Capturing Analytic Instances

This chapter provides an overview of the Analytic Instance Capture Utility and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Analytic Instance Capture Utility

When customers report a problem in an application that uses Analytic Calculation Engine or PeopleSoft Optimization Framework, they often need to send the relevant data and metadata to PeopleSoft engineers who can then review the problem. Using the Analytic Instance Capture Utility, customers can package the data and metadata in a form that they can send to PeopleSoft for analysis and debugging. PeopleSoft developers then employ the Analytic Instance Capture Utility to unpackage (import) the data for analysis.

The Analytic Instance Capture Utility works across platforms. For example, there should be no problem if a customer exports data from an Oracle database and then PeopleSoft user support imports it into Microsoft SQL Server. The same is true if the data is exported, for instance, from a UNIX platform and imported into Windows.

Note. The machines being used to import and export data must be on identical versions of PeopleTools.

The Analytic Instance Capture Utility is not intended to handle major problems, such as crashes. Instead, it focuses on data problems—for example, when customers discover incorrectly calculated application data and want PeopleSoft developers to help determine the source of these calculations errors.

Note. Before using the Analytic Instance Capture Utility to communicate with PeopleSoft support, you should attempt to diagnose the problem by using the Analytic Model Viewer.

See Viewing and Debugging Analytic Models.

Click to jump to parent topicCapturing Analytic Instance Data

You need to capture the relevant data and metadata before sending it to PeopleSoft support for diagnosis. You can capture the data by loading an analytic instance and then exporting it with the Analytic Instance Capture Utility.

By default, the Analytic Instance Capture Utility exports the analytic instance to a directory that it creates entitled <PS_HOME>\appserv\<domain>\LOGS\<analytic instance><timestamp>. For example, if you export an analytic instance named ACEINST, the resulting export directory is named something like <PS_HOME>\appserv\<domain>\LOGS\ACEINST_20041113_015912. A valid export directory will by default include the following files. If not, the export was not successful:

See Loading and Unloading Analytic Instances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Export Analytic Instances

Page Name

Definition Name



Analytic Instance Load/Unload


PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Analytic Instance Load/Unload

Load or unload an analytic instance.

Export Instance


PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Analytic Server Administration. Click the Export Instance tab

Export an analytic instance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExporting Analytic Instances

To access the Export Instance page in PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Analytic Server Administration.

    The Analytic Domain Summary page appears.

  2. Select the Export Instance tab.

    The Export Instance page appears.

This is an example of the Export Instance page:

To export an analytic instance:

  1. Load the analytic instance.

    See Loading and Unloading Analytic Instances.

  2. In PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture, select PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Analytic Server Administration.

  3. Select the Export Instance tab.

  4. (Optional) Select whether to filter the loaded analytic instances, either by analytic type or by model name.

  5. Click the Search button to display the designated loaded analytic instances.

  6. Click the option button to the left of the analytic instance that you want to export.

    Although you can load multiple analytic instances, you can export only one at a time.

  7. Click the Export Instance button.

    The Export Result text box displays the status of the export operation. This message lists:

  8. Retrieve the exportResults.txt file for specific details on how to export this analytic instance.

  9. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, create a project that has the same name as the export directory that was created during the export procedure.

    Remember, the export process creates a directory whose name consists of the analytic instance name followed by the date and timestamp. For example, if the analytic instance is named ACEINST, the directory might be named ACEINST_20041113_015912.

    See Working With Projects.

  10. Select Insert, Definitions into Project and insert the items listed in the exportResults.txt file into the project.

  11. Save the project.

  12. Select Tools, Copy Project, To File.

  13. Select <PS_HOME>\appserv\<domain>\LOGS\<analytic instance><timestamp> as the export directory and then click the Copy button.

  14. Zip the contents of <PS_HOME>\appserv\<domain>\LOGS\<analytic instance><timestamp> and send it to PeopleSoft user support.

Click to jump to parent topicImporting Analytic Instance Data

After the customer packages the analytic instance and sends it to PeopleSoft user support, user support must import that data to diagnose the customer issue.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Create Analytic Instance


PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Analytic Inst. Create/Del/Copy

Create an analytic instance.

Analytic Instance Load/Unload


PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Analytic Instance Load/Unload

Load or unload an analytic instance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting Analytic Instances

To import an analytic instance:

  1. Unzip the packaged analytic instance into the directory of your choice—for example, c:\TEMP.

  2. Read the importDirections.txt file for explicit details about how to import this analytic instance.

  3. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, select Tools, Copy Project, From File.

  4. Search for the project named <analytic instance><timestamp>.

    This project, which is the result of the export functionality, should be located in the c:\TEMP\<analytic instance> directory. For example, if the analytic instance is named ACEINST, the directory would be named something like c:\TEMP\ACEINST_20041113_015912.

  5. Access the Create Analytic Instance page and create an analytic instance named <analytic instance>—for example, ACEINST.

    See Creating, Deleting, and Copying Analytic Instances.

  6. Access the Analytic Instance Load/Unload page and perform these steps:

    See Loading and Unloading Analytic Instances.

    1. Select the name of the directory you just created.

    2. Select the Import From File check box.

    3. Enter the import directory name in the File Directory text box.

    4. Click the Load Analytic Instance button.