XmlDoc Classes

This chapter provides an overview of the XmlDoc class and the XmlNode class and discusses the following topics:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding XmlDoc Classes

The Extended Markup Language (XML) describes a class of data objects called XML documents. It also partially describes the behavior of computer programs which process them. The XmlDoc class is used to create and manipulate XML data.

The Extended Markup Language (XML) is a method for putting structured data in a text file. Like HTML, XML uses tags, that is, text delimited by brackets (< and >). However, HTML specifies what each tag is, and how it's supposed to be displayed in a browser. XML uses tags only to delimit data. The interpretation of that data is entirely up to the application.

For example, <UL> in HTML specifies an unordered (bulleted) list. However, with XML, it could specify an underlined link.

Each XML document has both a physical and a logical structure:

The CreateXmlDoc function creates an XmlDoc object. An XmlDoc is composed of XmlNode objects. Each XmlNode represents an XML document entity. You can use PeopleCode to create the following types of entities:

See Also


Click to jump to parent topicWhen to Use an XmlDoc Object

You can use the XmlDoc class to access inbound messages. You can also use the XmlDoc class to create XML messages to be sent out, either synchronously or asynchronously.

All messages must be associated with a message definition. An XmlDoc message must be associated with an unstructured or nonrowset-based message, that is, a message definition that's created without any record definitions.

Use the XmlDoc object if any of the following is true:

Do not use the XmlDoc object if your message contains cookies.

Click to jump to parent topicXmlDoc Object Creation

Use the CreateXmlDoc function to create an XmlDoc object. You can create either an empty object, and populate it with data, or you can specify an XML string that is then transformed into an XmlDoc object that you can then manipulate with PeopleCode.

If you're creating an empty XmlDoc object, and you also want to specify a particular document type declaration (DTD) to be used to validate your XML, immediately after you use the CreateXmlDoc function, you should use the CreateDocumentType method to specify the DTD, followed by the CreateDocumentElement method to associate the DTD with the root entity.

For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &docTypeNode; Local XmlNode &rootNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &docTypeNode = &inXMLDoc.CreateDocumentType("Personal", "", "Personal.dtd"); &rootNode = &inXMLDoc.CreateDocumentElement("root", "", &docTypeNode);

The preceding PeopleCode program produces the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE Personal SYSTEM "Personal.dtd"> </root>

After you've created your XmlDoc object, use the GenXmlString method to create an XML string. You can then use an Internet Script (iScript) Response object method to send the string as an XML response.

See Also

Internet Script Classes (iScript)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsiderations Using a Unique Namespace

In the root tag, the attribute xmlns stands for the XML namespace. This allows you to define namespaces for tag names so that collisions can be avoided and validation logic can be run.

If you do not give a prefix for an XML namespace, but instead define it with the tag (xmlns) followed by a colon (:) and then a unique namespace, for example,


For example, this sort of functionality allows you to have two nodes named "Transaction", but one can be referenced by a "psft" namespace and another not, allowing for two nodes with the same name to exist, but each containing different data.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root xmlns:psft="http://www.peoplesoft.com"> <psft:Transaction>Value</psft:Transaction> <Transaction>Another</Transaction> </root>

Incorrect results can be returned when you have a namespace as in the above example, which belongs to the namespace defined in http://www.people.com. When the system tries to find the path of "root/Transaction", it may return multiple nodes when in fact the end user might only want to return one.

To avoid this, do one of the following:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsiderations Using Rowsets

Unstructured XML should be transformed to structured if you want to use the full rowset abilities. PeopleSoft recommends transforming the data into a rowset-based message.

If you do not want to transform the data, you need to break it up using the Transaction tag around the equivalent of each level zero rowset, as shown in the example.


Click to jump to parent topicXmlNode Class Considerations

In general, the XmlNode Class methods and properties can be broken up into the following categories:




The Addxxx methods add an entity of the specified type to the end of the list of child nodes, and returns a reference to the newly created node.


The Insertxxx methods insert an entity of the specified type at the specific location and returns a reference to the newly created node.


The Getxxx methods return a reference to the specified entity. The Getxxx methods may return a single reference or an array of references.


The other methods enable you to find a particular entity in an XmlDoc (FindNode), copy data from one node into another, and remove nodes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing and Traversing an XmlNode Object

If you're creating an XmlDoc object, use the CreateDocumentElement, as well as the different Add and Insert methods to create XmlNode objects. These methods return a reference to the newly created node if successful.

Use the XmlNode properties for traversing the data structure (ParentNode, PreviousSibling, NextSibling, and so on.)

You can also use the ChildNodeCount property for looping through all the child nodes of a node.

Use the NodeType property to get the type of the node (element, processing instruction, comment, and so on).

Click to jump to parent topicError Handling

Use the IsNull property to verify if the XmlNode returned by a method is a valid node. In the following example, a particular node is checked to see if it has another node after it. If it doesn't, a node is added.

Local XmlNode &usernode; Local string &userName; &usernode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.FindNode("/Request/Company/Location/User"); If Not (&MyNode.IsNull) Then &userName = &usernode.NodeValue; Else /* Do error processing */ End-If;

Click to jump to parent topicSOAPDoc Object Considerations

A SOAP Message is an ordinary XML document that consists of the following parts:

Most of the methods and properties that you use with an XmlDoc or XmlNode can also be used with a SOAPDocument. However, there are a few XmlNode methods that cannot be used with a SOAPDocument. The following methods cannot be used with a SOAPDocument.

See Also

SOAPDoc Class

Click to jump to parent topicScope of XmlDoc and XmlNode Objects

XmlDoc and XmlNode objects can be instantiated only from PeopleCode.

This object can be used anywhere you have PeopleCode, that is, in Application Engine PeopleCode, record field PeopleCode, and so on.

Click to jump to parent topicData Type of an XmlDoc or XmlNode Object

XmlDoc objects are declared type XmlDoc.

XmlNode objects are declared type XmlNode.

For example:

Component XmlDoc &MyDoc; Local XmlNode &MyNode;

Note. XmlNode objects can be declared only as type Local.

