Resubmitting and Canceling Service Operations for Processing

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resubmitting and Canceling Service Operations for Processing

You can resubmit and cancel service operations only for those to which you have permissions. If you attempt resubmit or cancel a service operation for which you do not have permission, the system ignores the action.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resubmitting and Canceling Future-Dated Publications

You can cancel a future-dated publication as you would any other service operation.

However, when you cancel a future-dated publication, the future date information is not retained. So if you subsequently resubmit the publication, the system immediately submits it for processing.

Click to jump to parent topicResubmitting and Canceling Individual Service Operations

To resubmit or cancel individual service operations, select the check box next to the appropriate service operation and click the Resubmit or Cancel button.

To deselect a service operation, clear the check box next to the service operation.

Click to jump to parent topicResubmitting and Canceling Service Operations in Bulk

You can resubmit and cancel service operations for processing in bulk using the Service Operations Monitor.

Service operations to resubmit in bulk must be in one of the following statuses:

Service operations to cancel in bulk must be in one of the following statuses:

In addition to the Clear All, Resubmit and Cancel buttons, you can also use the following links when resubmitting and canceling service operations in bulk.

Select All

Click to select all service operations in the results grid to resubmit or cancel. After you click this link, click the Resubmit or Cancel button as appropriate.

Deselect All

Click the link to deselect all service operations in the results grid.