Managing PeopleSoft Personalizations

This chapter provides an overview of personalizations and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Personalizations

PeopleSoft software offers a variety of options that enable end users, especially power users, to complete business transactions in a more efficient manner. These options improve a user's navigation speed through the system and enable users to select international preferences, such as date and time formats. You select, customize, and define personalizations using the Personalization pages.

To access the Personalization pages, select PeopleTools, Personalization.

Personalizations are grouped in three levels of categories to aid in development, organization, and deployment:

After you have selected the personalizations for your site, you assign them to a user or role, using the Personalizations page of the permission lists component in PeopleTools Security. The Personalizations page enables the security administrator to assign role-based personalizations and enable user control for selected personalization options, if needed.

End users can view and modify their available personalization options from the My Personalization component (USER_SELF_PERSONAL).

The following sections provide more details on defining, customizing, and deploying PeopleSoft personalizations.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Personalization Options

Before you begin defining and deploying personalization options, you need to be familiar with the personalization option categories delivered with PeopleSoft software, and the pages used to view and modify them. This section discusses:

Note. PeopleSoft Mobile applications use the standard personalizations.

PeopleSoft Mobile Agent is a deprecated product. Mobile personalization features exist for backward compatibility only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Navigation Personalizations

The following table presents the delivered navigation personalization options.

Note. PTPT1000 is a delivered permission list that you can use as a starting point for a user permission list. The column shows whether PTPT1000 allows a user to set the option.

Option Code


Default Value


ACEGRDCOLS (Max columns for Show all Columns)

Specify the maximum number of columns that are displayed in an analytic grid when the user selects Show All Columns. You can specify up to 100.



ACEGRDROWS (Max rows for View All)

Specify the maximum number of rows that are displayed in an analytic grid when the user selects View All.



ADBTN (Tab over Add/Del Buttons (+/-))

Enable tabbing over the Add (+) and Delete (-) buttons within grids and scrolls.



ANAVSORT(Navigation menu sort)

Enable top navigation sort.



AUTOMENU (Automatic menu collapse)

Enable the menu to automatically collapse when a transaction is selected. The user can expand the menu either by pressing Ctrl-Y or clicking the Show Menu icon.



BADDRESSBAR (Show browser address location)

Enable the display of the browser’s address bar.

Note. This option takes effect only after a new browser instance is launched.



BBUTTONS (Show browser navigation bar)

Enable the display of the browser’s navigation bar, which usually contains the Back, Forward, Home, and Refresh buttons, among others depending on the browser in use.

Note. This option takes effect only after a new browser instance is launched.



BGLYPH (Tab over related content glyph)

Enable tabbing over the red glyphs, which indicate a field-level related content contextual menu.



BLINKS (Show browser links)

Enable the display of the browser's personal links toolbar.

Note. This option takes effect only after a new browser instance is launched.



BMENU (Show browser menu)

Enable the display of the browser’s menu bar.

Note. This option takes effect only after a new browser instance is launched.



BMOPOPUP (Enable mouse over pop-up windows)

Enable mouse over pop up pages, which appear over the main page when you hover over certain text fields.



BNEWWIN (New browser window)

Override the browser setting that causes new windows to appear in browser tabs and instead force all new windows to open in a separate browser window.

Note. No status bar appears at the bottom of new windows.



CALBTN (Tab over Calendar Button)

Enable tabbing over the calendar controls, which appear as buttons on the page.




Enable expert entry.



GRDRWS (Max rows for View All)

Specify the maximum number of rows that are displayed in a grid or scroll area when the user selects View All.



GRDTAB (Tab over Grid Tabs)

Enable tabbing over the tabs or headings within grids.



HDRICN (Tab over Header Icons)

Enable tabbing over header icons, which appear at the top of each page and include Home, Add To Favorites, and Sign Out.



LKPBTN (Tab over Lookup Button)

Enable tabbing over the lookup buttons to the right of edit boxes that have an associated list of valid values.



NBAR (Tab over Navigation Bar)

Enable tabbing over navigation bars, which appear at the top of grids and scroll areas to control the appearance of rows and columns.



NONPS (Tab over Browser Elements)

Restrict tabbing to include only the PeopleSoft elements of the page, and tab over non-PeopleSoft elements.



PGLNK (Tab over Page Links)

Enable tabbing over links to other pages in the same component.



POPUP (Tab over Related Page Links)

Enable tabbing over the pop-up menu icon that opens a page of associated menu items.



TBAR (Tab over Toolbar)

Enable tabbing over the toolbar at the bottom of a page. Toolbar items include buttons that control standard operations on the page, such as Save and Return to Search.




