2.4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Interfaces

Table 2-2 lists the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne XSD files:

Table 2-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne XSD files

Interface Description



Contains Item ABM


Contains Import Data AIS Execution Result ABM


Contains Release ECO SDK Execution Result ABM



Contains BOM ABM


Contains Import Data AIS Execution Result ABM


Contains Release ECO SDK Execution Result ABM

2.5 Core AIA Components

Table 2-3 lists the industry components for process integration for initial load:

Table 2-3 Industry components for Initial Load

Services BOM Item


R3002.xsd - JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BOM ABM

axml_9226.xsd- Agile PLM BOM ABM

axml_93.xsd - Agile PLM BOM ABM for Agile 9.3

aXML_931.xsd - Agile PLM BOM ABM for Agile 9.31

ImportAISResult.xsd - AIS Result ABM

R4101D3.xsd - JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Item ABM

aXML_9226.xsd - Agile Item ABM

axml_93.xsd - Agile Item ABM for Agile 9.3

aXML_931.xsd - Agile PLM BOM ABM for Agile 9.31

ReleaseECOSDKResult.xsd - SDK Result ABM







Components Locations

Table 2-4 lists the locations of components:

Table 2-4 Location of Components

Components Locations

Application Business Objects, ABM, and Common XSD files



