13 Audit Event Log and Import-Export Log

This chapter contains the following sections:

13.1 Overview

Oracle Identity Analytics writes messages to several logs. The two logs most commonly used by business administrators, however, are the following:

  • Oracle Identity Analytics Audit Event Log

  • Oracle Identity Analytics Import/Export Log

These logs can be viewed from the user interface. Audit Event log records and reports user operations in Oracle Identity Analytics, whereas Import/Export log captures all the information that is imported and exported from Oracle Identity Analytics. In addition, select records can be saved as CSV files, which you can open using your preferred spreadsheet or reporting software.

13.2 Audit Event Log

User operations in Oracle Identity Analytics are recorded and reported in the Audit Event log. The following Oracle Identity Analytics events are logged:

  • Add, Modify, and Delete user actions

  • Login and Logout actions

  • User password updates

The details captured by the audit events are described in this table.

Table 13-1 Information Recorded in the Audit Event Log

Function Description


Denotes the time when the audit event was captured

User Name

Denotes the user ID of the account that initiates the change

Full Name

Denotes the first and last name of the user account that initiates the change


One of these actions are shown in this column: ADD, MODIFY, DELETE, LOGIN, LOGOUT


Description of the audit event

Remote IP Address

IP address of the machine that initiates the change

Remote Host Name

Host name of the machine that initiates the change

Server IP Address

IP address of the Oracle Identity Analytics instance

Server Host Name

Host name of the Oracle Identity Analytics instance

13.2.1 To View Audit Log Events

Follow these steps to use the user interface to view Audit Log events.

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity Analytics.

  2. Choose Administration > Auditing & Events.

  3. Use the panel on the left side of the screen to search for audit events:

    1. Click an action type (add, modify, delete, login/logout, or all) to view events that fit the chosen criteria.

    2. Type a name in the User Name field or the Full Name field, and click Filter to further narrow your search.

    3. Use the calendar controls to further narrow your search.

    4. Click Refresh to view the updated results.

  4. Select an event and click View Details to view additional information about the event.

13.2.2 To Export Audit Log Events to a Spreadsheet

Follow these steps to save audit event log records as a CSV file that you can open using a spreadsheet application.

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity Analytics.

  2. Choose Administration > Auditing & Events.

  3. Use the panel on the left side of the screen to search for audit events:

    1. Click an action type (add, modify, delete, login/logout, or all) to view events that fit the chosen criteria.

    2. Type a name in the User Name field or the Full Name field, and click Filter to further narrow your search.

    3. Use the calendar controls to further narrow your search.

    4. Click Refresh to view the updated results.

  4. Click Export to save audit event log records as a CSV file that you can open using a spreadsheet application.

13.3 Import-Export Log

To verify that import and export jobs successfully completed, review the Import-Export log. Job status is listed in the Result column.

The details captured by the import logs are described in the following table.

Table 13-2 Import Information Displayed on the Import/Export Log Page

Field Description

User Name

Describes the method used to import the feed files (for example, BATCH).


Describes the source of the import (for example, FILE_IMPORT).


Denotes whether the action was an import or export action.


Describes the import/export type. Must be one of the following: Accounts, Glossary, or Users.


The file name is specified in the description.

Start time

The time that the import started.

End Time

The time that the import ended.


Denotes whether or not the action was successful.

The following details are captured in the import logs and can be viewed within the user interface by selecting a record and clicking View Details.

Table 13-3 Additional Import Information Displayed on the Import/Export Log Details Page

Field Description

Number of Input Records

Total number of records in the feed file

Number of Output Records

Total number of records imported by Oracle Identity Analytics

Number of Errors

Number of errors encountered during the feed import

Show Exceptions

Displays a table that lists import exceptions, including for each exception the Timestamp, Exception Level, Exception Type, and Description

The details captured by the export logs are described in the following table.

Table 13-4 Export Information Displayed on the Import/Export Log Page

Field Description

User Name

Describes the method used to export the feed files (for example, BATCH).


Describes the source of the export (for example, FILE_EXPORT).


Denotes whether the action was an import or export action.


Describes the import/export type. Must be one of the following: Accounts, Glossary, or Users.


The file name is specified in the description.

Start time

The time that the export started.

End Time

The time that the export ended.


Denotes whether or not the action was successful.

The following details are captured in the export logs and can be viewed within the user interface by selecting a record and clicking View Details.

Table 13-5 Additional Export Information Displayed in the Import/Export Log Details Page

Field Description

Total number of records

Total number of records in the feed file

Records Exported

Total number of records exported by Oracle Identity Analytics

Number of Errors

Number of errors encountered during the feed export

13.3.1 To View Import and Export Log Events

Follow these steps to use the user interface to view Import/Export Log events.

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity Analytics.

  2. Choose Administration > Auditing & Events.

  3. Click Import/Export Logs in the secondary menu.

  4. Use the panel on the left side of the screen to search for import/export events:

    1. Click an action type (All, Accounts, Glossary, or Users) to view import/export events that fit the chosen criteria.

    2. In the Filter section, type search criteria and click Filter to further narrow your search.

    3. Use the calendar controls to narrow your search further.

    4. Click Refresh to view the updated results.

  5. Select an event and click View Details to view additional information about the event.

13.3.2 To Export Import-Job Log Details to a Spreadsheet

Follow these steps to export to a CSV file the details of an individual import job.

Before You Begin - View the details of the import or export job that you want to export. Use the procedure described in Section 13.3.1, "To View Import and Export Log Events."

  1. On the Import Log Details page, click Export at the bottom of the page.

    The Export Logs dialog box opens.

  2. In the Export Format drop-down menu, select CSV and click OK.

    You are prompted to open the file or save the CSV file to your system.

  3. Open the CSV file in a spreadsheet or some other application.