Retrieve Attribute from User Store



The User Store stores a user's profile, including attributes relating to that user. After a user has successfully authenticated to the Enterprise Gateway, the Retrieve From User Store filter can retrieve attributes belonging to that user from the User Store. All attributes that are retrieved are set to the attribute.lookup.list.


The following fields are available on the Retrieve From User Store filter configuration screen:

Enter an appropriate name for this filter.

User ID:
Select or enter the name of the message attribute that contains the name of the user to look up in the User Store. For example, if the user name is stored as admin, you must select the message attribute containing the value admin. The Enterprise Gateway then looks up the user the User Store using this name.

Enter the list of attributes that the Enterprise Gateway should retrieve if it successfully looks up the user identified by the message attribute specified in the User ID field. All attribute values are stored in the attribute.lookup.list message attribute.

If no user attributes are specified, the Enterprise Gateway retrieves all the user's registered attributes and sets them to the attribute.lookup.list attribute.

You can add attributes by selecting the Add button. Similarly, you can edit and remove existing attributes by selecting the Edit and Remove buttons.