Using the Schema Tester Utility

This chapter provides an overview of the Schema Tester utility, prerequisites for using the utility and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Schema Tester Utility

The Service Schema Validation Utility enables you to validate rowset-based and nonrowset-based messages against message schemas during development to determine if messages adhere to defined message schemas.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To use the Schema Tester Utility the following items must exist:

In addition, to test a schema you must specify the integration gateway must be configured and the default application server must be configured.

Click to jump to parent topicAccessing the Schema Tester Utility

The Schema Tester utility is located in the Schema Tester component (IB_SCHEMATESTER).

To access the Schema Tester utility page (IB_SCHEMATESTER), select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Utilities, Schema Tester.

Click to jump to parent topicValidating Messages Against Message Schemas During Development

To validate a message against a message schema:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Utilities, Schema Tester.

  2. To select a message, in the Message field, click the Lookup button and select a message.

  3. To select a message version , in the Version field, click the Lookup button and select a message version.

  4. From the File Encoding drop-down list, select the file encoding of the file you are uploading. The options are:

  5. Load an XML message to test into the Schema Tester.

  6. Click the Validate button to validate the message against the message schema defined for the message definition.

The results of the validation display in the results area of the page.