Click to jump to parent topicXmlDoc Classes Built-in Functions









Click to jump to parent topicXmlDoc Class Methods

In this section, we discuss the XmlDoc methods. The methods are discussed in alphabetical order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopyRowset


CopyRowset(&InRowset[, MessageName ][, MessageVersion])


Use the CopyRowset method to copy rowset data to an XmlDoc object.

Warning! If the XmlDoc is not empty, the existing structure and data are replaced with the data and structure from InRowset . If MessageName is not specified, this function makes the best possible XML structure given the passed rowset. Not passing the message name should only occur when using a nonrowset-based message or when using a standalone rowset. For best performance, PeopleSoft recommends to always specify the message name.



Specify the variable of an already instantiated and populated rowset to copy data from.


Specify the name of the message that the rowset belongs to, as a string. If the message name is not specified, the best possible XML structure is created.


Specify the message version, as a string. If you do not specify a message version, the default message version is used.


A Boolean value: True, the rowset data copied successfully, False otherwise.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local boolean &ret; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &ret = &inXMLDoc.CopyRowset(&rs, "<insert message name>", "<insert message⇒ version");

See Also

XmlDoc class: CopyToRowset method.

Rowset Class

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopyToPSFTMessage


CopyToPSFTMessage(targetDoc, srcPath, targetPath)


Use the CopyToPSFTMessage method to copy an XmlDoc to a PeopleSoft message. The srcPath and targetPath parameters enable you to map the data of the XmlDoc (using the XmlDoc structure) to the message (following the message structure.)

The XmlDoc object generally has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <MESSAGE_NAME> <FieldTypes> ... </FieldTypes> <MsgData> <Transaction> ... </Transaction> </MsgData> </MESSAGE_NAME>



Specify the XmlDoc that contains the message structure.


Specify an array of string that contains the mapping path information.


Specify an array of string that contains the mapping path information.


A number. The values are:






Missing PSCAMA structure


Missing FieldType structure


General Error


Local XmlDoc &srcDoc, &targetDoc; Local array of string &srcPath, &targetPath; &srcPath = CreateArrayRept("", 0); &targetPath = CreateArrayRept("", 0); &srcDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &targetDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &ret = &srcDoc.ParseXmlFromURL("c:/temp/source.xml"); &ret = &targetDoc.ParseXmlFromURL("c:/temp/target.xml"); &srcPath.Push("QE_EMPLOYEE"); &srcPath.Push("QE_EMPLOYEE/QE_ACCOUNT_TBL"); &srcPath.Push("QE_EMPLOYEE/QE_JOBCODE"); &srcPath.Push("QE_EMPLOYEE/DEPTID"); &srcPath.Push("EMAIL_MSG_RCD"); &srcPath.Push("EMAIL_MSG_RCD/EMAIL_FILE_RCD"); &targetPath.Push("QE_EMPLOYEE_TG"); &targetPath.Push("QE_EMPLOYEE_TG/QE_ACCOUNT_TBL_TG"); &targetPath.Push("QE_EMPLOYEE_TG/QE_JOBCODE_TG"); &targetPath.Push("QE_EMPLOYEE_TG/DEPTID_TG"); &targetPath.Push("EMAIL_MSG_RCD_TG"); &targetPath.Push("EMAIL_MSG_RCD/EMAIL_FILE_RCD_TG"); &ret = &srcDoc.CopyToPSFTMessage(&targetDoc, &srcPath, &targetPath);

See Also

XmlDoc class: CopyRowset method, CopyToRowset method, Array Class .

Message Classes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopyToRowset


CopyToRowset(&Rowset, Message_Name, [Message_Version])


Use the CopyToRowset method to copy data from the XmlDoc to an already instantiated rowset.

The rowset must be based on a message object that has the same structure as the XmlDoc. That is, if you have a record at level two in your message and you want that data, you must have the same level zero and level one records in your message as in your XmlDoc.

For example, suppose your XmlDoc had the following structure:


If you wanted to include the information in the QE_SALES_ORDER record, you would have to have at least the following record structure in your message:


Any records or fields that are in the XmlDoc that aren’t in the message (and vice-versa) are ignored.

Rowsets should be created using the following pseudo code:

Local Message &msg; Local Rowset &rs; Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local boolean &ret; &msg = CreateMessage(OPERATION.<insert message name>); &rs = &msg.GetRowset(); &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<insert XML structure here>"); &ret = &inXMLDoc.CopyToRowset(&rs, "<insert message name>", "<insert message⇒ version>");

XmlDoc objects have to follow the Peoplesoft message format:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <PSmessage> <MsgData> <Transaction> <Record1 class="R"> <Field1>xxx</Field1> <Field2>yyy</Field2> ... <Fieldn>nnn</Fieldn> <Record2> ... </Record2> </Record1> </Transaction> </MsgData> </PSmessage>

Warning! If MessageName is not specified, this function makes the best possible flat structure. Not passing the message name should only occur when using a nonrowset-based message or when using a standalone rowset. For best performance, PeopleSoft recommends to always specify the message name.



Specify the variable of an already instantiated rowset to copy data to.


Specify the message name of the message. If the message name is not specified, the best possible flat structure is created.


Specify the message version, as a string. If the message version is not specified, the default message version is used.


This function always returns a True value, regardless of the success of the operation.

See Also

XmlDoc class: CopyRowset method.

Rowset Class

Message Classes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreateDocumentElement


CreateDocumentElement(TagName [, NamespaceURI ] [, &DocType])

where NamespaceURI can have one of the following forms:


OR a string URL, such as



Use the CreateDocumentElement method to create the root element of the document.

For &DocType you must specify an already instantiated document type node using CreateDocumentType.



Specify the name of the tag to be used for the document element.


Specify the URI that contains the Namespaces for the XmlDoc, as a string.


Specify the document type node. This must already be instantiated using CreateDocumentType.


