Viewing System Performance Statistics

This chapter provides an overview of messaging system performance statistics and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Messaging System Performance Statistics

The Service Operations Monitor provides a Statistics page that enables you to view performance statistics for asynchronous and synchronous service operations that flow through PeopleSoft Integration Broker. The statistics can help you to identify bottlenecks and other performance issues in your integration system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicService Operation Types

The Service Operation Monitor provides performance statistics for the following service operation transaction types:

Definitions for these service operations are provided elsewhere in this PeopleBook.

See Service Operation Types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Components

The following table lists the system processing components for which PeopleSoft Integration Broker captures performance statistics and briefly describes the types of processing that each performs:

Application Server

The application server performs all data handling, processing event handlers, performs security, routes service operations, performs transformations, and manages load balancing and master/slave processing, and more.

Broker (Handler)

The broker analyzes all service operations in the queue and determines the transaction type. Based on the transaction type, it creates a subscription contract, publication contract, or both.


On inbound requests, the integration gateway performs request serialization/deserialization, request authentication, applies transformations, and performs the Jolt request to the application server. On outbound requests, the integration gateway applies transformations, and determines the target connector for the request and hands off the request accordingly.

For statistics to display for the integration gateway processing you must enable the statistics feature on the integration gateway.

See Enabling the System Performance Statistics Feature.

Publication (Contract Handler)

The publication contract handler routes service operations to another destination.

Remote Server

When you perform synchronous transactions with PeopleSoft system, those systems send back processing statistics with their requests and/or responses. These statistics appear in the category Remote Server on the statistics pages.

Subscription (Contract Handler)

The subscription contract handler runs PeopleCode associated with a service operation.

Tuxedo Queue

PeopleSoft Integration Broker includes a set of Oracle Tuxedo servers that monitor database tables and process items in the tables. The processing can include running PeopleCode programs, creating publication and subscription contracts, and so forth.

Several of the Statistics pages provide information for the processing on these queues.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverhead Processing

When you view the statistical details of system processing, some of the numbers fall into the categories of Overhead. and Connection Overhead.

Statistics in these categories are for miscellaneous processing that do no fall into the major categories shown, but count toward the overall processing on a component or for the transaction.

The following table lists types of overhead processing that can be included these categories. The information in the table is not exhaustive, and other items, processing, and even system configuration and capacity may contribute to overhead processing statistics generated on your system:


Example of Overhead Processing


  • Calls between processing.

  • Receiving/handing off a transaction to another component.

  • Internal processing.

  • And so on.

Broker handler

  • Time taken to determine the contracts to create.

  • And so on.

Integration gateway

  • Determining the connector to use for a transaction.

  • Data deserialization and serialization.

  • Authentication.

  • Performing the Jolt request to the application server.

  • And so on.

Application server

  • Authentication.

  • Data compression.

  • And so on.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Times

Note the following information regarding processing times that appear in the Statistics pages:

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Statistics Pages

PeopleSoft Integration Broker provides a Statistics page where you select the service operation transaction type of the performance statistics to view. To access the page select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Operations Monitor, Monitoring, Statistics. The following example shows the Statistics page:

The Statistics page presents four categories of service operation transaction types for which you can view performance statistics.

After you select a service operation transaction type, a separate window appears that contains a search dialog box. The search dialog box that appears is based on the transaction type you selected. Use the page to enter search criteria for data to retrieve and view.

After you enter your search criteria and press the Refresh button, the system displays the search results in the results. If you enter no search criteria and simply press the Refresh button, the system displays all performance statistics in the database for the transaction type.

The following example shows a completed search for inbound asynchronous performance statistics for the publishing node QE_LOCAL:

The Subscription Timing Data grid in the previous graphic shows partial results of all results returned.

The results grid shows general data about the transactions in numeric format.

Note. Due internal system processing, not all transactions profiled display in the results grid. However averages displayed are accurate.

Based on the transaction type of the data you're viewing, the system displays additional options to view more detailed data and data in graphical format.

