Using Process Monitor

This chapter provides an overview of Process Monitor and discusses how to view the status of:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Process Monitor

After you submit a job using the Process Scheduler Request page, use Process Monitor to review the status of scheduled or running processes. You can view all processes to see the status of any job in the queue and control processes that you initiated. Process Monitor consists of two pages: the Process List page and the Server List page.

Use the Process List page to monitor the process requests that you submit. If a process encounters an error, or if a server is down, you can find out almost immediately. You can also see what processes are queued to run in the future.

Use the Server List page to view information about each of the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agents that is defined in the system.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing the Status of Processes

This section discusses how to view:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View the Status of Processes

Page Name

Definition Name



Process List


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor

PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, System Process Requests, Process Request Dialog

Click the Process Monitor link on the Process Request Dialog page.

Monitor the process requests that you submit.

Process Detail


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor

Click the main job name on the Process List page.

View the status of all jobs and processes that are attached to the main job in tree format.

Process Detail


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor

Click the Details link on the Process List page.

View process detail information and manipulate the program run.

Process Request Parameters


Click the Parameters link on the Process Detail page.

View additional information about the process parameters.

Message Log


Click the Message Log link on the Process Detail page.

View messages that are inserted into the message log by the programs that are running.

Batch Timings - Summary


Click the Batch Timings link on the Process Detail page.

View statistics the system administrator can use to tune the system for better performance.

View Log/Trace


Click the View Log/Trace link on the Process Detail page.

View files posted to the Report Repository.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Process List

To access the Process List page, select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor.

User ID

View the processes submitted by a user ID. Usually, you view your own user ID. Leave blank to view all of the processes that you are authorized to view.


View by a process type, such as Application Engine, Crystal, COBOL, SQR, or Application Engine.

Last or Date Range

Specify an interval of time by which to limit the process requests that appear in the list. Select Last to display only those reports that were created in the last number of days, hours, years, or minutes. Enter a custom numerical value in the field and then select a unit type: Days, Hours, Years,, Minutes, or All.

If you select All, the time interval fields will be grayed out and all process requests will appear.

Select Date Range to display only those reports created between two specific dates. Enter a From date and a To date.


View processes that are run on a particular server.


View processes by a process name.

Note. You will not be able to select a value for this field until you first select a process type.


Specify a range of instances by which to limit the process requests that appear in the list. To limit the view to a single request, enter the required instance ID in the first text field.

Run Status

View processes by status, such as Success or Error.

Save on Refresh

Select the check box to save changes to filter criteria when you select the Refresh button.

The rules applying to Save on Refresh are listed later in this section.


Click to check the current status of a submitted process.

Select All and Deselect All

The Select All and Deselect All buttons appear at the bottom of the page when the process list contains processes that can be deleted, cancelled, held, or restarted.

Click Select All to select all valid processes. Once selected, click Delete Request to delete all the selected processes. Click Cancel Request to cancel all of the selected processes. Click Hold Request to hold all of the selected processes. Click Restart Request to restart multiple processes or jobs that are on hold.

Click Deselect All to deselect all valid processes.

Use the check box that appears to the left of each process to select individual processes. The check box is only active for valid processes.

Note. The Delete, Cancel, Hold, and Restart options can be performed only on processes with specific run statuses. Therefore, the options will only be visible when processes are filtered by a valid run status for that option.


Displays the process instance; that is, the order in which the process appears in the queue. This number is generated automatically.

Seq (sequence)

Within a PSJob, each process request has a defined sequence in which it runs in relation to the others. This column displays this sequence, such as 1, 2, 3, and so on.

Process Type

Displays the type of process, such as Application Engine, COBOL, or SQL.

Process Name

Displays the name of the process.

When a job or a jobset is listed, only the main job appears, and the system displays its name as a link. Click to see the status of all jobs and processes that are attached to the main job.

Click the Recurrence icon to go to the Recurring Process/Job page, where you can perform one of the following actions on the current queued request.

Hold: Suspend initiating and recurring.