A reference to an XmlNode object representing the root element.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &docTypeNode; Local XmlNode &rootNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &docTypeNode = &inXMLDoc.CreateDocumentType("Personal", "", "Personal.dtd"); &rootNode = &inXMLDoc.CreateDocumentElement("root", "", &docTypeNode);

The preceding PeopleCode program produces the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE Personal SYSTEM "Personal.dtd"> <root/>

See Also

XmlDoc class: CreateDocumentType method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreateDocumentType


CreateDocumentType(Name, PublicID, SystemID)


Use the CreateDocumentType method to create the document type declaration (a document type node) in the XmlDoc.

You can specify only one document type node for an XmlDoc.

You need to create a document type node only if you have a document type definition (DTD). You don't need to specify a document type declaration in your XML. Generally, the DTD file is used for validating the XML.

If you do specify this type of node when creating an XmlDoc in PeopleCode, you must specify it immediately following the creation statement. Then, you must specify the document type when you create the root node. This means your code should start with the CreateXmlDoc function, creating the XmlDoc object, then use the CreateDocumentType method, followed by the CreateDocumentElement method, creating the root node.

Considerations Using Public and System IDs

You can specify both a public and a system ID. However, if you want to use a system ID only, you must specify a Null string ("") for the public ID. To use a public ID only, you must specify a Null string ("") for the system ID. If the system ID and public ID are both Null (""), then the document type is considered as system.

To use the Personal.dtd as a system ID, you must use the following code:

&DocType = &MyDoc.CreateDocumentType("Personal", "", "Personal.dtd");

This produces the XML:

<!DOCTYPE Personal SYSTEM "Personal.dtd">

To use the Personal.dtd as a public ID, you must use the following code:

&DocType = &MyDoc.CreateDocumentType("Personal", "Personal.dtd", "");

This produces the XML:

<!DOCTYPE Personal PUBLIC "Personal.dtd">



Specify the name of the document type declaration as a string.


Specify the public ID of the document type declaration as a string.


Specify the system ID of the document type declaration as a string.


A reference to an XmlNode object representing the document type element.


The following example creates a document type declaration using the DTD named "Personal".

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &docTypeNode; Local XmlNode &rootNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &docTypeNode = &inXMLDoc.CreateDocumentType("Personal", "", "Personal.dtd"); &rootNode = &inXMLDoc.CreateDocumentElement("root", "", &docTypeNode);

This produces the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE Personal SYSTEM "Personal.dtd"> <root/>

See Also

XmlDoc class: CreateDocumentElement method.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenFormattedXmlString




Use the GenFormattedXmlString method to return an XML string representing the XmlDoc object.

The GenFormattedXmlString method produces an XML string with new line characters and indents. If you want an unformatted XML string, that is, with all the data on a single line, use the GenXmlString method instead.




A formatted XML string.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local string &outStr; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><PSMessage/>"); &outStr = &inXMLDoc.GenFormattedXmlString();

See Also

XmlDoc class: GenXmlString method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenXmlFile




Use the GenXmlFile method to write the content of the XmlDoc object to a file. The XML output file will be in UTF-8 format, and its elements will be formatted and named exactly the same as the XML output from the GenFormattedXmlString method.



Specifies the absolute system path of the destination file.


A Boolean value: True, if the XML file was saved successfully, False otherwise.


Local XmlDoc &xmldocRoot = CreateXmlDoc(" "); Local XmlNode &nodeRoot = &xmldocRoot.CreateDocumentElement("root"); . . . &result = &xmldocRoot.GenXmlFile("c:\data.xml");

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenXmlString




Use the GenXmlString method to return an XML string representing the XmlDoc object.

The GenXmlString method produces an XML string with all the data on a single line. If you want a formatted XML string, that is, with new line characters and indents, use the GenFormattedXmlString method instead.




An XML string.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local string &outStr; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><PSMessage/>"); &outStr = &inXMLDoc.GenXmlString();

See Also

XmlDoc class: GenFormattedXmlString method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGetElementsByTagName




Use the GetElementsByTagName method to return an array of XmlNode objects that match the specified tag name.

If you specify an invalid tag name, an array is still returned, however, it has 0 elements in it.



Specify the tag name that you want to look for.


An array of XmlNode objects.


Using the following Xml structure:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <PSmessage> <MsgData> <Transaction> <Record1 class="R"> <Field1>one</Field1> <Field1>two</Field1> <Field1>three</Field1> </Record1> </Transaction> </MsgData> </PSmessage>

The following code finds all of the Field1 elements:

Local array of XmlNode &field1List; &field1List = &inXMLDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Field1"); If &field1List.Len = 0 Then /* do error processing */ Else /* do processing */ End-If;

See Also

Array Class.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoadIBContent


LoadIBContent(Content[, RootTagName])


Use LoadIBContent to load data into an XmlDoc object. This function is primarily used for display purposes, the main use is found in the Integration Broker Monitor for viewing message structures.

When Content is an XML string, the XmlDoc contains the DOM representation of the XML.

When Content is not an XML string, LoadIBContents generates a DOM wrapper.



Specify the content of the XmlDoc.


Specify the root tag name to be used in the XmlDoc object used as the wrapper, if the data is non-Xml. If a root tag name is not specified, and the data is non-Xml, the contents are not wrapped with the default of root tag name of PSMessage.


This method returns a Boolean value that is always True.


Using the following data:

John Q. Public,1234 West Eastland,925-987-0909 Jane Doe,423 Someplace,234-992-9383

The following PeopleCode program specifies a root name:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local boolean &ret; Local string &inStr; &inStr = "John Q. Public,1234 West Eastland,925-987-0909" | Char(13) | "Jane⇒ Doe,423 Someplace,234-992-9383"; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &ret = &inXMLDoc.LoadIBContent(&inStr, "Root");

This produces the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <Root> <data PsNonXml="Yes"> <![CDATA[John Q. Public,1234 West Eastland,925-987-0909 Jane Doe,423 Someplace,234-992-9383]]> </data> </Root>

The following PeopleCode program does not specify a root name:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local boolean &ret; Local string &inStr; &inStr = "John Q. Public,1234 West Eastland,925-987-0909" | Char(13) | "Jane⇒ Doe,423 Someplace,234-992-9383"; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &ret = &inXMLDoc.LoadIBContent(&inStr);

This produces the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <PSMessage> <data PsNonXml="Yes"> <![CDATA[John Q. Public,1234 West Eastland,925-987-0909 Jane Doe,423 Someplace,234-992-9383]]> </data> </PSMessage>

The following is an example of a valid XML document:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local boolean &ret; Local string &inStr; &inStr = "<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &ret = &inXMLDoc.LoadIBContent(&inStr);

This produces the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root/>

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicParseXmlFromURL


ParseXmlFromURL(path [, DTDValidation])

Where path can have one of the following forms—a string URL, containing the filename and extension:


Or an absolute file path, including the filename and extension:


Note. HTTPS is not a supported protocol for path.


