Searching For and Adding Documents

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSearching for Document Definitions

Use the Document Builder search page to locate document definitions in the database. To access the Document Builder search page, select PeopleTools, Documents, Document Builder and click the Find an Existing Value tab. The following example shows the page:

You can locate a document in the system by searching by one or more of the following attributes: package name, document name, and version number. To specify an attribute, enter the value in the corresponding field or click the Lookup button to search from all values in the database.

To search for documents:

  1. Access the Document Builder search page (PeopleTools, Documents, Document Builder).

    The search page appears.

  2. Click the Find an Existing Value tab if it is not already selected.

  3. Enter a value in one or more of the following fields:

    1. In the Package field, enter the package name or click the Lookup button to search for a value.

    2. In the Document field, enter the document name or click the Lookup button to search for a value.

    3. In the Version field, enter the document version or click the Lookup button to search for a value.

      Note. To display all document definitions in the database, leave all fields blank and click the Search button.

  4. Click the Search button.

    The search results appear in the Search Results grid at the bottom of the page.

  5. In the Search Results grid, locate and click the document with which to work.

The document definition appears in the Document Builder.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Document Definitions

This section provides information about naming documents and discusses how to add document definitions to the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Naming Document Definitions and XML Root Tag Names

By default, the document name you specify when you add a document to the system also becomes the name of the XML root tag that appears in XML document schema. However you can specify a different root tag name on the XML tab in the XML Schema Details section in the Root Tag field.

The character field limit for document names is 100 characters. The character field limit for root tag names is 30 characters.

If the document name exceeds 30 characters, the system automatically populates the Root Tag field with only the first 30 characters of the document name. However, the full document name, up to the document name character limit of 100, appears in the generated XML document schema. The exception is if you modify the Root Tag field; if you choose to do so, that value is used as the root tag element in generated schema.

See Also

Defining XML Schema Details

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Documents

Use the Document Builder Add a New Value page (IB_MSGSEARCH_ADD) to add a new document to the database. To access the page, select PeopleTools, Documents, Document Builder and click the Add a New Value tab. The following example shows the Document Builder Add a New Value page:

After you complete naming the document, you must click the Add button and add at least one child element to the document before you can save it in the database.

To add a document definition:

  1. Access the Document Builder Search page (PeopleTools, Documents, Document Builder).

    The search page appears.

  2. Click the Add a New Value tab.

  3. In the Package field, enter a package name.

    The package name is limited to 100 characters.

  4. In the Document field, enter a document name.

    By default, the value you enter in this field becomes the XML root element name for the document.

    Information to consider about naming documents, including character limits, is discussed elsewhere in this chapter.

    See Understanding Naming Document Definitions and XML Root Tag Names.

  5. In the Version field, enter a document version.

    The version is limited to 30 characters.

  6. Click the Add button.

The document definition appears in the Document Builder - Document page as shown in the following example:

When you create a new document, the root element appears in the document tree. However, the definition is not yet saved in the database. You must add at least one child element to the document before you can save it in the database.