5 Customizing the Oracle Identity Analytics User Interface

This chapter describes how to customize the Oracle Identity Analytics user interface (UI). It contains the following sections:

5.1 Overview

Oracle Identity Analytics features a rich AJAX Web 2.0 user interface for an enhanced, user-friendly experience. Menu items and logos can be customized so that your organization can adhere to its internal style guidelines.

5.2 Before You Begin

To customize the user interface, you need the following access privileges:

  • Access to the Oracle Identity Analytics application server with rights to modify and add files to the Oracle Identity Analytics deployed war folder

  • Administrative credentials to log in to the Oracle Identity Analytics application

5.3 Configuring Logos

The Oracle Identity Analytics home screen displays the default logo.

If Oracle Identity Analytics is hosted on the Apache Tomcat application server, the directory where the.war file is expanded is usually set to the following location:

On UNIX /usr/local/Vaau/rbacx-4.0/tomcat55/webapps/rbacx/
On Windows C:\Program Files\Vaau\RBACx2008\tomcat55\webapps\rbacx

This path is referred to as $RBACX_WAR in this chapter.


If you are using an application server other than Tomcat, contact a system administrator to determine the location of the deployed Oracle Identity Analytics WAR file.

5.3.1 To Configure a Custom Logo

  1. Open the $RBACX_WAR/images directory and replace the logo.gif file with your company logo. Ensure that the company logo follows the same naming convention, which is logo.gif.

  2. Open Oracle Identity Analytics to view the new logo.

    The new logo is displayed throughout the application.

  3. If the new logo is not displayed immediately, restart the application server.

5.4 Configuring Labels

All labels in Oracle Identity Analytics can be modified or renamed as desired.

To make changes to labels, it is important to understand the structure of two files: rbacxmessages.properties and rbacxaudit-messages.properties. These two files contain the dynamic links to configure labels for the Oracle Identity Analytics user interface.

These files are located in $RBACX_WAR/WEB-INF/classes.

  • The rbacxmessages.properties file contains labels that are separated by modules such as Identity Warehouse, Role Management, Identity Certification, and so on.

  • The rbacxaudit-messages.properties file allows modifications to labels only within the Identity Audit module.

The following procedures describe how to modify the labels of various modules and menu items.

5.4.1 To Modify Menu Labels

  1. Open the rbacxmessages.properties file located in $RBACX_WAR/WEB-INF/classes.

  2. Scroll down to the # Menu section of the file.

  3. As needed, modify the existing menu definitions, which are located to the right of the '=' sign, and save the file.

  4. Restart the Oracle Identity Analytics application in a new browser window to view your changes.

An excerpt from the rbacxmessages.properties file follows:

# Menus
menu.info=My info
menu.administration=<span Title='Administration'>Administration 
  <img src="/rbacx/images/arrow.gif"/></span>
menu.logout=Log out
menu.dashboard=<span Title='My Reports'> My Reports</span> 
menu.certifications=<span Title='Identity Certification'>Identity 
menu.provisioning=Access Control
menu.audit=<span Title='Identity Audit'>Identity Audit</span> menu.home=Home
menu.settings=<span Title='My Settings'>My Settings</span> 
menu.requests=<span Title='My Requests'>My Requests</span> 
menu.identityWarehouse=<span Title='Identity Warehouse'>Identity Warehouse</span>
menu.users= Users
menu.roles= Roles
menu.businessUnit=Business Unit
menu.reporting=<span Title='Reports'>Reports</span>
menu.roleManagement=<span Title='Role Management'>Role Management</span>
menu.roleEngineering=<span Title='Role Engineering'>Role Engineering</span>
menu.roleEntitlementDiscovery=Role Entitlement Discovery
menu.roleConsolidation=Role Consolidation
menu.myRequest=<span Title='My Request'>My Request</span>
menu.rme=<span Title='Role Engineering'>Role Engineering</span>

