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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Oracle Design to Release Integration Pack for Agile PLM Product Lifecycle Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Implementation Guide
Release 11.1

Part Number E22282-03
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4 Process Integration for Item Balance Updates

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for item balance updates and discusses:

4.1 Overview

You complete the update of item balance information from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Agile PLM as a batch process. A new Universal Batch Engine (UBE) program extracts the list of items whose quantity values must be updated in Agile PLM.

You schedule the execution of Item Balance Data Extract UBE R41021D. This program generates an XML file that contains records containing calculated quantity information for items summarized at the branch/plant level based on information from the item location file and user-defined availability constants that are updated into Agile PLM.

Because this is an update to Agile PLM, the items in the XML input file should already exist in Agile PLM, to verify this, check the cross-reference record. If a cross-reference record exists for the item, then Agile PLM updates the corresponding item record with item balance information from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. If no cross-reference record exists for the item, then Agile PLM does not update the item record (it is skipped).

Item balance information flows one way, from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Agile PLM. Agile PLM uses this data strictly for informational purposes to help with product design. You should not change these values in Agile PLM. If you change these values, they will not be sent to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Use R41021D to retrieve the list of Items for which availability information has changed after the last successful run (the last successful run date and time is stored in an IntegrationTimeStampTable, F0095 for this UBE) or the As of Date specified in the processing option for the purpose of updating item availability information from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Agile PLM.

The system writes this file to a folder on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise server. The location of this folder is specified in the processing options of the extract program.

After creating the XML files, you can use one of two methods to pass the data to Agile PLM:

If you use the FTP method, you must configure an FTP adapter to monitor the JDEdwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server folders for newly created extract files. When the FTP adapter locates a new file, the appropriate Mediator process debatches the files into separate instances. You use debatching to split large XML files into several smaller XML files.

Alternatively, you can move the XML files to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne JDEE1In folder on the Weblogic Server. If you use this method, the appropriate Enterprise Business Service (EBS) process detects the file and debatches it into separate instances.

After the XML files are debatched, routing services route each XML file to UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl.

For more information, see Setting Up Batch Processing Information.

The UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl performs the following actions:


f you use the FTP method, you must configure an FTP server on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. Configure the FTP adapter to use the FTP connection that is set up on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server.

4.2 Item Balance Updates Process Integration

Figure 4-1 illustrates the update item balance flow from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Agile PLM:

Figure 4-1 Update item balance integration flow

This image is described in surrounding text

Update item balance process flow includes the following steps:

  1. The requester ABCS, defined as an asynchronous process, receives a list of ABMs from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UBE batch extracts.

    The list contains ABMs that have update_date greater than the last_successful_run_date of the batch program.

  2. The requester BPEL process filters the list of ABMs based on the ID to a list of ABMs those IDs are present in the cross-reference tables in the Fusion Middleware (FMW) layer

    This provides a list of items that were from Agile PLM. The original list of ABMs may also contain ABMs from non-Agile PLM sources as well.

  3. The BPEL process then makes a Mediator call out for end-point virtualization.

  4. A transformation converts the ABM to an EBM.

  5. An asynchronous request-delayed response call is made to the ItemBalanceEBS with the UpdateItemBalanceListEBM.

  6. The BPEL instance is invoked when the asynchronous call gets back from the provider and provides the status of the transaction back to the caller.

    Performance is not affected because it is a scheduled call and is invoked by server not by a user.

  7. The concurrent program logs the status of this call.

4.2.1 Item Balance Update Orchestration

Table 4-1 lists the activities involved in item balance update orchestration:

Table 4-1 Activities Related to Item Balance Update Orchestration

Step Activity Remarks


Run R41021D to export items

This activity occurs when you update item balance-related information in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne


ItemBalanceListExtractJDEE1FTPConsumer or ItemBalanceListExtractJDEE1FileConsumer reads and debatches the file

The system triggers ItemBalanceListExtractJDEE1Consumer


The system triggers an Oracle item balance action

An Oracle item balance action invokes UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl


UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl invokes ItemBalanceEBS

An invoke activity in UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl invokes the UpdateItemBalanceList operation on ItemBalanceEBS with UpdateItemBalanceListEBM as input


ItemBalanceEBS invokes UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl

ItemBalanceEBS sends UpdateItemBalanceListEBM as input to UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl


UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl invokes the Agile PLM item balance web service

UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl transforms the UpdateItemBalanceListEBM to AgileUpdateItemListABM and invokes the UpdateItem service operation on the Agile web service to update item on-hand quantity information from Oracle to Agile PLM.

Note: The UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl composite uses the oracle/wss_http_token_client_policy client security policy while calling the ItemABS service hosted on the Agile server. The security credentials for this are stored in the csf-key AgileWebServicesKey on Fusion Middleware (FMW). The Agile username and password must be setup correctly so that the Agile service is invoked successfully from the AIA composite in the FMW layer.

