Configuring PeopleSoft MCF Agents

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Agents

To define agents, use the MCF Agent (MCF_AGENT_CMP) component.

This section discusses how to:

The previous three agent definition pages form the basis of agent configuration. Other parameters are optional.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Agents

Page Name

Definition Name





PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Agent

Create agents.

Specify name, skill level, maximum workload, and queues for each agent.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Languages

Specify the languages that an agent is qualified to use. Specify at least one language.

Personalize Presence


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Personalize Presence

Specify an agent's presence options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Agents

Access the Agent page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Agent


Enter the full name, in (lastname,firstname) format, of this agent.

The agent name appears in other agents' buddy lists.

Note. There is no space in between lastname, firstname.

Nick Name

Enter a short name for this agent.

The agent nickname identifies this agent in chat sessions and logs.

Delete Agent

An agent cannot be deleted if the agent still has accepted tasks on any queues to which the agent belongs. Before deleting an agent, ensure that the agent is logged off from all queues to which the agent is assigned.

Logical Queue ID

Enter the ID of a logical queue to which this agent is assigned.

Each agent can be assigned to more than one logical queue. An agent can log on to only one queue at a time from the MultiChannel Console.

Note. Do not overwrite the logical queue except when first creating an agent, as the agent's tasks may lose their assignments.

Physical Queue ID

Agents are randomly assigned to a physical queue when the logical queue is associated with the agent. An agent who services a logical queue logs on to a physical queue that is managed by a specific MCF cluster.

While an agent can service multiple logical queues, the agent can belong to only one physical queue per logical queue.

Note. Do not overwrite the physical queue except when first creating an agent, as this may orphan tasks. Use the Physical Queues Move Agent page.

Randomly Select Physical Queue

Click to assign another physical queue (within this logical queue) randomly. This selection will help to spread multiple agents evenly over available physical queues.

Skill Level

Select the skill level of this agent for the tasks that are assigned for this queue. This field is required.

The agent is assigned only tasks requiring a skill level that is less than or equal to the skill level specified here. If more than one qualified agent is available to accept the task, the queue server gives preference to the agent with the lowest skill level.

Each agent can have a different skill level for each queue to which the agent is assigned.

Maximum Workload

Select the maximum load that this agent can be assigned before tasks are held or assigned to other agents. This field is required.

The cost of each accepted task is added to the agent's current workload. A task is not assigned to an agent if its cost pushes the agent's current workload over the maximum.

Note. Do not delete a queue from an agent's list unless that agent has no open accepted tasks in that queue.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Languages That an Agent Supports

Access the Languages page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Languages

Specify the languages that each agent is qualified to support.

The agent is assigned only tasks that have been enqueued with a language code in the agent's language list. For the EnQueue() built-in function, the language code is specified as a parameter. For the InitChat() built-in function, the language code is determined by the user profile of the initiator.

If you do not specify a language code for a new agent, the default value is English.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing an Agent's Presence

Access the Personalize Presence page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Personalize Presence

Each agent can configure the presence description that is displayed when the agent is available or unavailable. The queue server understands only the presence state, available or unavailable, but you can specify more specific presence descriptions when displaying or logging an agent's presence. For example, Lunch, Meeting, or Indisposed are unavailable states that can be used for tracking agent time and activity.

If you do not specify presence descriptions, default values are used.

Presence State

Select Available or Unavailable.

Presence Description

Enter a description for each agent state.

The description appears in logs of agent activity and when agent presence is displayed.

Note. The Available state has only one description. For the Unavailable state, you can enter any presence description, such as tea break, coffee break, lunch, and so on.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Optional Agent Characteristics

To define optional agent characteristics, use the MCF Agent (MCF_AGENT_CMP) component.

This section discusses how to:

The agent configuration pages are considered optional because most do not have default values and can remain unconfigured without affecting an agent's ability to log on to a queue and accept tasks.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Optional Agent Characteristics

Page Name

Definition Name



Buddy List


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Buddy List

Specify a list of other agents.

Window Config (window configuration)


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Window Config

Configure the specified agent's window.

Personalize Chat


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Agent Messages

Specify agent-specific messages, in addition to available system messages.

Static Push URLs


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Agent Push URLs

Specify agent-specific URLs, in addition to system push URLs.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Miscellaneous

Specify miscellaneous behaviors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Buddy Lists

Access the Buddy List page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Buddy List

The agent's buddy list facilitates collaborative chat and chat conferencing.

Agent Buddy

Select another agent with whom this agent can have a chat session or can ask to conference into another chat.

Each agent buddy must be logged in a physical queue on the same cluster to be able to chat. If two agents must be able to chat but they do not share a cluster, use the Physical Queue Move Agent page to move the agents into physical queues on the same MCF cluster.

Agent buddies are listed with their login status in the buddy list on the multichannel console.


Displays the buddy agent's nickname.

An agent's presence, as shown in the buddy list on the MultiChannel Console or on the Invite Agent list on the chat console, indicates the agent's availability for chat or conference.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Windows

Access the Window Config page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent,Window Config

Set the initial agent window placement and size by specifying parameters on this page. An agent can resize and move the windows.