5.4.2 To Modify User Labels

  1. Open the rbacxmessages.properties file located in $RBACX_WAR/WEB-INF/classes.

  2. Scroll down to the # Identity Warehouse section of the file.

  3. As needed, modify any of the existing user labels, which are located to the right of the "=" sign, and save the file.

  4. Restart the Oracle Identity Analytics application in a new browser window to view your changes.

An excerpt from the rbacxmessages.properties file follows:

#################Identity Warehouse ########################### 

user.username= User Name 
user.employeeid= Employee Id 
user.employeetype= Employee Type 
user.firstname= First Name 
user.middlename= Middle Name 
user.lastname= Last Name 
user.allNameRequired=All name's required. user.fullname= Full Name 
user.title= Title 
user.officename= Office Name 
user.street= Street 
user.city= City 
user.state= State/Province 
user.zip= Zip/Postal Code 
user.country= Country/Region 
user.phone= Phone 
user.extension= Extension 
user.mobile= Mobile 
user.fax= Fax 
user.filter.pagesize=Page Size user.pager= Pager 
user.pemail= Primary Email 
user.semail= Secondary Email 
user.comments= Comments 
user.suspension= Suspension 
user.gustatus= Global User Status user.startdate= Start Date 
user.enddate= End Date 
user.servicedesk= Service Desk user.status= Status 
user.servicedeskticket= Service Desk Ticket 
user.serverDeskTicket=Server Desk Ticket 
user.customProperty1=Custom Property 1 
user.customProperty2=Custom Property 2 
user.customProperty3=Custom Property 3 
user.customProperty4=Custom Property 4 
user.customProperty5=Custom Property 5 
user.customProperty6=Custom Property 6 
user.customProperty7=Custom Property 7 
user.customProperty8=Custom Property 8 
user.customProperty9=Custom Property 9 
user.customProperty10=Custom Property 10 
user.customProperty11=Custom Property 11 
user.customProperty12=Custom Property 12 
user.customProperty13=Custom Property 13 
user.customProperty14=Custom Property 14 
user.customProperty15=Custom Property 15 
user.customProperty16=Custom Property 16 
user.customProperty17=Custom Property 17 
user.customProperty18=Custom Property 18 
user.customProperty19=Custom Property 19 
user.customProperty20=Custom Property 20 
user.addBusinessUnit=Add Business Unit 

5.5 Configuring Error Messages

Configuring error messages in Oracle Identity Analytics is similar to configuring labels.

The rbacxmessages.properties and rbacxaudit-messages.properties files contain the dynamic links to configure error messages for the Oracle Identity Analytics user interface.

  • The rbacxmessages.properties file contains error messages that are separated by modules (such as Identity Warehouse, Role Management, Identity Certification, and so on).

  • The rbacxaudit-messages.properties file allows modifications to error messages only within the Oracle Identity Analytics Identity Audit Module.

These files are located at $RBACX_WAR/WEB-INF/classes.

The following procedures describe how to modify the error messages generated from various Oracle Identity Analytics modules.

5.5.1 To Modify My Requests Error Messages

  1. Open the rbacxmessages.properties file located in $RBACX_WAR/WEB-INF/classes.

  2. Scroll down to the #My Requests section of the file.

  3. As needed, modify the existing error message labels, which are located to the right side of the '=' sign, and save the file.

  4. Restart the Oracle Identity Analytics application in a new browser window to view your changes.

An excerpt from the rbacxmessages.properties file follows:

#       My Requests
request.error.selectRequest=Please choose a request first! 
request.error.approveFailed=Unable to approve the request! 
request.error.rejectFailed=Unable to reject the request! 

5.5.2 To Modify Identity Certification Error Messages

  1. Open the rbacxmessages.properties file located in $RBACX_WAR/WEB-INF/classes.

  2. Scroll to the #Identity Certification section of the file.

  3. As needed, modify the existing error message labels, which are located to the right of the '=' sign, and save the file.