For example, when you click the Averages and Analysis link for inbound asynchronous system performance data, a graphical display of the messaging system component displays. Next to each graphic is a numeric link, which corresponds to the amount of processing time on the component.

The following example shows the Averages and Analysis page for inbound asynchronous transactions.

The flow of the transactions are from left to right. In this case you are viewing inbound asynchronous processes, therefore the integration gateway receives the requests and sends the Jolt requests to the application server. The broker evaluates the subscription contracts, and then subscription processing takes place.

Click the hyperlinks under each component to view more detailed information about processing times during system processing.

The following example shows the page that displays if you click the hyperlink under Subscription on the Averages and Analysis page:

The Subscription Contract Averages page depicts subscription processing times in graphical format. In this example, the bar chart shows the average time for PeopleCode processing and overhead processing for the service operations ALICE_POLL_ASYNC, FLIGHTPLAN,PARTS_ASYNC, and QE_FLIGHTPLAN_TRANSFORM. The number in parentheses next to each service operation name is the number of transactions involving that service operation reflected in the data.

To view the transactions that comprise the graphical representation shown, click the View Transactions link. The transactions appear in the Subscription Contracts Details grid as shown in the following example:

Note that this is a partial example and does not show all the data on which the bar charts in the previous graphic are based.

Click to jump to parent topicEnabling the System Performance Statistics Feature

To view messaging system performance information, you must enable the statistics feature on the Monitor Setup Options page in the Service Operations Monitor as well as on integration gateway through the file.

The setting in the Service Operations Monitor enables the system to capture performance statistics for activity on the application server. The setting on the integration gateway enables the system to capture performance statistics for activity on the integration gateway.

If you enable the feature only in the Service Operations Monitor and not on the integration gateway, the system captures statistics only for activity on the application server and does not capture any information for activity on the integration gateway.

Note. It is recommended that you enable the statistics feature on both the application server and on the integration gateway.

You do not need to perform any setup tasks in the integration gateway or in the Service Operations Monitor to capture performance statistics on the remote PeopleSoft system. The sending PeopleSoft system includes an identifier in the message request that prompts the remote PeopleSoft system for performance information. This information is returned as part of the response message.

To enable the statistics feature on the application server:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, System Setup Options.

    The System Setup Options page appears.

  2. Check the IB Profile Status On check box.

  3. Click the Save button.

To enable the statistics feature on the integration gateway:

  1. Access the file.

  2. Locate the Profile Information section at the end of the file.

  3. Set the ig.ProfileInformation property to TRUE.

  4. Save the file and refresh the integration gateway.

Click to jump to parent topicSearching for System Performance Statistics

This section describes how to search for performance statistics to view.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used to Search for System Performance Statistics

Publish Node

The sending node.

Queue Name

Name of the queue used to send or receive the integration.


Click the button to refresh the page based on the search criteria entered.

The results display in the grid at the bottom of the page.

Service Operation

Name of the service operation for which to display statistics.

Subscriber Node

Name of the node that subscribes to the service operation.

Time Period

The Time Period group box features four fields for searching by date and time: From Date, To Date, From Time and To Time.

All must be left blank or all must be populated. When left blank, no date or time is used as part of the search criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Performance Statistics

To search for system performance statistics:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Operations Monitor, Monitoring, Statistics. The Statistic page displays.

  2. Click the link that corresponds to the transaction type for which you want to view statistics. The choices are:

    A separate page appears that contains a Search Criteria dialog box.

  3. Enter values in the Search Criteria dialog box, based on the data you want to view.

    See Common Elements Used to Search for System Performance Statistics.

  4. Click the Refresh button.

    The system displays the results in numeric format in the grid under the search dialog box.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Messaging System Performance Statistics

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Using the Statistics Pages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used to View Messaging System Performance Statistics

Action Name

The name of the service operation handler.

Connection Time Total Avg.(Connection Time Total Average)

When viewing outbound synchronous transactions, the value displayed on the link label indicates the average processing time between local and remote servers. This time includes the processing time of sending the request to the integration partner, as well as receiving the response.