The system returns AgileUpdateItemListResponseABM to UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl.


UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl sends a response back to ItemBalanceResponseEBS

UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl transforms AgileUpdateItemListResponseABM to UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM and returns it to ItemBalanceResponseEBS


ItemBalanceResponseEBS sends the UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM to UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl

ItemBalanceResponseEBS sends the UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM to UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl

4.3 Solution Assumptions and Constraints

If item balance information needs to be retrieved from multiple branches or plants in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, the system must meet these constraints:

  1. Configure Agile PLM Multi-Sites.

  2. Establish one-to-one mapping between Agile PLM sites and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne branch/plants.

  3. Locate the attributes to be updated with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data on the Sites tab of the item.

    Agile PLM Multi-Sites are not required. You can update any Title Block or Page Two attribute with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne IntegrationTimeStampManager Business service updates the last batch extract date and time with the enterprise server date and time.

4.4 Agile PLM Interfaces

Table 4-2 lists the Agile PLM Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files:

Table 4-2 Agile PLM Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files

Interface Description



Used to update an item balance information in Agile PLM

Table 4-3 lists the Agile PLM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files:

Table 4-3 Agile PLM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files

Interface Description




Contains the update item balance information request and response ABO and ABM

4.5 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Interfaces

Table 4-4 lists the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne WSDL files:

Table 4-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne WSDL files

Interface Description



Updates time stamp file F0095 in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Table 4-5 lists the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne XSD files:

Table 4-5 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne XSD files

Interface Description



Contains Update Item Balance List Request ABM

4.6 Core AIA Components

Table 4-6 lists the components used in the process integration flow for update item balance:

Table 4-6 Components for update item balance process flow

Component Name









Table 4-7 lists the locations of components:

Table 4-7 Location of Components

Component Location

EBO and EBM XSD files


WSDL files


For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information about using the Oracle Enterprise Repository and configuring it to provide the AIA Reference Doc link, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected, and remains intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1.

4.6.1 Agile PLM and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Components for Update Item Balance

Table 4-8 lists the Agile PLM and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne components for update item balance:

Table 4-8 Components for update item balance

Service JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (Requester) Agile PLM (Provider)











Table 4-9lists the locations of components:

Table 4-9 Location of Components

Component Location

Application Business Objects, ABM, and Common XSD files


WSDL files


4.7 Integration Services

The process integration flow for update item balance uses these integration services:

4.7.1 ItemBalanceEBS

ItemBalanceEBS is the Enterprise EBS that exposes the operations related to the item integration on the item EBO. The routing rules are:

  • ItemBalanceEBS


    Routes UpdateItemBalanceListEBM to UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl

  • ItemBalanceResponseEBS


    Routes UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM to UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl

4.7.2 UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl

UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl transforms the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne message (UpdateItemBalanceListABM) into UpdateItemBalanceListEBM and calls the routing service to update item balance list attributes. It then gets the UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM response from Agile PLM and invokes the Integration Time Stamp Manager service to update the integration time stamp table with the last runtime and date.

Process flow:

  1. Picks up the xml file based on the properties set in the file/ftp consumer

  2. Receives UpdateItemBalanceListABM from file/ftp consumer

  3. Transforms JD Edwards EnterpriseOne specific UpdateItemBalanceListABM into UpdateItemBalanceListEBM and populates the EBM header

  4. Calls the ItemBalanceEBS service to send message UpdateItemBalanceListEBM to UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl

  5. Receives UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM from ItemBalanceResponseEBS

  6. Calls the Integration Time Stamp Manager service to update the integration time stamp table with the last runtime and date

  7. UpdateItemBalanceListJDEE1ReqABCSImpl has the following transformation:


4.7.3 UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl

Use UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl to facilitate communications between ItemBalanceEBS and the Agile PLM web service used for updating quantity information of the items in batch mode in Agile PLM.

Process flow:

  1. Receives UpdateItemBalanceListReqMsg that contains UpdateItemBalanceListEBM

  2. Calls transform operation to convert UpdateItemBalanceListEBM into AgileUpdateItemListABM

  3. Passes AgileUpdateItemListABM as input to the web service operation UpdateItems (coarse-grained application programming interfaces (APIs) on the Agile PLM side) to update items in Agile PLM

  4. Receives AgileUpdateItemListResponseABM on successful execution of coarse-grained API

  5. Transforms AgileUpdateItemListResponseABM to UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM, which is returned as output of this BPEL process

  6. If the UpdateItems service operation fails on the Agile PLM side, generates a new fault and sends it across with an appropriate error message