Stop: Stop from recurring a new request.

Restart: Resume activity based on the last action selected.

This page displays the Recurrence Name, Process Type, and Process Name of the selected recurring process. It also lists a history of the recurrence process. The most current instance is listed first.

Click the Schedule JobSet icon to go to the Schedule JobSet page. This page displays a history of the scheduled jobset.

Click Return to return to the Process Monitor page.


Displays the user ID of the person who submitted the request.

Run Date/Time

Displays the time and date at which the process request was created.

Run Status

Indicates the status of the process, such as Queued, Initiated, or Cancelled.

A complete list of Run Status values appears later in this section.

Distribution Status

Displays the distribution status for each individual job and process. Valid states are: N/A, None, Generated (OS390), Not Posted, Posting, and Posted.


Click to display the Process Details page.

See Defining Jobs and JobSets, Defining Recurrence Definitions.

Process Request Run Status

The Run Status column on the Process List page indicates the current state of a process. Knowing the status of a job helps you determine where it is in the queue or identify a problem if the process has an error.

Run Status


Updated By


The running of this process has been blocked, which indicates that this process is waiting for one of the following: the number of active occurrences of this process to drop below Max Concurrent value, a process recognized as mutually exclusive to complete, or a dependent file to be located.

Batch program


Indicates that a user has requested to cancel the scheduling of a process request.

Process Monitor

See Limitations of Process Scheduler Server.


Indicates that the server agent has successfully canceled the request after it has started.

PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent


Indicates that the program associated with the process request encountered an error while processing transactions within the program. In this case, delivered programs are coded to update the run status to Error before terminating.

Batch Program


Indicates that a user has requested that the scheduling of a process request be put on hold.

Process Monitor


Indicates that a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server has acknowledged the new request. At this time, PeopleSoft Process Scheduler validates the parameters that are associated with this request and submits the command line to start the process.

PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

No Success

Indicates that the program encountered an error within the transaction. No Success is different from Error because the process is marked as restartable. (Application Engine is the only delivered process type that is restartable.)

Batch Program


Status assigned to an item of a new PSJob request. This indicates that this item is waiting for a previous item in the job before PeopleSoft Process Scheduler releases this item. When the previous item has completed successfully, PeopleSoft Process Scheduler changes the status of the item to Queued.

Process Request Dialog or ProcessRequest() PeopleCode function


Indicates that PeopleSoft Process Scheduler has successfully initiated the program. A status of Processing indicates that the program is running.

Batch Program


Status assigned to a new process request. The process request remains Queued until a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server picks up the new request.

Process Request Dialog or ProcessRequest() PeopleCode function


Indicates that a process, which encountered an error, is attempting to restart.

Batch program


Indicates that the program has successfully completed.

Batch Program


A warning status is available to use in a job definition. A job definition may continue or stop when a process encounters a warning.

The warning status must be set using PeopleSoft Application Engine. Set the AE_APPSTATUS field to 1.

Batch program

Save on Refresh

The following rules apply to the Save on Refresh check box:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Process Details

To access the Process Detail page, click the Details link on the Process List page.

Use the Process Detail page to view details, such as request parameters, message logs, and any recovery instances that have been run. Many of the items on this page are display-only. However, you can use some controls to manipulate the program run.

Note. You must click OK to confirm the Update Process request on the Process Detail page.


This display-only group box contains general descriptive information to help you identify the process request, including the run and distribution states.


Run Control ID and Location

Displays the run control ID and the run location.


Displays the name of the server used, if the process runs on the server.

Note. When the process is in queue status, the name of the requested server is appears.


Displays the recurrence name if this process has a recurring schedule.

Current Step

For Application Engine Process Type only. The Step this Application Engine process is currently executing appears in PROGNAME.SECTION.Step format.

Update Process

The actions that are available in this group box depend on your user authorizations and the current status of the request. This group box is available only if your user ID is authorized to update the selected request.

