Appendix: Working With Usage Monitor

This section discusses:


Click to jump to parent topicEnabling Usage Monitor

To enable Usage Monitor, Performance Monitor must first be set up according to the steps described in this PeopleBook.

See Setting Up the Performance Monitor.

If Performance Monitor is already set up, to set up Usage Monitor data collection, you need to verify that the following additional settings are set appropriately on your system.

Click to jump to parent topicVerifying Usage Monitor Data Collection

To verify that Performance Monitor is collecting Usage Monitor data, run the following query using your SQL query tool:


Note. Performance Monitor stores the Usage Monitor data as PMU 440. However, viewing the Usage Monitor data in the Performance Monitor interface (viewing PMU 440) is not the primary interface for the Usage Monitor data. It is recommended to use PSPMTRANS35_VW to verify Usage Monitor information.

Click to jump to parent topicAssociating Test Names and Test Cases With Usage Monitor Data

When the Usage Monitor is enabled and collecting usage data, the information is stored associated with a user ID or anonymously, depending on the options selected for the Usage Monitoring State parameter in the application server domain configuration. To associate a test name and test case with usage monitoring data, use the Usage Monitoring page, which you access by using the Usage Monitoring top-level menu item. This can help to sort the generated usage data, especially for usage data for PeopleSoft Test Framework tests.

Enter a Test Name and Test Case value to associate specific usage data with individual tests and test cases.

To begin a test, click Start Test.

To end a test, click Stop Test.

To view the data collected during the test, you can use the Test Name and Test Case value to retrieve information specific to a particular test case. For example:


Where PTTST_NAME is the Test Name value, and PTTST_CASE_NAME is the Test Case value.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Usage Monitor Data

After you have generated the desired usage data, it is recommended that before analyzing the information, you run the Usage Monitor Aggregator (PTUMAGR) Application Engine program. This takes the data stored in PSPMTRANS35_VW and inserts it into the PSPTUMPMTAGR table. This aggregated data is more suitable for analysis, including the analysis performed by way of the PeopleSoft Test Framework.

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating Usage Monitor Data with Lifecycle Management Tools

The Usage Monitor provides additional information for analysis when determining test coverage with the PeopleSoft Test Framework . In the PeopleSoft Test Framework (PTF), a test coverage report correlates PeopleTools project data with PTF test metadata to identify components, menus, pages, records and fields that are referenced in PTF tests. When used in conjunction with Usage Monitor, test coverage correlations can be extended to include information on all definitions (including PeopleCode, Application Engine programs, and so on) from a usage perspective. A test coverage report identifies which objects included in the change project are referenced by which PTF test. Definitions included in the change project that are not referenced in the PTF test metadata or Usage Monitor data appears in the report identified as a coverage gap.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Test Framework