When viewing outbound asynchronous transactions, the value displayed on the link label indicates the average processing time between integration gateway and the remote system.

Click the link to view separate statistics for application server and remote server processing.

Integration Service Total

Complete processing time for the specific transaction.

Orig Transaction ID
(Original Transaction ID)

Original transaction IDs are associated with asynchronous transactions only.

The system creates an original transaction ID when it creates the message instance.

Note. An original transaction ID is different than a transaction ID. An original transaction ID is associated with a message instance, and a transaction ID is associated with a publication or subscription contract

Purge All Statistic Files,Purge All Synchronous Timings,Purge All Subscription Timings, Purge All Publication Timings

Click one of these buttons to purge performance statistics for the given transaction type.

Warning! The Purge All Statistics Files button will permanently delete data on all the Statistics page. The other buttons permanently delete statistics on the page on which they appear.

Use these options when you are done using the statistics or want to view new performance statistics.

These options are discussed in additional detail elsewhere in this chapter.

See Purging System Performance Statistics.


When a service operation contains segmented message, this field indicates the number of the message segment.

If a service operation does not contain a segmented message, the field displays a value of 1.

The default value of this field is 1.

Sync Total
(Synchronous Total)

Displays when working with outbound synchronous transactions.

Indicates the total processing time for a single synchronous transaction.

Transaction ID

The unique identifier for the transaction assigned by the system.

TCA(Target Connector Adapter)

Displays when viewing outbound synchronous transactions

This field indicates the processing time of the adapter to connect to an integration partner and receive a response for a single transaction.


Displays the date and time that the service operation flowed through the system.

Transaction Local Avg.
(Transaction Local Average)

This link displays when working with inbound synchronous statistics.

The value displayed on the link label indicates the average processing time for all selected transactions on the local system.

Click the link to view more detailed information for application server processing times.

Transaction Total Avg.
(Transaction Total Average)

Displays when working with synchronous statistics.

The value displayed on the link label indicates the average processing time (request and response) for all selected transactions.

Click the link to view statistics for application server, integration gateway, and remote server processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Inbound Asynchronous Statistics

Initial search results for inbound asynchronous messaging system performance statistics display in the Subscription Timing Data grid. The data in grid provides high-level information about the transactions. The fields that appear in this grid are described elsewhere in this section.

See Common Elements Used to View Messaging System Performance Statistics.

Click the Averages and Analysis link to show performance statistics for integration gateway, application server, broker handler, and subscription contract processing times. The Averages and Analysis page for inbound asynchronous transactions is shown earlier in this chapter.

See Using the Statistics Pages.

The Averages and Analysis page shows the flow of transactions in graphical format. The flow of the transaction(s) is from left to right. The integration gateway receives the requests and sends the Jolt requests to the application server. The application server performs any service authentication and passes the requests to the subscription broker. The broker evaluates the transactions and creates the subscription contracts.

The following table lists the links that display on the Averages and Analysis page when viewing inbound asynchronous transactions. It also lists the names of the pages that open when you click a link and describes the data that may display. The actual data that displays depends on the makeup of the transactions.


The value that displays on the link label is the average processing time for the selected transactions on the integration gateway.

Click the link to open the Gateway Averages page. Use the page to view the statistics that comprise the integration gateway processing average. They can include:

  • Gateway Connector Avg. (Gateway Connector Average). Connector processing of the transaction.

  • Gateway Transform Avg. (Gateway Transformation Average). Transformation processing.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing.

Application Server

The value that displays on the link label is the average processing time for the selected transactions on the application server.

Click the link to open the Server Averages page. Use this page to view the statistics that comprise the application server processing average. They can include:

  • Sever DB Avg. (Sever Database Average). Processing data on the application server database.

  • Server Overhead Avg. (Server Overhead Average). Application server overhead.


The value that displays on the link label is the average publication broker processing time for the selected transactions.