  4. Restart the Oracle Identity Analytics application in a new browser window to view your changes.

An excerpt from the rbacxmessages.properties file follows:

#       Identity Certification

idc.error.errorUsersRequired = No Users found in this certification... 
idc.error.errorRolesRequired = No Roles found in this certification... 
idc.error.updateCommentsFailed = Unable to update the comments! 
idc.error.noEndPointsFound = No EndPoints found in this certification! 
idc.error.selectCertification = Please select at least one certification 
idc.error.selectReport = Please select a report first! 
idc.error.reportError = This report has no pages! 
idc.error.selectDate = Please select date values! 
idc.error.selectMonths = Please select months values! 
idc.error.selectYear = Please select year values! 
idc.error.selectSeconds = Please select seconds values! 
idc.error.selectMinutes = Please select minute values! 
idc.error.selectHours = Please select hour values! 
idc.error.errorAlphanumericCharactersRequired = Certification name must contain alphanumeric characters! 
idc.error.deleteFailed = Unable to delete certification job! 
idc.error.unableToAdd = Unalbe to add certification job! 
idc.error.checkHighlightedFields = Please check the highlighted fields! 
idc.error.selectBusinessUnit = Please select a business unit!

5.6 Configuring the Maximum Number of Identity Certification Records That Should Display in the UI

You can configure the maximum number of records that users see onscreen when viewing certifications on the My Certifications screen by defining batch sizes. Batch sizes for data owner certifications, user entitlement certifications, and resource entitlement certifications can be configured, but role entitlement certifications cannot.

If UI batch sizes are set too high, long load times can result. If set too low, end-users will need to request pages more often, which can also result in delays.


To improve identity certification performance, server-side batching can be configured. See "Configuring Identity Certification Settings on the Server" in the "Tuning Server Configuration Properties" chapter of the Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Analytics for information.

5.6.1 To Modify Identity Certification Batch Sizes in the UI

  1. Open the idc.properties file located in $RBACX_WAR/conf to configure batch sizes for user entitlement certifications and resource entitlement certifications. (To configure batch sizes for data owner certifications, open the idc-context.xml file located in $RBACX_WAR/conf.)

  2. Scroll to the section that says IDC UI batch sizes.

  3. Find the correct configuration key, then change the value. See the following examples:

    • For user entitlement certifications, find the com.vaau.rbacx.idc.ui.usersBatchSize key and change the numeric value up or down.

    • For resource entitlement certifications, find the com.vaau.rbacx.idc.ui.resourcesBatchSize key and change the numeric value up or down.

  4. Save the file.

  5. Restart the Oracle Identity Analytics application in a new browser window to view your changes.

5.7 Enabling Hidden Pages in the UI

This section includes steps for enabling hidden pages in the user interface.

5.7.1 To Enable the Workflow Tab on the Identity Warehouse Pages

The Workflow page displays three approver fields that are populated with data if OIA has been integrated with the CA Identity Manager provisioning server.

  1. Open userDetailDialog.js for editing.

  2. Change the variable SHOW_WORKFLOW_INFO from false to true and save the file.

  3. Clear your browser's cache.

    The Workflow tab is now enabled.


    For more information about the Workflows page, see the User's Guide for Oracle Identity Analytics, "Identity Warehouse" chapter, "Tabs on the Identity Warehouse - Users - User Detail Page" section.

5.7.2 To Enable the Exclusion Roles Tab on the Identity Warehouse Pages

The Exclusion Roles page lists roles that are in conflict with one another from a segregation of duties standpoint. This page is hidden in the user interface. To enable the page, follow these steps.

  1. In a text editor, open header.jspf located in $RBACX_WAR/WEB-INF/jspf.

  2. Locate the following lines:

    // hide the Exclusion Roles tab by default.
    // set to true to enable this feature
    request.setAttribute("exclusionRolesEnabled", false);
  3. Change the false parameter to true.

    The modified line should look like this:

    request.setAttribute("exclusionRolesEnabled", true);
  4. Save your changes.

    You do not need to restart Oracle Identity Analytics for the change to take effect.


For more information about the Exclusion Roles page, see the User's Guide for Oracle Identity Analytics, "Identity Warehouse" chapter, "Setting the Segregation of Duties at the Role and Policy Levels" section.