Enable autocomplete on prompt edit boxes. The system performs a prompt lookup as you type, suggesting appropriate values.



Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Regional Settings

The following table presents the delivered regional settings.

Note. PTPT1000 is a delivered permission list that you can use as a starting point for a user permission list. The column shows whether PTPT1000 allows a user to modify the option.

Option Code


Default Value


ADES (Afternoon designator (PM, pm))

(Locale-based) Specify the afternoon designator string to use to indicate PM on a 12 hour display, such as PM or pm. This value has a 5-character limit.




Specify whether the system automatically recognizes and converts date values to Gregorian calendar dates.




(Locale-based) Specify the calendar type to use. Select from these values:

  • Gregorian

  • Hijri (UmmA l-Qura)

  • Thai

Note. If auto-recognize Gregorian dates is set to Yes and the calendar is set to non-Gregorian, any dates entered in date fields that fall in the range of the Gregorian calendar will be assumed to be Gregorian and will be converted to specified calendar dates.



DCSP (Decimal Separator)

(Locale-based) Specify the decimal separator character for values with decimals, such as 1.00 or 1,00. You can enter any single character.



DFRMT (Date Format)

(Locale-based) Specify the format for displaying the date. Select from the following values:

  • DDMMYY (day first)

  • MMDDYY (month first)

  • YYMMDD (year first)



DTSP (Date Separator)

(Locale-based) Specify a date separator character used to separate the month, day, and year in a date. For example, if you specify a hyphen (-), the date appears as 01-01-2001. If you specify a slash (/), the date appears as 01/01/2001. You can enter any single character.



LTZONE (Local Time Zone)

Select the local time zone, such as Moscow Time, Greenwich Mean Time, or Japan Standard Time.

Note. This setting alters the display of the time for the end user, but does not affect the Base Time Zone setting on the PeopleTools Options page.

Pacific Time (US), Tijuana


MDES (Morning designator (AM, am))

(Locale-based) Specify the morning designator string to use to indicate AM on a 12 hour display, such as AM or am. This value has a 5-character limit.



TFRMT (Time Format)

(Locale-based) Specify the time format for display. Select from the following values:

  • 12 hour clock (01:05:00 PM)

  • 24 hour clock (13:05:00)

Note. Whether microseconds appear is not a personalization option.

12 hour clock


TMSP (Time Separator)

Specify the time separator character to separate hours, minutes, and seconds, such as (:) or (.). You can enter any single character.



TSEP (Digit Group Separator)

(Locale-based) Specify the digit group separator character for displaying numerical values over 999 — such as a comma (1,000) or a period (1.000). To specify a space, enter the space between single quotes (' '). You can enter any single character.



TZONE (Use Local Timezone)

Indicate that transactions are to use the local time zone of the client machine.

If you select No, transactions use the local time zone of the server, where the server may in turn be set to a corporate time zone.




(Locale-based) Specify which day begins the week.



Locale-Based Regional Settings

Some of the regional settings, as noted in the table, are locale-based. Their values can be determined based on the locale setting of the user's browser. Because this is one of three sources that can determine which value applies, it's important to understand which source takes precedence:

See Also

Working with Locale-Based Personalizations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding General Options

The following table presents the delivered general options.

Note. PTPT1000 is a delivered permission list that you can use as a starting point for a user permission list. The column shows whether PTPT1000 allows a user to modify the option.

Option Code


Default Value


ACCESS (Accessibility Features)

Specify accessibility features. This option provides better support for assistive technologies. Select from the following values:

  • Use accessible layout mode — For use with screen readers. Page elements (fields, links, buttons, and so on) are presented in linear fashion to assistive software.

  • Use standard layout mode — Supports assistive technologies without altering the page design.

  • Accessibility features off — This disables accessibility features.

Accessibility features off


EXCEL97 (Excel 97 grid download)

Indicate that you want to use the character set defined in the user language instead of the default UTF-8 character set when you download a page grid to Microsoft Excel 97.

Enter Y to enable, or N to disable this option.

Note. This option is recommended only for non-English speaking users who use Microsoft Excel 97. It isn't recommended for Excel in Microsoft Office 2000 and later.



CUSTOMPGSET (Customize Page Settings)

Indicate that the Customize Page pagebar link should appear at the top of pages at runtime. Users can use this control to define, share, and copy page personalizations.

Warning! When this option is disabled, all existing page personalizations for the user are deleted. Grid personalizations aren't affected.