Use the ParseXmlFromURL method to convert the XML file located at path into an XmlDoc object that you can then manipulate using PeopleCode. The XmlDoc object executing the method is populated with the XML string after it's been converted. Any data already existing in the XmlDoc object is overwritten.

Using this method also does basic validation of the XML string, comparing it to the document type declaration (DTD) if the DOCTYPE for the DTD is provided in the XML string.

Note. PeopleSoft only supports UTF-8 encoding. Therefore, if the input file is encoded, it must be encoded in UTF-8.



Specify the URL or file path to the XML that file you want to manipulate. If you specify a string URL, the URL must be contained in quotation marks.

Note. HTTPS is not a supported protocol for path.


Specify whether to validate a document type definition (DTD.) This parameter takes a Boolean value. If you specify true, the DTD validation occurs if a DTD is provided. If you specify false, and if a DTD is provided, it is ignored and the XML isn't validated against the DTD. The default value for this parameter is false.

In the case of application messaging, if a DTD is provided, it's always ignored and the XML isn't validated against the DTD.

If the XML cannot be validated against a DTD, an error is thrown saying that there was an XML parse error.


A Boolean value: True, the XML file converted successfully and was validated, False otherwise. (If the XML file is not valid, the PeopleCode program terminates.)


The following PeopleCode program loads a file from a file path:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local boolean &ret; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &ret = &inXMLDoc.ParseXmlFromURL("c:\temp\in.xml");

The following PeopleCode program loads a file from a URL:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local boolean &ret; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &ret = &inXMLDoc.ParseXmlFromURL("http://www.peoplesoft.com/xmlfile.xml");

See Also

XmlDoc class: ParseXmlString method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicParseXmlString




Use the ParseXmlString method to convert the XML string into an XmlDoc object that you can then manipulate using PeopleCode. The XmlDoc object executing the method is populated with the XML string after it's been converted. Any data already existing in the XmlDoc object is overwritten.

Using this method also does basic validation of the XML string, comparing it to the document type declaration (DTD) if the DOCTYPE for the DTD is provided in the XML string.



Specify an XML string that you want to be able to manipulate using PeopleCode.


A Boolean value: True, the XML string converted successfully and was validated, False otherwise. (If the XML is not valid, the PeopleCode program terminates.)


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local boolean &ret; Local string &str; &str = "<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc(""); &ret = &inXMLDoc.ParseXmlString(&str); If &ret Then /* do processing */ Else /* do error processing */ End-If;

See Also

XmlDoc class: ParseXmlFromURL method.

Click to jump to parent topicXmlDoc Properties

In this section, we discuss the XmlDoc properties. The properties are discussed in alphabetical order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocumentElement


This property returns a reference to the root element of the document as an XmlNode.

This property is read-only.

See Also

XmlNode Class.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIsNull


This property returns a Boolean value, indicating whether the doc is a valid object. This property returns True if the XmlDoc object is valid, False otherwise.

This property is read-only.

Click to jump to parent topicXmlNode Class

Unlike C++ and Java programming model, PeopleCode interface uses the root object XmlNode to represent all 11 different derived objects. An XmlNode object can be defined only as local.

Click to jump to parent topicXmlNode Class Methods

Add methods create a new node of the specific type, append this new node to the child list, and return this newly created node, while Insert methods add the node to the specified position.

In this section, we discuss the XmlNode methods. The methods are discussed in alphabetical order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAddAttribute


AddAttribute(Name, Value);


Use the AddAttribute method to add an attribute to an XmlNode. A reference to the newly created attribute is returned.

If you specify an attribute name that already exists, the new value you use replaces the existing value, and a reference to the attribute is returned.

Attributes added by the AddAttribute method appear in an arbitrary order in the generated XML.



Specify the name of the Attribute that you want to create, as a string.


Specify the value of the Attribute that you want to create, as a string.




Here is a set of XML response code.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <myroot> <postreqresponse> <candidate> <user> ​<location scenery="great" density="low" blank="eh?"/> ​ </user> </candidate> </postreqresponse> </myroot>

Here's the PeopleCode that builds it.

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &postReqNode; Local XmlNode &candidatesNode; Local XmlNode &userNode; Local XmlNode &locationNode; Local XmlNode &sceneryAtt; Local XmlNode &densityAtt; Local XmlNode &blankAtt; Local boolean &ret; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot/>"); &postReqNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("postreqresponse"); &candidatesNode = &postReqNode.AddElement("candidates"); &userNode = &candidatesNode.AddElement("user"); &locationNode = &userNode.AddElement("location"); &locationNode.AddAttribute("scenery", "great"); &locationNode.AddAttribute("density", "low"); &locationNode.AddAttribute("blank", "eh?");

See Also

XmlNode class: IsNull property.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAddAttributeNS


AddAttributeNS(NamespaceURI, AttributeName, Value)

where NamespaceURI can have one of the following forms:


OR a string URL, such as



Use the AddAttributeNS method to add a namespace attribute to an XmlNode. The new attribute is appended to the list of child nodes.

To insert a Namespace attribute at a particular place in the list of nodes, use the InsertAttributeNS method instead.

A reference to the newly created attribute is returned.

If you specify an attribute name that already exists, the new value you use replaces the existing value, and a reference to the attribute is returned.



Specify the URI that contains the Namespaces for the XmlDoc, as a string.


Specify the name of the Attribute that you want to create, as a string.