Click the link to open the Broker Averages page. Use this page to view the statistics that comprise the publication broker processing average. They can include:

  • PeopleCode Avg. (PeopleCode Average). OnRoute PeopleCode processing.

  • Transform Avg. (Transformation Average). Transformation processing.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing

(Broker) Tuxedo Queue Size

The value that displays on the link label is average Oracle Tuxedo queue size at the time the broker processed the request.

Click this link to open the Tuxedo Queue Size page. Use this page to view the average queue size during the processing of each service operation.

The average queue size is the average number of processes or items in the queue waiting for processing at the time the service operation was processed.


The value that displays on the link label is the average subscription handler processing time for the selected transaction.

Click the link to open the Subscription Contract Averages page. Use this page to view the statistics that comprise the average subscription handler processing time. They can include:

  • PeopleCode Avg. (PeopleCode Average). Processing time for Notification PeopleCode.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing

(Subscription) Tuxedo Queue Size

The value that displays on the link label is the average Oracle Tuxedo queue size at the time the subscription handler processed the request.

Click the link to open the Tuxedo Queue Size page. Use this page to view the average queue size during the processing of each service operation.

The average queue size is the average number of processes or items in the queue waiting for processing at the time the service operation was processed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Outbound Asynchronous Statistics

The following example shows sample search results for outbound asynchronous statistics:

Initial search results for outbound asynchronous messaging system performance statistics display in the Publication Timing Data grid under the Search Criteria dialog box.

The data in grid provides high-level information about the transactions. The fields that appear in this grid are described elsewhere in this section.

See Common Elements Used to View Messaging System Performance Statistics.

Click the Averages and Analysis link to show performance statistics for subscription broker and publication handler processing times. The Averages and Analysis page for outbound asynchronous transactions is shown in the following example:

The Averages and Analysis page shows the flow of transactions in graphical format. The flow of the transaction(s) is from left to right: the broker evaluates the transactions and creates the publication contracts, and the publication handler processes the contracts.

The Publication Breakdown box shows the average time for creating the publication contracts as well as average time for connecting to perform the posts to the integration gateway.

The following table lists the links that display on the Averages and Analysis page when viewing statistics for outbound asynchronous transactions. It also lists the names of the pages that open when you click a link and describes the data that may display. The actual data that displays depends on the makeup of the transactions.


The value that displays on the link is the average broker processing time for the selected transactions.

Click the link to open the Broker Averages page. Use this page to view the statistics that comprise the broker processing average. They can include:

  • PeopleCode Avg. (PeopleCode Average). OnRoute PeopleCode processing.

  • Transform Avg. (Transformation Average). Transformation processing.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing.

(Broker) Tuxedo Queue Size

The value that displays on the link label is average Oracle Tuxedo queue size at the time the broker processed the request.

Click this link to open the Tuxedo Queue Size page. Use this page to view the average queue size during the processing of each service operation.

The average queue size is the average number of processes or items in the queue waiting for processing at the time the service operation was processed.


The value that displays on the link is the overall average processing time for publication contracts.

Click the link to open the Publication Contract Averages. Use this page to view the statistics that comprise the overall publication contract processing average. They can include:

  • PeopleCode Avg. (PeopleCode Average). PeopleCode processing for OnSend and OnReceive PeopleCode events.

  • Transform Avg. (Transformation Average). Transformation processing.

  • Connector Avg. (Connector Average). Connector processing time.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing.

(Publication) Tuxedo Queue Size

The value that displays on the link label is the average Oracle Tuxedo queue size at the time the publication handler processed the request.

Click this link to open the Tuxedo Queue Size page. Use this page to view the average queue size during the processing of each service operation.

The average queue size is the average number of processes or items in the queue waiting for processing at the time the service operation was processed.

Publication Average

The value that displays on the link label is the average total publication time for the selected transactions.

Click the link to open the Publication Contract Averages page. Use the page to view the publication statistics that are included in the publication average. They can include:

  • PeopleCode Avg. (PeopleCode Average). OnSend PeopleCode processing.

  • Transform Avg. (Transformation Average). Transformation processing.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing.