Note. You can prevent the Customize Page pagebar link from appearing in a given component, regardless of whether users have access to this option, by clearing the Customize Page Link check box in the Internet properties of the component definition.

See Setting Component Properties.



METAXP (Time page held in cache)

Enable browser caching for the navigation pages that remain relatively static. This option specifies the time, in minutes, that portal homepage and navigation pages are held in the cache.

You can specify a value between 0 (no caching) and 525600 minutes (one year).



MLTLNG (Multi Language Entry)

Enable data entry in multiple languages.

On a page where the Data Language drop-down list box is available, users can select a preferred language for data entry on that page.

When this option is disabled, the Data Language drop-down list box has no effect.



SCLANG (Spell Check Dictionary)

Specify the language to use for the spell check dictionary. Users can select from a wide range of supported languages, or use their session language.

Use session language


See Also

Using Portal Caching Features

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding System Messages

System messages are those that the system displays for the user when certain events occur, such as a save or a request to view another page. The following table presents the options for system messages.

Note. PTPT1000 is a delivered permission list that you can use as a starting point for a user permission list. The column shows whether PTPT1000 allows a user to modify the option.

Option Code


Default Setting


SCNFRM (Save Confirmation)

Display a brief message confirming each save action.



SWARN (Save Warning)

Display a warning when the user makes a change and attempts to leave the transaction without saving.



Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Internally Controlled Options

Internally controlled personalization options are different from the other personalization option categories. Although they're defined in the Define Personalizations component (PSUSEROPTNDEFINE), they never appear in My Personalizations, even if you assign them to a permission list.

Instead of accessing these options in My Personalizations, users access and configure them at other locations; the location depends on the individual option. These options are always enabled and can't be disabled, but you can specify their default settings in the Define Personalizations component.

Query Preferences

You specify the default values of the Query preference options in the Define Personalizations component, and individual users can modify those values in Query preferences. The following personalization options are used by PeopleSoft Query:


This option appears as the Enable Auto Join check box on the Query Preferences page. It's selected by default.


This option appears as the Name Style setting on the Query Preferences page. Its default value is Name and Description.


This option is not used in the current release.


This option is not used in the current release.

See Specifying Query Preferences.

Portal Preference

The following personalization option is used by PeopleTools portal technologies:


Note. This option is not available to end users. The default value that you set for it in the Define Personalizations component is the only value used, and it applies globally to all users.

Use PAGEHDRCACHE to configure caching for the PeopleSoft portal navigation header. This option specifies the time, in minutes, that portal headers are held in the cache. The delivered initial value of this option is 480 minutes.

Tree Manager Preference

The following personalization option is used by PeopleSoft Tree Manager:


This option appears as the Display Lines Per Page setting on the Configure User Options page of PeopleSoft Tree Manager. Its default value is 60 lines.

See Setting Display Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define and Modify Personalizations

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Personalizations


PeopleTools, Personalization, Personalization Options

View, modify, or add personalization option definitions and their formats. View or modify the explanations that end users see in the My Personalization interface.

Category Groups


PeopleTools, Personalization, Category Groups

View or modify the grouping of options for administrative and ownership purposes.



PeopleTools, Personalization, Categories

View or modify the categories in which personalization options are grouped for end users.

Locale Definition


PeopleTools, Personalization, Locales

Control the locales for which you can specify defaults.

Locale Defaults


PeopleTools, Personalizations, Locale Defaults

Specify defaults for locales appearing on the Locale Definition page.

My Personalizations


My Personalizations

End users access this page to view and modify personalizations

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Personalization Options

This section provides an overview of the Search page and discusses how to:

Note. Adding personalization options involves setting up your options in the Personalizations component, implementing the behavior using PeopleCode, and adding the appropriate permissions through PeopleTools Security. Adding a row to the table using the following interface is only one part of the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Search Page

To access the personalization definition pages, select PeopleTools, Personalization, Personalization Options. On the search page, you have the option to search by Option Category Level or Description. If you select Option Category Level and click Search, the following result set appears:

Note. These are the only available Option Category Levels. You can't add custom Option Category Levels.

This list corresponds directly to the collection of PeopleSoft applications. In addition, there is a Custom category where you store any personalization options you create for applications you have built using PeopleTools. You can also add, or extend, the personalizations for each category. For example, if you wanted to add a new personalization to the HCM category, you add it to the list and define it.

This high-level separation of the personalization options enables you to take a modular approach in deploying the options to your user base. It also helps you to avoid collisions by separating equivalent personalization options by application. For example, you can assign different default values for the same personalization for your Human Resources and Financials applications.