Specify the value of the Attribute that you want to create, as a string.




Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot/>"); &childNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("child"); &childNode.AddAttributeNS("http://www.peoplesoft.com", "scenery", "great");

See Also

XmlNode class: IsNull property.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAddCDataSection




Use the AddCDataSection to add a CDATA section to an XmlNode.

CDATA sections may occur anywhere character data may occur; they are used to escape blocks of text containing characters which would otherwise be recognized as markup.

To insert a CDATA section at a particular place in the list of nodes, use the InsertCDataSection method instead.

A reference to the newly created CDATA section is returned.

Note. You cannot use this method with a SoapDoc object.



Specify the data to be included in the CDATA section as a string.


A reference to the newly created CDATA section.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode; Local XmlNode &cdataNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot/>"); &childNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("child"); &cdataNode = &childNode.AddCDataSection("testing...");

The preceding PeopleCode program produces the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <myroot> <child> <![CDATA[testing...]]> </child> </myroot>

See Also

XmlNode class: InsertCDataSection method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAddComment




Use the AddComment method to add a comment to an XmlNode. The new attribute is appended to the list of child nodes.

To insert a comment at a particular place in the list of nodes, use the InsertComment method instead.

A reference to the newly created comment is returned.



Specify the text to be used as the comment, as a string.


A reference to the newly created comment.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode; Local XmlNode &commentNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot/>"); &childNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("child"); &commentNode = &childNode.AddComment("This is an example of a comment.");

The preceding PeopleCode program produces the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <myroot> <child> <!--This is an example of a comment.--> </child> </myroot>

See Also

XmlNode class: InsertComment method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAddElement




Use the AddElement method to add an element to the XmlNode. The new element is appended to the list of child nodes.

To insert an element at a particular place in the list of nodes, use the InsertElement method instead.

A reference to the newly created element is returned.



Specify the tag for the new element that you are adding, as a string.


A reference to the newly created element.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot/>"); &childNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("child");

The preceding PeopleCode program produces the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <myroot> <child/> </myroot>

See Also

XmlNode class: InsertElement method, GetElement method, GetElementsByTagName method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAddElementNS


AddElementNS(NamespaceURI, TagName)

Where NamespaceURI can have one of the following forms:


Or a string URL, such as:



Use AddElementNS to add a namespace element to an XmlNode. The new element is appendced to the list of child nodes.

To insert a Namespace element at a particular place in the list of nodes, use the InsertElementNS method instead. A reference to the newly created element is returned. If you specify an element name that already exists, the new value you use replaces the existing value, and a reference to the element is returned.



Specify the URI that contains the Namespaces for the XmlDoc, as a string.


Specify the name of the Element that you want to create, as a string.


A reference to the newly created element if successful. If not successful, the IsNull property is set to True.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot/>"); &childNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElementNS("http://www.peoplesoft.com",⇒ "child");

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAddEntityReference




Use the AddEntityReference method to add an entity reference. An entity reference refers to the content of the named entity. The new entity reference is appended to the list of child nodes. In the generated XML, the entity reference is automatically prefaced with the '&' character and suffixed with a semi-colon.

The named entity must exist in the document type declaration (DTD).

To insert an entity reference at a particular place in the list of nodes, use the InsertEntityReference method instead.



Specify the name of the entity to which this reference refers to.


A reference to the newly created entity reference.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode; Local XmlNode &entityRef; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot/>"); &childNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("child"); &entityRef = &childNode.AddEntityReference("MyURL");

The preceding PeopleCode program produces the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <myroot> <child> &MyURL; </child> </myroot>

See Also

XmlNode class: InsertEntityReference method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAddNode




Use the AddNode method to add an XmlNode to the XmlDoc. The new node is appended to the list of child nodes.

To insert a node at a particular place in the list of nodes, use the InsertNode method instead.

A reference to the newly created node is returned.



Specify an already instantiated XmlNode that you want to add.




Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc, &firstDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode; &firstDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot><child><subchild/></child><⇒ /myroot>"); &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &childNode = &firstDoc.DocumentElement.FindNode("/child"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddNode(&childNode);

See Also

XmlNode class: InsertNode method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAddProcessInstruction


AddProcessInstruction(Target, Data)


Use the AddProcessInstruction method to add a processing instruction to an XmlNode. The new process instruction is appended to the end of the child list.

To insert a processing instruction at a particular place, use the InsertProcessInstruction method instead.

A reference to the newly created processing instruction is returned.

Note. You cannot use this method with a SoapDoc object.



Specify the application to which the instruction is directed, as a string.


Specify the data used with the processing instruction.


A reference to the newly created processing instruction.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &procInst; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot/>"); &procInst = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddProcessInstruction("xml-stylesheet",⇒ "href=""book.css"" type=""text/css""");

The preceding PeopleCode program produces the followingXML :

<?xml version="1.0"?> <myroot> <?xml-stylesheet href="book.css" type="text/css"?> </myroot>

See Also

XmlNode class: InsertProcessInstruction method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAddText




Use the AddText method to add a text node to an XmlNode.

Note. A text node is not the same as a text declaration. The text declaration is added automatically with the CreateXmlDoc function. A text node just contains text within an XmlDoc.

To insert a text node at a particular place, use the InsertText method instead.

A reference to the newly created text node is returned.



Specify the data to be used as the text node, as a string.


A reference to the newly created text node.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode; Local XmlNode &textNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot/>"); &childNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("child"); &textNode = &childNode.AddText("This is text");

The preceding PeopleCode program produces the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <myroot> <child>This is text</child> </myroot>

See Also

XmlNode class: InsertText method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopyNode




Use the CopyNode method to copy a node specified by &Node and all of its child nodes into the current node, as a child node. The new node is appended to the end of the list of child nodes. The specified node can belong to a different XmlDoc.

If you just want to copy a top-level node, without copying its children, you can just create a new node with the name of the node you want.



Specify an already instantiated node that you want to copy.




Suppose that your XmlDoc has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <myroot> <child> <subchild/> </child> </myroot>

The following PeopleCode copies the node child and copies it into another doc.