Connection Time Total Avg.: (Connection Time Total Average)

The value that displays on the link label is the average connection processing time between the integration gateway and the remote system for the selected contracts.

Click the link to open the Averages and Analysis page. Use the page to view connection processing statistics that comprise the connection time average. They can include:

  • PeopleCode Avg. (PeopleCode Average). OnSend and OnAckReceive PeopleCode processing.

  • Transform Avg. (Transformation Average). Transformation processing.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Inbound Synchronous Service Operation Statistics

The following example shows sample search results for inbound synchronous statistics:

The Inbound Synchronous Timing Data grid in the previous graphic shows partial results of all results returned.

Initial search results for inbound synchronous messaging system performance statistics display in the Inbound Synchronous Timing Data grid under the Search Criteria dialog box.

The data in grid provides high-level information about the transactions. The fields that appear in this grid are described elsewhere in this section.

See Common Elements Used to View Messaging System Performance Statistics.

The value that displays in the Transaction Total Avg field is the average total transaction processing time for the selected transactions. Click the link open the Averages and Analysis page to view the statistics that comprise the total transaction processing time average. The following example show the Averages and Analysis page for inbound synchronous transaction statistics:

The Averages and Analysis page shows the flow of transactions in graphical format.

The flow of the transactions is from left to right. Remote servers send requests using HTTP to the integration gateway. The integration gateway sends the requests to the application server using Jolt requests.

The following table lists the links that display on the Averages and Analysis page when viewing statistics for inbound synchronous transactions. It also lists the names of the pages that open when you click a link and describes the data that may display. The actual data that displays depends on the makeup of the transactions.

Remote System

The value that displays on the link label is the average processing time on the remote server to send the request.

The link appears only when the sending remote server is a PeopleSoft system. PeopleSoft systems send application server performance statistics with request messages.

Click the link to open the Remote System Averages page. Use the page to view the statistics that comprise the average remote server processing time. The statistics displayed on this page can include:

  • PeopleCode Avg. (PeopleCode Average). OnRequest and OnRoute PeopleCode processing.

  • Transform Avg. (Transformation Average). Transformation processing.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing.


The value that displays on the link label is the average processing time for the selected transactions on the integration gateway.

Click the link to open the Gateway Averages page. Use the page to view the statistics that comprise the integration gateway processing average. They can include:

  • Gateway Connector Avg. (Gateway Connector Average). Connector processing of the transaction.

  • Gateway Transform Avg. (Gateway Transformation Average). Transformation processing.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing.

Application Server

The value that displays on the link label is the average processing time on the application server.

Click the link to open the Local Server Averages page. Use this page to view the statistics that comprise the application server process average. They can include:

  • PeopleCode Avg. (PeopleCode Average). OnRequest and OnRoute PeopleCode processing.

  • Transform Avg. (Transformation Average). Transformation processing.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Outbound Synchronous Statistics

The following example shows sample search results for outbound synchronous statistics:

Initial search results for outbound synchronous messaging system performance statistics display in the Synchronous Timing Data grid under the Search Criteria dialog box.

The data in grid provides high-level information about the transactions. The fields that appear in this grid are described elsewhere in this section.

See Common Elements Used to View Messaging System Performance Statistics.

In addition, three links appear on the page:

Transaction Total Avg.(Transaction Total Average)

The value that appears on the link label is the average total transaction processing time for the selected transactions. The total includes processing on local and remote servers, as well as the total connection time to remote servers.

Click the link to open the Averages and Analysis page. Use this page to view the application server, gateway and remote server statistics that comprise the total transaction processing time average.

See Viewing Average Transaction Processing Time Statistics — Local and Remote Servers.

Transaction Local Avg.(Transaction Local Average)

The value that appears on the link label is the average total processing time on the local server for the selected transactions.

Click the link to open the Averages and Analysis page. Use this page to view the application server statistics that comprise the total average local transaction processing time average.

See Viewing Average Transaction Processing Time Statistics — Local Server Only.