The option that you select depends on the current run status of the process request. For instance, you cannot cancel a job that has already completed, and you cannot hold a request that is currently processing. The valid actions based on the current status of each process request appear in the following table:

Current Status

Valid Actions


Hold, Cancel






Delete, Cancel, Restart



No Success



Hold, Cancel




Hold, Cancel


Hold, Cancel





Note. The action Resend Content is available when the Distribution Status for a process is Not Posted.


Request Created On

Displays the date and time at which the request appeared in the Process Request table (PSPRCSRQST). This is the same as the Start Request field on the Recurrence Definition page.

Run Anytime After

Indicates the date and time at which the user selected File, Run in a PeopleSoft application.

Began Process At

Displays the actual date and time at which the process was selected and initiated.

For server-based requests, a large gap may exist between the Request Created On and Began Process At values because of PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent sleep time and other server processing activity.

Ended Process At

Indicates the date and time at which the selected process status updated to Success.

Note. If the request fails at initiation, the begin and end times do not appear.


This group box contains links to other pages, including Parameters, Message Log, Batch Timings, Transfer, and Temp Tables, and View Log/Trace. These pages provide additional details about the process.

Additional information about these actions is provided in the following Viewing Process Detail Actions section of this chapter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Process Detail Actions

This section discusses the process detail action pages.

Note. All action pages contain a group box that displays general information about the process.

Viewing Process Request Parameters

Access the Process Request Parameters page.

Use this page to view additional information about the process parameters.

All non-secure, runtime definition variables are expanded for both client and server requests in this group box. This information should help eliminate configuration problems by identifying incorrect entries in either the PeopleSoft Configuration Manager (PSADMIN) or the operating environment.

Command Line

Displays the path and program used to run the process.

You can select the command line and copy it into other tools. This is useful when trying to isolate a request-related problem originating outside of PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, such as an incorrect entry in Configuration Manager or an SQR compile problem.

For example, after copying the command line, you might paste the parameters directly into the target of an SQRW icon and then run the process outside of PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to isolate a problem.

Working Dir (working directory)

Displays the directory in which the database connectivity software is installed.


Displays the location of the completed output that is generated by the process, such as %%OutputDirectory%%.

When the output destination for the process is Web, the destination lists the user or role IDs that are authorized to view the report in Report Manager.

Message Text

Displays additional information about the process status. Typically, this displays built-in messages that describe the status of the program that you are running.

Note. You must manually provide passwords (CP %OPPPSWD% params) that are required in the request parameters, because they are not exposed on the Process Request Parameters page for security reasons.

Viewing the Message Log

Access the Message Log page.

Use the Message Log page to view messages that are inserted into the message log by the program that are running.


Click to see a detailed explanation of the message.

Note. This option is available for PeopleSoft Application Engine and COBOL processes only.

Viewing Batch Timings

Click the Batch Timings link on the Process Detail page to access the Batch Timings report.

Note. The Batch Timings link is only available for process requests with a process type of Application Engine.

The Batch Timings report contains a set of statistics that system administrators can use to tune the system to gain better performance. This report relates specifically to PeopleSoft Application Engine program performance.

Viewing Transfer Pages

Click the Transfer link on the Process Detail page to access the page defined on the Page Transfer page for this process definition.

Viewing Temporary Tables

Click the Temp Tables link on the Process Detail page to access the Temporary Tables page.

Temporary tables can be important assets for many PeopleSoft Application Engine programs. They are used to:

See Using Temporary Tables.

Viewing Log and Trace Files

Click the View Log/Trace link on the Process Detail page to access the View Log/Trace page.

The View Log/Trace page enables you to view the output file, message log and trace file in a browser. The View Log/Trace link appears active on the Process Detail page when at least one of the following conditions is met:

Click to jump to parent topicViewing the Status of Servers

This section discusses how to view:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View the Status of Servers

Page Name

Definition Name



Server List


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor, Server List

View information about each of the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agents that is defined in the system.

Server Activity


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor, Server List

Click the name of a server on the Server List page.