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc, &firstDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode; &firstDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot><child><subchild/></child><⇒ /myroot>"); &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &childNode = &firstDoc.DocumentElement.FindNode("/child"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.CopyNode(&childNode);

The following is the new structure:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <child> <subchild/> </child> </root>

See Also

XmlNode class: AddNode method, InsertNode method, GetChildNode method, FindNode method, FindNodes method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFindNode




Use the FindNode method to return a reference to an XmlNode.

The path is specified as the list of tag names, to the node that you want to find, each separated by a slash (/).



Specify the tag names up to and including the name of the node that you want returned, starting with a slash and each separated by a slash (/). This is known as the XPath query language.

See http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath


An XmlNode matching the path if successful. If not successful, the IsNull property on the XmlNode is set to True.


Suppose your XmlDoc has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <myroot> <postreqresponse> <candidate> <user> ​<location scenery="great" density="low" blank="eh?"/> </user> </candidate> </postreqresponse> </myroot>

You want to return a reference to the location attribute. Use the following Path to do it:

&XmlNode = &MyDoc.FindNode("/myroot/postreqresponse/candidate/user/location");

See Also

XmlNode class: GetChildNode method, FindNodes method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFindNodes




Use the FindNodes method to return a reference to an array containing all the XmlNodes that match the path.

The path is specified as the list of tag names, to the node that you want to find, each separated by a slash (/).



Specify the tag names up to and including the name of the node that you want returned, each separated by a slash (/). This is known as the XPath query language.

See http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath


An array of XmlNode objects. If there is no match for the specified path, an array with 0 elements is returned.


Using the following input:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <PSmessage> <MsgData> <Transaction> <Record1 class="R"> <Field1>one</Field1> <Field1>two</Field1> <Field1>three</Field1> </Record1> </Transaction> </MsgData> </PSmessage>

The following PeopleCode program finds all of the Field1 nodes:

Local array of XmlNode &field1List; &field1List = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.FindNodes("MsgData/Transaction/Record1⇒ /Field1"); If &field1List.Len = 0 Then /* do error processing, no nodes returned */ Else /* do regular processing */ End-If;

See Also

XmlNode class: GetChildNode method, FindNode method, Array Class .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenXmlString




Use the GenXmlString method to generate an XML string of the XmlNode.




An XML String.


&MyXML = &MyNode.GenXmlString();

See Also

GenXmlString XmlDoc method

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGetAttributeName




Use the GetAttributeName method to return the specified attribute.



Specify an integer representing the attribute you want to access.


A string.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local string &attName; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddAttribute("name", "Joe"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddAttribute("address", "1234 West Eastland"); &attName = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.GetAttributeName(2);

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGetAttributeValue


GetAttributeValue({Name | Index})


Use the GetAttributeValue method to return the specific attribute value, given an attribute name. The attribute name is case-sensitive, so you must specify the exact name.


Name | Index

Specify the name or index of the attribute whose value you want to access.


A string containing the value of the specified attribute.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local string &attName; Local string &attValue; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddAttribute("name", "Joe"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddAttribute("address", "1234 West Eastland"); &attName = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.GetAttributeName(2); &attValue = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.GetAttributeValue(&attName);

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGetCDataValue




Use the GetCDataValue method to return the value of the first CDATA section in an XmlNode.




A reference to the value of the first CDATA section as a string.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &dataNode; Local XmlNode &cdataNode; Local string &theData; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data"); &cdataNode = &dataNode.AddCDataSection("this is a bunch of text"); &theData = &dataNode.GetCDataValue();

See Also

XmlNode class: AddCDataSection method, InsertCDataSection method, GetCDataValues method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGetCDataValues




Use the GetCDataValues method to return an array of string containing the values of the CDATA section in an XmlNode.




An array of string.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &dataNode; Local XmlNode &cdataNode; Local array of string &theData; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data"); &cdataNode = &dataNode.AddCDataSection("this is a bunch of text"); &cdataNode = &dataNode.AddCDataSection("more text"); &cdataNode = &dataNode.AddCDataSection("still more text"); &theData = &dataNode.GetCDataValues();

See Also

XmlNode class: AddCDataSection method, InsertCDataSection method, GetCDataValue method, Array Class .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGetChildNode




Use the GetChildNode method to return the specified child node of an XmlNode.



Specify an integer representing the child node that you want to access.


A reference to an XmlNode. If the specified XmlNode isn't found, the IsNull property for the XmlNode is set to True.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &dataNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data2"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.GetChildNode(2);

See Also

XmlNode class: FindNode method, FindNodes method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGetElement




Use the GetElement method to return the first child element node in the list of child nodes.




A reference to an element.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &dataNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data2"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.GetElement();

See Also

XmlNode class: AddElement method, InsertElement method, GetElements method, GetElementsByTagName method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGetElements




Use the GetElements method to return an array of all the XmlNode objects that are elements.




An array of XmlNode of all the element nodes. If there are no element nodes, an array with 0 elements is returned.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &dataNode; Local array of XmlNode &dataList; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data2"); &dataList = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.GetElements(); If &dataList.Len = 0 Then /* do error processing, no nodes returned */ Else /* do regular processing */ End-If;

See Also

XmlNode class: AddElement method, InsertElement method, GetElement method, GetElementsByTagName method, Array Class .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGetElementsByTagName




Use the GetElementsByTagName method to return an array of XmlNode objects that match the specified tag name.



Specify the tag name that you want to look for.


An array of XmlNode. If you specify an invalid tag name, the returned array has 0 elements.


Using the following input:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <PSmessage> <MsgData> <Transaction> <Record1 class="R"> <Field1>one</Field1> <Field1>two</Field1> <Field1>three</Field1> </Record1> </Transaction> </MsgData> </PSmessage>

The following PeopleCode program finds all Field1 nodes:

Local array of XmlNode &field1List; &field1List = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("Field1"); If &field1List.Len = 0 Then /* do error processing, no nodes returned */ Else /* do regular processing */ End-If;

See Also

XmlNode class: AddElement method, InsertElement method, GetElements method, GetElement method, Array Class .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGetElementsByTagNameNS


GetElementsByTagNameNS(NamespaceURI, TagName)

Where NamespaceURI can have one of the following forms:


Or a string URL, such as:



Use the GetElementsByTagNameNS method to return an array of XmlNode objects that match the specified namespace and qualified name.