Select the window to which the specified configuration applies.

Select from:

  • Agent to Agent Chat

  • Agent to Customer Chat

  • E-mail

  • Generic Alert

  • Grab URL

  • MultiChannel Console

Top and Left

Enter the distance in pixels from the top and left edges of the screen when the window first appears.

Width and Height

Enter the width and height, in pixels, of the window when it first appears.

Popup Mode

Select from:

Automatic: The window appears automatically. For customer-initiated chat or tasks that are initiated from the EnQueue() built-in function, the task is automatically accepted as well. For agent-initiated chat, the agent can elect not to accept the task; in effect, the agent can preview the task. If this is the desired behavior, select Manual from the Accept Mode drop-down list box. If you want agent-to-agent tasks to function like customer-initiated tasks, select Automatic from the Accept Mode drop-down list box.

Manual: The window does not appear until the agent clicks the task on the agent MultiChannel Console. For customer-initiated chat or tasks that are initiated from the EnQueue() built-in function, clicking the task means that the task is automatically accepted as well. For agent-initiated chat, the behavior depends on the setting for the Accept Mode field.

Accept Mode

Select from:

Automatic: Agent-to-agent chats are automatically accepted without requiring the agent to click the icon.

Manual: Agent-to-agent chats require the agent to click the icon.

Accept mode affects only collaborative chat.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing Chat

Access the Personalize Chat page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Agent Messages

An agent can create personalized responses in addition to the system responses that are defined for each queue.

Response ID

Responses, except those that are identified by Other, are linked to specific events. These responses are always sent on these events from this agent. If an agent does not have a customized response for a specific event, the response is read from a default value that is set in the Message Catalog. The response text that is set here overrides the default text that is set in the Message Catalog.

Select from:

  • Abandon: A chat is abandoned when a chat initiator closes the chat window before the chat is accepted by an agent. This message appears when the agent accepts the abandoned chat.

  • Accept: This response is automatically sent to the chat initiator when an agent accepts a chat in response to a chat request that does not include a question.

    If the chat request includes a question, the agent's Answer Question text is sent in response instead of the Accept response.

  • Answer Question: This response is automatically sent to the chat initiator when an agent accepts a chat in response to a chat request that includes a question.

  • Deny: This response applies only to collaborative chat. If an agent elects not to accept a chat, this message is automatically sent to the chat initiator.

  • End: If either party quits a chat after the chat is accepted, this message is displayed from the agent.

  • Forward: If the agent forwards a chat session to another queue, this message is sent to the customer.

  • Other: These messages are never automatically sent in a chat session. Their message names appear in the Template Messages drop-down list box on the agent chat page. These messages are appended to the template messages (chat responses) that are defined for the queue.

Response Name

This name appears in the agent's template response drop-down list box.

Response Text

Enter the response text to appear in the chat window.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Agent-Specific URLs

Access the Static Push URLs page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Agent Push URLs

This page defines URLs that this agent can send to a client browser. These URLs are in addition to the URLs that are defined in the queue configuration page.

URL Name

The URL name appears in the agent's static URL drop-down list box.

URL Description

This description appears only on this page, to further describe this URL or, for example, its reason for inclusion.


Enter the queue push URL.

The URL must include the opening http:// and any required parameters.

All static URLs that are defined for the agent are downloaded when the agent launches the agent chat console by accepting a customer chat. Static URLs are not available in collaborative chat.

If you send a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture URL, be sure that the recipient has permissions to access that portal , node, or page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Miscellaneous Parameters

Access the Miscellaneous page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Universal Queue, Administration, Agent, Miscellaneous

When task is unassigned

Select from the following values the action that occurs when a task that is assigned to an agent is unassigned:

  • Prompt whether to close window (default).

  • Close the task window.

  • Do not close the task window.

Trace Level

Select from the following log trace levels:

  • 0 - None

  • 1 - Information

  • 2 - Debug

If a value other than 0 is selected, a tracer window appears to display activities and events on the chat or MultiChannel Console for debugging purposes.

Limit debug tracer log size

This check box is enabled when the value entered for Trace Level is not 0. Select this check box to enable the agent to clear the tracer log based on Number of log messages to save when cleared and Maximum number of log messages to allow.

If the check box is deselected, the tracer log will not be cleared and the Number of log messages to save when cleared and Maximum number of log messages to allow will be disabled.

Number of log messages to save when cleared

Specify the minimum number of recent tracer log messages that should be maintained in the tracer window.

Maximum number of log messages to allow

Specify the maximum number of tracer log messages that will be maintained in the tracer window.

Note. Number of log messages to save when cleared and Maximum number of log messages to allow fields are required if the Limit debug tracer log size check box is selected.

Limit Debug Tracer Log Size Example

This table lists the values entered on the Miscellaneous page:



Trace Level

2 - Debug

Limit debug tracer log size


Number of log messages to save when cleared


Maximum number of log messages to allow


Based on these values, the first 75 messages will be cleared from the tracer window after 100 messages are logged. It will retain the most recent 25 messages for the agents reference. This process will repeat for every 100 messages that are logged in the tracer. The maximum number of messages is the tracer window at any one point in time is 100.