View theactivity details of the selected server by process and by process category.

Server Detail


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor, Server List

Click the Details link on the Server List page.

View server detail information and update its status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Server List

To access the Server List page, select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Server List.


Displays the system name that identifies the server. Click to view activity details for the selected server.


Displays the name of server on which the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent was started.

Last Update Date/Time

Displays the last time that you refreshed the server list to display the most current information.

Dist Node (distribution node)

Displays the name of the report node where the Distribution Agent posted all generated reports, logs, or trace files.


Displays Y if this server is designated as a Master Scheduler.

CPU (%)

Displays current CPU usage as a percentage of the total.

Memory (%)

Displays current memory usage as a percentage of the total.


Displays the number of processes that are currently in an active state of processing.


Status of the server. Values are Running, Down, and Suspended.

A complete list of Status values appears later in this section.


Click to display detailed information about the selected server agent.


Click to display the most current status of a server.

Server Status

The Status column on the Server List page indicates the current state of a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server. Knowing the status of a server helps you identify a problem if the server has an error. This table describes each server status:




Server is active and querying the process request for any queued request to schedule.

Running With No Report Node

The server has not been assigned a report node in the server definition, so reports with output destination of Web will remain in posting status until a report node is specified.

Note. Server is active and querying the process request for any queued request to schedule.


Server was shut down.

Suspended - Disk Low

Server determined that the current Log/Output directory is below the disk threshold specified in the Process Scheduler configuration file. The server will not schedule new requests until space becomes available.

Suspended - Offline

Server is suspended because current day and time is not within the allowed operation times defined in the server definition.


The amount of CPU or memory used exceeds the percentage value thresholds entered. The server will wait to launch any new processes.

See Defining Servers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Server Activity

To access the Server Activity page, click the name of a server on the Server List page.

Use this page to view the following server activity information by process type and by process category:

Click the Refresh button to refresh the information. Click Return to return to the Server List page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Server Details

To access the Server Detail page, click the Details link on the Server List page.


Server Name

Displays the name of the server on which this process runs.

Operating System

Displays the name of the operating system of the server.


Displays the current status of the server: Running, Down or Suspended.

Max API Aware Tasks (maximum application programming interface aware tasks)

Displays the number of concurrent processes that can run on this PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server.


Displays the name of the server on which the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent was started.

Server Load Balancing Option

Displays the Server Load Balancing Option value selected for this server.

See Using Process Request APIs.


CPU Threshold

Displays the CPU threshold percentage value specified in the server definition.

If CPU usage exceeds this value, the server will not schedule new requests until CPU usage drops below this amount.

Memory Threshold

Displays the Memory threshold percentage value specified in the server definition.

If memory usage exceeds this value, the server will not schedule new requests until memory availability drops below this amount.

Disk Space Threshold

Displays the disk threshold specified in Process Scheduler configuration file. The server will not schedule new requests until space becomes available.


CPU Usage

Displays current CPU usage.

Memory Usage

Displays current memory usage.

Disk Space Available

Displays the amount of disk space available.


Sleep Time

Displays the specified interval at which the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent wakes up and polls the Process Request table.


Displays the value used by the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent to track server status. Each time the server issues a heartbeat message, it updates the last date and time stamp in this table with the current date and time. This prevents the database from accepting more than one PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent with the same name.

Update Details

Stop Server (OS390 only)

Select to shut down a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server that is running or exhibiting problematic behavior.

Suspend Server

Select to prevent a running PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server from accepting new process requests.

Restart Server

Select to restart a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server that has been suspended. If a server has been stopped, you must restart it using PSADMIN.

Note. After selecting one of these options, you must click OK to run the command.


Daemon Enabled, Daemon Group, and Daemon Sleep Time

Displays the selections specified in the server definition.

Message Log

Click to go to the Message Log page. A Delete button is located on this page, but it remains hidden when the daemon is running. When the Delete button appears, click it to delete all the messages in the log.

See Also

Setting Server Definitions