Specify the URI that contains the Namespace for the XmlDoc, as a string.


Specify the name of the element that you want to retrieve.


An array of XmlNode. If you specify an invalid NamespaceURI, the returned array has 0 elements.


Using the following input:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <Psmessage xmlns="http://www.peoplesoft.com"> <MsgData> <Transaction> <Record1 class="R"> <Field1>one</Field1> <Field1>two</Field1> <Field1>three</Field1> </Record1> </Transaction> </MsgData> </PSmessage>

The following PeopleCode program finds all Field1 nodes:

Local array of XmlNode &field1List; &field1List = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagNameNS("http:⇒ //www.peoplesoft.com", "Field1"); If &field1List.Len = 0 Then /* do error processing, no nodes returned */ Else /* do regular processing */ End-If;

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInsertCDataSection


InsertCDataSection(Data, Position)


Use the InsertCDataSection method to insert a CDATA section in an XmlNode, at the location specified by Position.

Note. You cannot use this method with a SoapDoc object.



Specify the data for the CDATA section as a string.


Specify where you want to insert the CDATA Section, as a number.


A reference to the newly created CDATA section.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &dataNode; Local XmlNode &cdataNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data"); &cdataNode = &dataNode.AddCDataSection("this is a bunch of text"); &cdataNode = &dataNode.AddCDataSection("still more text"); &cdataNode = &dataNode.InsertCDataSection("more text", 2);

This is the XML document before the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <data> <![CDATA[this is a bunch of text]]> <![CDATA[still more text]]> </data> </root>

This is the XML document after the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <data> <![CDATA[this is a bunch of text]]> <![CDATA[more text]]> <![CDATA[still more text]]> </data> </root>

See Also

XmlNode class: AddCDataSection method, GetCDataValue method, GetCDataValues method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInsertComment


InsertComment(Data, Position)


Use the InsertComment method to insert a comment in an XmlNode at the location specified by Position.



Specify the data for the comment as a string.


Specify where you want to insert the comment, as a number.


A reference to the newly created comment.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &dataNode; Local XmlNode &commentNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data"); &commentNode = &dataNode.AddComment("this is a comment"); &commentNode = &dataNode.AddComment("still another comment"); &commentNode = &dataNode.InsertComment("more comments", 2);

This is the XML document before the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <data> <!--this is a comment--> <!--still another comment--> </data> </root>

This is the XML document after the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <data> <!--this is a comment--> <!--more comments--> <!--still another comment--> </data> </root>

See Also

XmlNode class: AddComment method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInsertElement


InsertElement(TagName, Position)


Use the InsertElement method to insert an element in an XmlNode at the location specified by Position.



Specify the tagname for the element as a string.


Specify where you want to insert the element, as a number.


A reference to the newly created element.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &dataNode; Local XmlNode &elementNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data"); &elementNode = &dataNode.AddElement("first"); &elementNode = &dataNode.AddElement("second"); &commentNode = &dataNode.InsertElement("third", 2);

This is the XML document before the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <data> <first/> <second/> </data> </root>

This is the XML document after the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <data> <first/> <third/> <second/> </data> </root>

See Also

XmlNode class: AddElement method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInsertElementNS


InsertElementNS(NamespaceURI, TagName, Position)

where NamespaceURI can have one of the following forms:


OR a string URL, such as



Use InsertElementNS to insert a new element in an XmlNode, at the location specified by Position.



Specify the URI that contains the Namespaces for the XmlDoc.


Specify the name of the element that you want to create, as a string.


Specify where you want to insert the element, as a number.


A reference to the newly created element.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &dataNode; Local XmlNode &elementNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root xmlns='http:⇒ //www.peoplesoft.com'/>"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data"); &elementNode = &dataNode.AddElement("first"); &elementNode = &dataNode.AddElement("second"); &elementNode = &dataNode.InsertElementNS("http://www.peoplesoft.com", "third", 2);

This is the XML document before the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root xmlns="http://www.peoplesoft.com"> <data> <first/> <second/> </data> </root>

This is the XML document after the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root xmlns="http://www.peoplesoft.com"> <data> <first/> <third/> <second/> </data> </root>

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInsertEntityReference


InsertEntityReference(Name, Position)


Use the InsertEntityReference method to add an entity reference. An entity reference refers to the content of the named entity.



Specify the name of the entity to which this reference refers to.


Specify where you want to insert the entity reference, as a number.


A reference to the newly created entity reference.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &dataNode; Local XmlNode &entityRef; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &dataNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("data"); &entityRef = &dataNode.AddEntityReference("first"); &entityRef = &dataNode.AddEntityReference("second"); &entityRef = &dataNode.InsertEntityReference("third", 2);

This is the XML document before the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <data> &first;&second; </data> </root>

This is the XML document after the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <data> &first;&third;&second; </data> </root>

See Also

XmlNode class: AddEntityReference method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInsertNode


InsertNode(&NewNode, {&RefNode | Position})


Use the InsertNode method to insert a new node. The node is inserted either before the node specified by &RefNode, or at the location specified by Position.

&NewNode refers to an already instantiated XmlNode object. You must create the node before you can insert it.

&RefNode refers to an already instantiated XmlNode object.



Specify the name of an already instantiated XmlNode that you want to insert.

&RefNode | Position

Specify either the name of an existing node or the location where you want the node to be inserted.


A reference to the newly inserted node.


