Create REST Request



Representational State Transfer (REST) is a client-server architectural style used to represent the state of application resources in distributed systems. Typically, servers expose resources using a URI, and clients access these resources using HTTP verbs such as HTTP GET, HTTP POST, HTTP DELETE, and so on.

The Create REST Request filter enables you to create HTTP requests to RESTful Web Services. You can also configure the query string parameters that are sent with the REST request. For example, for an HTTP GET request, the parameters are URL-encoded and appended to the request URI as follows:

GET /translate_a/t?client=t&sl=en&tl=ga&text=Hello

For an HTTP POST request, the parameters are URL-encoded and added to the request body as follows:

POST /webservices/tempconvert.asmx/CelsiusToFahrenheit
Accept-charset: en

This filter is found in the Conversion category in the Policy Studio. For details on how to extract REST request attributes from a message, see the Extract REST Request Attributes filter. For details on how to validate a REST request, see the Validate REST Request filter.


Complete the following fields on the Create REST Request screen:

Enter an appropriate name for the filter.

HTTP Method:
Enter or select an HTTP method from the drop-down list (for example, POST, GET, DELETE, and so on).

REST Request Parameters:
You can add query string parameters to the REST request. These are simple name-value pairs (for example, Name=Joe Bloggs). To add query string parameters, click the Add button, and enter the name-value pair in the Configure REST Request Parameters dialog. Repeat to add multiple parameters.

Add attributes stored in attribute lookup list to REST request:
If you have populated the attribute.lookup.list message attribute using a previous filter in a policy circuit, you can select this checkbox to include these message attributes in the serialized query string that is written to the request.