Before adding or modifying personalizations, you select the appropriate category. For example, for CRM personalizations, select the CRM category.

Note. Whether you have installed all of the applications listed in the Option Category Level options, the same category levels appear. Ignore any category levels that do not apply to your site.

You add and modify the delivered personalization options using the Define Personalizations component.

Access the Define Personalization page (PeopleTools, Personalization, Personalization Options). This grid contains the following tabs:

You use this grid to view and to modify the personalizations within the Category Level you selected on the search page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Definition Tab

Click the Definition tab.

User Option

Displays the code associated with the user option. This is the code that the system (PeopleCode) recognizes at run time.


This is the description of the option that the end user sees on the My Personalizations interface. The description should be unique within the same category. When adding custom personalizations, special attention needs to be paid to this field. Make sure the description is meaningful to end users.

Option Category Group

Specify the product or functional groupings of options. This value acts as an administrative attribute providing ownership for maintenance purposes. It further divides the Option Category Level.

Option Category

Categorizes and encompasses a set of options for the end user. The option you select determines the button the end user clicks to view and modify the option.

You add new Categories using the Category page.

User Option Type

Enables you to set where an option is exposed to the end user for override purposes. There are two options:

  • Functional: Options that users set within an application or tool, such as the Application Designer preferences. Functional personalizations are not exposed to the end user through the personalizations pages. If the users have access to the tool or component, then they are able to override the settings.

  • System: Options that are exposed directly to the user through the personalization pages. A user can override default values if permission lists grant they authority.

Locale Based

Indicates that the option derives the default values based on the Locale of the browser.

To add an option, use the insert row (+) button. To delete an option, use the delete row (-)button.

Note. If you add any custom values for these fields, complete all the appropriate planning beforehand. There is no built-in mechanism to prevent collisions.

Note. In the My Personalizations interface, end users see only options that posses the following attributes: the User Option Type is set to System, and permission to override that option is granted by one of the users' assigned permission lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Format Tab

Click the Format tab.

User Option

Shows the code associated with the option.

Field Format and Field Format Length

Specify the field characteristic of the option. Used for the Option Default Value for options that are not validated against the database.

Record (Table) Name

Specifies the lookup table that holds the personalization options values.

Field Name

Specifies the field on the lookup table containing the valid option values.

Option Default Value

Shows the current default for the option. This value is set through the Set Option Default Value.

Set Option Default Value

This is a link to the secondary page used to set Option Default Values.

Set Option Default Value

The following items appear on the Set Option Default Value page:

Option Category Level

Shows the high-level category to which the option belongs, such as PeopleTools or HCM.

User Option

Shows the code associated with the option.


Shows the description of the option.

Current Default Value

Displays the current default value

Option Default Value

Select the appropriate value from the drop down list, or add the appropriate option manually. For options that derive default values from a prompt table, the system displays a drop down list. Otherwise, the system displays an edit box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Explanation Tab

The Explanation tab enables you to reference the message text and the image (if needed) that the end user sees after clicking the Explain button in the My Personalizations interface.

If you are adding a custom personalization, you'll need to create the message in the message catalog and create the image (if needed).

Click the Explanation tab.

User Option

Displays the code associated with an option.

Message Set Number

Specify the message set containing the message that contains the explain text.

Message Number

Specify the message number of the message containing the explain text.

Image Name

Points to the image that the system presents to the end user to provide clarification and context for the personalization. For example, for the "Tab over add button" option, the image of the add button is included so the user can recognize the object.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Category Groups

Category groups can represent products, such as Query or Tree Manager, or functional groupings. A category group is an attribute that enables you to designate ownership of personalizations for administrative duties, such as maintenance.

Note. By default, all options created within the category level of Custom appear in the Custom category group.

Access the Category Group page (PeopleTools, Personalization, Category Groups).

Option Category Group

Displays the name of the category group.

Object owner identifier

Displays the name of the group responsible for the maintenance of the category group.


Provides a description of the category group for identification purposes. This field has a 30-character limit.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Categories

Categories are the way that you group and present personalization options to your end users. For example, for the Navigation option category, the end user sees the description (Navigation Personalizations) on the My Personalizations page. When the end user clicks the adjacent Personalize Options button, they access the options you have grouped in the Navigation category.

Access the Category page (PeopleTools, Personalization, Categories).

Option Category

Shows the name of the category in which options are displayed on the My Personalizations page.

Object owner identifier

Displays the name of the group responsible for the maintenance of the category group.


Provides a description of the category for identification purposes. This field has a 30-character limit.