The following PeopleCode program inserts a node using a position:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc, &firstDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode; &firstDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot><third><child/></third><⇒ /myroot>"); &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root><first/><second/></root>"); &childNode = &firstDoc.DocumentElement.FindNode("/third"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.InsertNode(&childNode, 2);

The following PeopleCode program inserts a node using a reference node:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc, &firstDoc; Local XmlNode &childNode, &secondNode; &firstDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><myroot><third><child/></third><⇒ /myroot>"); &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root><first/><second/></root>"); &childNode = &firstDoc.DocumentElement.FindNode("/third"); &secondNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.FindNode("/second"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.InsertNode(&childNode, &secondNode);

The following is the XML document before the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <first/> <second/> </root>

The following is the XML document after the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <first/> <third> <child/> </third> <second/> </root>

See Also

XmlNode class: AddNode method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInsertProcessInstruction


InsertProcessInstruction(Target, Data, Position)


Use the InsertProcessInstruction method to insert a processing instruction to an XmlNode at the location specified by Position.

Note. Youcannot use this method with a SoapDoc object.



Specify the application to which the instruction is directed, as a string.


Specify the data to be used with the instruction.


Specify where you want to insert the process instruction, as a number.


A reference to the newly created processing instruction.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &procInst; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &procInst = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddProcessInstruction("first", "firstvalue"); &procInst = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddProcessInstruction("second",⇒ "secondvalue"); &procInst = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.InsertProcessInstruction("third",⇒ "thirdvalue", 2);

This is the XML document before the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <?first firstvalue?> <?second secondvalue?> </root>

This is the XML document after the inser:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <?first firstvalue?> <?third thirdvalue?> <?second secondvalue?> </root>

See Also

XmlNode class: AddProcessInstruction method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInsertText


InsertText(Data, Position)


Use the InsertText method to insert a text node. The node is inserted at the location indicated by Position.

Note. A text node is not the same as a text declaration. The text declaration is added automatically with the CreateXmlDoc function. A text node just contains text within an XmlDoc.



Specify the data to be used for the text node, as a string.


Specify where you want to insert the text ndoe, as a number.


A reference to the newly created text node.


For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &textNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &textNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddText("first text"); &textNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddText("second text"); &textNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.InsertText("third text", 2);

This is the XML document before the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> first textsecond text</root>

This is the XML document after the insert:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> first textthird textsecond text</root>

See Also

XmlNode class: AddText method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRemoveAllChildNode




Use the RemoveAllChildNode method to remove all child nodes for an XmlNode.






For example:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &elementNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("first"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("second"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("third"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.RemoveAllChildNode();

This is the XML document before the removal:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <first/> <second/> <third/> </root>

This is the XML document after the removal:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root/>

See Also

XmlNode class: AddNode method, InsertNode method, GetChildNode method, FindNode method, FindNodes method, RemoveChildNode method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRemoveChildNode


RemoveChildNode({Position | Node})


Use the RemoveChildNode method to remove the child node in an XmlNode specified by Node, or located at Position.


Position | Node

Specify the child node that you want to delete, either using its position number or its name.


A reference to the removed XmlNode.


The following PeopleCode program uses a position:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &elementNode, &removedNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("first"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("second"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("third"); &removedNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.RemoveChildNode(2);

The following PeopleCode program uses a reference node:

Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &elementNode, &removedNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("first"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("second"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("third"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.FindNode("/second"); &removedNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.RemoveChildNode(&elementNode);

This is the XML document before the removal:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <first/> <second/> <third/> </root>

This is XML document after the removal:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <first/> <third/> </root>

See Also

XmlNode class: AddNode method, InsertNode method, GetChildNode method, FindNode method, FindNodes method, RemoveAllChildNode method.

Click to jump to parent topicXmlNode Class Properties

The following are the XmlNode properties.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAttributesCount


This property returns the number of attributes for an XmlNode, as a number.

This property is read-only.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddAttribute("first", "John"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddAttribute("last", "Public"); &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddAttribute("address", "1234 West Eastland"); For &i = 1 To &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AttributesCount /* do some processing of the attributes here */ End-For;

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChildNodeCount


This property returns the number of child nodes for an XmlNode, as a number.

This property is read-only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIndex


This property returns the location (or position) of a node in the parent's child list, as a number. The root node always returns a 1.

This property is read-only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIsNull


This property returns a Boolean value, indicating whether the node is a valid node. Use this property to verify the value of the add or insert XmlNode methods.

This property is read-only.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLDoc; Local XmlNode &elementNode; &inXMLDoc = CreateXmlDoc("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.AddElement("first"); &elementNode = &inXMLDoc.DocumentElement.FindNode("/second"); If &elementNode.IsNull Then /* do some error processing here, will not find "second" */ End-If;

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLocalName


This property returns the local part of a namespace as a string. The local part is the second part of the namespace entry. If you want access to the first part of a namespace, use the Prefix property.

This property is read-only.

See Also

XmlNode class: Prefix property.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNamespaceURI


This property returns a reference to the namespace URI as a string.

This property is read-only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNextSibling


This property returns the next child node in an XmlNode, as an XmlNode.

Use the IsNull property to verify that the XmlNode that is returned is valid.

This property is read-only.

See Also

XmlNode class: IsNull property.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNodeName


This property returns the name of the XmlNode as a string. You can use this property to rename an XmlNode.

This property is read-write.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNodePath


This property returns the path of the XmlNode, from the root.

This property is read-only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNodeType


This property returns the type of the XmlNode. You can use either a numeric value or a constant. The values are:

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Element node



Attribute node



Text node



CData section node



Entity reference node



Entity node



Processing instruction node



Comment node



Document node



Document type node



Notation node




Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNodeValue


This property returns the value of the XmlNode, as a string.

This property is read-write.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicParentNode


This property returns a reference to the parent node for the XmlNode, as an XmlNode object.

Use the IsNull property to verify that the XmlNode that is returned is valid.

This property is read-only.

See Also

XmlNode class: IsNull property.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrefix


This property returns the prefix part of a namespace as a string. The prefix is the first part of the namespace entry. If you want access to the second part of a namespace, use the LocalName property.

This property is read-only.

See Also

XmlNode class: LocalName property.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviousSibling


This property returns a reference to the previous node in the XmlNode, as an XmlNode object.

Use the IsNull property to verify that the XmlNode that is returned is valid.

This property is read-only.

See Also

XmlNode class: IsNull property.