Connection Time Total Avg.(Connection Time Total Average)

The value that appears on the link label is the average total connection time between remote servers and local servers for the selected transactions.

Click the link to open the Averages and Analysis page. Use this page to view the integration gateway and remote server statistics that comprise the connection time total average.

See Viewing Average Transaction Connection Time Statistics.

Viewing Average Transaction Processing Time Statistics — Local and Remote Servers

From the outbound synchronous search results page, click the Transaction Total Avg. link. The following Averages and Analysis page appears:

The value that appears on the Application Server link label is the average processing time on the application server for the selected transactions. Click the link to open the Local Server Averages page. Use the Local Server Averages page to view the statistics that comprise the application server processing average. They can include:

The value that appears on the Remote Server link label is the average processing time of the transactions on the remote system.

The link appears only when the remote server is a PeopleSoft system. PeopleSoft systems send application server performance statistics with response messages.

Click the link to open the Remote System Averages page. Use the Remote System Averages page to view the statistics that comprise the average remote server processing time. The statistics displayed on this page can include:

Viewing Average Transaction Processing Time Statistics — Local Server Only

From the outbound synchronous search results page, click the Transaction Local Avg. link. The following Averages and Analysis page appears:

The value that appears on the application server link label is the average processing time on the application server for the selected transactions.

Click the link to open the Local Server Averages page. Use this page to view the statistics that comprise the application server processing average. They can include:

Viewing Average Transaction Connection Time Statistics

From the outbound synchronous search results page, click the Connection Time Total Avg. link. The following Averages and Analysis page appears:

The following table lists the links that display on the page. It also lists the names of the pages that open when you click a link and describes the data that may display. The actual data that displays depends on the makeup of the transactions.


The value that appears on the link label is the average processing time on the integration gateway for the selected transactions.

Click the link to open the Gateway Averages page. Use the page to view the statistics that comprise the average integration gateway processing time. They can include:

  • Gateway Request Avg. (Gateway Request Average). Processing of the request on the integration gateway.

  • Gateway Response Avg. (Gateway Response Average). Processing of the response on the integration gateway.

Remote Server

The value that appears on the link label is the average processing time on the remote server for the selected transactions. The link appears only when the remote server is a PeopleSoft system. PeopleSoft systems send back application server performance statistics with response messages.

Click the link to open the Remote System Averages page. Use the page to view the statistics that comprise the average remote server processing time. Data appears on this page for transactions where the remote server is a PeopleSoft system.

The statistics displayed on this page can include:

  • OnRequest Avg. (OnRequest Average). Processing of OnRequest PeopleCode on the remote system.

  • App. Server Receive Avg. (Application Server Receive Average). Processing time for the request on the remote system, as well as generating a response.

  • Overhead Avg. (Overhead Average). Overhead processing.

Connection Overhead

The value that appears on the link label includes miscellaneous connection processing times while sending the request from the integration gateway on the local system to the remote system, as well as connection time when the remote system returns a response to the local system.

Click to jump to parent topicPurging System Performance Statistics

You can delete all statistics for transactions in the database or by transaction type.

Warning! Purging system performance statistics permanently deletes all statistics from the database for the transaction type selected.

The following table summarizes the location to deleted performance statistics based on the transaction type you want to delete. The button to delete statistics data is located at the bottom the page listed. You need to scroll down to locate this button if there are a lot of search results on the page:

Transaction Type






PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Operation Monitor, Monitoring, Statistics

Purge All Statistics Files

Inbound Asynchronous

Inbound Asynchronous

From the Statistics page, click the Inbound Asynchronous link.

Purge All Subscription Timings

Outbound Asynchronous

Outbound Asynchronous

From the Statistics page, click the Outbound Asynchronous link.

Purge All Publication Timings

Inbound Synchronous

Inbound Synchronous

From the Statistics page, click the Inbound Synchronous link.

Purge All Synchronous Timings

Outbound Synchronous

Outbound Synchronous

From the Statistics page, click the Outbound Synchronous link.

Purge All Synchronous Timings