Important! This is the text that appears on the My Personalization page. If you add custom categories make sure the text is meaningful for end users.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Locale-Based Personalizations

Locale-based personalizations enable you to handle settings for globalization. Locale-based personalizations are treated separately than the other personalizations.

You use the following pages to manage these personalization options:

The system derives the locale information based on the locale specified in the browser. PeopleSoft software provides these pages populated with the codes that represent the current browser locales.

This topic is discussed in more detail in the Globalization PeopleBook.

See Also

Setting Up Locale-Based Formatting for the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Personalizations to Permission Lists

You assign personalizations to users by way of permission lists in PeopleTools Security. Before doing so, make sure you have added or modified all the necessary personalizations in the Define Personalizations pages. PeopleTools Security only recognizes personalizations that have been defined in the Define Personalizations interface. This topic is covered in the PeopleTools Security documentation.

See Also

Setting Personalization Permissions

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Custom Personalization Options

Creating custom personalization options involve the following steps:

  1. Define the option using the Define Personalization interface.

    See Defining Personalization Options.

  2. Implement the behavior using PeopleCode personalization options (discussed in the following section).

    See Working with the My Personalizations Interface.

  3. To enable users to control the personalization, you need to make the option accessible on the appropriate permission list through PeopleTools Security.

Personalization PeopleCode Functions

There are two PeopleCode functions related to personalizations. These functions are:

If you intend to modify or create custom personalizations, you may need to employ the use of these functions. Refer to the PeopleCode documentation for use and syntax.

See Also

PeopleCode Built-in Functions

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with the My Personalizations Interface

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Personalizations Page

Select My Personalizations to access the Personalizations page.


The description column contains a brief description for identifying a particular category of personalization options.

Personalize Options

Click this button to view and modify the options within a category.

Restore Defaults

Click this button to restore the default values for all options in each personalization category. Defaults refer to the initial values that your system administrator has set for each available option—before you modified the option. So, you only use this feature if you have modified one or more personalization option and you want to revert to the initial settings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Personalize Options

Access the My Personalizations - Personalize Options page (From the homepage, click My Personalizations, then click the Personalize Options button in the General Options row).

Option Category

Shows the description of the category of personalizations. This helps you to make sure that you have the correct category open.

Personalization Option

This column lists all of the personalization options available for you to modify. The text that appears in the list is a brief description of the option. For more information on the option, click the Explain link.

Default Value

Refers to the initial settings that your administrator has specified for the option. If you do not modify the default value, the option assumes the value provided by the system administrator.

Override Value

Enter any custom value you want to assign to the personalization option. To override a default setting means to use the new value in place of the default setting.


Click this link to view more information on what the personalization option provides. See the following section for more information on the Explanation page.

Restore Category Defaults

Returns all modified options to the default values. This button applies only to the current category, as in the category you have open.


After you have made any modifications, click OK so that the system records your changes. If you do not want your changes recorded click Cancel. If you have not made any changes and just viewed the options, you can use either button to return to the Personalizations page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Personalization Explanation Page

Access the Personalization Explanation page (click the Explain link on the Option Category page).

Personalization Name

The name of the individual personalization appears at the top of this page so that you can make sure you are viewing or modifying the appropriate option.

Default Value

Shows the value that your system administrator has set as the default value for an option. The personalization assumes the default value unless you override it.

Override Value

Overrides the default value. For example, if the default value for an option is No, you can override the default value to be Yes.

Restore Option to Default

Enables you to change any option value that you've modified to assume the original default value specified by your system administrator.


Contains the description of what the personalization option provides when activated. For longer descriptions, use the scroll bar to view. This box is read-only.


In many cases, especially with the Navigation options, an image appears to provide further clarification as to a specific control or item that the option affects.

For example, on the explanation page for the Tab Over Toolbar option, an image of the toolbar appears in the image section to show exactly the area on the page that the personalization affects.


Returns you to the current Option Category page. If you've made changes to the personalization option that you want to keep, click OK. If you do not want to keep the changes you have made, click Cancel. If you have made no changes, use either button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying a Personalization Option

The following procedure describes the steps you need to complete to modify a personalization option.

To modify a personalization option:

  1. Select My Personalizations from the portal menu.

  2. On the Personalizations page, click the Personalize Options button adjacent to the category of personalization options you want to modify.

  3. In the Personalization Option list, locate the option you want to modify.

  4. In the corresponding Override Value edit box specify the appropriate override value.

    Depending on the option, you will see one of the following controls.

  5. Click OK.

    This saves the change to the system.

  6. Sign out and then sign in again to view your changes.