Selecting Data from the Database

This chapter provides an overview of the sample program for listing and printing data and describes how to create SQR select paragraphs.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Sample Program for Listing and Printing Data

Here is a sample program that selects data from the database and prints it in columns:

Program ex3a.sqr begin-program do list_customers end-program begin-heading 4 print 'Customer Listing' (1) center print 'Name' (3,1) print 'City' (,32) print 'State' (,49) print 'Phone' (,55) end-heading begin-footing 1 ! Print "Page n of m" in the footing page-number (1,1) 'Page ' last-page () ' of ' end-footing begin-procedure list_customers begin-select name (,1) city (,32) state (,49) phone (,55) position (+1) ! Advance to the next line from customers end-select end-procedure ! list_customers

The output for the ex3a.sqr program is:

Customer Listing Name City State Phone Gregory Stonehaven Everretsville OH 2165553109 John Conway New York NY 2125552311 Eliot Richards Queens NY 2125554285 Isaiah J Schwartz and Company Zanesville OH 5185559813 Harold Alexander Fink Davenport IN 3015553645 Harriet Bailey Mamaroneck NY 9145550144 Clair Butterfield Teaneck NJ 2015559901 Quentin Fields Cleveland OH 2165553341 Jerry's Junkyard Specialties Frogline NH 6125552877 Kate's Out of Date Dress Shop New York NY 2125559000 Sam Johnson Bell Harbor MI 3135556732 Joe Smith and Company Big Falls NM 8085552124 Corks and Bottles, Inc. New York NY 2125550021 Harry's Landmark Diner Miningville IN 3175550948 Page 1 of 1

The PROGRAM section contains a single DO command, which invokes the list_customers procedure.

In SQR language, a procedure is a group of commands that are performed one after the other, like a procedure (or subroutine) in other programming languages. A DO command invokes a procedure.

Break your program logic into procedures and keep the PROGRAM section small. It should normally contain a few DO commands for the main components of your report.

The HEADING section creates headings for the report columns. In this example, four lines are reserved for the heading:

begin-heading 4 print 'Customer Listing' (1) center print 'Name' (3,1) print 'City' (,32) print 'State' (,49) print 'Phone' (,55) end-heading

The Customer Listing title is printed on line 1. Line 2 is left blank. The first column heading, Name, is positioned at line 3 of the heading, in character position 1. The rest of the column heading commands omit the line numbers in their positions and are set by default to the current line. Line 4 of the heading is left blank.

In this sample program, the footing is the same as the one in the previous sample program.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating SQR Select Paragraphs

The BEGIN-SELECT command is the principal method of retrieving data from the database and printing it in a report. Look again at the sample program for listing and printing data, in which the list_customers procedure starts with BEGIN-PROCEDURE and ends with END-PROCEDURE.

Note the comment following the END-PROCEDURE command. It indicates that the procedure is being ended, which is helpful when you have a program with many procedures. (You can also omit the exclamation point, for example, END-PROCEDURE main.)

The procedure itself contains a select paragraph, which starts with BEGIN-SELECT and ends with END-SELECT.

The select paragraph is unique. It combines an SQL SELECT statement with SQR processing in a seamless way. The actual SQL statement is:


Syntax of the Select Paragraph

In an SQR select paragraph, the SQL statement SELECT is omitted, and no commas are between the column names. Instead, each column is on its own line. You can also place SQR commands between the column names, and these commands are run for every record that the select fetches.

Note. You must name each individual column in a table—the SQL SELECT * FROM statement is not allowed in SQR.

SQR distinguishes column names from SQR commands in a select paragraph by their indentation. Column names must be placed at the beginning of a line. SQR commands must be indented at least one space. In the following example, the POSITION command is indented to prevent it from being taken as a column name. The word From must be the first word in a line. The rest of the SQR select paragraph is then written freely, after SQL syntax.

Think of the select paragraph as a loop. The SQR commands, including printing of columns, are run in a loop, once for each record that Select returns. The loop ends after the last record is returned.

Positioning Data

In a select paragraph, you see positioning after each column name. This positioning implies a PRINT command for that column. Omitting the line number in the position causes it to be set by default to the current line.

begin-select name (,1) city (,32) state (,49) phone (,55) position (+1) ! Advance to the next line from customers end-select

The implied PRINT command is a special SQR feature that is designed to save you coding time. It works only inside a select paragraph.

After the last column is a POSITION command: POSITION(+1). The plus sign (or minus sign) indicates relative positioning in SQR. A plus sign moves the print position forward from the current position, and a minus sign moves it back. The +1 in the sample program specifies one line down from the current line. This command advances the current print position to the next line.

Note. When you indicate print positions by using plus or minus signs, be sure that your numbers do not specify a position outside of the page boundaries.