Managing Pub/Sub Server Domains

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Managing Pub/Sub Domains

PeopleSoft Integration Broker includes a set of Oracle Tuxedo servers that monitor database tables and process items in the tables. The processing can include running PeopleCode programs, creating publication and subscription contracts, and so forth.

The Domain Status page enables you to view the domains that have pub/sub servers on them that are running against the application database. You can also use this page to manually set domain grace periods to allow processing in a domain to finish before you pause the processing or take the domain offline.

In addition, if a machine with a domain on it crashes, the integration system may still operate as if the processes in the domain are still working on items in the runtime tables. The Domain Status page enables you to set the domains to inactive so that other pub/sub servers can complete the processing of these items. This enables you to recover from domain and machine crashes.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with the Domain Status Page

The Domain Status page (AMM_MULTIDOM) features three sections, the Domain Criteria section, the Domain Status section, and the Dispatcher Status section.

The following example shows the Domain Status page:

The Domain Criteria section enables you to perform actions on all domains in the integration system, such as apply a grace period to all domains, activate or inactivate all domains, and purge the current information in the Dispatcher Status section.

The Domains section enables you to activate and inactivate domain status and set domain grace periods. You can also use this section to view failover information for a domain.

The Domain Status section provides application server name and path information for all machines that have domains on the messaging system. For any machine, you can use the drop-down list box to activate or inactivate the machine and all domains on it. You can also set grace periods for domains on specific machines.

The Domain Status page also features the following controls:

Purge Domain Status

Click to purge all of the current status information in the Dispatcher Status section. After you click this button, the system populates the section with information about all processes that are still running.

Note. Purging domain status purges all domains, including the domain on which the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture (PIA) is running. Click the Refresh button to refresh information about the domain running PIA. The rate at which the system re-registers information for the domain running PIA depends on the scan interval setting in PSAdmin.


Click to saves or apply changes that you make in the Domain Criteria section or the Domain Status section.

Force Reset

Click to reset the status of all entries in the Dispatcher Status column in the Dispatcher Status section to Inactive.


Click to refresh the Domains section and Dispatcher Status section of the page.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Dispatcher Status

The Dispatcher Status section of the Domain Status page displays information about machines in the integration system that have dispatcher processes associated with them. This area displays the machine name, the dispatcher process name, the application server path, the dispatcher status, and any grace periods set for a process running on the domain.

There are three valid dispatcher status values:


Indicates that the dispatcher process is active on the domain.


Indicates that the dispatcher process is inactive on the domain. No processing occurs.


Indicates that the dispatcher process is in clean-up mode. The pub/sub server releases queued items for processing and waits for items currently processing to finish.

The time that appears in the grace period column indicates when the cleanup process will end. The time equals the system time and the clean up time interval that you enter.

Click to jump to parent topicActivating Pub/Sub Server Domains

Before you can use the pub/sub system, you must activate the domain on which a pub/sub server resides.

To activate a domain:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Operations Monitor, Administration, Domain Status..

    The Domain Status page appears.

  2. In the Domains section:

    1. Locate the row that lists the machine where the domain resides that you want to activate.

    2. In the Domain Status drop-down list box, select Active.

  3. Click the Update button.

Click to jump to parent topicInactivating Pub/Sub Server Domains

To inactivate pub/sub servers on domains:

  1. Inactivate pub/sub server domains:

    1. To inactivate domains on all machines in the messaging system, select the All Domains Inactive check box. To activate the servers at a later time, select the All Domains Active box.

    2. To inactivate domains on individual machines, locate the domains to inactivate. In the drop-down list box, select Inactivate. To activate the servers at a later time, select Activate in the list.

  2. Click the Update button.

The domain status for the domains that you inactivate changes from Active to Inactive. In addition, in the Dispatcher Status section, the dispatcher status of all processes associated with the domains changes from active (ACT) to cleanup (CLNUP). Click the Refresh button until the dispatcher status changes to inactive (INACT).

If you inactivated all domains, a Force Reset button appears under the Update button. The Force Reset button enables you to force the dispatcher status to change from cleanup to inactive.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Dispatcher Status for Processes

The Force Reset button appears only when you change the domain status for all domains on all machines by selecting the All Domains Inactive check box.

To change dispatcher status for all processes on all machines from cleanup to inactive:

  1. Click the Force Reset button.

  2. Click Update.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Domain Grace Periods

The time that appears in the Grace Period column indicates when the cleanup process ends. The time equals the system time and the cleanup time interval that you enter.

To set one grace period to apply to domains on all machines, locate the Grace Period for all Domains field in the Domain Criteria section and enter the number of minutes for the grace period. Click Update.

To set grace periods for individual domains, enter the number of minutes for the grace period for each domain. Click Update.

A grace period that you set for an individual domain takes precedence over the setting for all groups.

The grace period setting for all domains is a convenient way to set a grace period for all dispatchers in all the domains. You can set a grace period of all domains at the top of the page and then press the Tab key to access individual domains and override the group setting.