Enabling Runtime Message Schema Validation

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Message Schema Validation

PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to validate, at runtime, the messages defined in service operations against message schemas.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMessage Schema Validation

Validating messages against message schemas can ensure that during integration development no changes or deletions were inadvertently made to a message. You can use schema validation on outbound and inbound messages.

During runtime schema validation, PeopleSoft Integration Broker checks messages to ensure that the XML structure is valid according to the specified message schema. If Integration Broker encounters a service operation with a message structure that does not adhere to the specified message schema, message delivery fails and Integration Broker generates an error message.

Schema validation is based on the message schema for the message.version defined on the default service operation.

You can view any schema validation error details on the source application server, using the Asynchronous Details page or Synchronous Details page in the Service Operations Monitor.

When schema validation is enabled the structure of a message cannot be changed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMessage Schema Validation and Transformations

In instances where an inbound transaction has a transformation applied, the input message.version is used for schema validation. If an input message.version is not defined, then validation takes place using the request message.version of the default service operation.

For the case where a point-to-point routing and an any-to-local routing are both defined, the system uses the point-to-point routing to check for a transform.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMessage Schema Validation and Part Messages

PeopleSoft Integration Broker does not perform parser validation on part messages in container messages.

URLs defined in container messages do not contain absolute paths. As a result, the parser cannot import these schemas to perform validation.

PeopleSoft internal validation is performed on the data and structure of part messages within contain messages. However, these validation results may be different than results achieved using parser validation.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites for Validating Message Schemas

Before you can enable schema validation, you must build or import a message schema for the message and message version.

If no message schema is present for service operations that contain regular nonrowset-based messages or container messages, it is not possible to enable validation.

For service operations that contain rowset-based messages, the system will attempt to generate a schema if one is missing. If the system is able to successfully generate a message schema for a rowset-based message, validation is enabled.

See Building Message Schemas.

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting Service Operations

This section discusses how to select service operations that contain messages to validate against message schemas at runtime.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Service Operation

The first step to enabling runtime message schema validation is to select the service operations that contain the messages to validate.

When you access the Service Schema Builder component (IB_SERVICEVAL), the Service Schema Validation page (IB_SERVICEVAL) appears and displays a search engine that you use to search for service operations.

To access the Service Schema Validation page select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Utilities, Service Schema Validation.

To search for a service operation, enter the service or service operation with which to work and click the Search button. A list of results displays in the Service Operations grid. If you do not enter any search criteria and click the Search button, the system returns all services and service operations in the database.

When you search for service schema validation data, the system returns the results in the Service Operations grid shown in the following example:


Indicates the name of the service.

Service Operation

Indicates the name of the service operation.


Indicates the version of the service operation.


Indicates if runtime schema validation is enabled.

When the check box is checked, schema validation is enabled.


Displays validation results.

The valid values are:

  • Error generating schema. Unable to turn on validation.

    This message appears if one or more of the messages in the service operation is nonrowset-based and schemas do not exist for the nonrowset-based messages.

  • Service operation saved.

    This message appears when you have successfully enabled runtime schema validation and saved the changes.

  • Error saving service operation.


Click the link to access message schemas for all messages defined on the service operation.

See Viewing Defined Message Schemas.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Defined Message Schemas

This section discusses how to view defined XML schemas for messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing XML Schemas Defined for Messages

To view defined message schemas for all messages contained in a service operation, in the Service Operations grid, locate a service operation with which to work and click the Schema link. The systems displays the service operation in the Schema Builder page (IB_SCHEMABUILD).

The following example shows the Schema Builder page displaying two messages for the MCFEM_REQ_MKFOLDER service operation.

The Exists field displays a value of Yes for both messages and indicates schemas have been built for both messages.

If schemas are not built for a message or messages, you can build them directly from this page by selecting the check boxes next to each message name and clicking the Build Selected Schemas button.

To view the XML schema for a message, click the message name link. The following example shows the XML schema for the MCFEM_REQ_MKFOLDER message.

To return to the Schema Builder page, click the Return button.

Using the Schema Builder page is documented in detail elsewhere in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Building Message Schemas

Click to jump to parent topicEnabling Runtime Message Schema Validation

This section discusses how to enable runtime schema validation for all messages defined in a service operation:

You can enable runtime message schema validation from the Service Schema Validation page or from the Service Operations page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Service Schema Validation Page to Enable Runtime Message Schema Validation

To enable runtime schema validation using the Service Schema Validation page:

  1. Access the Service Schema Validation page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Utilities, Service Schema Validation).

  2. Select a service operation that contains messages against which you want to validate message schemas.

    See Selecting Service Operations.

  3. Check the Validation check box.

  4. Click the Save button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Service Operations page to Enable Runtime Message Schema Validation

To enable runtime schema validation using the Service Operations page:

  1. Access the Service Operations page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations).

  2. In the Default Service Operation Version section of the page, check the Runtime Schema Validation check box.

  3. Click the Save button.